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The Alliance Graduate School ( abbreviated A.G.S) is a CAMACOP graduate school in Quez
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors ( abbreviated AChEIs)
An acetylcholine receptor ( abbreviated AChR) is an integral membrane protein that
For organisations abbreviated ACSA, see ACSA.
Action role-playing games ( abbreviated action RPG, action/RPG, or ARPG) form a loo
Aggressors of Dark Kombat ( abbreviated ADK) is a one-on-one fighting arcade game r
Action Half-Life ( abbreviated AHL) is a mod for the award-winning first-p
Action Half-Life 2 ( abbreviated AHL2) is a mod for Half-Life 2. Based on Ac
The Autoimmune Regulator, abbreviated AIRE, is a human transcription factor expre
anial suture closure, dysplastic clavicals, abbreviated and club-shaped terminal phalanges, acroost
The Metropolitan Remand Centre ( abbreviated and commonly referred to as MRC) is an Aust
THC Ministry, which is the abbreviated and popularized name for the original Hawai
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (often abbreviated and officially titled in Europe and Austral
uscript Diary from 1650 to 1669 was edited, abbreviated and expurgated, by the Rev. W. Lewis.
An abbreviated and heavily edited version of that work-in-
pected that a libretto of such age would be abbreviated and altered to suit contemporary operatic t
pected that a libretto of such age would be abbreviated and altered to suit contemporary operatic t
of these objects, the collection was often abbreviated, and this gave rise to long and short versi
The archaeal partner is abbreviated ANME, which stands for "anaerobic methanotr
The Annals of Oncology, abbreviated Ann Oncol, is the official journal of the E
In flow cytometry, it is often abbreviated APC.
Sea to the west of the Indian subcontinent, abbreviated ARB by the India Meteorological Department
The Addiction Research Center Inventory, abbreviated ARCI, is a standardized questionnaire for a
This monotypic genus is abbreviated Aret in trade journals.
Armageddon, frequently abbreviated Arm, is a low fantasy MUD - a text-based on
Arkansas Radio Network (often abbreviated ARN) is a state-wide radio network serving
Journal of Combinatorial Chemistry (usually abbreviated as J. Comb.
the comedic duo Van Kooten en De Bie, often abbreviated as "Koot en Bie," in a variety of often ver
The 2009-10 National League A, commomly abbreviated as NLA, is the third ice hockey season of t
They are usually abbreviated as aa-, such as aa-dUTP.
eral Motorway 861, short form Autobahn 861, abbreviated as BAB 861 or A 861) is an autobahn in Germ
Universal Motown Republic Group, also abbreviated as UMRG, is an umbrella label founded in 19
terung (Bonn Survey) where observations are abbreviated as BD.
(Also abbreviated as MFHS) Their motto is "Excellence and Pri
Hemoglobin C ( abbreviated as Hb C or HbC) is an abnormal hemoglobin w
he petroleum industry, true vertical depth, abbreviated as TVD, is the measurement from the surface
In the third-quarter, third is abbreviated as "3rt."
For the musical indication abbreviated as smorz., see smorzando.
Right hemisphere brain damage, often abbreviated as RHD, is damage to the right hemisphere o
Tamil Vision International (officially abbreviated as TVi or simply called Tamil Vision) is a
nternational Superstar Soccer Pro (official abbreviated as ISS Pro and known as Winning Eleven 97 i
The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (usually abbreviated as J. Med.
For the automobile brand abbreviated as "MBZ", see Mercedes-Benz.
Russian: Молдавский металлургический завод; abbreviated as MMZ) is a steel producing company in Tra
Photoluminescence ( abbreviated as PL) is a process in which a substance ab
rfax County Board of Supervisors, sometimes abbreviated as FCBS, is the governing body of Fairfax C
The Manchester Evening News (commonly abbreviated as the MEN) is a regional daily newspaper c
in Hebrew-and the congregation is popularly abbreviated as "KOE").
In mass spectrometry this compound is often abbreviated as "3-NBA."
ederal Motorway 28, short form Autobahn 28, abbreviated as BAB 28 or A 28) is an autobahn in northw
ristian Church (Disciples of Christ), often abbreviated as the "Disciples of Christ" or "Christian
Christopher is abbreviated as "Kit" and Catling as "Cat".
