



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > IL-2の意味・解説 > IL-2に関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 40

e company's flagship product was Interleukin-2 ( IL-2), an important modifier of the immune system.
cell receptor (TCR) stimulates the secretion of IL-2, and the expression of IL-2 receptors IL-2R.
six flying personnel and 5 aircraft (2 Yak-9, 2 Il-2 and 1 Po-2).
ctor NF-κB, in the production of interleukin-2 ( IL-2) and in T and B lymphocytes proliferation
apabilities and popularity of CFS1's main rival IL-2 and its upgrade packages.
acrolimus) work by inhibiting the production of IL-2 by antigen-activated T cells.
d six Soviet aircraft, including three Ilyushin Il-2 ground-attack aircraft.
IL-2 has been tested in many clinical trials as an i
raft that had the best elements of the Ilyushin Il-2, Henschel Hs 129 and Skyraider.
hesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines like IFN-γ, IL-2, IL-3, TNFα and GM-CSF made by cells such as ma
r at least six different interleukin receptors: IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, IL-9, IL-15 and interleukin-21 rec
IL-2 is normally produced by the body during an immu
As such, IL-2 is necessary for the development of T cell immu
n reached his 100th victory by shooting down an Il-2 on 22 July 1942.
Il-2 production of 1943
inal motif results in reduced proliferation and IL-2 production but normal induction of Bcl-XL.
Binding of Tec to CD28 enhances IL-2 production, dependent on binding of its SH3 and
IL-2 receptor
monoclonal antibody to the alpha subunit of the IL-2 receptor of T cells.
The IL-2 receptor belongs to this chain, whose γ-chain (
CD25 is the alpha chain of the IL-2 receptor.
shares common beta and gamma subunits with the IL-2 receptor.
Upon activation, "low-affinity" IL-2 receptors are replaced by "high-affinity" IL-2
ient resources for aerial reconnaissance, while Il-2 Shturmovik units had to fly without fighter esc
was attacked while in Narva Bay by two Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik aircraft from the 35th Assault Air R
and flew more than 270 missions in the Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik, including battles above the Taman P
Among his claims are 70 Il-2 Stormoviks.
re claimed over the Eastern front, including 21 Il-2 Stormoviks.
ber was particularly successful against Russian Il-2 Sturmovik ground-attack aircraft.
gust 1943 Werner Quast rammed his BF-109 into a Il-2 Sturmovik and was forced to bail out.
d his first two victories when he shot down two Il-2 Sturmovik aircraft.
1944, Otto Gaiser was last seen in combat with Il-2 Sturmovik fighters near Berditschew, Ukraine.
victory on 14 September 1944 by shooting down a IL-2 Sturmovik.That day he shot down 9 planes,includ
to down fighters to a total of 46 including 16 Il-2 Sturmoviks.
victories over the Eastern front, including six Il-2 Sturmoviks.
on the Eastern Front of which at least 12 were Il-2 Sturmoviks.
Front and 81 on the Eastern Front, including 29 Il-2 Sturmoviks.
in proliferation can be rescued by addition of IL-2 to the culture, suggesting the proliferative de
wo years later, after Cetus had been sold, that IL-2 was approved.
The cell then releases IL-2, which binds to its own new IL-2 receptors, cau

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