「with love」を含む例文一覧(1026)

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  • When the Emperor, who was deeply in love with her, fell a sleep on the Empress's lap peacefully, the Empress brandished the knife over his body, but she could not help dropping tears, feeling too pity for him.
    妻を心から愛している天皇は何の疑問も抱かず姫の膝枕で眠りにつき、姫は三度短刀を振りかざすが夫不憫さに耐えられず涙をこぼしてしまう。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Holding memorial services for his father who was murdered without any crime and sometimes retaliating against the murderer Yuryaku, the Emperor is said to have conducted the affairs of the state with love for the common people, which arose from his experience of having had a tough time in far-off places.
    罪無くして死んだ父を弔い、また父の雪辱を果たすべく雄略への復讐に走ることもあったが、長く辺土で苦労した経験から民衆を愛する政治を執ったと伝えられる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Even now, there are many areas where they commemorate the long-lasting virtues of the late Mitsuhide, who was a cultured person conversant with many studies and fond of Waka and Chanoyu, and a prominent politician skillful in domestic politics giving good administration out of his love for the people.
    諸学に通じ和歌・茶の湯を好んでいた文化人であったこと、また内政手腕に優れ、領民を愛して善政を布いたといわれ、現在も光秀の遺徳を偲ぶ地域が数多くある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Nevertheless, at a later date, when Yoshitoki found that Tomotoki HOJO, Yoshitoki's second son born to Hime no mae, had sent love letters to and had secret meetings with a daughter of Sadonokami Chikayasu, who served as a court lady, Yoshitoki disowned Tomotoki and placed him under house arrest in Suruga Province Fujigun.
    後年姫の前が生んだ次男北条朝時が官女である佐渡守親康の娘に艶紙を送って密会していることを知った義時は朝時を義絶し、駿河国富士郡に蟄居させている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • By the age of 12 or 13 his beauty was beyond comparison, causing many women to fall in love with him but he rejected all of them and they all died of lovesickness.
    12,3歳でありながら、絶世の美少年であったため、多くの女性に恋されたが全て断り、彼に言い寄った女性は恋煩いで皆死んでしまった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the "Heike Monogatari," Shigehira was described as being in Kamakura while Senju no mae played Biwa and sang Roei recitation to comfort him during his imprisonment; she later fell in love with this nobleman.
    『平家物語』は鎌倉での重衡の様子を描いており、千手の前は琵琶を弾き、朗詠を詠って虜囚の重衡を慰め、この貴人を思慕するようになった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Ise Monogatari includes episodes of forbidden love with FUJIWARA no Takaiko, also as known as Nijo no kisaki, and also the younger sister of Imperial Prince Koretaka, Imperial Princess Yasuiko, who was a Saigu (a female relative of the Emperor sent to serve at Ise-Jingu Shrine).
    ちなみに伊勢物語では、二条后こと藤原高子や惟喬親王の妹である斎宮恬子内親王などとの禁忌の恋が語られている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • There is some discussion over the reason for his entering the priesthood; however, it is difficult to say which one is correct but one of the theories in which Saigyo was in love with FUJIWARA no Shoshi who was a mistress of Emperor Shirakawa and Chugu (the term for a woman at the highest position as a mistress of an emperor) of Tobain (the Retired Emperor Toba).
    その動機には諸説あっていずれとも定めがたいが、一説に白河天皇の愛妾にして鳥羽院の中宮であった藤原璋子への恋着のゆえであったとも言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After having served as an assistant to directors such as Tadashi OGUCHI and Eizo TANAKA, Mizoguchi, at the age of 24, debuted in February, 1923, as a movie director with "Ai ni yomigaeru hi" (The Resurrection of Love), which was based on an original script by a senior director, Osamu WAKAYAMA.
    監督助手として小口忠や田中栄三らについたのを経て、大正12年2月、先輩監督の若山治のオリジナル脚本による『愛に甦る日』で24歳にして映画監督デビューを果たした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • All the 57 films he directed in his life consistently demonstrate a sort of European perspective of humans, that conceives 'an individualism with a strong self that enables a man to sacrifice his life for love and hate.'
