英和辞典・和英辞典 - Weblio辞書 英和和英

「indicates expertise」を解説文に含む見出し語の検索結果(1~5/5件中)

成句you're the doctor(colloquial) Indicates that the speaker defers to the addressed person's authorit...
読み方:じん(1)文法情報(接尾辞)対訳(indicates nationality, race, origin, etc.) -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Toky...
読み方:じん(1)文法情報(接尾辞)対訳(indicates nationality, race, origin, etc.) -ian (e.g. Italian); -ite (e.g. Toky...
語源Blend of volunteer +‎ peer, coined by Meghan Ferriter of the Smithsonian Transcription Cente...
語源From dangerous +‎ -osity; sometimes from French dangerosité.名詞dangerosity (uncountable)The q...
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