



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Accumulationの意味・解説 > Accumulationに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 301

nzonite to granite) and texture (phenocryst accumulation), a "channel zone" where evidences of large
To avoid hydrocarbon accumulation, a thermosiphon should be installed at the
It is long-acting and prone to accumulation and binds unselectively to benzodiazepine r
tion of appetite and satiety to promote fat accumulation and obesity.
e has been reported to induce apoptosis and accumulation and aggregation of amyloid beta protein, an
nual Glacier equilibrium line separates the accumulation and ablation zone annually.
, there is little evidence that laudanosine accumulation and related toxicity will likely ever be se
nt model, one that was not oriented towards accumulation and profit, but rather towards an economy f
beta-galactosidase staining, as well as p53 accumulation and activation of Rb-hallmarks of cellular
n found to be required for minus strand RNA accumulation and is essential for efficient viral replic
This receptor may contribute to the accumulation and activation of eosinophils and other inf
ns, phosphoinositide hydrolysis, cyclic AMP accumulation, and activation of specific proto-oncogenes
s for both detecting subsurface groundwater accumulation and land / submarine springs using the ther
emain in ancient terrains are formed by the accumulation and welding of semi-molten lapilli into wha
ing clinical death slows the rate of injury accumulation, and extends the time period during which c
at the end of 1984 for dissertation Capital Accumulation and Capital Immobility: Q-theory in a Dynam
ples to the study of the origin, migration, accumulation, and alteration of petroleum...(John M. Hun
ion of government spending going to capital accumulation, and minimum government spending overall, w
This study illustrated that intratumoral accumulation and activation of CD4+FoxP3+ Tregs act as a
These dunes are the result of the accumulation and subsequent distribution of beach sands
Downwelling is the process of accumulation and sinking of higher density material bene
e characteristic costs of private financial accumulation are transferred to the detriment of social
examined in situ, and the evidence of their accumulation as residual ore-bodies associated with Ice
Auxin also induces sugar and mineral accumulation at the site of application.
enance problem to be the prevention of sand accumulation at the base of the lighthouse.
Because it represents only a thin accumulation, black ice is highly transparent and thus d
o significant suppression of epididymal fat accumulation, but also caused potent testicular atrophy
Because it is in an area of active sediment accumulation by rivers, it must be a geologically young
If an unexpected accumulation can be observed a hypothesis about possible
objective for months at a time, though dust accumulation can be a problem.
lular pH (the Bohr effect), and second, CO2 accumulation causes carbamino compounds to be generated
This basin-centered gas accumulation could be one of the largest natural gas fie
enal failure in this group implied that M6G accumulation could be a common, but previously unanticip
Marx's theory of primitive accumulation describes how the capitalist system needs t
F. Stuer-Lauridsen, Review of passive accumulation devices for monitoring organic micropolluta
Hole Accumulation Diode (HAD) is a patented technique of the
wn to be involved in differentiation, lipid accumulation, directional sensing, polarization, and mig
In some cases, like Risley Moss, peat accumulation filled the depression, allowing colonisatio
After years of scurrying accumulation for Middlesex, Mike Brearley's accession to
ai of Tiruchendur forms the largest ethical accumulation found in Akilam.
called the AWPAG (All Weather Precipitation Accumulation Gauge).
grams of radium -- at the time the largest accumulation in the world.
sed iron recycling from the bone marrow and accumulation in the liver.
To study the scale of the marine debris accumulation in the area, the 5 Gyres Project conducted
atosis by the reversible nature of the iron accumulation in the reticuloendothelial system.
two major approaches to understand the RNA accumulation in meiocytes: 1) RNA-seq and 2) Microarray.
Silt accumulation in the reservoir along with raw sewage bein
ir enlargement is due to glycogen and lipid accumulation in the cytoplasm allowing these cells to pr
The Tupi accumulation, in block BM-S-11 of the Santos basin, cont
ities with FH and also features cholesterol accumulation in tissues, is due to ABCG5 and ABCG8 mutat
-expected frequencies, which leads to their accumulation in progenies.
than-expected frequencies, leading to their accumulation in progeny.
Accumulation in the eye may lead to retinal degeneration
Kreye, Melissa M. "Metal accumulation in gill epithelium and liver tissue in stee
re, based on our current understanding, C4d accumulation is considered to be a marker for an ‘antibo
The accumulation is believed by some archaeologists to have
The accumulation is caused by abnormal transport of cystine
At the time of its accumulation it must have had enough structure from orga
onsequently the formation of a depletion or accumulation layer close to the surface which contribute
This accumulation leads to formation of toxic cationic bis-py
This accumulation leads to an impairment of their proper func
"Study of the Fatigue Damage Accumulation Mechanisms in Monolithic Ceramics," R. Gera
m saw as just another variant of capitalist accumulation models.