Journal of Cheminformatics ( abbreviated as J Cheminf) is an open access journal tha
b, also unofficially named Bellerophon and abbreviated as 51 Peg b, is an extrasolar planet approx
Indian Mountain School is often abbreviated as IMS.
For tetramethylsilane which also abbreviated as TMS see tetramethylsilane.
Neobathiea, abbreviated as Nbth in the horticultural trade, is a mo
ican Potash and Chemical Company (sometimes abbreviated as AMPOT) was a large chemical manufacturer
Guided by Voices (often abbreviated as GBV) is an American indie rock band orig
ommunications in Mass Spectrometry (usually abbreviated as Rapid Commun.
ndence", WRC (Russian: Без права переписки, abbreviated as БПП in official documents) was a clause
In botanical references he is usually abbreviated as Adr.
roxy acid, 3-hydroxypropionic acid which is abbreviated as 3-HP.
Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, abbreviated as 2-DE or 2-D electrophoresis, is a form o
MACHO-1997-BLG-41, commonly abbreviated as 97-BLG-41 or MACHO-97-BLG-41, was a grav
oluenesulfonic acid (CH3C6H4SO3−) and it is abbreviated as TsO−, or it may refer to esters of p-tol
l & Engineering Chemistry Research (usually abbreviated as Ind.
Dihydrouridine ( abbreviated as D, DHU, or UH2) is a pyrimidine which is
The QSAR & Combinatorial Science (usually abbreviated as QSAR Comb.
, The Pigsty Hill Light Orchestra Presents ( abbreviated as PHLOP!) was the first release on The Vil
s' Duel (aka Dream Casters' Duel), commonly abbreviated as DCD, is an international award-winning h
ederal Motorway 37, short form Autobahn 37, abbreviated as BAB 37 or A 37) is an autobahn in the Re
Cape Tech and Lower Cape Tech and sometimes abbreviated as CCT, is a public vocational and technica
The New English Release is commonly abbreviated as NER.
Modern Life Is War (commonly abbreviated as M.L.I.W.), was a Marshalltown, Iowa-base
Isoleucine ( abbreviated as Ile or I) is an α-amino acid with the ch
steady shear, the Weissenberg number, often abbreviated as Wi or We, is defined as the shear rate t
man: Heidis Lehr- und Wanderjahre), usually abbreviated as Heidi, is a novel about the events in th
Enhanced Intel SpeedStep is sometimes abbreviated as EIST.
ument for measuring electromagnetic fields ( abbreviated as EMF).
Tianshengqiao-I Hydropower Station (locally abbreviated as TSQ-I) is a concrete face rock-fill emba
Nonidet P-40 is sometimes abbreviated as NP-40, but should not be confused with a
In print, the currency is commonly abbreviated as "C$".
The genus Embreea is abbreviated as Emb in horticultural trade.
The Pavillion Marie-Esther, abbreviated as PME by most students, is home to the sec
ge Studies at Home (1873 - ca. 1897) (often abbreviated as SH) was the first correspondence school
Auteuil-Neuilly-Passy is sometimes abbreviated as NAP.
Universal Music TV (often abbreviated as UMTV) is a London-based record label tha
Mitochondrially encoded 12S RNA (often abbreviated as 12S) is a 959 nt long mitochondrial ribo
aby Go Blind: 30 Plays in 60 Minutes, often abbreviated as TMLMTBGB (though many refer to it simply
Palmitoleic acid can be abbreviated as 16:1∆9.
The Legal Aid Department often abbreviated as LAD, is a department in the Government o
therland Party, (Turkish: Anavatan Partisi, abbreviated as ANAVATAN and formerly abbreviated as ANA
360 State Street ( abbreviated as 360 State) is the second-tallest buildin
Generation Joshua (often abbreviated as "Gen J" by its members,) is an American
The Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke ( abbreviated as GW) is an ongoing project of the Staatsb
People on Vacation (often abbreviated as POV) is a supergroup composed of Ryan Ha
Donkey Kong Country (often abbreviated as DKC) is a side-scrolling platformer vide
Mature messenger RNA, often abbreviated as mature mRNA is a eukaryotic RNA transcri
Wharton County Junior College ( abbreviated as WCJC) is a two-year college based in Wha
ternational Collegiate Programming Contest ( abbreviated as ACM-ICPC or just ICPC) is an annual mult
as `and introduction' and is quite commonly abbreviated as `vI'.
