



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Functionsの意味・解説 > Functionsに関連した共起表現


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Features include: higher-order functions, a Milner-style statically type-checked poly
Further work has shown that ANT functions a monomer in detergents and in mitochondrial
ith learning to control his or her excretory functions, a time of toilet training.
aps also includes a forum, private messaging functions, a job board, and question+answers from fell
onstituencies than any reasoned view of what functions a Welsh capital should have".
In each iteration, choose one of the functions above where the probability that Fj is chose
Because of the Akt[1] functions above Akt inhibitors may treat cancers such
Nearly all keys had two alternate functions, accessed by a yellow and black prefix key.
t responsible for NMUK; it controls business functions across the Europe region, including NMUK's s
Utilize numerous numeric functions, across examples such as statistics, data an
, conventions, toy shows and Hot Wheels club functions across the United States and Canada, and has
ose local authority which exercises planning functions across the designated area of the park.
In the case of physics, generating functions act as a bridge between two sets of canonica
Banner, apart from daily police functions, actively recruited the Chukchi into accepti
initive list of comitology committees, their functions, activities and membership”; however, since
This includes all police and prosecution functions, administration of the court system, provisi
preach (but not to perform other ministerial functions), after examination by presbytery and under
s on January 3, 1961, performing no judicial functions after taking part in a courthouse dedication
The following functions all require communication with the prefronta
Its powerful set of functions allow you to seamlessly integrate the author
A few hash functions allow a rolling hash to be computed very qui
These functions allow programmers to write programs without
Enhanced search and filter functions allow people to find and distribute informat
ucted by Veblen using an extension of Veblen functions allowing infinitely many arguments.
ld in the game's battery backup and the game functions almost like a perpetual world.
The book functions along with Sebald's subsequent critically su
gned a graphic interface on the top of these functions along with some of his own artifact removal
It functions also as a center for moulding public opinion
A great many of the calculation functions also were appealing to the science and engin
thority Leaders' Boards with their statutory functions also being assumed by local councils.
Watson Mill, from 1880, still functions, although it is no longer used for grist.
This protein has multiple functions, among which is regulation of steroidogenesi
r DXF (AutoDesk file formats), import/export functions, among others.
on Plotkin introduces Programming Computable Functions, an abstract typed functional language.
increased productivity with frequently used functions, an extensive system of keyboard shortcuts i
As ancillary functions an authority can also take any other action
ration syntax is similar to that of variadic functions: an ellipsis "..." is used to indicate that
The lighthouse no longer functions, and is the home of various art projects suc
ducts clean-up events, hosts informal social functions, and works with local elected officials and
ilding, leaving the town hall to be used for functions and community services.
, the Office was abolished and its remaining functions and responsibilities were transferred to the
in May 2005, causing him to lose some bodily functions and inflicting brain damage.
ddition to a set of about 50 BASIC commands, functions and operators that were common across all BA
the same time to carry out several city-wide functions and to hold the City's charter.
ts take place at Himley Hall such as Wedding Functions and local council organised Firework display
e first began playing jazz professionally at functions and competitions, founding the Oxford Univer
Various data mining functions and techniques like statistical classificati
vel languages, PEARL supports procedures and functions, and passing parameters to these can be done
ary Sea Transportation Service took over the functions and ships of the Naval and Army Transportati
A Treatise on the Functions and Duties of a Constable, London: W. Bulmer
codes for the Seniors' Programme for various functions and occasions.
e been preserved are the domus (now used for functions and exhibitions), and the refectory, which i
supports Cardinal District and International functions and continues to play a leading role in the
rently serves as a venue for conferences and functions and also houses the offices of a number of m
ly leads to noticeable improvements in brain functions, and that it instead "is careful not to clai
third building the county has used for court functions and county administration.
lock may be assigned to variables, passed to functions, and otherwise treated like a normal functio
This ground has seen many and only VIP Functions and Events, performers like Sunidhi Chauhan,
troops and local people alike attended these functions and wedding receptions were also held in the
hamber, there are three rooms used for civic functions and large meetings: the Satinwood Salon, Oct
Charitable Trust had carried out charitable functions and started working for the 1946 riot victim
d Volkswagen Jetta models simplified several functions, and added knock sensor control to the ignit
It has additional functions and toolbar buttons for updating out-of-sync
yers quickly learned about the way the world functions and how to adventure (usually in search of t
mblies may contain .NET namespaces, classes, functions and properties.
implicated in the suppression of macrophage functions and regulation of energy homeostasis by bile
ectronic manual describing the spreadsheet's functions and some basic MS-DOS operations.
own systematic characteristics, information, functions and laws.
onomical community through education, social functions, and service.
