



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > EXPOSINGの意味・解説 > EXPOSINGに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 328

onsense diplomat" by the Nassau Tribune after exposing a ten year cover-up of a Royal Bahamian Defen
People newspaper which would end his career, exposing a match fixing operation which became known a
or the inability to be damaged without first exposing a vulnerable area).
she was a secret spymaster given the task of exposing a traitor who is leaking vital information to
After exposing a pair of con artists with his partner Melani
nonlinearity in single mode optical fiber by exposing a calculated length of fiber to the external
Horse on each anniversary of the engagement, exposing a large figure of a horse cut into the red so
otus to the skies on a mission of destruction exposing a network of mineshafts and tunnels that lead
The region consists of dissected plains exposing a range of land types with different topograp
ontauk dug into the case and broke the story, exposing a web of criminal activity.
alk, Upper Greensand and Gault has developed, exposing a section of the soft, blue-grey Gault clay a
demia, Kliever was best known for his role in exposing a massive scandal involving SMU's football pr
g Herald, winning an additional Walkley Award exposing a tax scam involving some prominent barrister
The Hymn of None posts a video, exposing a company called LifesBlood Labs to be nothin
degree of depth to his persona, in many cases exposing a surprisingly vulnerable Hank, especially in
Exposing a child to pornography.
ive reporter and editor whose work focuses on exposing abuses of government and corporate power, and
walls were demolished in the spring of 1950, exposing again, the tower and spire of the old church.
ise is that the programmer is responsible for exposing all the available parallelism.
30 April - Four Corners program aired exposing allegations that NSW Premier Neville Wran had
1997 after she had completed a major article exposing alleged illegal activities by the FSB.
Injusticebusters.com, which was dedicated to exposing alleged miscarriages of justice in Saskatchew
he desired information or with the object of exposing an abuse.
Emakimono are read by exposing an arms-length of the scroll at a time, from
teroid-comets are evidence of a recent impact exposing an icy interior to solar radiation.
face of this supposedly close-knit community, exposing an undercurrent of fear and hatred.
ts to Plum Island with information supposedly exposing an extramarital affair her husband was having
s slit with a scalpel, and in preparation for exposing and examining the brain, the face of each cad
and print news with the goal of "documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias."
ans, at the same time Prince Rashed Al Khuzai exposing and fighting against agents and brokers of th
who abuse women and takes special pleasure in exposing and punishing such men.
ing polio, ensuring a fair price for workers, exposing and tackling corruption as well as other anti
In 1919 the Lusk Committee, charged with exposing and stamping out radicalism of all types, iss
d States presidential elections in the 1970s, exposing atrocities in Honduras and Nicaragua in the 1
ynthesis of methylbixin which was produced by exposing bixin from Bixa orellana to iodine, later he
famous as a journalist during his writings in exposing Bofors Scandal during the reign of late Prime
, when her halter top slipped off, completely exposing breasts.
rch 1906, called "The Treason of the Senate", exposing campaign contributors being rewarded by certa
Opponents to the argument usually begin by exposing certain assumptions that tend to be hidden by
on search results pages, and thus potentially exposing children to sexually themed content without a
uch of his work was political satire aimed at exposing class injustice, he also produced work simply
ause he "was and still is heavily involved in exposing Clinton for his trail of blood to the White H
Dr. Pfeiffer made enemies by exposing corrupted Austrian officials in Galicia and w
The Examiner is best known locally for exposing corruption within Jefferson, Hardin and Orang
went to blame the professional bodies for not exposing corruption among their members.
e was afraid of being deported to Nepal after exposing corruption within the police.
materials in January 2011, with an eye toward exposing corruption in the Russian government.
for Local Reporting for a series of articles exposing corruption and waste in the Miami-Dade Housin
In 1941, he won a Pulitzer Prize for exposing criminal racketeering in labor unions.
