



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Examinedの意味・解説 > Examinedに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 780

Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee that examined a "case study" of Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
The study examined a group of trout that were visually identical
It examined a hormone receptor that had evolved from an a
effect size (e.g., due different populations examined) a funnel plot may give a wrong impression of
As part of the survey, Owen examined a location reputed by the locals to be the si
In this paper, he examined a specimen, OUM J.12144, including an incompl
fed by Iranian customs," Mr. Webb said, as he examined a classified satellite photo of the port.
ing of 9/11, Jules was taping as firefighters examined a reported gas leak when American Airlines Fl
In that essay, Steinberg examined a previously ignored pattern in Renaissance a
He has examined a large class of partial differential equatio
media according to their sensory bias, Innis examined a different set of interrelationships, the "d
Lightfoot, Arthur Headlam examined a few places.
He had examined a patient with an oral ulcer.
It had examined a report of the UNIIIC and commended the comm
selects its incoming students on the basis of examined ability, at age 11 by NFER 11+ examination or
ich selects incoming students on the basis of examined ability, usually at age 11, with a few entran
He was officially examined about his writings at the end of December 164
and, for Grades 1-4 only, broken chords, are examined, according to the grade of difficulty.
Many studies have examined adverse effects of the procedure; some employ
omantic", the scapula of an animal was simply examined after its slaughter.
extra solar-system planets were discovered or examined after this discovery.
25 years after his death, and when they were examined after that time, they were found to include s
t that she had been mined but German records, examined after the war, suggest she was the victim of
me for the times (1963), the same conflict is examined again in the 2005 Kareena Kapoor-starrer Bewa
Other bodies examined all showed signs of decay, even those who had
mmittee of staff, board members and musicians examined all areas of the company to create a three-ye
When the herpetologist G. K. Noble examined Allophryne, he suggested that it was closely
The commission examined alternatives of ethno-territorial regionalisa
e of smoke hoods or misting systems were also examined although both were rejected.
commissioned a new survey through Ipsos that examined American workers' opinions of technology in t
A number of options were examined, among them a new railway station at Grovedal
on eukaryotic cells have been determined and examined, among others, by the groups of Otto Westphal
In 1969 he excavated and examined an old corn-drying kiln at the site.
Buildings were examined and water reservoirs were given special atten
ltiple query plans for satisfying a query are examined and a good query plan is identified.
program could be interrupted, have variables examined and modified, and then be resumed.
The original Number One was thoroughly examined and measured for the reproduction.
erefore we caused him to come before us to be examined and we caused him to be examined by the membe
During World War I, Goodwin was examined and considered temporarily unfit for military
ladelphia on August 19 to have a groin injury examined and was held out of some practices, while def
The aircraft was examined and test flown by "Watson's Whizzers", led by
ir course into Dover harbour, where they were examined and arrested on suspicion (24 November, N.S.)
Burgon examined and described the manuscript in the Guardian
In 1994 the fossils were examined, and it was decided that the cats were of an
rty by U.S. citizens and other tribes will be examined and every possible degree of justice applied.
nd Drug Act in 1906, Stanley's concoction was examined and found to be of no value (it was mostly mi
In 1381 he was examined and declared fit to take up Republican office
So his papers were examined, and nothing whatever worth publishing was fo
It was examined and described by Mill, Wettstein, Scholz, and
a relevant animal model of the disease being examined and the ability to genetically manipulate the
Her body was examined and it was found that she had not been sexual
eld a handkerchief in her hands while she was examined, and whenever she would squeeze or twist the
kes which are offered in sacrifice is closely examined, and the sought for answers are drawn from th
Many of the issues examined and the techniques developed in this pre-comp
In 1863, and again in 1864, he examined and reported on the Moselle coalfield, near S
ngland to have microfilmed plans of the Hydro examined, and then return to Norway to plan a commando
The manuscript was slightly examined and described by Scholz, Paulin Martin, and C
the subject of intention within Mens Rea was examined and refined.
ive perception of the bracketed phenomenon is examined and analyzed in its purity.
It was examined and described by S. T. Bloomfield, and Dean B
s and Technology (NIST) and Popular Mechanics examined and rejected these theories.
previously identified as Acartia clausi were examined and found to belong to a separate species .
or several years while further specimens were examined and finally formally described by Allen Lowri
restoration work the parapet of the tower was examined and a stone was discovered with a carved date
previously identified as Acartia clausi were examined and found to belong to a separate species.