It is also capable of dealing with functions and compositions of them.
the historic Gleniffer Brae house, used for functions and the Wollongong Conservatorium of Music.
file describes functions and data structures in the program.
vity, the treatment of momentum distribution functions and Compton-line profiles and his "well dese
The S-element has multiple functions and is believed to act as a negative regulat
ory Powers (Communications Data) (Additional Functions and Amendment) Order 2006
nsion, the Hostess House, is used for social functions, and Marion General Hospital has been nation
ing the R-MAC scheme, the SHA-1 and MD2 hash functions, and at least a dozen block ciphers: DES, DF
imited, which engages in the organisation of functions and activities.
t interpreted language capable of calling OS functions and dynamic libraries through the command "L
It includes a variety of statistical functions and methods, including routines for nonlinea
y the Church Commissioners Measure 1947, the functions and assets of Queen Anne's Bounty were merge
ll serves for weekday prayer services, small functions and the SEED study programme.
though the ballroom is occasionally used for functions and Asthall Manor's garden provides the sett
an insight into Islam's concept of God, His functions and His attributes.
Maurice Turnbull, helped raise money through functions and contacts that kept the club afloat.
The Hall is now available for private functions and horse trials.
rmelites were obliged to give up the college functions and became a small and very poor priory.
Popeye Village hosts a variety of functions and activities at certain times of the year,
pace image containing commonly used built-in functions and constants is 3K in size, although this c
he president until the president resumes his functions, and in the event that the presidency falls
The modern day Wood family has hosted many functions and gatherings at the home, including the No
It was to have "executive and harmonising functions and a consultative role".
ncombe was a frequent speaker at trade union functions, and came out in public support of a number
Horton.The Hall is now available for private functions and horse trials.
little over the years from its earlier rural functions, and many of the original settler houses sti
s to support its own members through various functions and events.
onsible for all significant local government functions, and is represented there by Brigadier Rober
Exalt Imagination, Waking, Memory and other functions and appease pain, procure innocent sleep, ha
g five different websites for five different functions, and all the other hassles associated with w
rOffice also contained commercially licensed functions and add-ons; in OpenOffice.org these were ei
entions around the effectiveness of specific functions and the over-all value of the decentralizati
in his earlier days, taking part in various functions and organised film dance competitions and cu
ns designated by those laws to exercise such functions and powers was or shall be invalid by reason
asure of information in instances of fitness functions and optimization algorithms.
ll, and the Oak Room - an ornate setting for functions and parties.
h have significant influence on several body functions, and a beneficial effect on health.
Be able to execute logical functions and instructions.
terans still display them as part of veteran functions and ceremonies.
It can then be passed on to other functions and applied there to return from the functio
This is accomplished by altering functions and subroutines to bypass security checks an
Transportation Service when it absorbed the functions and duties of the Naval Transportation Servi
tion within the central theme of utilitarian functions and aesthetical interpretation."
, MMS and e-mail; Office suite and organizer functions; and the ability to install and run third pa
C) is a generalized term which describes the functions and activities of representatives of involve
It is thus also possible to wrap the functions and datatypes of existing C libraries as Pyt
The house is currently used for public functions and is opened to the public on certain open
schoolhouse, also used for church and civic functions, and a post office, which operated until 189
k for improvement of the Laguna's ecological functions and development of trail access.
ression built from primitives, other defined functions, and the function symbol f itself, using fun
trig, log/ln, and exponential functions), and was the beginning of Hewlett-Packard's
Modular Functions and Dirichlet Series in Number Theory, (1990
so the venue for Summer festival, government functions and local celebrations during the New Year's
tical toolkit) of commonly used mathematical functions and predicates.
y the Core Data Driven Engine, the Component Functions, and the Support Libraries (see adjacent pic
ion of the virtual memory addresses at which functions and variables can be found can make exploita
missions, represents the state at ceremonial functions and at events with or without the Governor,
CGM format has numerous elements to provide functions and to represent entities, so that a wide ra
re * is the convolution operator between two functions, and
e area of complex multiplication, mock theta functions and class numbers, and for some time looked
It started simply, with few OpenGL functions and minimal other functionality.
y-to-day activities and traveled with him to functions and on overseas trips.