    生涯で残した全57本の作品は、「強烈な自我を持ち、愛憎のためなら死をも厭わない個人主義」=ヨーロッパ的人間観に貫かれている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After making his directorial debut with "Kabocha Sodoki" (literally, pumpkin fuss), he released renowned works in a number of genres including "Jonetsu no Fuchin" (Rise and Fall of Love), "Orishan no kyoji" (The Gallant Child of Orishan), "Kankanmushi wa Utau" (lit. "The Rust Chipper Sings"), "Kono Haha wo Miyo" (Behold This Mother), and "Haru to Musume" (Spring and A Girl).
    『かぼちゃ騒動記』で監督デビュー後、『情熱の浮沈』、『阿里山の侠児』、『かんかん虫は唄う』、『この母を見よ』、『春と娘』など、様々なジャンルの佳作を発表する。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • At the time she accompanied the Imperial Princess who went to see the cherry blossoms at Hosho-ji Temple when Kozaisho was 16 years old (around 1179?), the Assistant Master of the Consort's Household Michimori saw Kozaisho and fell in love with her at first sight.
    彼女が16歳のとき(治承3年(1179年)頃?)に法勝寺の花見にお供した際に、これを見た中宮亮通盛は彼女に一目ぼれした。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Later, Atsutane's daughter Oteu (her real name was Chieko or Orise) fell in love with the elder of the Midorikawa brothers, and Atutane allowed the marriage and to adopt the bridegroom as the heir to the Hirata family.
    後になって碧川兄弟の兄の方を娘おてう(千枝改名して織瀬)が見初めて、篤胤も同意し嗣子として平田家に入り婿する事を許可される。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is said that he preferred plain women, as a story says that when he visited a village, he immediately fell in love with a physically unattractive woman whom no one wanted to marry and made her his concubine.
    容貌が悪い女性が好みという説もあり、村を訪れた時に容貌が悪くて嫁の付き手がいない女性に一目惚れし、側室に入れたという逸話もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • A dodoitsu song (Japanese popular love song in the 7-7-7-5 syllable pattern), 'I want to kill the crow of the Three Thousand Worlds, and sleep with you in the morning' is widely considered to have been penned by Shinsaku (or Takayoshi KIDO according to another theory).
    都々逸(どどいつ)の「三千世界の烏を殺し、主と朝寝がしてみたい」は一般に晋作の作であると言われている(木戸孝允作の説も有り)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • His love for Gohime was true, and it is said that his order to convert religion stemmed from the ineffectiveness of prayers said by priests of the Nichiren Sect of Buddhism when she came down with illness.
    豪姫に対する愛情は事実で、豪姫が病に倒れたとき、日蓮宗の僧侶が祈祷で病を治せなかったことが改宗命令につながったとされている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Then OKUBO "Sado no kami" (a lord of the Karasuyama Domain in Shimotsuke Province, which was rated at thirty thousand koku) fell in love at first sight with Kinu, and Gentatsu KUROSAWA (a doctor lived in Nihombashi [Chuo Ward, Tokyo]) acted as proxy parents of Kinu so that Kinu can become a concubine of the Okubo family, changing her name as Hanayo.
    そのとき、大久保佐渡守(下野国那須郡烏山藩三万石城主)に見初められ、黒沢玄達(日本橋(東京都中央区)の医者)を仮親とし、大久保家の御部屋様(側室)となり、名を花代と改めた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • While she was studying at Tokuyama girl's school (later Yamaguchi Prefectural Tokuyama Koto Gakko (high school), she fell in love with Tekkan YOSANO, a teacher of the school, began to live together without getting married, and gave birth to her son Atsumu.
    徳山女学校(のちの山口県立徳山高等学校)に在籍時に、当時そこの教師であった与謝野鉄幹と恋愛関係に陥り、同棲、一子萃(あつむ)を設ける。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In the mythology of Okuninushi, Onamuji (Okuninushi), who came to Susano in Nenokuni (the underworld), fell in love with Suseri-bime, Susano's daughter, at first sight, but Susano set various trials before Onamuji.
