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Two common cases of this include cooling a liquid to form an amorphous solid, and cool
Usually, it is achieved by rapidly cooling a liquid through the glass transition.
t known for his invention in 1968 of electron cooling, a method of reducing the emittance of partic
When cooling a levain or sourdough pre-ferment, if the dou
“Housing markets are cooling a bit.
Finally, the slow cooling after quenching automatically tempers the aus
It was patented as a cooling agent in 2001 by Firmenich, an international
cuum, and boiling nitrogen and boiling air as cooling agents.
In southwestern central Africa the granulite cooling ages range between 587 and 576 Ma, while in n
n was modified so that the entire path of the cooling air was made into an enclosed circuit, which
ay cool the inversion layer through adiabatic cooling, allowing for deep, moist convection.
The inference was obtained by cooling an exciton state below 5 K and further observ
In 2009 Cooling and Wagner officially founded their Music for
In 2003 Cooling and Wagner signed with Narada Jazz/EMI and in
In addition, the earth's gradual cooling and shrinking caused immense lateral pressure
ium (0.85% of 235U), and uses heavy water for cooling and neutron moderation.
The nose and sidepods feature similar cooling and venting structures as the B06/10, while a
Polychlorinated biphenyls were once used as cooling and insulating fluids and polybrominated biph
olumn, the downflowing reflux liquid provides cooling and condensation of the upflowing vapors ther
his observations on the effect of testicular cooling and various hormonal treatments on the respir
ed and problems were also found in the engine cooling and landing gear, further development was sto
, and some experts believe this led to global cooling and worldwide harvest failures, sometimes kno
e cabin has a recirculation fan which aids in cooling and heating.
He also formulated an empirical law of cooling and studied the speed of sound.
ed by the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).
ontact process (DCDA) plant would necessitate cooling and drying of the gas to remove all moisture.
hysics, including the first use of stochastic cooling, and it held the record for luminosity at a h
d air coming from the south, bringing a quick cooling, and tempestuous conditions, after the heat o
nator Minchin, the world is not warming, it's cooling and the climate change issue is part of a vas
cultural and industrial drying, distillation, cooling and refrigeration, and photo- and thermo-elec
a part-time research operation sharing radar cooling and power supply elements with the M.I.T. Lin
desert-like conditions, providing additional cooling and protection against wind-blown sand.
ning and discharging sawdust, and improve the cooling and lubricating conditions.
er its trip through the cloud, which involves cooling and condensation.
round a central mast to use natural winds for cooling and air circulation.
ittance include radiation damping, stochastic cooling, and electron cooling.
pation can include heatsinks and fans for air cooling, and other forms of computer cooling such as
The taste of cubebol is cooling and refreshing.
ack level, saves energy through rack-friendly cooling and alleviates pain by removing complexity th
New water pump impeller for improved cooling and engine efficiency
d rack system featuring design innovations in cooling and efficiency to address I/O-intensive Web 2
, electrical equipment, automobile radiators, cooling and refrigeration tubing, heat exchangers, ar
These products precipitate during cooling and are typically very small.
l the closure of the mine, water was used for cooling and the warm water was pumped back into the p
phe Salomon, and Jean Dalibard to study laser cooling and trapping.
Computer cooling apparatus are designed to dissipate power up
Something very similar happens in a laser cooling apparatus, except such devices start with a w
KE can fire continuously as long as power and cooling are maintained.
ensory neurons that respond preferentially to cooling are found in moderate density in the skin but
res that are clearly the result of very rapid cooling are dendritic and hopper-shaped olivine grain
nder reduced pressure, producing strong local cooling, as well as a high concentration of halon in
he general local energy costs for heating and cooling, as well as the climate of an area.
to optimising power consumption and fresh air cooling, as well as regulating the internal temperatu
nt elements (often a dozen or more) that upon cooling at sufficiently fast rates, the constituent a
Considering that the global average cooling at the depth of the last ice age 18,000 yr ag
ped with a variety of features, including oil cooling, automatic output adjustment, various type of
Thermotunnel cooling avoids this problem by making the gap narrow
keep the metal at the proper tempature before cooling back to room temperature.
ject is then placed in a constant temperature cooling bath on top of a gasket to prevent excessive
The specimen is cooled inside a cooling bath to allow the formation of paraffin wax c
eginning they faced mechanical problems, with cooling being the primary issue.
n accessory minerals to date the time of rock cooling below closure temperature.
ng orbital drift and decay, that caused a net cooling bias in the data collected by the satellite i
San Benito has a moderate climate with cooling breezes from the Pacific Ocean arriving via g
Cooling breezes can reach the area via the Pajaro Riv
to the lakefront became common, to enjoy the cooling breezes and the entertainments at Milneberg.