Johnson, M K and H Farid, Exposing Digital Forgeries Through Specular Highlights
Johnson, M K and H Farid, Exposing Digital Forgeries in Complex Lighting Environ
tery, Inc. gang in solving a case at a museum exposing disgruntled archaeologists Perkins and Griswa
sistance in regaining control of his company, exposing Drew's underhanded business dealings to the b
Moments away from exposing Edmund's treachery, he accept Edmund's offer
d that employers use safety measures to avoid exposing employees to the potentially deadly effects o
g" spent more than a year gaining airplay and exposing Everything But The Girl to USA and worldwide
ication, radically simplifying the process of exposing existing Java code as a Web service or writin
nger's breakthrough Clasicos de la Provincia, exposing fans unfamiliar with Vives's earlier work.
this and everything gets burned up, since i'm exposing for the shadows."
595-1596, was condemned to the dungeons after exposing fraud in the parliamentary elections to the I
He worked with magician Howard Thurston in exposing frauds and mediums.
illor at Westminster when she was involved in exposing fraudulent behaviour of Shirley Porter and th
After stating his intention to write a book exposing Freemasonry's "secrets", Morgan was arrested,
The 2003 story exposing funding misappropriation also sparked a serie
r such a small town, making a name for itself exposing government corruption.
e course of the Thames has gradually altered, exposing gravels that were initially colonised by gras
he B.P.R.D., who send Hellboy to investigate, exposing Gruagach by seizing him with iron tongs which
Startled, she jumps out of her wheelchair, exposing her scheme.
fan base, Mumtaj climbed the steps of stardom exposing her physique in films.
Margali apologized for exposing her daughter to such danger, but then quickly
disallowed for a time by the NBC censors from exposing her belly button, Mrs. Bellows' navel is visi
Sia by her bloomers to stop her from falling, exposing her panties.
glucose levels in the woman are uncontrolled, exposing her fetus to the possibility of neural tube a
outside Number Ten, decided to unzip her top, exposing her breasts for the photograph, much to the s
n numerous high profile storylines, including exposing her own mother's boyfriend as a serial sex at
p shoots of Amuro clasping her hands together exposing her engagement ring are some of the only prof
that she could not go to the council without exposing her past.
ed that Smith was "vain" and "indelicate" for exposing her husband to "public contempt".
When attempting to avoid exposing herself when her suit deteriorates, Vivienne
s the film as a French Bulldog, provocatively exposing herself while inviting the audience to call 5
identally breaks the jar, cutting herself and exposing herself to the contents of the jar: scabs fro
The episode ends with a drunken Meredith exposing herself to a shocked Michael, who takes a pic
once the Salt Lake Tribune had run an article exposing High Councilor Joseph W. Musser as a "new pol
ppointment as printer to the Customs, besides exposing him to the unscrupulous hostility of official
iedis became a significant influence on Flea, exposing him to rock music, particularly punk rock.
not include him on their 40-man roster, thus exposing him to the Rule 5 Draft.
as hair-wrapping and jewelry-making, thereby exposing him to a wide range of people and places.
ed Tough to find his way to southside Chicago exposing him to an exciting and evolving jazz scene.
ali says that they were responsible for first exposing him to literature.
use, but was charged with producing cannabis, exposing him to a potential maximum sentence of 14 yea
s father was a Doctor and musical enthusiast, exposing him to formal tuition early in life under the
s he calls it, "Late 60's protest crap"), for exposing him to his first creative influences.
the Hunch Bunch manage to transform Shaggy by exposing him to moonlight while he is at a drive in mo
ck located near his objective and, repeatedly exposing himself to intense hostile fire, unsuccessful
corporal held the position until his return, exposing himself to great danger and directing the fir
summoned medical assistance for the wounded, exposing himself to the increased danger from the effe
cribe Michal as taunting David for indecently exposing himself by wearing one.
s England under the orders of his aunt, after exposing himself on television.