    大国主の神話において根の国のスサノオの元にやってきたオオナムヂ(大国主)は、スサノオの娘であるスセリビメに一目惚れするが、スサノオはオオナムヂに様々な試練を与える。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To put them simply, courage is a force for going forward; relation is a force for closely communicating with others; love is a force for loving and bringing up others; and wisdom is a force for observing, analyzing and understanding things.
    簡単に言えば、勇は、前に進む力、親は、人と親しく交わる力、愛は、人を愛し育てる力、智は、物事を観察し分析し、悟る力である。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sakone gon no shosho (temporary officer of the Imperial guard department) Tadanaga KAZANIN fell in love with Hirohashi no tsubone (a daughter of buke tenso (liaison officer between the Imperial Court and the Bakufu) and Dainagon (chief councilor of state) Kanekatsu HIROHASHI)) who was in an emperor's favor.
    左近衛権少将花山院忠長は、ある時天皇の寵愛深い広橋局(武家伝奏・大納言広橋兼勝の娘)に懸想した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • a favorable image Pg is increased by executing events 3, 3s with the favorite girl characters 4(4h), and when the image reaches a love declaration event 7(7h), good ending is executed.
    本命の女子キャラクタ4(4h)とのイベント3,3sをこなして好感度Pgを上昇させ、告白イベント7(7h)に到達するとグッドエンディングが実行される。 - 特許庁
  • People really love to eat out and many women do not cook by themselves because in many cases they work and parents or siblings help with housework.
    外食が非常に盛んなことや、働いていると親や兄弟が家事を手伝ってくれるケースが多いことなどから、自分であまり料理をしない女性も多い。 - 経済産業省
  • Wazuka Junior High School in Wazuka Town has provided students with experience in producing tea (Wazuka tea) in the Period for Integrated Studies subject so as to encourage them to love and take pride in their home town.
    和束町にある和束中学校では、総合的な学習の時間でお茶(和束茶)の生産を行ってきた。和束茶の生産活動を通して、ふるさと和束を誇りに思い、和束を愛する心を育てたいと考えた。 - 経済産業省
  • though she herself was no longer heir to the dukedom, but by this restoration which her father had made, Rosalind was now the heir, so completely was the love of these two cousins unmixed with anything of jealousy or of envy.
    シーリア自身について言えば、父の公国返還によって、公国の後継者は自分ではなくロザリンドになったのであるが、2人の間にある愛情は純粋で、一点のねたみも羨望も混ざっていなかった。 - Mary Lamb『お気に召すまま』
  • whom not having known you love; in whom, though now you don’t see him, yet believing, you rejoice greatly with joy unspeakable and full of glory—
    あなた方は彼を見たことがありませんが,愛しています。今は彼を見ることができませんが,それでも信じており,言葉に表せない,栄光に満ちた喜びをもって大いに喜んでいます。 - 電網聖書『ペトロの第一の手紙 1:8』
  • Be free from the love of money, content with such things as you have, for he has said, “I will in no way leave you, neither will I in any way forsake you.”
    お金に対する愛から自由になり,自分の持っているもので満足しなさい。「わたしは決してあなたを離れず,決してあなたを見捨てない」と言われているからです。 - 電網聖書『ヘブライ人への手紙 13:5』
  • Jesus answered him, “If a man loves me, he will keep my word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him, and make our home with him.
    イエスは彼に言った,「人がわたしを愛しているなら,彼はわたしの言葉を守る。わたしの父はわたしを愛され,わたしたちはその方のもとに行き,その方と共に住むだろう。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 14:23』
  • I made known to them your name, and will make it known; that the love with which you loved me may be in them, and I in them.”
    わたしはあなたのみ名を彼らに知らせました。また,これからも知らせます。あなたがわたしを愛してくださったその愛が彼らのうちにもあり,わたしが彼らのうちにいるようになるためです」。 - 電網聖書『ヨハネによる福音書 17:26』
  • The first half of the collection starts with an incident in 1174, and while praising the empress's auspiciousness and the glory of the Taira family, she places her love affair with a younger noble, TAIRA no Sukemori (the Empress's nephew) at the center of the story, and describes the process by which she also became intimate with a famous poet and a painter, FUJIWARA no Takanobu.
