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  • The Meiji Government followed the Edo bakufu's policy to ban Christianity and banished the villagers, which provoked strong criticism from foreign countries.
    江戸幕府のキリスト教禁止政策をひきついだ明治政府の手によって村民たちは流罪とされたが、このことは諸外国の激しい非難を受けた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Second, if there is any farmer who leaves his or her rice and vegetable fields behind and engages in trading or being employed for wages, not only the farmer himself or herself but also his fellow villagers will be punished.
    一 在々百姓等田畠を打捨或はあきなひ或は賃仕事に罷出輩有之は其者之事は不及申地下中可為御成敗 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Late at night on October 26, 1878, 26 villagers led by Yaemon KANMURI set fire to the house of Choemon MATSUKI, and murdered seven people and injured four people.
    1878年(明治11年)10月26日深夜、冠弥右衛門以下26名の村民が松木長右衛門の家を焼打にし、7名殺害、4名に傷を負わせた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After his murder the villagers indifferently reported to the Okinawa Prefecture Police that "after investigations based on Naiho (internal methods) the guilty party died."
    男性の惨殺後、村人たちは沖縄県警察部に「内法に基づく取り調べの結果、犯人が絶命した」と平然と届け出た。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Needless to say, the police didn't condone the killing, and arrested all the villagers who took part in it on charges of murder.
    警察はもちろん、このようなリンチ殺人を黙認するはずもなく、逆に惨殺に加担した村人を殺人の容疑で逮捕した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Emishi were sent to live at the foot of Mount Mimoro (Mount Miwa), where they then acted disrespectfully to the Omiwa Shrine and scared the villagers.
    次にこれを三諸山(三輪山)の山麓に住まわせたところ、今度は大神神社に無礼を働き里人を脅かした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The ditch diagonally dividing the square front and rounded rear on the survey map is the trail the villagers used before the burial mound became inaccessible.
    測量図を見て前方部と後円部の境目に斜めについた溝は、進入禁止になる前に村人が使用した道の跡である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nakatsue in Oita Prefecture became famous because the villagers were thrown into confusion over the late arrival of the Cameroon soccer team.
    大分県の中津江村は,カメルーンのサッカーチームの到着遅れをめぐって村民がドタバタ騒ぎに巻き込まれ,有名になった。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • The mayor of Miyake Village, Hirano Sukeyasu, and other village officials went back to the island to get ready for the villagers' return.
    三宅村の平野祐(すけ)康(やす)村長と他の村職員は,村民の帰島の準備をするため,島に戻った。 - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave
  • Its origin is believed to derive from the 'rain dance' held by SUGAWARA no Michizane over four years from 886 to 889 when he was kokushi (provincial governor) of Sanuki Province, and the dance danced by villagers to express their gratitude the following year still remains.
    起源としては、菅原道真が886年から889年の4年間、讃岐国の国司を勤めた時に行った「雨乞いの踊り」とされ、翌年から村人達が感謝の意味で踊ったのが今に残る。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Furthermore, since the mid-Ming Dynasty, building of edified mutual aid organizations among villagers through Kyoyaku (agreements and an organization for them in a village) and Hoko (the smallest administrative organ) became popular, and O Shujin and Torin-gakuha jinshi (a person of high social standing and culture) worked on promoting them.
    また明代中期以後、郷約・保甲による郷民同士の教化互助組織作りが盛んになり、王守仁や東林学派の人士もその普及に尽力している。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because those who went out for okage mairi traveled to Ise on behalf of all the people in his/her village with the money gathered from the villagers, they avoided returning empty-handed.
    お蔭参りに行く者はその者が属する集落の代表として集落から集められたお金で伊勢に赴いたため、手ぶらで帰ってくる事がはばかられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A folktale handed down in the prefecture says that when Ushioni bit and killed the cattle of a village and also the villagers who tried to do away with it, a samurai named Sakon KONDO heard it and came, and successfully killed it by shooting only an arrow.
    また同県の民話では、ある村で家畜の牛が牛鬼に食い殺され、退治しようとした村人もまた食い殺されていたところへ、話を耳にした近藤左近という武士が弓矢の一撃で退治した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He said, "Once I rule the country, I will build a wide field between Furuhashi and Lake Biwa and will make all roads stone-paved," so the villagers were attracted to what he said and harbored him.
