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該当件数 : 129

Understanding Computers and Cognition: A New Foundation for Design (with Fernando
Social Cognition, a graduate level text she wrote with her di
aene is best-known for his work on numerical cognition, a discipline which he popularized and synth
dical conditions such as bipolar depression, cognition abnormalities associated with schizophrenia,
laying an integral part in human motivation, cognition, affect, and social identity.
ions concerning themes of perception, social cognition, agency, and free will.
esearch is on categorization, communication, cognition and consciousness and he has written extensi
proach to Assessing the Relationship between Cognition and Function.
t of collaborative programmes of research on cognition and culture."
r Edwin Hutchins, he directs the Distributed Cognition and Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at
earch in this topic include facial emotions, cognition and emotion, and interpretation of emotion.
He is KNAW-Muller professor in music cognition and heads the Music Cognition Group (MCG), p
also admired formal linguistic approaches to cognition, and explored the possibility of formulating
niversity Press, 2004,is a book of essays on cognition and the arts, some new and some reprinted.
uce mental and physical stress, and improves cognition and mood in a synergistic manner with caffei
n computer science, and worked at Harvard in cognition and cognitive studies.
der, though it has also been shown to impair cognition and memory.
ehaene is an associate editor of the journal Cognition, and a member of the editorial board of seve
rmalities in a scheme that acknowledges both cognition and affect as components of information proc
ere he articulated the dynamical approach to cognition and argued that it should be taken seriously
lopmental psychologist who is a professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard Graduate School of
earch is mostly centered around the field of Cognition and Consciousness of Bonnet Macaque (Macaca
chool has been granted specialist status for cognition and learning and awards include Investors in
gy, therapeutic change and the links between cognition and a variety of behavioral and emotional pr
ade significant contributions to theories of cognition and learning, especially as they relate to p
s such as sentience, sapience, intelligence, cognition, and language faculty.
ology of paranormal beliefs and experiences, cognition and emotion.
hat it may have a small beneficial effect on cognition and other clinical measures, though adequate
and author of several notable books on human cognition and the psychology of reasoning.
Leonardo was also used to investigate social cognition and Theory of Mind abilities on robots with
to conduct doctoral research involving human cognition and the usability of translated software use
Institute of Human Cognition and Brain Science
Situated cognition and the culture of learning.
Cognition and Rationality in Negotiation (Hardcover)
cts of brain function, including perception, cognition and action.
es very heavily on the concepts of identity, cognition, and the problems of intelligence.
development of memory, language, and spatial cognition, as well as how play supports the developmen
Her first book Structure and Cognition: Aspects of Hindu Caste and Ritual (Oxford U
tment and the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at Carnegie Mellon University.
rrently Chief of the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition at the National Institute of Mental Health.
member of the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition at CMU.
Late Acheulian technology and cognition at Boxgrove, UK.
gely removed in the attentive mode and hence cognition became more fluid.
e ongoing and largely focus on marine mammal cognition, behavior and husbandry.
In a 1987 review on cognition, cerebral lateralization, and sexual orienta
t in the brain also extended to questions of cognition, consciousness, emotions, and spirituality.
f articles published by Dr. Epstein in 1996: Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior: Selected Essays,
, as well as the production of a film called Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior: The Columban Simu
Cognition, Creativity, and Behavior: Selected Essays I
Mati: cognition, developing a spiritual will and intellect w
ato based stock feed manufacturing firm, the Cognition Education Trust (a trust supporting educatio
The theory of situated cognition emphasizes the importance of the environment
anxiolytic and alpha5IA, an alpha5 selective cognition enhancer.
uritozole (MDL 26,479) is an investigational cognition enhancer.
through the blood-brain barrier and can have cognition enhancing activities.
It is lipid soluble and has possible cognition enhancing effects.
esearch interest centers around the study of cognition, especially in the areas of cognitive archit
member of the Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition ever since.
Cognition, executive functioning, motor functioning, a
he emphasis of his work lay on the theory of cognition from the point of view of validation and the
Thelen and Linda B. Smith who were exploring cognition from a dynamical perspective, i.e., applying
Music Cognition Group at the ILLC / University of Amsterdam
Research into music cognition has demonstrated that the human brain uses a
tions) and phenotypic data (e.g., age, race, cognition) helps generate an integral atlas framework
computer-mediated communication, distributed cognition, human-computer interaction, information vis
y is informed by the emotional modulation of cognition in the context human-systems interaction.
oretical account of the role of emotions and cognition in producing the aesthetics effects of film
ned by Hofmannsthal should be seen as one of cognition in addition to one of language; he asserts t
She specializes in the development of cognition in infancy.
