




該当件数 : 31

A23187 is most selective for Mn2+, somewhat less selective for Ca2+ and Mg2+, much less selectiv
dersides are hairy, the upper surfaces somewhat less so.
The church has 750 seats, somewhat less than before 1944.
They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and less expensive than pound cake, due to
er hand, RIPEMD-160 appears to be used somewhat less frequently than SHA-1, which may have caused it
They are plain yellow cakes, somewhat less rich and less expensive than pound cake, due to
As opposed to TrkC, the LNGFR plays a somewhat less clear role in NT-3 biology.
ss, although St. Augustine grasses are somewhat less drought tolerant.
he suburban areas of Beaver County are somewhat less affluent and are heavily labor Democratic.
More recently, it has appeared - somewhat less conspicuously - in "On Melancholy Hill" by Gori
The planet is probably somewhat less massive than Jupiter, although only its minimum
ved by Mark Krein and David Milman was somewhat less general than this.
influence of Antonio Vivaldi, but are somewhat less sweeping.
to the aroma, the taste is influenced somewhat less by the alcohol.
The college's locality is somewhat less urban than the busy, built-up centre of Blackpo
be used for the same purpose but with somewhat less precision.
mmigration and universal suffrage were somewhat less egalitarian.
only entry in this class, this feat is somewhat less impressive.
e plot and characters in this novel is somewhat less than that of The Mists of Avalon.
rage period between elections had been somewhat less than the maximum four years.
Haddock's international career was somewhat less auspicious, as Scotland won only 1 of the 6 gam
ixed Load Sweep Test: A fixed load, of somewhat less than the engine's output, is applied during the
t straddle the vessel's centerline are somewhat less prone to destabilising oscillations.
It takes a somewhat less sympathetic view of the Catholic Knights Hospit
eping Jenny) has yellow leaves, and is somewhat less aggressive than the species.
ords released Pizzicato Five under the somewhat less confusing name of The Fifth Release From Matado
nd "a much smaller explorable area and somewhat less compelling map design".
/TEN was extremely strong in Asia, and somewhat less associated in Europeans.
ous winners had been, as well as being somewhat less serious.
ple's Court, his on-bench demeanor was somewhat less stern than that of his wife.
With an IC50 of 1.4uM it is somewhat less potent than wortmannin, another well-known PI3

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