    家集の前半は承安4年(1174年)の出来事に起筆し、中宮のめでたさや平家の栄華を讃えながら、年下の貴公子平資盛(中宮の甥)との恋愛を主軸に据え、歌人・画家として有名な藤原隆信とも交渉を持った経過を述べる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The Cloistered Emperor had no children with any of the officially recognized empresses after he became a priest, but he did have children with Nakatsukasa (who was the daughter of the emperor's wet nurse) and her daughter TAIRA no Hirako, both of whom he had simultaneously fallen in love with; the general public called Prince Kiyohito (Nakatsukasa's son) 'Oya bara no miya' (literally, "prince of the mother's womb) and Prince Akinori (Hirako's son) 'Musume bara no miya' (literally, "prince of the daughter's womb).
    正式な后妃との間に子はなく、出家後、乳母子の中務とその娘平平子を同時に寵愛して子を産ませたため、世の人は中務の腹に儲けた清仁親王を「母腹宮」、平子の腹に儲けた昭登親王を「女腹宮」と称した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He made films such as "Three hundred sixty five nights" which was a blockbuster classic soap opera, while experimental works generated publicity in this period, including unique caricature comedies such as "Pu san," "Okuman choja" (Billionaire), "A wedding march" produced with the fast-talking style, and "Nusumareta Koi" (I Love You) with bold video processing.
    この時期は『プーサン』や『億万長者』などの異色風刺喜劇や早口演出の『結婚行進曲』、大胆な映像処理の『盗まれた恋』などの実験的な作品で話題を読んだが、『三百六十五夜』のようなオーソドックスなメロドラマの大ヒット作品も撮っている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In addition to the above, there are almost similar anecdotes of falling in love with the first daughter of Kagetsuna NAOE who served as a waiting woman of Kenshin, and with Taehime who was a younger sister of Sakihisa KONOE, and it is suggested that such heartbreaking experiences were a contributing factor which led Kenshin to become a celibate.
    この他にも、謙信の侍女として仕えていた直江景綱の長女や、近衛前久の妹・絶姫との間にほぼ同様の逸話があり、このような悲痛な経験が謙信を独身主義へと導く一端になったと仄めかしている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The following spring, young lady Akashi bears the Crown Prince a child, increasing Genji's influence, while Kashiwagi (a son of To no Chujo) catches a glimpse of Onna San no Miya when kemari (Japanese ancient Imperial court game like kick-ball) is played, and falls in love with her secretly.
    さらに翌年の春には明石の姫君が東宮の子を出産し、源氏の権勢はいよいよ高まりつつあるが、その陰で、六条院の蹴鞠の催しに女三の宮を垣間見た柏木(源氏物語)(頭中将の子)は彼女への密かな思慕をつのらせるのであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After his retirement, he lived in Suzakuin (this is why he came to be known by the name of 'Suzakutei' or 'Suzakuin'), and he lived with Oborozukiyo happily, but at the same time he loved the Empress Akikonomu, a daughter of Rokujo no Miyasudokoro, though his love was hopeless due to the intention of Genji, who became an adoptive father of Saigu (Imperial Princess appointed to serve the deities of the Ise-jingu Shrine).
    退位後は朱雀院に住まい(これにより通称を「朱雀帝」「朱雀院」と称する)、朧月夜との平穏な生活を過ごす一方、六条御息所の娘の秋好中宮へも思いをかけたが、斎宮の養父となった源氏の意向で叶わなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • To give an overview of utagaki currently practiced in southern China and northern South-East Asia, the custom is most typically observed in the manner that men and women in their teens and 20s gather together in the evening of a holiday (in many cases, at the beginning of spring) and exchange love songs so that couples may enter relationships with each other.
    現代の中国南部および東南アジア北部で見られる歌垣を概観すると、祝祭日(多くの場合、播種前の春先)の夜に10代半ばから20代の男女が集会し、互いに求愛歌を掛け合いながら、対になり恋愛関係になる、といった類型が多い。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is also said that, before marrying Ogi, he was in love with a geisha in Kyoto and that, when the geisha came to see his stage work, he performed using a Japanese folding fan that carried the emblem of his stage family name, Narikoma-ya (in those days) on its front side and the emblem used by the geisha on its back side.
