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該当件数 : 32

The Indus Script: Texts, Concordance and Tables (1977)
n Outline Dictionary of Maya Glyphs: With a Concordance and Analysis of Their Relationships is a mo
band, friend, mistress - showing a state of concordance and affinity between the two figures.
d increasingly similar results, but lack of concordance between different statistical methods makes
arated at birth have a higher likelihood of concordance for addictive disease than would be expecte
xon's pupils were John Taylor of the Hebrew concordance, George Benson the biblical critic, Caleb R
patriotic fraud" that kept the conservative Concordance government in power, as a member of their y
The Tableau de Concordance is considered superenciphered because there
The Harmonic Concordance is defined by the positions in our sky of t
Then he published a concordance of earlier Arabic poetry.
ordia quatuor Evangelistarum", a harmony or concordance of the Four Gospels (Paris, 1689).
He wrote a concordance of the Greek New Testament, and a some titl
organist at Windsor, the compilation of his concordance of the English Bible which appeared in July
pportunity to put together the first script concordance of Indian seals in 1970.
fishing, and chess, and compiled a massive concordance of Shakespeare, published in 1894, that is
Michael Bailey, which examined the rate of concordance of sexual identity among monozygotic twins,
to 1884, during which time he presented his concordance on the Septuagint.
otic twins sharing a placenta have a higher concordance rate for schizophrenia than monozygotic twi
a concordance, Thesaurus in locos communes rerum dogmatum
The Oxford Concise Concordance to the Revised Standard Version of the Holy
tory of the Book of Mormon (1888); Complete Concordance to the Book of Mormon (1900); and Dictionar
dged by Levita, who, in 1521, dedicated his Concordance to the cardinal.
nt Novello, who was to become known for her Concordance to Shakespeare, a work that she began in th
nic database that served as the basis for a concordance to the work of the medieval canonist Gratia
In all studies they found rates of concordance variantly consistent with the hypothesis th
with King's magnum opus, The Dark Tower: A Concordance, volume I - which explores the first four b
The Tableau de Concordance was the main French diplomatic code used du
f Stephen King's The Dark Tower: A Complete Concordance, which was published by Scribner on Decembe
are decided upon by the treatment staff in concordance with the Ministry of Justice and can last d
temporary government as soon as possible in concordance with the conditions I have clarified.
nd disciplining members for behavior not in concordance with Parliamentary Decorum.
ly in Cantonese had been a decision made in concordance with their record label so as to make thems

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