Karachi Cantonment Railway Station (often abbreviated as Karachi Cantt.) is one of the principal
ederal Motorway 38, short form Autobahn 38, abbreviated as BAB 38 or A 38) is an autobahn in German
Alcohol by volume ( abbreviated as abv, ABV, or alc/vol) is a standard meas
Cannabichromene ( abbreviated as CBC) is a cannabinoid found in the canna
Bangladesh Daylight Saving Time, commonly abbreviated as BDST is the time zone of Bangladesh whic
was referred to as Hu(t)-sekhem, which was abbreviated as Hu.
General Assembly, commonly abbreviated as simply GA, is an annual gathering of Uni
nd System, another popular sound card often abbreviated as 'ESS'.
hyl group forms tetramethylsilane, which is abbreviated as TMS as well.
Canada's Next Top Model (sometimes abbreviated as CNTM) is a Canadian reality show in whic
Hydrogen halides can be abbreviated as HX where H represents a hydrogen atom an
The Non Resident Keralites Affairs abbreviated as NORKA is a department of the Government
ames called Family Stadium or shortened and abbreviated as Famista.
UX Tauri, abbreviated as UX Tau, is a binary star system approxim
Lysine ( abbreviated as Lys or K) is an α-amino acid with the ch
The 2011 Indian Premier League season, abbreviated as IPL 4 or the IPL 2011, was the fourth se
ant example of an organotin compound, often abbreviated as TET.
The Rainbow Motorcycle Club (sometimes abbreviated as the Rainbow MC or RMC) is a gay men's mo
Aachener Bachverein (often abbreviated as ABV) is a German oratorio choir of the E
Mystacidium, abbreviated as Mycdm in horticultural trade, is a genus
It is also abbreviated as ABD when it is appended after the name o
Church of England Grammar School for Boys, abbreviated as BWS.
Alien Beat Club (often abbreviated as ABC) are a Danish pop/R&B group, best kn
erentiation (cluster of designation) (often abbreviated as CD) is a protocol used for the identific
eral Motorway 391, short form Autobahn 391, abbreviated as BAB 391 or A 391) is an autobahn in Brau
e pairs as letters-an adenine nucleotide is abbreviated as A, guanine as G, cytosine as C, thymine
They are abbreviated as LX, an acronym for lipoxygenase (LO) int
of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) ( abbreviated as ASN M&RA) is a civilian office in the Un
Octachlorodibenzodioxin (can be abbreviated as OCDD) is a lesser known polychlorinated
Ascoglossum, abbreviated as Ascgm in horticultural trade, is a monot
eral Motorway 280, short form Autobahn 280, abbreviated as BAB 280 or A 280) is an autobahn located
ronounced "See-thru-peephole-bra" and often abbreviated as "C3", is based on C-3PO.
The Chicago Lakefront Trail ( abbreviated as LFT) is a foreshoreway for walking and c
(National Cricket League) Twenty20 season, abbreviated as NCL 1 2010 or the NCL T20 2010, was the
Trillion cubic feet, commonly abbreviated as Tcf, is used in the oil and gas industry
nse a group, the Society of Saint Josaphat ( abbreviated as SSJK) has formed, with a seminary in Lvi
The names on the earliest coins are so abbreviated as to be unidentifiable.
own as "Old Kinderhook" which was sometimes abbreviated as "O.K.".
Sir Adam Beck power generating station, now abbreviated as SAB 1, derived its water supply from a c
Brentwood Town Centre Station (sometimes abbreviated as Brentwood Station) is located on an elev
ency, Miami-based Crispin Porter + Bogusky ( abbreviated as CP+B).
V592 Monocerotis, often abbreviated as V592 Mon, is a variable star in the cons
glycolipid known as globotriaosylceramide ( abbreviated as Gb3, GL-3, or ceramide trihexoside) to a
The name of Camera Can't Lie is often abbreviated as CCL.
