




該当件数 : 255

Townsend cracks a code in Old High Gallifreyan, proving they w
Show, raising the bar on 12 February 2008 with cracks about "pole-humping" on the 16th hole of the F
Orlowski, Andrew (August 12, 2004) - "DVD Jon cracks Airport music streaming"
studio album, The Light Is Seeping Through the Cracks, along with numerous EPs, before disbanding in
Females lay eggs in batches in cracks and crevices which are dark and rich in organi
nd stamping, non-metallic inclusions can cause cracks and fatigue failure in steel.
After feeding, they hide in cracks and crevices away from daylight, where they ma
il based product used for filling holes, minor cracks and defacements in wood only.
Acoustic Microscope useful in detecting voids, cracks, and delaminations within microelectronic pack
an most effectively be controlled with bait in cracks and crevices near harborages.
etween Sweden and Denmark was investigated for cracks and other problems but nothing was found.
fter its opening, the bridge developed several cracks and had to be closed for repair.
isturbed ground, car park perimeters, pavement cracks and other urban/industrial sites; specifically
Cracks and the broken windows are visible reminders o
nfiltrate houses in very large numbers through cracks and small openings around windows and doors.
t, the females lay eggs in batches 20 - 100 in cracks and crevices of bird housing.
s how, to use the website and causes of chips, cracks and how to prevent them.
paste and is responsible for the formation of cracks and fissures in concrete.
Ground cracks and landslides were observed between Ajdir and
Though the tremor was relatively mild, some cracks and crumbled walls were reported, while downed
e damage to the dam, with the dam having a few cracks and fissures.
t can more easily hide and fit into very small cracks and crevices to evade humans.
The bark of old mines cracks and often breaks away entirely, leaving the in
This damage consisted of hairline cracks and spalling at the top of the support columns
high in the water, in rock pools, and various cracks and shaded surfaces in the intertidal zone.
pection, the Corps identified concrete surface cracks and rebar corrosion in numerous bridge piers,
dislodges the cementing clays that are in the cracks and void spaces of the under laying Karst foun
as an epiphyte when its seeds germinate in the cracks and crevices on a host tree (or on structures
rk was needed, as the wall had started to show cracks and it was at this time that the picnic ground
touch, lead runs like water, it softens iron, cracks and melts glass, and when it falls upon water,
o Montana to California, where it grows in the cracks and crevices of mountain talus slopes, especia
s to be in poor condition, with multiple large cracks and numerous smaller fractures throughout, as
, because there are many who "slip through the cracks and do not get help once they leave Hildale or
mediately after the earthquake revealed ground cracks and fissures within about 10 kilometers (6.2 m
eplacement, asbestos ceiling removal, patching cracks and treating masonry, and efficient redesign o
substitution of engineered spacing for natural cracks, and finally, hand-brushed concrete recoating.
ection of the cliffs for potentially dangerous cracks and loose rocks, and to allow remedial works.
s have been paved over with asphalt, which can cracks and erode away due to heavy traffic, thus reve
However, it also has challenging cracks and steep face climbs.
er to penetrate underground via swallow holes, cracks and fissures.
Moe cracks, and wraps Larry's trombone slides around the
y feet above the surface and was split by deep cracks and crevices as if a great explosion had fract
insults - except for the "faggot" and "fairy" cracks and lame-o lines like "Suck my dick, kid, like
the water column and migrate back down to the cracks and crevices to hang out.
9, the two large concrete slides have numerous cracks and splits in the concrete that have sprouted
It grows in rock cracks and crevices in many types of habitat.
Moe cracks, and wraps Curly's trombone slide around the q
was challenging to play on due to the widening cracks and hard surface.
This surface is striated by cracks and streaks, while craters are relatively infr
e is becoming less common as grinding can hide cracks and other defects.
These findings showed explicit cracks and fractures, which are likely to be done on
pot welding include internal cracking, surface cracks and a bad appearance.
lenium septentrionale grows in tufts from rock cracks and looks very much like a grass.
The PTFE polymer cracks, and at a pressure below 5 torr exclusively C2
Dust had seeped into to cracks and crevices of buildings, filling the interio
into his arms and comforts her as her bravado cracks, and she begins to cry.
Surface cracks and damaged areas of the deck sealing also all
t covered with snow and is "deeply rutted with cracks and melt lines".
It grows in rock cracks and crevices, sometimes in intermittent stream
the kagami mochi is usually quite brittle, and cracks appear on the surface.
le Ring Road 2 was closed to all traffic after cracks appeared on a pillar 28.
t of the earthquake, several homes buckled and cracks appeared in streets.
Cracks appeared several years ago in almost all the w
remors caused heavy coping stones to shift and cracks appeared in the faces of the dam.
but a "cracked dashboard" bar indicator, with cracks appearing along the dashboard when the player
the bridge is not high, and nearly 80 brittle cracks are visible in the present structure.
