



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Cytidineの意味・解説 > Cytidineに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 47

a-2'-deoxycytidine, is a cytosine nucleoside ( cytidine) analog.
Cytidine analogs such as 5-azacytidine (azacitidine) a
ods are broken-down into ribosyl pyrimidines ( cytidine and uridine), which are absorbed intact.
AID removes the amino group from a cytidine base, turning it into a uridine (which is rec
It is like cytidine, but with one oxygen atom removed.
A cytidine deaminase from Homo Sapiens.
It is a cytidine deaminase with antiviral effects.
lly, the catalytic domain is a zinc dependent cytidine deaminase domain and is essential for cytidin
This gene is a member of the cytidine deaminase gene family.
APOBEC is a cytidine deaminase enzyme that mutates viral nucleic a
Activation-Induced ( Cytidine) Deaminase (AID) is a 24 kDa enzyme that crea
The encoded protein is a cytidine deaminase that has antiretroviral activity by
unctionally related to the C to U RNA-editing cytidine deaminase APOBEC1.
unctionally related to the C to U RNA-editing cytidine deaminase APOBEC1 and inhibit retroviruses, s
on use include CDP ribitol pyrophosphorylase, cytidine diphosphate ribitol pyrophosphorylase, ribito
CMP can be phosphorylated to Cytidine diphosphate by the enzyme CMP kinase, with Ad
Cytidine diphosphate, abbreviated CDP, is a nucleotide
Citicoline (INN), also known as cytidine diphosphate-choline (CDP-Choline) & cytidine
include CDP-4-keto-6-deoxyglucose reductase, cytidine diphospho-4-keto-6-deoxy-D-glucose reductase,
in common use include CDP-paratose epimerase, cytidine diphosphoabequose epimerase, cytidine diphosp
, CTP:phosphorylcholine cytidylyltransferase, cytidine diphosphocholine pyrophosphorylase, phosphoch
e, phosphorylcholine-sphingosine transferase, cytidine diphosphocholine-sphingosine cholinephosphotr
Other names in common use include cytidine diphosphodiacylglycerol pyrophosphatase, and
cytidine diphosphoglucose oxidoreductase, and
on use include CDP glucose pyrophosphorylase, cytidine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase, cytidine
rol synthase, CDP-diacylglyceride synthetase, cytidine diphosphoglyceride pyrophosphorylase, phospha
use include CDP-glycerol pyrophosphatase, and cytidine diphosphoglycerol pyrophosphatase.
AID deaminates cytidine in the target DNA.
Dietary sources of cytidine include foods with high RNA (ribonucleic acid
ssDNA or RNA by removing an amino group from cytidine, introducing a cytidine to uracil mutation, r
Cytidine is a component of RNA.
Cytidine is a nucleoside molecule that is formed when
Cytidine monophosphate (CMP) is derived from conversio
Cytidine monophosphate, also known as 5'-cytidylic aci
nic acid hydroxylase, CMP-Neu5Ac hydroxylase, cytidine monophosphoacetylneuraminate monooxygenase, N
ames in common use include sialyltransferase, cytidine, monophosphoacetylneuraminate-beta-galactosyl
drolase, CMP-N-acylneuraminic acid hydrolase, cytidine monophosphosialic hydrolase, cytidine monopho
Dexelvucitabine is a cytidine nucleoside analog and nucleoside reverse tran
the presence of thymidine, pseudouridine and cytidine residues.
Cytidine to Uridine (C to U) RNA editing.
Cytidine triphosphate is a pyrimidine nucleotide.
Since Cytidine triphosphate is generated by amination of uri
yzes the synthesis of CDP-diacylglycerol from cytidine triphosphate and phosphatidate.
e is a derivative of the common nucleic acid, cytidine triphosphate or (CTP), in which the hydroxyl
Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are cytidine triphosphate, or CTP, and phosphatidate, wher
joined to a pyrimidine base and is similar to cytidine, uridine, 2-deoxyuridine, 2-deoxyguanosine, a

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