




該当件数 : 32

ata have been collected from flash experiments, EPR, and X-ray spectroscopy.
0s, the upcoming of the first commercial pulsed EPR and ENDOR spectrometers in the X band frequency
It was designed by EPR Architects and built by Mowlem for Land Securit
d by architects Ralph Erskine and partners with EPR Architects Ltd as executive architect as part o
On 11 April around 3:30 AM 4 EPR companies attacked the airfield, but Pakistani
m the ground state are presumably too broad for EPR detection.
heavy vibration, no N1 reading, and low EGT and EPR, leading the crew to deactivate it.
The 4 wing of EPR, led by Major Chowdhury and reinforced with Pol
agnetic field values, but the great majority of EPR measurements are made with microwaves in the 90
d purely non-classical Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen ( EPR paradox) correlations, sent through two separat
n of thought experiments formulated in the 1935 EPR paradox.
at different magnetic field settings within the EPR powder pattern.
the 1990s, parallel to the upcoming high-field EPR, pulsed EPR and ENDOR became a new fast advanci
lected for the installation of the first French EPR reactor (which will be Flamanville's third reac
n is evaluating building either Areva 1,650 MWe EPR reactors or Westinghouse 1,100 MWe AP1000 react
easurements are performed with a high-frequency EPR setup (~200 GHz), where the slight g-anisotropy
These proteins exhibit no EPR signal due to strong antiferromagnetic coupling
dynamics because of their stability and simple EPR signal.
ometimes referred as effectively propositional ( EPR) since it can be effectively translated into pr
Gold Medal, International EPR Society, 2000
In reality EPR spectra have many different frequencies and not
EPR spectroscopy
detected with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance ( EPR) spectroscopy.
Simulated EPR spectrum of the H2C(OCH3) radical
This is possible in solid phases where the EPR spectrum arises from the observance of all orie
units, and are measured along the x axis of an EPR spectrum, from a line's center to a chosen refe
ive to motion, this has profound effects on its EPR spectrum.
(born in Lyon, France) completed his doctorate ( EPR study of titanium dioxide) in 1968 at the Unive
er agreement to become part owner of the second EPR, to be built in France, having been rejected by
The outflanked EPR troops abandoned the bridge, and by 4 April the
A fourth nuclear reactor, of the EPR type, is under study by EDF.
NMR, and one can also refer to these effects in EPR where the lineshape is observed at fixed (micro

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