    また、扇と結婚する前は、京都に相思相愛の芸妓がいたと言われており、その芸妓が自身の出演している舞台に訪れると、表は成駒屋(当時)の紋、裏はその芸妓が用いていた紋をあしらった扇で、舞台を務めたと言われる。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • It is believed that wearing Narihara's clothes as an expression of longing for him would induce a sense of euphoria in her, taking her back to a time when their love was as yet untroubled, because it would give her a sense of fulfillment through her being possessed by Narihira or achieving a curious kind of unification with him.'
    「業平を恋慕う表現として、その形見を身につけることにより、業平が憑依するような、あるいはふしぎな一体化をとげたような充足感が生れて、二人の愛が全き姿であった日に遡りつつ一つの陶酔を生むことが可能だと考えられた」 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Sangobei SASANO, a former feudal retainer of the Satsuma Domain, was adopted by Sugisai SASANO, the chief priest of the Tanjo-Hachiman Shrine, thanks to the efforts of his close friend Gengobei HISHIKAWA, but fell in love with Oman, the daughter of a nearby merchant, Chigusaya, and the rumor of their relationship spread throughout the town.
    元薩摩藩士の笹野三五兵衛は、朋友である菱川源五兵衛の尽力で、誕生八幡の神主・笹野杉斎の養子となるも、近くの商家千草屋の娘・おまんと恋仲になって、その噂は町内に知れ渡っていた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • She was said to be beautiful and had a deep love for the Emperor, and gave birth to 4 sons and 2 daughters, starting with Imperial Prince Atsuakira (Koichijoin), Imperial Prince Atsunori, Imperial Prince Atsuhira, Imperial Prince Moroakira (priestly Imperial Prince Shoshin), Imperial Princess Toshi (Saigu - Imperial Princess appointed to serve the deities of the Ise-jingu Shrine), and Imperial Princess Teishi (wife of FUJIWARA no Norimichi).
    美貌であったといい天皇の寵愛も篤く、敦明親王(小一条院)を始め、敦儀親王、敦平親王、師明親王(性信入道親王)、当子内親王(斎宮)、禔子内親王(藤原教通室)ら四男二女をもうけた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Because he was a tall (for that time), handsome man with a fair complexion and firm features he was very popular among ladies; when he was acting as the vice commander of Shinsen-gumi in Kyoto he sent to his colleagues in Hino a bundle of love letters he had received from many women so as to boast his popularity.
    もともと色白で引き締まった顔立ちをしており(当時としては)長身であった為、京都にて新選組副長として活動していたときなどは、日野の仲間に向けて多数の女性からの恋文をまとめて送って自慢するほどであった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • In September 1863, because Geigi Kotora of Yoshida-ya Geisha House, with whom SERIZAWA was in love, refused his advances he became angry and marched into Yoshida-ya, terrified the owner by saying that he would destroy the Geisha House; he also summoned Kotora and her attendant, Geigi Oshika, and committed the outrage of making them cut their hair ("Roshi Bunkyu Hokoku Kiji").
    文久3年9月、芹沢が懸想していた吉田屋の芸妓小寅が肌を許さなかったため、立腹した芹沢が吉田屋に乗り込み、店を破壊すると主人を脅して、小寅と付き添いの芸妓お鹿を呼びつけ罰として2人を断髪させる乱暴を行っている(「浪士文久報国記事」)。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • After he came back from suspension and released the fine films featuring women filled with emotions of a shitamachi (traditional working-class neighborhood), 'Kaminingyo haru no sasayaki' (A Paper Doll's Whisper of Spring) and 'Kyoren no onna shisho' (The Love-Mad Tutoress) in 1926, Mizoguchi further developed his unique sense of expression in portraying women and gained a good reputation for his movies such as 'Tojin Okichi' (Mistress of a Foreigner) of 1930.
    復帰後の15年に下町の情緒を下敷きにした女性劇の佳作「紙人形春の囁き」「狂恋の女師匠」を発表してからは女性を描く独特の感性にさらに磨きをかけ、昭和5年「唐人お吉」などが好評を博した。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He was an exceptional technician not only in the big-scale movies such as "Japan's Longest Day" and "Blood Type: Blue" (1978), which show us his impressive interpretation full of immediacy, but also in female movies such as "One Day I," which show us his fine interpretations with flowing love scenes.
