



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Attachingの意味・解説 > Attachingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 146

Note the hose barb pointing right for attaching a vacuum source.
It is created by attaching a triangular cupola to one hexagonal face of
scent labelling is the process of covalently attaching a fluorophore to another molecule, such as a
Attaching a CCD camera to an optical microscope will r
In 1813, Scharnhorst succeeded in attaching a chief of staff trained at the academy to e
graduated pipettes, are used by temporarily attaching a pipetting dispenser.
t, Gordon performed two EVAs, which included attaching a tether to the Agena and retrieving a nucle
hrower, Bauer's chief of staff, responded by attaching a four-page document titled “Computer Usage:
ity driven molecular transfer” would involve attaching a drug to the peptide which then transports
y gyroelongating a pentagonal cupola (J5) by attaching a decagonal antiprism to its base.
ilt-in GPS, a digital compass, and a lug for attaching a strap.
structed by augmenting a triangular prism by attaching a square pyramid (J1) to one of its equatori
d by elongating a pentagonal pyramid (J2) by attaching a pentagonal prism to its base.
ng the cladinose sugar with a keto-group and attaching a cyclic carbamate group in the lactone ring
gyroelongating a pentagonal rotunda (J6) by attaching a decagonal antiprism to its base.
nstructed by augmenting a hexagonal prism by attaching a square pyramid (J1) to one of its equatori
ll loops were incorporated on the helmet for attaching a chinstrap but no official strap was issued
ed by elongating a pentagonal cupola (J5) by attaching a decagonal prism to its base.
y gyroelongating a triangular cupola (J3) by attaching a hexagonal antiprism to its base.
Christmas season with the innovative idea of attaching a string to hang from the Christmas tree.
per with WD-40 over the course of a week and attaching a rope.
ed by elongating a triangular cupola (J3) by attaching a hexagonal prism to its base.
In electronics: by attaching a multimeter or oscilloscope, or other probi
steal Barry's car and drive into the woods, attaching a hose from the exhaust into the car, so tha
uld happen if the air gap were eliminated by attaching a hose to the faucet and lowering the hose i
a galvanometer as a sensitive timing device, attaching a mirror to the needle to reflect a light be
ence being that the latter is constructed by attaching a second triangular prism, rather than a squ
ed to attach cables to objects, for instance attaching a string to the back of a painting to allow
the pumpjack cam to its lowest position, and attaching a manual handle to the top of the wellhead r
ysicist Humphrey Lloyd, who devised a way of attaching a magnetic needle at right-angles to the dip
n reaching the $3 trillion figure, including attaching a financial figure to the loss of soldiers'
done by stripping a portion of the line and attaching alligator clips linked to a corded phone.
Common methods of attaching an anvil are spikes, chains, steel or iron s
ructed by elongating a square cupola (J4) by attaching an octagonal prism to its base.
cess of making swirly marks in metal made by attaching an abrasive pad to a power drill.
l catenary riser (SCR) is a common method of attaching an offshore pipeline to a deepwater floating
ed by gyroelongating a square cupola (J4) by attaching an octagonal antiprism to its base.
tape is generally used for joining, sealing, attaching and mending.
sition to the construction of a facility for attaching and detaching locomotives in Baumkirchen.
with Henri Malherbe of Time calling it "very attaching and original".
It is an attaching and effacing (A/E) protein which with other
5 other bacterial proteins, is secreted from attaching and effacing E. coli directly into the cytop
do not possess a deep knowledge of the area, attaching arbitrary house numbers to them.
body is lifted into this position either by attaching bondage equipment to the wrists and ankles,
The device has ports for attaching both USB 2.0 and eSATA devices, as well as a
Mussel adhesive proteins can assist in attaching cells to plastic surfaces in laboratory cell
iable-naming that specifies variable type by attaching certain alphabetic prefixes to the variable
dditional distraction on themselves (such as attaching clothespins to their own faces), with bonus
ned to a nearby bay until a better method of attaching could be devised.
preadsheets, adding & exporting audio notes, attaching data (via dragging and dropping), intelligen
pon is still the Gun Del Sol, but instead of attaching different frames, lenses, batteries, and gre
Other methods of close defense involved attaching electrically fired s-mine launchers at the f
He invented the sound-book: attaching gramophone records to an illustrated book.
s of most of his photographs, sometimes only attaching handwritten notes to negatives with instruct
ougs' lawyer said that Marhroug would not be attaching herself to the case as a civil complainant a
caravan returning to the Maghreb from Mecca, attaching himself to a party of Fezzan merchants who a
He ended, in a mood almost of pessimism, by attaching himself to the extreme right wing of the for
Attaching himself to Wycliffe's party, he appears to h
His wife Betty was active in attaching his name to the field and sport he loved so
d the hit album, Kimono My House (1974), and attaching hit single, "This Town Ain't Big Enough for
Google Docs: Native support for attaching, importing from, and exporting to Google Doc
control of the finance ministry, rather than attaching it to either territorial government.
quare Christmas tree for ten years as he was attaching it to a crane, leaving it slightly damaged;
ja, this Castilleja mollis is hemiparasitic, attaching its roots to those of other plants to tap nu
ps into a free swimming planula larva before attaching itself to a suitable site.
The options of attaching itself to the state of Arizona or even formi
rhinoviruses it also prevents the virus from attaching itself to the host cell.
ion, 2- threatened excommunication for those attaching Jews, and 3- supressed the organized groups
, legislation which would have the effect of attaching legal consequences to acts done pursuant to
The installation process includes attaching light close-outs, removing launch fasteners,
es and reduced complexity of base station by attaching light weight Optical-to-Electrical (O/E) con
hey extend out from the lymphatic capillary, attaching lymphatic endothelial cells to surrounding t
Virtual keyboard sensors: by attaching miniature remotes on each fingernail, accele