p from his prone position in the firing line, exposing himself still more to the enemy's fire, and c
nistering to the wounded under terrific fire, exposing himself at all times to reach their sides, an
he directed, encouraged, and led the others, exposing himself fearlessly, and by his talent in pers
In 1975, Barnett pleaded guilty to exposing himself to maids in a hallway of the Circus C
eatedly and deliberately risked his own life, exposing himself to heavy enemy fire, in order to plac
bat medic, Beikirch was awarded the medal for exposing himself to intense fire in order to rescue an
led his men in a renewed assault, fearlessly exposing himself to the merciless slash of hostile fir
rushed across the open ground to his sections exposing himself to heavy and active fire.
erman character, was arrested while allegedly exposing himself during a screening of this film in 19
and cut off, he moved from foxhole to foxhole exposing himself to enemy fire, giving instructions an
ch Jim Morrison of the Doors was arrested for exposing himself to the audience.
raft to the target area, meanwhile constantly exposing himself to enemy fire.
ding to his citation he died while fearlessly exposing himself in an artillery barrage in order to g
he perilously low altitude of 400 ft (120 m), exposing himself to enemy fire in order to score a hit
Roark maneuvered his squad, repeatedly exposing himself to withering enemy fire to hurl grena
hich allowed him to travel all over the world exposing himself to art in many museums.
quad by voice and arm signals and, constantly exposing himself to heavy hostile fire, threw hand gre
he had to be picked up by Doc Holliday after exposing himself to fire from the cowboys, while tryin
After exposing himself to a hail of enemy fire to try to reo
the back way over his objections at Holmes's exposing himself to such danger.
s to betray the girl to the Gestapo, to avoid exposing himself.
er being arrested for urinating in public and exposing himself.
k star Jim Morrison (The Doors) for allegedly exposing himself.
ating Louis, he gets jealous and due to Sully exposing his feelings about Liz, he admits to Liz that
gust 1, 2009, Du Rand's swimming costume tore exposing his right buttok.
is revealed when Nibbles' diaper falls down, exposing his tail and gray fur.
ir, keeping time with the flute music [and so exposing his genitals, as during that period undergarm
orwegian fortess-city of Kongsvinger, without exposing his flanks, in order to draw Norwegian troops
Lucy plans to break up Leon and Zsa Zsa by exposing his affair, so tells Zsa Zsa about the baby.
aveling through Europe and the United States, exposing his intense talent on the wooden instrument.
ht for my heart, were the last words he said, Exposing his breast to the point of the rifles, The sm
Petrel for heroism and gallantry, fearlessly exposing his own life to danger in saving others on th
tts was suspended without pay for potentially exposing his students to rabies when he skinned a coyo
Exposing Homelessness is a 2006 American documentary f
published a story in the China Economic Times exposing how a "gross failure" to refrigerate vaccines
and Soviet embassies in Stockholm in 1983 and exposing illegal and dubious Swedish arms export deals
raphic techniques of cameraless photography - exposing images directly onto photographic paper - tec
Abstraction inversion: Not exposing implemented functionality required by users,
The filmmakers had intended to make a film exposing, in slow motion, the fakery of professional w
d as being for the purpose of identifying and exposing individuals to public humiliation, usually ou
ostExploit as an educational website aimed at exposing internet bad actors and cybercriminal organiz
material, usually thermoplastics or glass, by exposing it to a flame or heat.
e boom didn't lock fully into place; however, exposing it to sunlight for a few minutes on May 10 fi
d fire boxes, heat-curing the tobacco without exposing it to smoke, slowly raising the temperature o
t follows is a scavenger hunt across America, exposing its seedier side along the way.
nstructed parody of Hegelianism, deliberately exposing its outwornness as a system of thought, and t
n enteroviruses, this prevents the virus from exposing its RNA, and in rhinoviruses it also prevents
a crucial step in uncoating of the virus and exposing its content to the cytoplasm of the host cell
raised Hill for "transforming masculinity and exposing its theatricality with profound results."