    統一の暁には、古橋から湖(琵琶湖)までの間を大きな平野となし、道は全部石畳にする」と言い、村人たちはこの言葉にひかれて石田三成を匿った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He left the kentoshi group at Donghai in Haeju, but villagers considered him suspicious (he could not understand Chinese and although he claimed that 'I'm a Sillan monk,' he did not seem to speak Korean) and handed over to the government office after one night the village.
    海州東海県で遣唐大使一行から離れ、一夜を過ごすも村人達に不審な僧だと警戒され(中国語通じず、「自分は新羅僧だ」と主張しているが新羅の言葉でもない様だ、怪しい僧だ)、役所に突き出されてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Unlike Tadataka INO, there is no evidence that he conducted a survey; however, he took an objective point of view by traveling mainly around the Kinai region (the five provinces surrounding the ancient capitals of Nara and Kyoto), gathering information from villagers and drawing on geographical descriptions of earlier scholars.
    伊能忠敬のように測量した形跡はないが、畿内周辺を中心に歩きまわり、村人に聞いたり先学の地誌を参考にするなど客観的な描写態度をとっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the Battle, the villagers of Sekine-mura, a village at the foot of the mountain (present Koaza Sekine, Oaza Yamada, Yaita City, Tochigi Prefecture), held a memorial service for Kikunomae and her lady attendants.
    戦いののち、菊の前を始めとする侍女たちの供養を、山の麓にあった関根村(現・栃木県矢板市大字山田小字関根)の人々が行っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nagusa villagers buried the head in Ukabe-jinja Shrine (another name, Okobesan), the torse in Sugio-jinja Shrine (another name, Oharasan) and the legs in Chigusa-jinja Shrine (Ashigamisan).
    名草の住民により、頭は宇賀部神社(別名おこべさん)、胴は杉尾神社(別名おはらさん)、足は千種神社(別名あしがみさん)に埋葬された。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In 1873, an elementary school was set up in the Inoue family's estate as the first one in the district, and Inoue, at the age of 14, became a teacher at the school by the request of the villagers.
    1873年、井上家の所有地内にその地区で初めて小学校が設けられたが、当時14歳の井上は村人に請われその学校の教師となっている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is recorded that, when visiting the Hokuriku area from the capital to preach, Rennyo Shonin (a famous priest of Jodo-shu Sect in the Muromachi period) used a road that passed this village, and made many villagers in villages along the road changed their religious sects from Shingon-shu Sect or Nichiren-shu Sect to his Jodoshin-shu Sect.
    蓮如上人が京より北陸へ布教をする際、当村を含む街道を通り、村々を真言宗・日蓮宗等から改宗させたと記録されている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Kanayago-kami first descended from Takamagahara (the place where gods live) to Iwanabe in Shiso County in Harima Province (currently, Iwanoryo, Chigusa-cho, Shishiawa City, Hyogo Prefecture) in response to a rain-inviting ritual carried out by the villagers.
    高天原から、雨乞いをしている村人に応えて、播磨国志相郡岩鍋(現在の兵庫県宍粟市千種町岩野邊)にまず天降った。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, with its rebound, when the Honbyakusho system was abolished in the late Edo period, a series of disputes broke out: Zanami disputes concerning the positions within Miyaza and Kanyu disputes concerning membership for villagers who were excluded from Miyaza.
    だが、本百姓制度が解体される江戸時代後期になるとその反動として宮座の序列を巡る座次(ざなみ)相論や座から排除された村人による加入相論などが多発した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The latter half of the Muromachi period was the Sengoku period (period of warring states) when warfare broke out all over Japan, making some villagers decide to build moats around their settlements in order to protect themselves from assaults.
    室町時代の後半の戦国時代(日本)では戦乱が多発し、農村では集落を守るために周囲に堀(環濠)を巡らして襲撃に備えるところが現れた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After that, the villagers moved to the neighboring Fujioka-cho, the area of present Itakura-machi in Gunma Prefecture, other towns and villages in Shimotsuga County, Koga-cho (present Koga City), Nasu County, and Saroma-cho in Tokoro County in Hokkaido.
    その後、村民は主に隣の藤岡町や群馬県板倉町にあたる地域、下都賀郡の他の町村、古河町(現在の古河市)、那須郡、北海道常呂郡佐呂間町に移住した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The watershed villagers were requested to provide hard physical labor, and in addition, some were forced to move from their own houses due to the construction and some were concerned about the water shortage caused by the lowered water level, which led to a surging opposition movement against the diversion contraction.
