



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > GEOMAGNETICの意味・解説 > GEOMAGNETICに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 37

r nearly constant local time conditions and geomagnetic activity, and to compare direct measurement
aunched to a polar orbit, from where it did geomagnetic and geodetic measurements.
has been used to investigate changes in the geomagnetic cutoff latitude for low-energy (> 2 MeV) so
The geomagnetic field changes on time scales from milliseco
characteristics of electrons trapped in the geomagnetic field after an exoatmospheric nuclear burst
DC fields, which occur naturally in Earth's geomagnetic field and are emitted from other sources wh
compass needle deflects 45 degrees from the geomagnetic field, indicating that the magnitude of the
10 kg, to investigate plasma bubbles in the geomagnetic field, air glow, and anomalous cosmic radia
aligned so that the coil is parallel to the geomagnetic field, whose direction is indicated by the
at has an equal polarity to the Earth's own geomagnetic field, she can cause the Earth to repel her
agnitude of the horizontal component of the geomagnetic field.
ements of seismic waves, gravity anomalies, geomagnetic fields and electromagnetic fields in terms
Geomagnetic fields; and
Intermagnet now has Geomagnetic Information Nodes in 5 continents.
en to minimise electrical interference with geomagnetic instruments, which were relocated there fro
Geomagnetic latitude is a parameter analogous to geogra
irection approximately perpendicular to the geomagnetic meridian planes of the trajectory.
rst team in 1992 to walk unsupported to the Geomagnetic North Pole.described in the book A Race Aga
The largest geomagnetic perturbation, resulting presumably from a "
tinues to carry out research in seismic and geomagnetic phenomena as well as radio and solar physic
measure may be made with the International Geomagnetic Reference Model.
bservatory (HMO) is South Africa's national geomagnetic research facility.
operational in 2002; the final module, for geomagnetic research, is still under construction in 20
or biochronozone) or in worldwide terms by geomagnetic reversal identifiers (polarity chronozone).
he Earth, although they do undergo periodic geomagnetic reversal, because theory shows that the Ear
Geomagnetic secular variation refers to changes in the
ong these concerns was the possibility of a geomagnetic storm of solar origin.
The geomagnetic storm causing this event was itself the res
World wide reports on the effects of the geomagnetic storm of 1859 were compiled and published b
agnetometer record by Balfour Stewart and a geomagnetic storm observed the following day, Carringto
geomagnetic storms
tosphere, and some changes can be traced to geomagnetic storms or daily variations in currents.
pace phenomena such as coronal holes, whose geomagnetic storms impact power grid systems on earth a
o-called "space storms" (otherwise known as geomagnetic storms) strike, they erode away the outer l
ons - How Planets Regulate Solar Eruptions, Geomagnetic Storms, Conditions of Life and Economic Cyc
They carried out a geomagnetic survey and excavated approximately 100 squa
he oceanographers whose pioneering Cold War geomagnetic survey work lead to the discovery of magnet

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