    『日本のいちばん長い日』"Japan'sLongestDay"『ブルークリスマス』"BloodType:Blue"(1978年)などの大作映画での緊迫感あふれる演出はもちろん、苦手といわれる女性映画でも『ある日わたしは』における流麗なラブシーンの演出など、無類のテクニシャンである。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • Similar to Zeami, he performed even after entering priesthood, and kanjin sarugaku on Tadasu-gawara was performed by Masamori with the support of Yoshimasa as the Shite (main performer) in twelve out of twenty-nine plays, including 'Kantan' (The Pillow of Kantan, Noh play), 'Koi no Omoni' (The Burden of Love), 'Futari Shizuka' (a couple of the young ladies named Shizuka), and 'Yoro' (Longevity springs, Noh play) in 1464.
    世阿弥同様に出家の後も第一線で活動を続け、寛正5年(1464年)には正盛が義政の後援で行った糺河原での勧進猿楽でも、「邯鄲」「恋重荷」「二人静」「養老(能)」など29番のうち12番でシテを務めている。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The reason why the Ninth had a progressive idea, an intellectually overwhelming idea at that time as not forcing his daughters to marry quickly, but encouraging them to enjoy free love with educated people in other than the theatrical world, was because of the existence of Shinzo.
    九代目が二人の娘に結婚を急がさず、むしろ梨園の外の知識人と自由に恋愛することを推奨するという、当時としては仰天するほど進歩的な考え方を持っていたもの、この新蔵が控えていてくれたからに他ならなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • He made a bet with his brother Haruyamanokasumiotoko as to either of who would win the heart of Izushiotome-no-kami whom many gods failed to conquer; after all, he could not get her love because Haruyamanokasumiotoko's mother meddled in the matter.
    八十神がいとめることのできなかった伊豆志袁登売神(いづしをとめのかみ)を兄の春山霞壮夫(はるやまのかすみをとこ)と争い賭けをしたが、結局は春山霞壮夫の母親の協力により伊豆志袁登売神と結ばれなかった。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • The so-called 'love at first sight' (when one is attracted to someone without even knowing him/her) or 'getting under one's skin' (the emotion of frustration and anger that is suppressed (psychology) and continual) are the situations which are controlled by emotions inexplicable to the one experiencing it, and as a result of which causes one to feel that he/she has a good/bad aisho with the given person.
    いわゆる「一目ぼれ」(訳も判らず一見で気に入ってしまうこと)や「癪に障る」(苛立たしいと感じる・怒りのうち抑圧(心理学)され継続的なもの)など、当事者には説明しがたい感情に支配された結果、相性が良い/悪いとみなされる場合もある。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • We are not saying that the bureaucrats are not respecting the Emperor but the Emperor has lost his glory, and we are not saying that they are controlling the people but there are so many laws, some of which are enacted in the morning but soon amended; politics are depending on someone's feeling and punishment and reward is decided with love and hate toward the person; and our freedom of speech is closed and there is no way to report our sufferings.
    夫有司、上帝室ヲ尊ブト曰ザルニハ非ズ、而帝室漸ク其尊栄ヲ失フ、下人民ヲ保ツト曰ザルニハ非ラズ、而政令百端、朝出暮改、政情実ニ成リ、賞罰愛憎ニ出ヅ、言路壅蔽、困苦告ルナシ。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
  • When Kichigoro OGAWA, a personal retainer and Kyogen performer of the Hikone clan, suddenly fell ill during his performance of "Makuramonogurui" (a Kyogen love story between an old man and a young girl) at a Noh ceremony held in Hikone Castle in 1830, Sengo (20 years old at that time) managed to perform as a substitute for Kichigoro, by which Sengo gained favor with Naosuke II, the lord of the Hikome clan and was taken into his service on the spot.
    天保元年(1830年)に彦根城で能会が開かれた折に、彦根藩のお抱え狂言師であった小川吉五郎が「枕物狂」を上演中に急病で倒れ、その後を千吾(当時20歳)が見事に代演してみせたので、藩主の井伊直弼に気に入られ、その場で召し抱えられた。 - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
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