    流域の村々には重労働の提供が求められ、更には工事の為の移転を余儀なくされる者、水位の低下による水不足を心配する者もあり、分水工事反対の声が逆に強まっていった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • On April 29, 1883, as the representatives of 61 villagers in Horiyamashita Village, Osumi County, more than ten people led by Shigejiro NANJO intruded on the house of Tahei YAMAGUCHI in the same village and threatened him.
    1883年(明治16年)4月29日、大住郡堀山下村61名の総代として、南条繁次郎以下十数名が、同村山口太平宅に押し寄せて恐迫。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • This system is believed to have been introduced for such reasons as securing a well-balanced real income in proportion to the fertility of land and tax rate, inhibiting hatamoto from exercising their right to chigyo-chi, and preventing villagers from uniting by dividing the village with the presence of several small-stipendiary chigyo-tori (recipients of land revenue).
    この制度導入の背景には土地の良し悪しや年貢率による実収とのバランス、旗本による知行権行使の抑制、小禄知行取の存在、村を分断して農民たちの団結を防ぐなどが言われている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Although a Japanese literature/folklorist, Nobuo ORIKUCHI, also tried to specify the buried figure through his own research during the stay at his friends house located near the tumulus, he did not reach the conclusion; however, he was deeply moved by the villagers taking pride of the tumulus as he conducted hearing with them.
    折口信夫も付近の友人宅に滞在し、村人の誇り高さに感銘を受けると共に、被葬者の推定を行っているが、結論は出していない。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The center was founded in 2004 with the objective of accepting trainees from all over the world and fostering traditional Okinawa karatedo instructors, under a scheme wherein karate enthusiasts from Japan and overseas and the villagers of Yomitan Village make equal financial contributions.
    本センターは、世界各地からの研修生を受け入れ、沖縄伝統空手道を指導する人材を育成するため、国内外の空手家や読谷村村民が一口ずつ出資して2004年に設立された。 - 経済産業省
  • Subscriptions to endowment insurance for farm villagers are made on a voluntary basis. Premiums are paid on an installment-deposit basis with primary payments coming from individual subscribers and secondary payments from collective groups while the Central Government is supposed to back the endowment system through policy measures.
    従来、農村養老保険は、任意加入、完全な積立方式が採用され、個人納付を主、集団補助を従とした上で、政府が政策支援を行う形となっていた。 - 経済産業省
  • The number of subscriptions to endowment insurance for farm villagers has leveled off after dropping in 1999. In rural areas, family support is still a major pillar of a social security system.
    こうした中、加入者数は1999年に減少した後、横ばいで推移しており、依然として家族扶養が農村部の社会保障の中心となっている。 - 経済産業省
  • In Matsubayashi, not only full-time performers, including Shomonji (lower-ranked diviner) and sanjo (manor's area where people of the sanjo provided special skills to the imperial authority instead of rice tax), but also citizens in every class, including villagers and merchants, put on costumes todress up and visited Hana no gosho (residence of Shogun in Kyoto) or the lords called Shugo in each region; they performed the Classical Japanese dance and musical accompaniment and a congratulatory address was given.
    松囃子では、唱門師や散所などの芸能専業者のみならず村民や町人など各階層の人間が着飾り仮装し、京都においては花の御所へ、地方においては守護など各地の権力者の邸宅へ参向し、日本舞踊や囃子が披露され、祝辞が述べられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After the army of former Edo bakufu was defeated in Hokuetsu War, the watershed villagers submitted a petition for the commencement of the diversion construction to new Meiji government, and the plan was finally approved in 1869 on the stringent condition that 600,000-ryo out of the total construction cost 800,000-ryo be paid by the local communities.
    北越戦争により旧幕府軍が敗退すると、流域の村々は新政府側に分水工事着工の嘆願書を提出し、1869年(明治2年)にようやく着工が認められたが、総工費80万両のうち60万両が地元負担という厳しいものとなった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • China’s pension system is divided into two according to types of family registers ? endowment insurance for city dwellers (endowment insurance for corporate workers) or those who are registered in urban areas, and endowment insurance for farm villagers or those who are registered in farm districts. So, there is no single pension system that covers the entire population in China.