Scientific journals focused on conscious cognition include the Elsevier journal Consciousness &
s were specifically involved in mathematical cognition, including the dissociation between subtract
s an expert on the brain mechanisms of human cognition, including memory, thought and emotion.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition is a peer-reviewed linguistics journal, focu
Cognition is clear, distinct knowledge that consciousn
asic assumption of Rational Analysis is that cognition is optimally adaptive, and precise estimates
impact factor of Bilingualism: Language and Cognition is 1.636 (2009), placing it 15th out of 93 i
c hypothesis in cognitive science or dynamic cognition, is a new approach in cognitive science exem
ity of Oxford, where she heads the Brain and Cognition Laboratory in the Department of Experimental
He was the founder and CEO of Applied Cognition Labs, WorldWide MediaWorks (offeroutlet.com)
It potently enhances cognition, learning, and memory, and also possesses an
a framework for assessing the practitioners' cognition level of the concepts.
tist at the Center for Adaptive Behavior and Cognition, Max Planck Institute for Psychological Rese
s, organs and organisms, and directly enable cognition, memory and behavior (See: Genetics).
s a selective 5-HT6 receptor antagonist with cognition, memory, and learning-enhancing effects.
lorazepam, but had much less side effects on cognition, memory, alertness or coordination.
Just thus are perception, cognition, mental construction, and consciousness."
hat memantine has a small positive effect on cognition, mood, behaviour, and the ability to perform
She is also interested in visual cognition more generally.
le predictions, and sheds new light on human cognition, motivation, communication, sexuality, and c
uded those concerned with Comparative Animal Cognition, Neuroanatomy, and the Biological Basis of B
ed in the impaired visuospatial constructive cognition of Williams syndrome.
“The splitting of a single whole and the cognition of its contradictory parts ... is the essenc
‘ od-gsal) and use it for the nonconceptual cognition of voidness - the immediate cause for the om
There is cognition of the object, but no discriminative recogni
Interpersonal Networks in Organizations: Cognition, Personality, Dynamics, and Culture (Structu
the brain, where the most complex aspects of cognition, personality, mood, and memory are processed
nson, DDP, & Levin, SA (2009) The tragedy of cognition: psychological biases and environmental inac
wrote several interesting works intersecting cognition, psychology and philosophy.
- A New Theory of Film Genres, Feelings, and Cognition published by the Oxford University Press in
ribution made by the faculty of sensation to cognition, rather than something that exists independe
Implicit cognition refers to unconscious influences such as kno
th house of the horoscope governs our higher cognition, religious beliefs, and level of awareness.
he Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, Altenberg, Austria, and of the edi
he Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research.
ndia, Africa, and Colombia in cross-cultural cognition research.
nducted investigating such topics as dolphin cognition, satellite tagging of sharks, and coral reef
The results, published in the journal Cognition, showed that the "correct" pulse was preferr
search have been: attribution theory, social cognition, social influence, stereotyping and intergro
age, memory, multisensory integration, music cognition, social cognition, and visual cognition from
Shettleworth was honoured by the Comparative Cognition Society at their 2008 annual meeting for her
She studies language and cognition, specifically focusing on interactions betwe
psychology, particularly in areas of social cognition, stereotyping, evolutionary psychology, and
us is thought to be involved in "high-level" cognition such as goal-setting as well.
ous system and have an active role in sleep, cognition, synaptic function and plasticity, and promo
itivism is a psychological theory and animal cognition term which entails attribution of mental sta
ntial equations are more suited to modelling cognition than more traditional computer models.
Once focused almost entirely on cognition, the definition now includes both a componen
m , which discusses the relationship between cognition, the brain and the environment.
rating multiple processes in implicit social cognition: The Quad-Model of implicit task performance
8 which is aimed at understanding chimpanzee cognition through computer interface experiments.
is sometimes intrapersonal, like dreaming or cognition under the effects of hypnosis, and is not ne
diou's Doctrine of Truth', Communication and Cognition, vol.
te ends in themselves, a theory of emotional cognition which verifies that some things really are g
ssing: Explorations in the microstructure of cognition with David Rumelhart, which some still regar
He began his studies of numerical cognition with Jacques Mehler, examining the cross-lin
real and artificial), involving experimental cognition work with human children, birds, monkeys, ro
ontributions to the formal analysis of human cognition, working primarily within the frameworks of
jury, composed of all-rounders, selected by cognition, would secretly vote for their favorites dur

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