



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Detritusの意味・解説 > Detritusに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 48

arger particles (2 mm or larger) are prone to detritus accumulation, which necessitates periodic sip
w to 23 mm in length and live among rocks and detritus along stream margins.
t feeds on microcrustaceans, aquatic insects, detritus, and algae.
reys are blind and are filter feeders, eating detritus and other organic matter.
rily feeds on benthic algae but also consumes detritus and small invertebrates.
rk or in moss, and feeds on encrusting algae, detritus and sometimes fruit such as raspberries.
duced by the animals and, naturally, generate detritus, and are continually broken down by micro-org
he area accordingly, feeding mostly on native detritus and allocthonous materials.
pace near Candlestick Park, ruined by natural detritus and human intervention), expose the crisis of
knickers with menstrual period stains, other detritus, and functional, everyday objects, including
; they eat food such as plankton or suspended detritus as it passes them.
These meadows, and their consequent detritus, become an important source of food and shelt
de buffers from storm surges, trap debris and detritus brought in by tides, and provide feeding, bre
P. hirsutiusculus mainly feeds on detritus, but is an opportunistic feeder and also feed
ply deposit the eggs on moist soil or organic detritus, but some construct nests lined with dried fa
includes the uptake of dead organic material ( detritus) by fungi and bacteria for fermentation or de
are herbivores feeding directly on algae, or detritus feeders, using their long arms to direct orga
P. erythrodactyla relies on mangrove leaf detritus for about 80% of its nutrition, and on benthi
Dawn found them with only the detritus from the previous day's battle in sight and t
rust for medicinal purposes (Davies 1970); or detritus from clearing out a workshop when a garrison
This species of hermit crab feeds on detritus, green algae, dead organic matter and shed ex
C. dennerli is believed to feed on detritus in nature.
own for their effective cleaning of debris or detritus in the water of aquariums.
Larvae feed on detritus, including dead leaves.
Larvae feed on lichen and detritus, including dead leaves.
The larvae feed on lichen and detritus, including dead leaves.
The larvae feed on detritus, including dead leaves.
s Max reading several poems from his book The Detritus of Dorian Gray.
ations, which are the solidified and upheaved detritus of the great range of Himalaya.
sing matters to attend to than conserving the detritus of a battle that never happened.
Fair's Industrial Scars project explores the detritus of our consumer society, through large-scale
two conceived of using rice husks, the unused detritus of the rice hulling process, as an input sour
saw as "much Keynesianism and too much of the detritus of socialism."
arvae feed on bacteria in organic waterlogged detritus, often in the shallow rot holes of tree stump
Pupation occurs among detritus on the ground.
vae probably feed on lichens, algae and other detritus on Atlantic white cedar, pitch pine and other
will feed on phytoplankton, suspended organic detritus or from the surface of benthic organic deposi
extreme temperatures, They feed by filtering detritus out of mud, and defend their burrows against
tube, with some darker length lines caused by detritus particles.
The larvae feed on leaf litter, vegetable detritus, rotten leaves and can also be found in waste
When organic bloom detritus sinks into the abyss, a significant fraction
rsonally cleared the field of rocks and other detritus so that it could be used as an athletics grou
The larvae feed on detritus, stored food products and arthropod remains.
They feed on detritus that falls into the lake in which they live.
ght to have fed on either very small prey, or detritus; the small dental plates in its mouth strongl
The larva is red-brown but uses detritus to camouflage itself.
ey feed on diatoms, other kinds of algae, and detritus, which they get by scraping surfaces such as

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