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「Swedish language」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~10/303件中)

読み方:スウェーデンご文法情報(名詞)対訳 Swedish (language)...
読み方:スウェーデンご文法情報(名詞)対訳 Swedish (language)...
固有名詞Old SwedishThe medieval form of the Swedish language, markedly different from the modern languag...
語源Rinkeby +‎ Swedish. Calque of Swedish rinkebysvenska.名詞Rinkeby Swedish (usually uncountable,...
出典:『Wiktionary』 (2010/11/25 18:03 UTC 版) 成句I don’t speak SwedishIndicates that the speaker is unable...
読み方 すうぇーでん固名Sweden:(=の) Swedish用例スウェーデン人a Swedeスウェーデン語(the) Swedish (language)...
読み方 すうぇーでん固名Sweden:(=の) Swedish用例スウェーデン人a Swedeスウェーデン語(the) Swedish (language)...
読み方 すうぇーでん固名Sweden:(=の) Swedish用例スウェーデン人a Swedeスウェーデン語(the) Swedish (language)...
語源Blend of Swedish +‎ English名詞Swenglish (uncountable)(colloquial) The English language as spo...
出典:『Wikipedia』 (2010/08/20 17:25 UTC 版)Bortom det blå is an album by the Swedish singer Lisa Ekdahl....
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