Cymbidiella, abbreviated as Cymla in horticultural trade, is a genus
Although the city's name is most commonly abbreviated as PIT, it is sometimes rendered as PGH.
d 2-aminoethanol or monoethanolamine (often abbreviated as ETA or MEA), is an organic chemical comp
3 Inches of Blood, abbreviated as 3IoB, is a Canadian heavy metal band fro
Rudolfiella, abbreviated as Rud. in the horticultural trade, is a ge
Aviation Machinist's Mate ( abbreviated as AD) is a United States Navy occupational
Dexter's Laboratory (commonly abbreviated as Dexter's Lab) is an American animated te
The WHO Drug Dictionary has previously been abbreviated as 'WHODRL' and may still be referenced as
Release engineering, frequently abbreviated as "releng", is a sub-discipline in softwar
Electronic versions of printed texts ( abbreviated as Etexts) of ancient literary works are im
Crown Hills Community College (often abbreviated as CHCC), is a secondary school in Leiceste
International Superstar Soccer 2 ( abbreviated as ISS2) is a football video game in the In
utch: Gazet van Antwerpen Trofee, sometimes abbreviated as GvA Trofee) is a series of cyclo-cross r
abbreviated as UTB, is a bimonthly idol magazine publis
The term "higher-order logic", abbreviated as HOL, is commonly used to mean higher ord
Order (in German Jungdeutscher Orden, often abbreviated as Jungdo) was a large para-military organi
Association of Boards of Pharmacy (commonly abbreviated as the NABP) is an international associatio
ew House", a reference to Deuteronomy 22:8, abbreviated as Bach), Rabbi Sirkis's best known work, i
The Rate of penetration, abbreviated as ROP as used in the drilling industry, is
Alanine ( abbreviated as Ala or A) is an α-amino acid with the ch
Commander, Strike Force Training Pacific, abbreviated as CSFTP or COMSTRKFORTRAPAC, is the U.S. F
The Rich Representation Language, often abbreviated as RRL, is a computer animation language sp
ederal Motorway 63, short form Autobahn 63, abbreviated as BAB 63 or A 63) is an autobahn in southw
ity of Tennessee at Chattanooga is properly abbreviated as UTC.
Bromheadia, abbreviated as Brom in horticultural trade, is a genus
The Florida Dental Association (also abbreviated as FDA) is an organization of dentists in F
cal Dictionary of American Slang, sometimes abbreviated as RHHDAS.
Odontocidium, abbreviated as Odcdm. in the horticultural trade, is th
Chemical Information and Modeling (usually abbreviated as J. Chem.
ge, also referred as amount/amount percent ( abbreviated as n/n%).
olWebSearch (also known as CoolWWWSearch or abbreviated as CWS) is a well-known spyware program tha
ederal Motorway 95, short form Autobahn 95, abbreviated as BAB 95 or A 95) is a motorway in souther
ianshengqiao-II Hydropower Station (locally abbreviated as TSQ-II) is a dam and hydroelectric power
4,4'-Dichlorodiphenyl sulfone, abbreviated as DCDPS, is an organic sulfone with the fo
zymes related to glycogen phosphorylase are abbreviated as GPLL (liver) and GPMM (muscle).
Otoyol 4 (English: Motorway 4), abbreviated as O-4, aka Anadolu Otoyolu (English: Anato
A Deep Sand Bed ( abbreviated as DSB) is a filtration method used in some
Otoyol 3 (English: Motorway 3), abbreviated as O-3, aka Avrupa Otoyolu (English: Europe
Norleucine ( abbreviated as Nle) is an isomer of leucine, the α-amin
This title is abbreviated as "MLF" in the official coat of arms (seen
Stargate SG-1: The Alliance, ( abbreviated as SG-1:TA), was to be a first-person shoot
The journal is abbreviated as "Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol
Cysteine ( abbreviated as Cys or C) is an α-amino acid with the ch
The Standard Edition (usually abbreviated as SE) consists of 24 volumes, and it was o
Beware of Safety, commonly abbreviated as BoS, is an instrumental post-rock band f
ederal Motorway 39, short form Autobahn 39, abbreviated as BAB 39 or A 39) is an autobahn in northe
The compound is often abbreviated as NaCp or CpNa, where Cp− is the cyclopent
e is a play on Southern Comfort, and may be abbreviated as such (i.e.
Venice, an Historical Sketch (1893), later abbreviated as The Venetian Republic (1902), and his Th
Pearl-Continental Hotels & Resorts, often abbreviated as PC, is a hotel chain in Pakistan.
e, a directed acyclic word graph (sometimes abbreviated as a DAWG) is a data structure that represe
ontrol panel of Microsoft Windows XP and is abbreviated as LH.
e unrelated and currently active conference abbreviated as the SWAC, see Southwestern Athletic Conf

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