    中国の年金制度は都市戸籍者に対する都市養老保険(企業職工養老保険)と農村戸籍者に対する農村養老保険と戸籍により制度が分けられており、国民全体をカバーする年金制度は存在していない。 - 経済産業省
  • As for the village in south western area, since the construction cost of the PVC pipeline which draw water from the TDC main pipe and deliver it to the village was paid by the villagers, TDC deliver the bulk water to the village with free of charge and the water supply in the village is managed by the village committee.
    南西部の集落については、やはり同集落まで導水する PVC 導水管の建設費を同集落が負担したため、TDC は無料でバルク水を同集落まで供給し、村落内の給水システムの管理は同集落内のコミッティーが行っている。 - 厚生労働省
  • The reasons for this, which have also caused many other time-honored customs and events to disappear, include: concern about unexpected bush fire, lack of straw caused by a decrease in the farming population, changing life style of young men who are busy as office workers, construction of dams which drive villagers out of mountainous regions, depopulation and modernization.
    このことは予期せぬ野火に至る恐れがあったり、農家の減少で藁が十分に集められない、若者がサラリーマン化して日程の都合がつかないな、ダムの建設で山間部を離れる、過疎化や近代化など多くの古来からのそれぞれの地域の慣習や行事が消えて行く事と共通するものがある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to a legend about the founding of Hase-dera Temple, in the 720s a big sacred tree washed up on the banks of the Hatsuse River and brought down a great curse, causing fear among the villagers, who asked the founder, Tokudo, to make a statue of the Bodhisattva Kannon from the sacred tree, which was the root of curse, and the statue was enshrined on Mt. Hatsuse near the village.
    長谷寺の本尊像については、神亀年間(720年代)、近隣の初瀬川に流れ着いた巨大な神木が大いなる祟りを呼び、恐怖した村人の懇願を受けて開祖徳道が祟りの根源である神木を観音菩薩像に作り替え、これを近くの初瀬山に祀ったという長谷寺開山の伝承がある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In another legend, he was born as a son of a blacksmith in Echigo Province, spent 16 months in his mother's womb, started walking and speaking like a five or six year old boy immediately after delivery, was as strong and intelligent as a 16 year old by the age of four and was detested by all the villagers, who nicknamed him 'onikko,' or 'oni-like child,' because of his abnormal wit and rough nature.
    一説では越後国の鍛冶屋の息子として産まれ、母の胎内で16ヶ月を過ごしており、産まれてすぐに歩くことができて5~6歳程度の言葉を話し、4歳の頃には16歳程度の知能と体力を身につけ、気性の荒さもさることながら、その異常な才覚により周囲から「鬼っ子」と疎まれていたという。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • However, as his soldiers deserted one after another, Mitsuhide secretly left Shoryuji-jo Castle and tried to retreat to Sakamoto-jo Castle (Otsu City) where he had been based, but on his way he came across native villagers hunting fleeing soldiers of the enemy in a yabu (bamboo grove) at Ogurisu (in today's Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City) (the grove is now called 'Akechi Yabu') and, though he managed to survive the ambush, is said to have committed jijin, seconded by one of his vassals.
    しかし、兵の脱走が相次ぎ、光秀は勝竜寺城を密かに脱出して居城坂本城(大津市)をさして落ち延びる途中、小栗栖(京都市伏見区)の藪(現在は「明智藪」と呼ばれる)で土民の落ち武者狩りに遭い、なんとか逃れたものの力尽き家臣の介錯により自刃したと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • According to a legend that the night Kikunomae killed herself was the 12th night on a lunar calendar, the villagers called the day 'Juniya Gozen' (literary, the lady of 12th night) and build a shrine with straw and humbly gave offerings including rice on 12th day of January among other months in those days; Yamada Kanoraiki wrote that there were formerly seven to eight houses in the village, but in the latter half of the Edo period when the document was written, only two houses were left; and now, as the Sekine-mura village has been defunct, the memorial service is no longer carried out, and the tragedy and the site called 'Juni Gozen' have been mostly forgotten.
    菊の前が自害した夜が十二夜であったという伝承があり、「十二夜御前」と呼ばれ、特に正月十二日に藁宝殿を作り、米や供物を捧げていたが、山田環往来記によれば、昔は7~8軒の民家があったが、環往来記が書かれた江戸時代後期には2軒の民家しかなくなり、現在は、1軒もなく、関根村自体が消滅したため、供養は一切行われておらず、また、地元の人でも、十二御前の場所やその悲劇を知らない人が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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