The cracks are always oriented at right angles to the str
Large cracks are visible on floor.
Such cracks are caused by high loads where the wheels cont
Such cracks are very dangerous when they occur in fuel pip
ting as a result of contraction forces causing cracks as the lava cools.
th 15 megapixels, it is capable of identifying cracks as little as a tenth of a millimeter wide.
Smith had two cracks at the Empire bantamweight title, losing to Di
made, when the rubber on the bottom developed cracks Bean seemed not to mind returning the money, a
The cracks became full-fledged canyons in 2008-when ruptu
to grow and coalesce; as microvoids coalesce, cracks begin to form.
However the first cracks begin to appear in her life - pictures of her
Jiang, too, is good at showing the cracks behind his buccaneering front, slightly recall
as closed to tourists in 1969, however, due to cracks being found in the rock foundation.
It lives in damp earth and leaves in cracks between the rocks and can be found in Kinabalu
was still seeping, at a diminishing rate, from cracks both east and west of the platform.
is process reduce internal stresses and stress cracks, but it also increases the impact resistance.
It boasts splitter cracks, dihedrals, and crystal pinching slabs.
Surface geometry (roughness, cracks, distortion)
ndition in which a surface is cracked, but the cracks do not intersect one another to form a network
e yard while Toledo was under maintenance, the cracks do not appear to be related to welds.
es and You're Out Child Protection Act,” which cracks down on repeat child molesters and the “Debbie
"China In The Dock: The WTO cracks down on counterfeiting"
The Ryan Luke Act, which cracks down on child abuse and sexual predators, was
n in nearby disturbed areas including sidewalk cracks, driveways, and tree wells.
nocturnal, and are thought to shelter in soil cracks during the day.
en evidence of structural instability, through cracks, erosion, and the deterioration of caulking in
f the enamel, cuspal fractures and deep-seated cracks extending to the pulp.
ly unattacked by the corrosive agent, but fine cracks form within it.
Tension cracks form on the surface of pressure ridges and run
Ozone cracks form in products under tension, but the critic
ffs which are kept cold by air blowing through cracks from subterranean caves.
Ground cracks from liquefaction of swampy ground were observ
It was discovered that a number of fatigue cracks had formed on the aircraft's wings due to impr
Cracks have exposed metal rebar in her hand and a cra
After its inauguration, slip cracks have been discovered in the bridge, a discover
Carver cracks her e-mail password at the Times and learns th
His signature cracks, hiccups, snarls, crooning and youthful voice
oment an Arab happens upon the discussion, and cracks his whip, "laughing cheerfully".
is brittle, chips easily, and develops spider cracks if exposed to extremes of heat or cold.
th eastern England, found beneath walls and in cracks in pavements and concrete driveways.
used as a term in odontology to describe fine cracks in the enamel of teeth.
It grows in cracks in calcareous ledges and slopes in and around
ve material that escaped through unanticipated cracks in the ground.
ink in volume like any other solid, opening up cracks in the surface of lakes that are completely fr
ack" have diminished, 2002 satellite photos of cracks in the North Korean dam caused fears it could
Despite attempts by Union to cement the cracks in the ocean floor, leaks continued, with a le
most plane and sometimes developing fibrillose cracks in age.
alls and bite enemies, and can also break open cracks in the environment.
f continuing the momentum of victory, however, cracks in Allied unity would enable Louis XIV to reve
On May 2, 1989, the first visible cracks in the Iron Curtain appeared when Hungary bega
Bone ash (Ca3(PO4)2) sometimes added to patch cracks in the through can be found as inclusions in t
al problems such as the July 2002 discovery of cracks in the shuttle engine flow liners.
The appearance of cracks in the roof of the old station led to the prem
d did not settle it did not either tighten the cracks in the bedrock, and so the leakages did not st
tered places on the coast, under stones and in cracks in rocks, and similar habitats.
ny poor people are simply “falling through the cracksin the current system.
obably used to remove shellfish and worms from cracks in rocks or/and the sandy, muddy beaches it in
In hindsight, it is likely that cracks in the girders had grown to a critical size du
at the farmers would relax in front of several cracks in the rock at the base of the mountain and en
nch) and 6 mm (1/4-inch) thick, with prominent cracks in the top surface.
the homes were in a poor state of repair, with cracks in the walls and rising damp being just some o
oncrete roof was sagging, and there were clear cracks in the remaining walls".
ridge was about to fall off due to three large cracks in one of the supporting steel plates, which r
f Windsor and Eton since 1970, when structural cracks in the central Windsor Bridge forced that brid
t of the time energy explosion that caused the cracks in the universe ("Flesh and Stone").
g plumbing drain or vent pipe, or even through cracks in a building's foundation.
then rinsing in cool water; this induces small cracks in the skin and speeds up the drying process.