ating a string into a sequence of actions by attaching on such action to each rule of a grammar.
Also note that a similar structure attaching one end to muscle and the other end to a ten
studying theology; he replied that it was by attaching oneself to a Master.
lformations in fishes (intermediate host) by attaching onto its spinal region in the metacercariae
er; the other is a USB A-type port, used for attaching peripheral devices.
ner Bros. an idea titled Batman vs Superman, attaching Petersen as director.
to tubing, giving a better grip and seal for attaching plastic or rubber tubing.
Doctor can perform his grotesque experiment: attaching Pluto's head to the body of a chicken in ord
the watch case through both spring bars (or attaching points between the watch case and strap) are
By attaching probabilities to more sophisticated CFGs, it
(The solid obtained by attaching pyramids to adjacent equatorial faces is not
sition such as a hogtie or ball tie, then by attaching ropes or chains to ropes under areas of the
It also contributes to the attaching skeletal muscles of the eye.
ss the ruling of the Constitutional Court by attaching small, barely visible, plaques with Slovene
ent; at that time there was no provision for attaching special conditions to such a sentence, meani
As its name suggests, it is created by attaching square cupola onto one octagonal face of a t
structed by augmenting a triangular prism by attaching square pyramids (J1) to two of its equatoria
the name suggests, it can be constructed by attaching square pyramids (J1) to each of the three eq
d by doubly augmenting a pentagonal prism by attaching square pyramids (J1) to two of its nonadjace
The earliest technique of attaching stones to jewelry was bezel setting.
sing the alien technology, which consists of attaching strangely named objects together into other
tional or deliberative thought (Habermas) in attaching strangers to each other and shaping the term
this dynasty, Userkaf started the fashion of attaching sun temples with his mortuary temple and pyr
Attaching the horo generally involved a combination of
e a lever to view the 90mm frameline without attaching the lens.)
They were originally produced by attaching the antibody to the toxin using a chemical l
This is achieved by attaching the bottle to a budding pear tree so that th
Sunday, 10 February 2008, in preparation for attaching the Columbus laboratory to the ISS.
Its rectangular shape makes attaching the firebox to the boiler more difficult, bu
bsburgs to conquer Serbia from the Ottomans, attaching the territory of the Pashaluk of Belgrade to
uxembourg into the Third Reich by informally attaching the country administratively to a neighbouri
German High Command continued the policy of attaching the Baltic to the Reich by relying on Baltic
re have been various other rationalisations, attaching the story to specific locations and historic
the ZFP towards a specific DNA sequence and attaching the necessary effector domain, it is possibl
by first dragging in the doit operator, then attaching the loop modifier and providing the list as
rect thallus of some sort and a holdfast for attaching the upright portion to the substrate.
than to strengthen the conservative party by attaching the suffrage to the possession of land in Fr
driving-disk, a driven shaft, the means for attaching the aluminium plate to the driving-disk bein
or others, they have stories of their people attaching their ocean going canoes to tall peaking mou
monly East Germany) were often celebrated by attaching their names to sports clubs.
The larva makes a nest out of leaves, attaching them together with silk.
ochidia), which temporarily parasitize fish, attaching themselves to the fish's fins or gills.
d one or more beliefs, some of the believers attaching themselves to more than one group.
a few hours as free-living organisms before attaching themselves to the nearest suitable surface,
ram called Voice Console deeply, emotionally attaching themselves to it to the point of separation
a few hours as free-living organsisms before attaching themselves to the nearest suitable surface,
g roller skates, in-line skates or skis from attaching themselves to a vehicle or streetcar.
efited proprietor), other than the owner, or attaching those rights to the ownership of some other
The PCL gets its name by attaching to the posterior portion of the tibia.
most commonly provided with small clips for attaching to collars, ties, or other clothing.
soleae demonstrate host-specific behavior by attaching to the sole epidermis by the presence of sol
d from 38 votes to 193, despite the disgrace attaching to the election petition.
It climbs, attaching to surfaces with rows of small hooks along t
contain poorly developed teeth, useless for attaching to a host.
dence for that purpose enjoys the privileges attaching to confidentiality.
with the historical Guiot de Provins, he was attaching to him fictitious information.
some of its nutrients from the host plant by attaching to its roots.
s which begin as undifferentiated mesenchyme attaching to the caudal end of the gonads (testes in m
d manor house at Water Eaton had a tradition attaching to it that it was a "house of mercy" connect
the B subunits, the A subunit has no way of attaching to or entering the cell, and thus no way to
inal of CFP-10, is essential for binding and attaching to the surface of host white blood cells; su
other countries, together with the folklore attaching to them; supplemented by considerations on t
e British Museum on account of the suspicion attaching to his possession of some manuscripts which
Scotland provided him as Bishop of Aberdeen, attaching to the appointment a seat in the Parliament
nventarii without being liable for the debts attaching to the estate or to the claims of legatees b
He is quoted as attaching to an epilogue of his legal opinion: "God he
itional, artistic or archaeological interest attaching to it".
is possible to refuel the jet while on air, attaching to a bigger aircraft sent by the aircraft ca
s prevents the DNA from ligating (the 5' end attaching to the 3' end), thereby keeping DNA molecule
-21, the parable reflects the foolishness of attaching too much importance to wealth.
ately joined in the battle to save the ship, attaching tow lines and turning on their fire hoses, t
While at UCLA, he was responsible for attaching UCLA's IBM 360/91 supercomputer to the ARPAn
hey prevent proteins and microorganisms from attaching which prevents large organisms such as barna

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