英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英


⇒おしどり.鴛鴦の契り鴛鴦の契りを結ぶvow eternal love....
⇒おしどり.鴛鴦の契り鴛鴦の契りを結ぶvow eternal love....
鴛鴦の契りを結ぶvow eternal love....
読み方 ちぎり名詞A vow; a pledge; a plight; plighted troth用例契りを結ぶto vow―pledge oneself―pledge one's faith―pl...
読み方 ちぎり名詞A vow; a pledge; a plight; plighted troth用例契りを結ぶto vow―pledge oneself―pledge one's faith―pl...
読み方 ちかう自他動To swear, swear an oath, take an oath, make oath; to vow, make a vow, take the vows (of ce...
読み方 ちかう自他動To swear, swear an oath, take an oath, make oath; to vow, make a vow, take the vows (of ce...
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