The Party National Congress examined and adopted the amendment to the Constitution
he dockyard these women would be compulsorily examined and if found to be infected to be detained un
Soviet high command had examined and rejected the 100mm D-10s Gun for the IS2,
53, in company with surveyor A.C. Gregory, he examined and reported on various routes between Perth
The divines also examined and approved the use of Rouse's metrical vers
The stamp was twice examined and found to be a fake by the Royal Philateli
are still in use today and they were recently examined and x-rayed to ensure there are no cracks.
The manuscript was examined and collated by J. Farrer of Carlisle in 1804
t manuscripts by Scrivener, who thoroughly it examined and collated.
he Wild Beasts), A Jewish feminist group that examined and responded to political issues in the Midd
It was examined and described by Bloomfield.
Scrivener examined and collated its text.
Scrivener thoroughly examined and collated its text.
ard the steamer, will be taken possession of, examined, and retained if necessary
The manuscript was examined and described by Wright.
He was medically examined, and the diminutive creatures could even spea
Only one specimen has ever been examined and photographed.
al communities, three alternative routes were examined and compared with the route (through the chat
The property was examined and reported on by Mr Frederick Wickett M. I.
These manuscripts were partially examined and collated by him.
In addition, 66 postal ballots were examined, and were likewise ruled invalid as having be
s have been found in all eukaryotic organisms examined, and contain seven cysteine residues that are
The validity of these claims has been examined and dismissed.
These were examined and copied, with significant changes.
Daughter of Time, in which Richard's guilt is examined and doubted, Laurence Olivier released the fi
ts to the Council where its findings would be examined and acted upon by the end of July 2002.
Heron had previously been examined and, on merit, declared a scholar of the coll
More than 160,000 patients are examined annually at OPD.
k 75 days of evidence from 153 witnesses, and examined approximately 150,000 pages of documents incl
Also examined are Akbar's first contacts with Europeans and
Among the authors whose works he has examined are Edward Said and Yvonne Vera.
erminata of Apollonius, lemmas which, closely examined, are seen to be cases of the involution of si
Examined as to his general agreement with the doctrine
ntion and application for patent, I carefully examined, as chemist, the various steps described ther
t, judge, justice, or other judicature, to be examined as a witness in any cause or matter, civil or
er the brand name Ampalex, and was also being examined as a treatment for ADHD.
The first thing the tribunal examined as the purpose or goal of the Catholic organi
ers from the nearby village of Catworth) were examined as witches.
Wehrle was arrested on 18 August 1944 and examined as a witness in the trial against Leonrod.
Though examined as a witness with reference to the First Army
crime; still, he was beaten when he was being examined, as was a female witness.
brought before the bishop's chancellor to be examined as to his fitness for readmission to the chur
Welsh is taught and examined as a second language only.
t is suggested that this possibility might be examined at the appropriate time."
Marsh a preacher from Deane near Bolton was ' examined' at Smithills Hall, before being sent to Ches
the sling and it should have been thoroughly examined at least once every six months.
Dangerfield, when examined at the bar of the House of Commons, made othe
re kept at Utrecht, and in 1421 and 1597 were examined at episcopal visitations.
Two options were examined at the time: the Jordan River the Yarkon Rive
For part of the month when a set is not being examined at Old Oak, a third set is usually spare at H
ts preferred plan in mid-2009, and it will be examined at a public hearing by the Planning Inspector
They were examined, at which point they affirmed their belief in
Objectification is most commonly examined at a societal level, but can also arise at an
He is captured and examined at a hospital.
On November 17, 1943, Connie Mack examined Bader Field and the National Guard Armory as
wish poet writing in the Russian language and examined Bagritsky's contested legacy.
William Lawler, the pathologist who examined Bates's body, stated that her injuries were "
He examined beds high on the hill which had been taken as
when the person of a man ninety years old was examined before the procurator and a very crowded cour
imprisonment he was summoned to London to be examined before the privy council, who finally release
e war but was later raised by the British and examined before being scrapped.
er of London until February 1667, when he was examined before the council and set free.
On 15 December he was examined before John Stokesley, Bishop of London, conc
ne was the second of the original three to be examined before local magistrates, following Sarah Goo
When the Tribunal was examined before the House of Lords, "all the court mar
On 17 March he was examined before a committee of the council, when he re
hemes of life, love and mortality that he has examined before; but this time the humor is a bit dark
One of the doctors who examined Ben's body was a friend of Bernard's and conc
He had examined Bennet's charge doubler of 1787 and found it
Associations may be examined between any combination of continuous and cat
Assistant State Attorney Edward Prindeville examined Burns during the trial.
pril 1783, despite never having formally been examined, but was in poor health and had to return to
ohmi microfilariae in 8.69% of Iranian horses examined, but none in donkeys or mules.
n Princes Risborough and Oxford has also been examined but rejected.