hes the different types of one-electron wave functions and their derivatives which are used in a mu
toolbar for quick access to frequently used functions, and a custom menu to specify your own tags
ase, the homogenous solutions are the Bessel functions, and the particular solution may be chosen a
rofessors, 1,560 employees in administrative functions, and some 900 additional staff funded by thi
thorised in writing to perform the following functions and actions as specified in various sections
hine therefore generates a list φ1 ... φn of functions, and the SXM composes these functions togeth
quations, including parameters, user-defined functions and lookup tables.
lysis, founding the field of almost periodic functions, and worked with the Cambridge mathematician
iga who created the theory of pseudoanalytic functions and worked on Riemann surfaces and Kleinian
e EXSLT set of processor-portable extensions functions and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions
n facings, facilitating modern architectural functions and reflecting contemporary spirits.
r husband in his duties, primarily at social functions and by accompanying him on some of his trave
ic mode supports exponents and trigonometric functions, and programmer mode gives the user access t
repealed; thus, the Commission took over the functions and responsibilities of the defunct Institut
The compiler parses the intrinsic functions and converts them into vector math or multip
not be relied upon to perform safety-related functions, and b) it may prevent other software, hardw
quee has been erected to accommodate special functions and conferences.
and a directory system for filing variables, functions, and programs.
rpolation Sets for Some Algebras of Analytic Functions and was supervised by Theodore Gamelin.
version is mainly stylus-based with support functions and menu displays toggled by the R/L and dir
ng language is one in which all terms denote functions and the juxtaposition of terms denotes funct
thout compromising its ecological mitigation functions and the development of the Wetland Park will
ions studying abelian integrals, automorphic functions, and functional equations.
kami be understood both in terms of specific functions and in terms of those ranking above and belo
s, Applied Analysis, Applications of special functions and Astrophysics.
handling, integrated light box and tool tip functions, and 17 W3C-compliant themes.
ng is used by the University for a number of functions and departments.
It caters for various community functions and events, as well as private school assemb
uences (Lists, Strings and Tuples), Built-in Functions and creating functions, Loops (for-loop, whi
signs, or is otherwise unable to perform the functions and duties of the office, the Deputy Secreta
level-in particular the primitive recursive functions and mu recursive functions presented elegant
His lab at Johns Hopkins discovered functions and mechanisms of action of neuronal growth
authorities to promote understanding of the functions and democratic arrangements of the authority
It includes both image sensing and recording functions, and also includes either a USB port, a rece
ld wear a blue or white ribbon at university functions, and blue or white ribbons were attached to
as renovated in 2001, and is rented for many functions and concerts.
ograms, seminars, participation in community functions and via the Board website, the Board also ac
lingwood Town Hall is now a used for special functions and as an exhibition space.
While most of the cards' functions and effects could be duplicated by a technic
s of flexible, behaviorally defined harmonic functions and a model of pitch hierarchy based on the
As many of the functions and work in the Borough is divided along War
s no statutory basis, exercises no executive functions and controls no public expenditure.
of which 128 were equipped with chronograph functions and 99 with repeater mechanisms.
gramming structure is embodied in the rules, functions and variables that form the core of a mathem
The Server edition included all of the functions and network options.
e service to citizens by integrating related functions, and in the use of internal electronic Gover
Outside, there is an area for functions and this includes a table for laying out and
ially effective for nonlinear problems whose functions and gradients are expensive to evaluate.
Cournot introduced the ideas of functions and probability into economic analysis.
ist who is active in studying hypergeometric functions and zeta constants.
aLite extends Sqlite with spatial datatypes, functions, and utilities.
ou will help to build the database of energy functions and advance an important area of science wit
Additional training functions and support are provided by the colocated 73
roteins also occur in the cytosol, but their functions and the pathways producing these modificatio
Naming collision of classes, functions and variables can be avoided.
Division spaces, vector-valued functions and backwards martingales, Proceedings of th
fast asynchronous file I/O functions and file notifications
izing electronic pipe that performs the same functions and features as an ordinary pipe.
Natural Resources took over the commission's functions and maintains most of the sites and museums,
ed genres of music, while the station itself functions and is treated by the music industry as any
and drawing distinctions between commercial functions and core Government services, the process ev
erstanding of normal and abnormal biological functions and behavior relating to alcohol use
Ordinarily Liverymen wear ties at formal functions and each Company differs by allowing ladies
hat she has contributed to are 2001's Bodily Functions and 2006's Scale.
PLP members also attacked ROAR rallies, functions, and even used direct action to short-circui
Beijing in integrating cultural and sporting functions and commercial purposes with large-scale gar
ng point numbers, global assignments, nested functions and aliases, and none of the actual paramete
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