earby shows quench features, typical of rapid cooling brought about by contact with seawater.
tion of sun and sky radiation for heating and cooling buildings.
are found under conditions which imply rapid cooling, but they are much less common than acid volc
s improved both handling qualities and engine cooling, but the downfall of the C.V was the unreliab
cause upwelling, which can cause significant cooling, but shallower waters over a continental shel
Cooling by slow evaporation of the helium kept the te
His cooling came directly from the flow of oxygen into hi
used by Humidity is a limiting factor for the cooling capacity of a radiant cooling system.
such as building size, floor number and area, cooling capacity of installed HVAC systems, maintenan
and had a 205 ft (62 m) base diameter, with a cooling capacity of 2.75 million gallons per hour.
M computes a reference heat load to match the cooling capacity and then calculates variable operati
Two descriptions of the cooling capacity exist.
r, can limit humidity and allow for increased cooling capacity.
As only the ε-δ transition occurs during cooling, casting Pu-Ga is much less problematic than
The barns at Cooling Castle are mainly used for weddings and civil
Cooling Castle's gatehouse
tainment is recorded as having taken place at Cooling Castle, in about 1555, and is the last known
n be administered by nurses, the insertion of cooling catheters must be performed by a physician fu
Another potential problem with cooling catheters is the potential to block doctors'
As the universe expanded, adiabatic cooling caused the plasma to lose energy until it bec
and remain as large crystals, whereas, sudden cooling causes the rapid crystallization of the remai
The differential cooling causes patterns of colors to appear as well a
A cooling center is a temporary air-conditioned public
sited at several locations throughout a city, cooling centers are meant to prevent hyperthermia, es
Cooling centers provide shade, water, and sometimes m
es state office buildings as official daytime cooling centers, the national press points to Crown F
rators consist distinctively of a burning and cooling chamber.
at), the water is discharged into a mile long cooling channel, where heat is dissipated with no har
me of the most famous settings in literature; Cooling Church in Kent used by Dickens in the opening
MSRE used two different mixtures in the two cooling circuits.
al Packing Company, Merit Packing Co., Larson Cooling Co., Cypress Farms Inc., Charles G. Watts Inc
ogy trait of having warm weather moderated by cooling coastal influences from the Pacific Ocean.
Since the cooling coil is immersed in the liquid helium bath, l
via evaporation lowers the temperature of the cooling coil closer to the lambda point.
orate, creating a two-phase system within the cooling coil.
ispenser would chill the liquid on demand via cooling coils between the storage container and the q
The solution must be kept below 40 °C (by cooling coils) to prevent the undesired formation of
hermoreceptors give rise to the sensations of cooling, cold and freshness.
four core businesses: Residential Heating and Cooling, Commercial Heating and Cooling, Service Expe
Water is taken for the station's cooling condensers from the Firth of Forth at a rate
The composition of the metal and its cooling conditions also has an effect on the bun ingo
7LB based H-series A7L suits, with the liquid cooling connections eliminated as the CMP would be at
PC Power & Cooling continues to operate separately and maintains
then filled with molten metal and placed on a cooling conveyor, which moves at the same pace as the
S approximately $30,000 a year in heating and cooling costs, but will also significantly reduce the
the purpose of providing shade, which reduces cooling costs.
lar radiation away from the building reducing cooling costs.
e days following the emergency shutdown after cooling could recommence.
the control differential in proportion to the cooling demand or to dynamically control the cycle ra
he seawater distillers while reducing its own cooling demands.
Whether the net effect is warming or cooling depends on details such as the type and altit
Server coolers, DC fans and other peripheral cooling devices.
s or other processes such as mixing, heating, cooling, dissolving, precipitation, boiling (as in di
1627-41 has remained dormant and is steadily cooling down from the peak during the event.
After cooling down, the soup is usually mixed with sour cre
soil in warming up, but also lasts longer in cooling down.
an icehouse there to supply him with ice for cooling drinks in summer.
be completed with automatic casting and sand cooling drums, robotized devices for extracting casti
most obvious of these changes are intake and cooling duct "ears" located behind the rear quarter w
m the race results due to illegal front brake cooling duct dimensions.
The rear brake cooling ducts were extended vertically, nearly to the
ding edge of the car, partially feeding brake cooling ducts.
ed the theory to include a term for Newtonian cooling due to emission of infrared radiation by carb
The brewery also uses outside air for cooling during winter months, rather than conventiona
ty spot in the upper atmosphere caused by the cooling during the solar eclipse.
Japan took steps Monday to kick-start its cooling economy and stem the rising value of the yen.