It was examined by Bloomfied, Dean Burgon, and Kirsopp Lake.
l of Witches detected at Malmesbury they were examined by Sir James Long and committed by him to Sal
After being examined by Walsingham at Greenwich, they were committ
pril, estimated April 24, 2004, Bashmilah was examined by a doctor, moved with other prisoners to an
It was not examined by using the Claremont Profile Method.
captured data from Multhopp's design work was examined by Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich in the
Two specimens were examined by Legendre and Roth with the first specimen'
It was examined by Mill, Griesbach, and Bloomfeld.
A single fossil specimen examined by Legendre and Roth was determined to have a
t on a charge of 'treasonable practices', and examined by the Privy Council, where he refused to ans
It was examined by Bloomfield, Scrivener, and Gregory (in 188
nd in the remains of a polar bear on the spot examined by the Danish physician Ernst Tryde and publi
al dynamic properties of bullvalene have been examined by dynamic NMR spectroscopy.
When bills are enrolled they shall be examined by a joint committee for that purpose, who sh
anterbury aforesaid, except the same be first examined by the University of Oxford or Cambridge ...
Petrarch asked to be examined by Robert before being crowned as poet in the
appeal hoping that his son's murder would be examined by a different court.
and in the subsequent years was sporadically examined by Alan Rowe and Labib Habachi, between 1994
mcised, will refuse to allow themselves to be examined by a male doctor or by a nurse who is not cir
four he weighed 12 stones and was taken to be examined by the eminent doctor, Sir Frederick Treves.
Sampson, and some others, and in 1573 he was examined by the council concerning his opinion on the
On 24 July, the bill was examined by the National Assembly.
When Van Alstyne insists that Virginia be examined by the school doctor, Virginia becomes first
Two specimens were examined by Legendre and Roth for body mass.
sed on building and construction sites can be examined by government inspectors.
A single specimen was examined by J. I. Bloch, K. D. Rose, and P. D. Gingeri
Two fossil specimens were examined by Legendre and Roth for body mass.
They are being examined by the Tibetan Academy of Social Sciences.
d shore at Calais at 8:05 in the evening, was examined by a doctor and had something to eat.
The records stolen were then examined by Lovestone, John Pepper, and Stachel at Sta
rily installed, registered as AL960, that was examined by representatives from the Ministry in 1944,
He stated that the box would be examined by "foreign experts" in Germany or France as
The manuscript was examined by Johann Jakob Griesbach, Ropes, Motzo, Pool
he hospital of Tokyo University where she was examined by some of the best doctors in the country, i
a requested a psychiatric examination and was examined by two psychiatrists.
specimens of two individuals' body mass were examined by Legendre and Roth.
is given as Mart 1498 A.D. The manuscript was examined by Lighfoot and Headlam.
used in conjunction with ultra-thin sections examined by electron microscopy.
Shortly afterwards he was examined by a Parliamentary committee, and again confe
was a weaver from Shoreditch, London, and was examined by Bishop Bonner.
It was examined by Amelotte, Simon, Wetstein in 1746, Scholz,
Her thesis on zeros of entire functions was examined by J. E. Littlewood whom she met for the firs
, the chemical signatures of 18 of these were examined by a team of Italian archaeologists led by Ma
s of the military procurator's office in Baku examined by Human Rights Watch/Helsinki indicate that
topsia can present as retinal detachment when examined by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
a work product (document, code, or other) is examined by its author and one or more colleagues, in
An early theme examined by Taube's papers and other publications conc
A single specimen was examined by Legendre and Roth for body mass and was es
unk the equivalent of nine double vodkas, was examined by a police surgeon, and was found "for all i
130s and F-16s) at the same air base were not examined by the two accident investigation boards.
Then, the children are examined by physicians and psychologists, and every as
uring this time, the Schoenstatt Movement was examined by authorities of the Church in Germany.
ittee Meeting, referred for Further Study and examined by a Working Party of experts in February 197
A single specimen was examined by Legendre and Roth for body mass and was es
Four specimens were examined by M. Mendoza, C. M. Janis, and P. Palmqvist
ut that was being used as an aid post, he was examined by the medical officer, Captain Geoffrey 'Doc
Taken to Sunderland, he was examined by a Parliamentary Committee of sequestrators
evere's and Dawes's achievement and legacy is examined by Malcolm Gladwell in his book The Tipping P
r, took the oath of Allegiance and Supremacy, Examined by the Minister of the town of Gravesend."

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