of the envelope in the form of stellar wind, exposing its core.
he existing system by the elementary means of exposing its broken promises”.
causes India to become overextended in Burma, exposing itself to China and rapidly depleting its mun
out the importance of eating local foods, and exposing kids to healthy eating earlier in life.
que into the northeast flank of the mountain, exposing magma which hardened in the volcano's conduit
Hill's film gained widespread attention for exposing many high-ranking Street supporters as dising
New Yorker have proved to be instrumental in exposing many Jewish American writers to a wider readi
An alien transmission is intercepted, exposing Megatron's plan to spread chaos among the hum
f debate on military issues, and does this by exposing Members of Parliament to first-hand experienc
is a compartmentalized membranous product of exposing mitochondria to ultrasound.
ng up the Earth's water during ice ages, thus exposing more land.
He has been involved in exposing more than ten wrongful convictions in Canada,
mbered for its focus on consumer advocacy and exposing municipal corruption.
perated a plant near New Plymouth, accused of exposing nearby residents to dioxins.
It is an anisotropic etchant of silicon, exposing octahedral planes.
umpur; Thailand; Singapore and Tianjin, China exposing OCU faculty members and students to the inter
blic beta of a web-service API was announced, exposing Ohloh's data and reports to promote the devel
Within 72 hours the blister ruptures, exposing one end of the emergent worm.
This film was run through the camera, exposing one edge of the film only (the frame size of
ntally rather than vertically, and instead of exposing one 4-perf frame twice, the entire eight perf
since a neighboring structure was torn down, exposing one flank, it is now even more idiosyncratic
ray, exfoliating in thin longitudinal strips, exposing orange brown underneath.
ding activities such as skiing and fishing in exposing patients to nature.
We were just exposing people who were doing wrong."
scovery was serendipity: the astronomers were exposing photographic plates in search of a minor plan
passed through these PvP assigned areas thus exposing players to ganking.
ost reporter for work on a series of articles exposing police corruption in the Houston suburb of Ja
dancing, litigating in defense of liberty and exposing political corruption.
ing from the world's most troubled countries, exposing poverty, human rights abuses and the fate of
and was uplifted, creating 6 new islands, and exposing previously submerged coral reefs as well as e
t Quantico by cyber-attacking communications, exposing private information about personnel, and othe
e has been noted for writing several articles exposing religious extremism and antisemitism among Sw
Rhodium oxide thin films can be produced by exposing Rh layer to oxygen plasma.
Jubilee Singers and the Silverstone Quartet, exposing Rivers to music from an early age.
sand from the Dorset coast, or strip it bare, exposing rocks and sometimes fossils.
ed the explosion opened a crater in the city, exposing several eggs of unknown origin.
ution to a BBC Panorama television programme, exposing significant deficiencies in care at the Royal
le sulfuring (a method of preserving fruit by exposing slices to sulfur smoke, which kills bacteria)
View of the "Svinhufvudintie" road, exposing some of the low-rise apartment blocks built i
a different type of image, and he was really exposing some stuff that she probably didn't want out
orisk long-duration experiment, installed the Exposing Specimens of Organic and Biological Materials
Tatsuya and Yuuri investigated, exposing Strauss' scheme as Time Fire arrived.
Threads of Bale, exposing students to the literature and music of suffe
of molding the students into better artists, exposing students to multiple successful professionals
ail or exploring websites can be done without exposing systems to viruses or other malicious program
A Canadian study showed that exposing tadpoles to endosulfan, an organochloride pes
Aside from exposing Thai audiences to regional poverty, the 1985
a media campaign against the soccer proposals exposing that the team would only be leased with the A
XE-7 with covers removed, exposing the electronics
enhancing the performance of a device or exposing the vulnerabilities of a security system for
You must clear your name by exposing the real culprit.
- drumkit (live performances and recording of Exposing the Sickness)

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