



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Cyclotronの意味・解説 > Cyclotronに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 69

ermination of its orbit and observation of a cyclotron absorption line in its strong magnetic field
e Atoms for Peace program and a 10MeV proton cyclotron accelerator, as well as extensive laboratory
Cyclotron, although deceased, phased into her time to
A cyclotron analysis, conducted by the Crocker Nuclear L
e Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the cyclotron and its applications.
ere he and Reg Richardson built UCLA's first cyclotron and later a bevatron.
He was involved with the design of a larger cyclotron and in 1949, with C. T. Young discovered low
ize in Physics for his work in inventing the cyclotron and developing its applications.
The Centre is equipped with state-of-the-art cyclotron and radiochemistry facilities including: a c
eactor, facilities for processing uranium, a cyclotron, and some equipment for a gaseous diffusions
t as Kenner/DC Comics created the characters Cyclotron and Golden Pharaoh to augment the Super Powe
system utilizing a prototype Japanese "Baby" cyclotron and the MNI-designed BGO crystal PET scanner
g to centers hundreds of miles away from the cyclotron and laboratory which produce the radioisotop
The construction of their cyclotron at Heidelberg was overseen by Wolfgang Gentn
The Foster Radiation Laboratory and Cyclotron at McGill was named after him in 1964.
lm director, he was caught photographing the cyclotron at the University of California, Berkeley in
rned to magnetrons and after the war built a cyclotron at Birmingham.
early 1990s and has operated at the 88-inch cyclotron at Berkeley National Laboratory and at Argon
ment of uranium-239 with neutrons, using the cyclotron at Berkeley.
in Kamen collected the results of a 120-hour cyclotron bombardment of graphite and trudged in the r
uilding that had previously housed a 37-inch cyclotron built in 1937 by Ernest Lawrence.
Cyclotron, Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron (CRC), Lo
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata
on models to evaluate Σ(Ω), the experimental cyclotron data can be well accounted for.
The small 7.7 MeV cyclotron designed to function as the proton injector
omic mass of the electron can be measured in cyclotron experiments, while the rest mass of the elec
Detection of cyclotron features in 3 X-ray pulsars: 4U1538-522, V03
Knife for advanced radiation therapy, and a cyclotron for the production of radioactive isotopes f
Cyclotron, Hahn-Meitner-Institut (HMI), Berlin, German
en Kamen and Ruben bombarded graphite in the cyclotron in hopes of producing a radioactive isotope
uced pions at the University of California's cyclotron in Berkeley, California, by bombarding carbo
d under Kurchatov's leadership was the first cyclotron in Moscow (1949), the first atomic reactor i
The Cyclotron Institute, which conducts research in the nu
with radioactive phosphorus derived from the cyclotron invented by his brother, the Nobel Laureate
State University's National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL), a nuclear physics researc
In 1951, using the Uppsala University cyclotron, Leksell and the physicist and radiobiologis
From this condition also the polaron cyclotron mass can be derived.
imeter-wave beams by bunching electrons with cyclotron motion in a strong magnetic field.
um-26 and magnesium-25 with deuterons in the cyclotron of the University of Pittsburgh.
or of physics, to head the construction of a cyclotron, one of the best of its time.
Diagram of cyclotron operation from Lawrence's 1934 patent.
is bombarded with hydrogen ions in either a cyclotron or linear accelerator creating fluorine-18.
d, helping to troubleshoot various country's cyclotron problems.
The radiation mainly comes from cyclotron radiation from electrons orbiting around the
As some other planets emit cyclotron radiation too, AKR could be used to learn mo
ll also result in a high rate of emission of cyclotron radiation, but at the densities envisioned,
g plates) where they are excited to a larger cyclotron radius by an oscillating electric field perp
Many diverse activities depend on electron cyclotron resonance technology, including
His early work was on the cyclotron resonance of semiconductors moving to magnet
depends on a relativistic effect called the Cyclotron Resonance Maser instability.
Auxiliary plasma heating (ion and electron cyclotron resonance heating and lower hybrid current d
d on gas phase reaction mechanisms using Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ICR) spectroscopy.
The ECR ion source makes use of the electron cyclotron resonance to heat a plasma.
Electron cyclotron resonance reactors and helicon wave antennas
development and chemical applications of ion cyclotron resonance spectroscopy.
ation and trapped in a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (Penning trap) or quadrupole ion t
the frequency corresponding to the electron cyclotron resonance defined by a magnetic field applie
Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry, also known as F
n trap combined with a Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance or orbitrap mass spectrometer is m
ARC-ECRIS is an Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source based on arc-shaped coi
dge National Laboratory, the use of electron cyclotron resonance for efficient plasma generation, e
trap, time-of-flight, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance, and so on.
He was a part of the team that developed the cyclotron that produced the first batch of plutonium f
Halske AG with a proposal on the design of a cyclotron; the project was appealing to Desiderius Fli
rces give the credit of the invention of the cyclotron to American physicist and Nobel Laureate Ern
with Louis Slotin in using the university's cyclotron to produce enough carbon-11 and carbon-14 fo
t the UC hostpital and the "medical" Crocker cyclotron used for neutron therapy at the Berkeley.
37 were through the Reichsforschungsrat; the cyclotron would eventually be installed at the Univers

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