Accumulation: None is a compilation of rarities by Ameri
r appeared on the 2002 rarities compilation Accumulation: None, while the remaining two tracks on th
ter appeared on Smog's rarities compilation Accumulation: None.
ter appeared on Smog's rarities compilation Accumulation: None.
later appeared on the rarities comiplation Accumulation: None.
successful hydraulic engine which began the accumulation of his wealth and industrial empire.
Ochronosis is the syndrome caused by the accumulation of homogentisic acid in connective tissues.
Accumulation of M3G and M6G also decrease with return of
r loss of K+ and water and an intracellular accumulation of Na+.
Divergent evolution is the accumulation of differences between groups which can lea
illance of the group, which resulted in the accumulation of evidence about conversations with dissid
A lacustrine delta is an accumulation of alluvium laid down where rivers flow int
o the cold exchangeability required for the accumulation of capital", while submerging "the majority
The capture of turtles for export and the accumulation of plastic debris.
been found to also slow the production and accumulation of a toxin that leads to vision loss in Sta
Accumulation of blood in a persistent processus vaginali
The San Miguelito field is an accumulation of oil along the westernmost portion of the
oor of the manhole has channels to minimize accumulation of solids.
fe through endurance, application, and slow accumulation of energy.
used when it becomes necessary to expel any accumulation of excess water from the river basin when t
1300 which led to the accumulation of alluvial deposits on the riverbed).
“It is only by the accumulation of new and valuable material that the contr
ive lysosomal storage disease that cause an accumulation of fatty material lipids leading to abnorma
provide genome stability by preventing the accumulation of these mutations.
Owing to the continuous accumulation of shingle and gravel deposited by the stro
These are associated with accumulation of porphyrins in erythrocytes and are rare.
With the accumulation of enough amphipathic molecules (such as ph
This inhibition of reductase would lead to accumulation of lipophylic intermediates with a formal s
eased stability to the transcript, allowing accumulation of gadX (a transcriptional regulator of the
It is the accumulation of karma that determines the form in which
the general nature of labor market choices, accumulation of human capital, specialization within hou
Kidney deficiency may also cause accumulation of the drug and its metabolites in the excr
Accumulation of misfolded proteins in the Endoplasmic Re
nced Technology Group in San Diego, CA, and accumulation of spectrum and other carrier assets both i
This inhibition results in an accumulation of citrate in the blood which deprives cell
tures within the sample which assist in the accumulation of charge.
Although best known for his toughness and accumulation of penalty minutes, Ruchty proved to be an
His steady accumulation of aerial victories resulted in regular pro
ily's "Thievius Raccoonus", a book with the accumulation of all of Sly ancestors' thieving moves.
An accumulation of minor acts of heroism does not justify a
f different causes and is not solely due to accumulation of alpha-methyldopamine, making it unclear
The greatest single accumulation of snow was 10 inches (25 centimeters), on
In DRPLA, diffuse accumulation of mutant ATN1 occurs far more extensively
noleukodystrophy, can be associated with an accumulation of VLCFAs.
dition inaugurated by Rosa Luxemburg in The Accumulation of Capital, where she sought to expose the
s is a lipid storage disorder caused by the accumulation of lipids known as gangliosides.
The accumulation of this genetic damage finally leads to the
his later years his personal hobby was the accumulation of evidence to prove that his ancestor Edwa
Accumulation of lipofuscin in the colon is the cause of
rpretation of geologic change as the steady accumulation of minute changes over enormously long span
The prize pool, instead of being an accumulation of the entry fees minus a fee for the 'hous
It might be due to accumulation of ionic impurities inside the LCD, electri
An accumulation of propionyl CoA, a substrate for a TCA cyc
egarded particularly for his skills in slow accumulation of runs rather than blistering pace or skil
The accumulation of organic material by this process in rela
t selectors unwilling to choose him, Abel's accumulation of runs continued to increase: he was the o
es provided signposts for understanding the accumulation of heavy elements by stellar nucleosynthesi
ncy, is a rare genetic disorder causing the accumulation of xanthine.
he 19-year cycle of 235 lunations: it is an accumulation of the mismatch between years and months in
enon is explained by the overexpression and accumulation of the endogenous lysosomal beta-galactosid
cooling of the pit during storage to offset accumulation of decay heat.
be a form of localized angioedema, or rapid accumulation of fluid in the tissues.
they with other neighbors, there will be an accumulation of social capital, which may immediately sa
An accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate following fructose
he present year, besides the constant daily accumulation of articles, one half of the celebrated Pea
of iron overload disorder resulting in the accumulation of hemosiderin.
addition, if the crystal is too thick, the accumulation of group-velocity dispersion (GVD) will cau
ly for such a wall to collapse after excess accumulation of water behind itself.
n cause 'bloat' in such herbivores from the accumulation of excessive nitrates; otherwise, it is edi
Without termites, the accumulation of dead organic matter on the forest floor
isolated skirmishes, defending the idea of accumulation of forces for wide national revolt.