Notice cracks in the flood wall joints.
ng debris and rocks onto the road which causes cracks in windshileds in many cases.
rch, replacing doors and windows, dealing with cracks in the walls, rebuilding the stairway leading
Steven Moffat so thoughtfully closed all those cracks in the universe, the Rift in Cardiff closed up
w pollards, noctule bats live in the holed and cracks in the trunk and otters sometimes lie up in th
ed into an oil-bearing rock formation to cause cracks in the rock and so to allow the oil to be extr
in service with the Bundesmarine: microscopic cracks in the pressure hull forced the cancellation o
earthquake damaged the building, leaving large cracks in the walls and chimney.
Cracks in rock are a mechanism of brittle deformation
danus hedges, and the wind blowing through the cracks in the roughly constructed straw huts at night
The female lays her eggs into cracks in wood or inside old exit holes, if available
tmosphere with jokes and banter fall flat, the cracks in the family's relationships are revealed: Sa
They were also used in repairing cracks in tabletops in the 18th century.
It grows from cracks in the limestone cliffs of the desert mountain
These ferns can often be found sprouting from cracks in rocks.
They live in cracks in the rock where water seeps down.
It grows in sheltered cracks in sandstone ridges, forming dense clumps.
It grows in woodland habitat and cracks in rocky limestone slopes above the deserts.
Cracks in the building foundation were repaired twice
Full-grown larvae hibernate in cracks in the soil and under stones.
Often developing cracks in dry weather, slightly hygrophanous, turning
The first cracks in the foundation appeared almost as soon as t
In 2003, Gustafsson's novel series, The Cracks in the Wall, (Sprickorna i Muren), which explo
Phil's reporting documented how cracks in the ice have made it possible to travel thr
In July 2009 two hull cracks, including one in the pressure hull, were disc
roof leaked, ceiling and wall plaster had many cracks, lead-based paint was peeling, and the residen
ory window, Neptec's scanner is able to detect cracks less than a millimeter thick!
ly coincidentally (like letters appearing from cracks made by bullets).
Sometimes, fissures and cracks may cause part of the shelf to break off; the
ther bad musical style, in that it was 'in the cracks' neither B-flat nor B-major.
s and preventing them from falling through the cracks of hospital bureaucracy.
Adults lay eggs during the summer in the cracks of tree bark, and the larvae hatch the followi
over, often in dry sandy soil, but also in the cracks of masonry.
inspections was unable to detect outside face cracks of the type thought to have led to the break.
elf-like creature who was said to live in the cracks of mines.
ed that many students were falling through the cracks of traditional education systems and therefore
of outstanding players had slipped through the cracks of the selection process.
needed structural repair, some still bear the cracks of structural damage, something which reduced
s couple who lose their jobs, fall through the cracks of society in the United States and then becom
Through the Cracks of the Earth (2007)
"Through the Cracks of Death" (5:26)
of delaware county who have fallen through the cracks of the system, we help a great deal of african
Through the Cracks of Death is an album by Abscess released in 20
Crazing is a network of fine cracks on the surface of a material, for example in a
small clams and bait fish found in the mud and cracks on the lakes floor.
the picturesque sea caves, which go from small cracks on the rock to big caves whose roofs collapse
These included cracks on the surface, which were covered with black
Type 3: Like a sausage but with cracks on its surface
The fruit falls from the tree and cracks open when it hits the ground when mature, ofte
As the seed capsule dries out it cracks open (dehisces), dropping the seed on the grou
He then cracks open the egg, fries the contents, and says, "T
In Flanders chimneys fell and cracks opened in the walls of Ghent and Oudenarde.
They may fill cracks or crevices around the entrance with fur; the
for nectar on flowers, or searching out small cracks or holes in which to nest.
In my head I was thinking: 'If he cracks or if he crashes, it'll be me who wins the Tou
nner, it is also able to discover the depth of cracks or holes that are found.
fractures are parallel sets of multiple planar cracks or cleavages in quartz grains; they develop at
higher-powered explosives as their power often cracks or otherwise ruptures the lead block, renderin
down in the temblor, while others had suffered cracks or other types of damage.
wel bar retrofit, cross stitching longitudinal cracks or joints and joint and crack resealing.
Many such aircraft develop minor skin cracks over time and provided appropriate action is t
All those paintings developed cracks over the years.
Characterised as a spider web pattern of cracks penetrating the glaze it is caused by tensile
the site, in side are many hidden coins in the cracks Penlee Battery is the former site of a fort, a
This alkaline water enters minute cracks present in the inner walls of the boiler by ca
The cracks quickly fill with water and freeze again, but
Cracks resulting from the high water table at the sta

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