The cooling effect of erythritol is rarely desired, hence
ith other sweeteners, and exhibits negligible cooling effect (positive heat of solution) in compari
cs; to relieve itching and pain by creating a cooling effect on the skin; as an injectable antibact
lso encourages the flow of saliva which has a cooling effect when swallowed which helps to offset t
om melting, but when the throttle closes this cooling effect is absent, and thus a damper closes in
in Ottoman houses for its pleasant sound and cooling effect in the heat.
In the absence of this cooling effect, the dominant effect of changes to Arc
t infrared radiation to space, and so exert a cooling effect.
e will rise in temperature due to the reduced cooling effect.
affect cloud formation, leading to localized cooling effects over industrialized regions due to in
n the journal Nature asserts that without the cooling effects of living things, Earth would be 80 d
In presence of radiative or thermal cooling effects, the CENBOL may start to oscillate an
ives, optical drives and memory card readers, cooling enclosures for notebook computers, PDA access
an account for a major portion of heating and cooling energy bills.
imate, highly reflective roofing reducing the cooling energy required, indoor bus storage to provid
, can be very useful for reducing heating and cooling energy costs in buildings.
989 with its former name of Zhuhai City Haili Cooling Engineering Company Limited.
(1997) identified a North Atlantic cooling episode 5,900 years ago from ice-rafted debri
Since PV cooling's cost effectiveness depends largely on the c
da, Mississippi that manufactured heating and cooling equipment.
Lighting, Cooling, etc.) falls into the category of facility po
egetation atmosphere interactions following a cooling event (Bond event 4).
op in global temperature during the Oligocene cooling event, which may have induced a delay in soma
International Muon Ionization Cooling Experiment
To add to the cooling factor, Apple issued Cease and Desist orders
in the outflow air path of an existing tunnel cooling fan, which had been installed in a disused li
al areas as spark plugs, wiper blades, engine cooling fans and other aftermarket parts, Bosch has o
company launched TMD Tip-Magnetic Driving CPU cooling fans in 2002.
ing efficiently, Skyline bonds large aluminum cooling fins to the back of each panel.
Cooling flow-Star formation from the central cooling
Physics of cooling flows and the processes of AGN feedback;
rgy cosmic ray problem and for the absence of cooling flows.
In practice, a cooling fluid which has both a higher specific heat c
Apparatus and means for producing ice, and in cooling fluids."
Zero field cooling, followed by slowly applied field;
us, Kewda, Mogra, are used in summers and are cooling for the body.
Condenser cooling for these units is accomplished with once-thr
stems can supply all electricity, heating and cooling for any sized development.
designed to provide a low-drag atmosphere and cooling for single-shaft and combined-cycle applicati
ff from the mine water to provide heating and cooling for the church building.
upplies electric power and district heating / cooling from LNG combined-cycle power plants through
The cooling from the evaporation helps water condensate o
Cochrane's basic idea is that on cooling from a high temperature state, symmetry break
me show textural evidence for extremely rapid cooling from a molten or nearly completely molten sta
output led to the Little Ice Age, a period of cooling from which the earth has been recovering sinc
While much of the Napa Valley depends on cooling from the San Pablo Bay, the vineyards in and
eir related systems, including the induction, cooling, fuel, oil, compression, combustion, turbine,
anufactured from molten glass are annealed by cooling gradually in a lehr from a temperature just b
The project showed that district heating and cooling grids make it possible to optimally use and c
Cooling groundwater or mixing of different groundwate
Mafic lava, before cooling, has a low viscosity, in comparison to felsic
Cantonese people boil what are referred to as cooling herbs in Traditional Chinese medicine to made
to its position, reduces seasonal heating and cooling impact.
IEA Solar Heating & Cooling Implementing Agreement - Task 13 (Solar Low E
nt grew, he withdrew his support, prompting a cooling in his friendship with Newman and a slow decl
This texture results from rapid cooling in volcanic or hypabyssal (shallow subsurface
and 6 were the first test facilities for dry cooling in South Africa.
milar processes are also referred to as laser cooling, in which photons are used to pump heat away
due to the presence of exsolution lamellae on cooling in the peristerite miscibility gap, ~An5-An18
mi, and Fantasio acting out of sorts due to a cooling incident with an ice truck, control is soon l
The cooling influence of the fog is responsible for the l
ical Automation Technology, HVAC (heating and cooling), Information Technology which include Cisco
circulation, this may necessitate running the cooling instead of the heating.
for the reverse reaction - though such shock cooling is a far stretch from being an economical ind
Thermotunnel cooling is similar to thermionic emission cooling in

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