




該当件数 : 48

e last FORTRAN release has been essentially in stasis and receives only occasional bug fixes.
uses alien technologies of time-flow control (' stasis') and artificial gravity and probability manip
leaving the remaining Atlanteans suspended in stasis and Atlantis in ruins at the bottom of the oce
elegans whereby the larva goes into a type of stasis and can survive harsh conditions.
cy gained solely through game play and for her stasis and then drastic change," referring to the rev
to destroy the controller alien overseeing the stasis area, but it turns out that the alien activate
o be a dream that Dr. Rush has whilst he is in stasis, as Colonel Young is revealed to be the one le
Stasis Box - Refers to containers holding preserved r
The stasis chamber is adapted from the prop used as the M
The Atlanteans, in stasis, could not watch over the human race as they h
The rest of SMASH were encased in stasis fields orbiting the moon.
iangning Yang (1987) "Approximate evolutionary stasis for bivalve morphology over millions of years.
used to regulate menstruation involving blood stasis, for post partum abdominal pain, for Damp heat
body, Heather recently freed all those in the Stasis Gallery and sent them home to their native rea
ressure (valsalva maneuver) causes a temporary stasis in the venous flow.
g an important point about periods of relative stasis in the punctuated equilibrium hypothesis of Ni
were linked to him on a quantum level, held in stasis in a pocket dimension, so they came back as we
ern of punctuated equilibrium (long periods of stasis interrupted by rapid, catastrophic change).
They do not-and the format's stasis is numbing."
The three of them go through the stasis leak, Lister and the Cat (Danny John-Jules) se
All on board were placed in emergency stasis lock for millions of years.
e Rebirth Part 1", the Aerialbots are put into stasis lock by the Decepticon Sixshot.
states that the other Stunticons were left in stasis lock after a pitched battle with Defensor.
e attempted to stop him - but was blasted into stasis lock (in his cassette player mode) with a weap
but they are defeated by Piranacon and left in stasis lock.
She finds her in stasis on an Intelligencia base.
He breaks out of stasis, only to be drenched in the bio-liquid and tur
l its power to keeping the Valeyard and Mel in stasis, only able to move enough to talk.
transcript regulates the ibs (induction brings stasis) open reading frame which encodes a small hydr
distinct species, followed by a long period of stasis, or non-change.
is that refers to a species that has "relative stasis over a considerable part of its total duration
G. tumida lineage, while remaining in relative stasis over a considerable part of its total duration
A Zygon was shown trapped in a stasis pod in the Doctor Who interactive "mini-episod
ters on each side, one unlockable by finding a stasis pod in a specific level, each with their own u
nobot cut through him, and he tried to get the stasis pod which contained Transmutate, only to get b
t, turned into Transmetal 2 while still inside Stasis Pod.
ast two people remaining with only one working stasis pod.
de of the same name, although it was among the stasis pods ejected in the Beast Wars series' pilot.
culties forced the convention into a temporary stasis that was relieved in 2001 when "MTAC 2.5" was
al, Bedford's music has a tendency to harmonic stasis, the main interest instead being created by sh
When "imprisoned" in stasis, the Doctor's feelings are described in a cryp
as also used to transport this motley crew, in stasis, to the Fleet of Worlds.
to find a band-aid measure, she places him in stasis to give her and a team enough time to solve th
In Sonic Heroes, Rouge discovered Shadow in a stasis tube in Eggman's secret base.
proposed in 1778 but then largely remained in stasis until 1825.
ure, so Metamorphis offers to place Sylvain in stasis until that time.
Atlas joined the group, and their final member Stasis was introduced as well.
t of their way, and hinting to Rose that their stasis will be tormented by nightmares of him.

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