It elicits synthesis and accumulation of fluorescent porphyrins (protoporphyrin I
Over time, the accumulation of this proteinaceous exudate thickens the
st common mutation results in intracellular accumulation of the polypeptide and undetectable enzyme
The first such model targets the accumulation of mutations in asexual populations and is
autopsy confirmed that Vicious died from an accumulation of fluid in the lungs that was consistent w
Over time, the abnormal accumulation of this substance can damage cells that are
alf life of bromazepam leading to increased accumulation of bromazepam.
sosomal storage disease characterized by an accumulation of glucocerebrosides.
and means one who understands, based on an accumulation of knowledge.
steps in tyrosine degradation leading to an accumulation of tyrosine in the body.
(5)PathwayDB, just begun accumulation of metabolic pathways whose function can be
oan Robinson published her magnum opus, The Accumulation of Capital, which extended Keynesianism int
Accumulation of hydrogen in the gut reduces the efficien
doption of specialized frames which prevent accumulation of propolis on saleable units.
The author examines a vast accumulation of materials on human beliefs, magical prac
It causes an accumulation of pristanic acid, DHCA and EHCA and to a l
ame to include prostration practice and the accumulation of large numbers of each practice.
Each has a greater accumulation of material on the northeast, presumably du
They allow the accumulation of large quantities of water-insoluble comp
The formation and accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) ha
As a result of the steady accumulation of helium at the Sun's core, the star's tot
heory that all rocks had been formed by the accumulation of forams such as nummulites.
er diseases are believed to result from the accumulation of misfolded (incorrectly folded) proteins.
n, characteristic of aging, associated with accumulation of DNA damages, are given later in this art
orms from internal volcanic activity, or by accumulation of material from comet impacts.
arbamazine runs the risk of fatality due to accumulation of dead worms in the arteries.
ward were participation in special tasks or accumulation of a specified number of nautical miles, re
e cyclase, which leads to the intracellular accumulation of cyclic GMP and downstream effects on sev
It can be used periodically to avoid the accumulation of errors without the need to find one in t
sphate aldolase (aldolase B) results in the accumulation of fructose 1 phosphate in hepatocytes, kid
d lightly negatively charged, leading to an accumulation of albumin on the electrophoretic gel.
Formed through the accumulation of the remains of plants, and later on peat
lated that renal impairment would result in accumulation of the renally-excreted active agent M6G, l
This physical property characterizes the accumulation of chemicals, including pollutants, through
Intracellular accumulation of betaines, non-perturbing to enzyme funct
y is impaired or overwhelmed, leading to an accumulation of protein for disposal.
f the enzyme lanosterol 14α-demethylase and accumulation of methylated sterol precursors.
y of actin core structures, followed by the accumulation of mtrix metalloproteinase for ECM degradat
mpetitive - with the driver with the lowest accumulation of penalty time between time controls being
Enhanced accumulation of lutein and zeaxanthin is important becau
is induced by Hedgehog signaling, with the accumulation of the Patched protein limiting signaling t
An important part of the game is the accumulation of items, especially rare ones, which allow
s player statistics, which increase through accumulation of experience rewarded for defeating monste
entary rocks are formed through the gradual accumulation of sediment: for example, sand on a beach o
udents was followed by an equalling blazing accumulation of runs from Warwickshire led them to 127 f
st of monitoring regulations, or removed an accumulation of hazardous wastes.
Appears to be important in the accumulation of iron in the brain in Parkinson's Disease
The accumulation of these colorless carotenoids can potentia
esence of Fe2+-binding elements, to prevent accumulation of porphyrin intermediates in the absence o
and birds become attracted to this mounting accumulation of carrion, until a wide variety of animals
pheral vision, delayed dark adaptation, and accumulation of autoflourescent RPE lipofuscin.
The accumulation of this toxic metabolite in rats from doses
If a comet has an accumulation of thick dust layers, it may have frequent
Accumulation of excess homogentisic acid is a result of
Mevalonate kinase deficiency causes an accumulation of mevalonic acid in the urine, resulting f
Nucleation of the phagophore requires the accumulation of a set of Atg proteins and of class III p
eimer's disease, which is accompanied by an accumulation of oxidative damage.
The accumulation of oxidative damage and its implications fo
Inhibition of this enzyme could lead to accumulation of HMG CoA, a water-soluble intermediate th
strophy, a disease that is characterized by accumulation of very long chain fatty acids.
Grauer et al. demonstrated a time-dependent accumulation of CD4+FoxP3+ Tregs in brain tumors with a
ies between hot and cold water helps in the accumulation of the "hotter"-water/and saturated-steam i
s is a rare genetic disorder that causes an accumulation of the amino acid cystine within cells, for
These city profiles account for accumulation of 612.3 short tons (555.5 t) daily per lan
Pathological accumulation of white blood cells in tissue is a common
ate ketone production causing such a severe accumulation of keto acids that the pH of the blood is s

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