




該当件数 : 54

of the carbon atoms indicates the fate of the carbons according to their position in fructose 6-pho
inyl bromide are added to (7) to add two more carbons and form (8). The final step is the addition
olecule has two stereocentres (two asymmetric carbons), and can exist as three different stereoisom
bles a benzene ring, except that two adjacent carbons are replaced by nitrogen and boron, respectiv
The bond angles on the shared carbons are considerably strained: three of them are
Hexoses, which are sugars which contain six carbons, are not dehydrated to furfural, and so they
rminal monofluoroalkanes with even numbers of carbons are ultimately metabolized into fluoroacetate
Activated carbons are complex products which are difficult to c
Bonded to the cyclic chain of carbons are four nitrogen atoms facing the center of
OH), with the exception of the first and last carbons, are asymmetric, making them stereocenters wi
carbon is sp-hybridized, and the two terminal carbons are sp2-hybridized.
in, where 5' and 3' refer to the numbering of carbons around the ribose ring which participate in f
The ring contains an imine bond, and the carbons at the 4 and 5 positions are singly bonded, r
polar functionally bonded silicas with short carbons chains frequently makes up the solid phase.
Since this drug contains 2 chiral carbons, clearly there is 4 possible isomers: (SS), (
Carbons containing vicinal functional groups are mark
The benzyl carbons deviate by another 20.2°.
In this case there are two rings with two carbons each and a single bridge with one carbon, exc
riglycerides (MCTs) are medium-chain (6 to 12 carbons) fatty acid esters of glycerol.
xylic acid group and five to nine fluorinated carbons function as fluorosurfactants.
The bonds of the shared carbons have an inverted tetrahedral geometry; the co
th two phosphate groups attached to different carbons in the ribose ring.
l of the myristic acid molecule (there are 13 carbons in the tail, 14 carbons in the entire molecul
i.e. the double bond is between the #1 and #2 carbons in the molecule.
Additionally, the positions of the carbons in the ribose sugar that forms the backbone o
e numerical prefix, which lists the number of carbons in each ring, excluding the carbons that are
ed first, which indicates the total number of carbons in both rings including the carbons making up
to form a linear chain of 32 carbon atoms (40 carbons including methyl sidechains).
without the central bond and unfilled central carbons) is calculated to be 80 kcal/mol higher.
As a result, eight carbons is the minimum ring size required to form a t
fact that there is a double bond between the carbons is implicit because carbon has a valence of f
The bond angle formed by the three carbons is 180°, indicating linear geometry for the c
cks either of the electron deficient carbonyl carbons, losing hydrogen and protonating the oxygen.
ty of solids such as heterogeneous catalysts, carbons, metal powders, soils, ceramics, active pharm
The Li atoms and the ipso carbons of the phenyl rings form a planar four-member
introduction of double bonds between defined carbons of the fatty acyl chain.
e protein backbone is shown in red, the alpha carbons of the eight cysteine residues in green, and
cause the methylene unit is delivered to both carbons of the alkene simultaneously, the configurati
eaction has been used to release the carboxyl carbons of bone collagen from ancient bones for stabl
Numbered ribose carbons on cytidine.
recursor farnesyl diphosphate [A] contains 15 carbons, or 3 isoprene units.
on fibers and filaments, graphites, activated carbons, pyrolytic carbons, glass-like carbons, carbo
ize the couplings between protons on adjacent carbons, reducing problems with magnetic inequivalenc
The important carbons relative to the transformation are numbered f
lecule and an acyl CoA molecule, which is two carbons shorter.
fferent stereoisomerisation around the chiral carbons, so for now I've reverted to the version whic
ger bridging distance between the two allylic carbons than their respective cis-cycloalkenes.
is relieved by pyramidalization of the alkene carbons, the pyramidalization angle is estimated at 3
In conventional nomenclature, the carbons to which the phosphate groups attach are the
In alkanes, the ratio of carbons to hydrogens is CnHn+2.
In organic species that already have oxidized carbons via the presence of oxygen, a weaker signal i
um chain fatty acids (Fatty acids having 6-12 carbons) while reducing FAD to FADH2
ed anywhere between three to as many as seven carbons, with highest potency usually seen with the p
t elimination of the terminal and subterminal carbons, yielding a fatty acid that is one carbon sho

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