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該当件数 : 102

f God's Word; to recognize truth, beauty, and goodness according to Biblical standards; and to prepa
riptures, Eddy argues that given the absolute goodness and perfection of God, sin, disease, and deat
, Rivkah, had “devoted their lives to acts of goodness and kindness and compassion for others ... bu
r themselves the admiration we feel for moral goodness and the disapproval that we feel for moral ev
ividuals to develop an awareness of the basic goodness and inherent dignity of themselves, of others
d a long eulogium upon his wit, learning, and goodness, and added; 'He was the only man that did jus
ginal sin, human beings were transformed from goodness and almost wholly corrupted with evil, making
In Arabic, "husan" means goodness and beauty.
m 89 begins with words of praise for Yahweh's goodness and covenant faithfulness.
ission is to reach out to others with acts of goodness and kindness.
Publications), referring to the root of human goodness and aspiration.
It explores the ideas of goodness and wickedness, which is central to the music
"Svitlo dobra i lyubovi"(The light of goodness and love, 1888),
ough self-love man becomes focused on his own goodness and leaps to the false conclusion - one which
ult calling itself P.A.G.A.N. (People Against Goodness And Normalcy).
he person does not feel that they can sustain goodness and it is safer for it to be put into the obj
witching of the Christian concepts of Heaven, goodness and God with Hell, evil and Satan.
Due to the goodness and generosity of Varus and his son, they wer
rahd spent much of his life serving causes of goodness and law, most notably as a warrior and leader
The recitative (The goodness and love of the Highest) ends on an arioso, l
f a tractate entitled The Foundation of Moral Goodness, and in the following year a second part, Ill
artesians to consider how far God's truth and goodness are called in question by their denial of the
playing a bit of an ideal [...] but he makes goodness as palpable as he did yuppie evil in 'In the
Thank goodness Boycott was fit again, it was seriously said,
Duk - benevolence, virtue, goodness, commanding respect; within the ideograph on
The predecessor to DVS, Instilling Goodness Elementary School, was first founded at the s
“A man whose untiring energy and conspicuous goodness endeared him wherever he served”, he died on
the material at hand he put out an honest to goodness fencing team."
XV: To make a quince jelly of superb beauty, goodness, flavour and excellence fit to set before a K
A measure of goodness for a statistical estimator.
He took chances - thank goodness for those who look on batting as a challenge!
words of the Goodman brand's tagline, "Thank Goodness for Goodman."
The Financial Times wrote " Thank goodness for Charles Dickens's England...endearing Dic
Goodness Gracious Me (1998)
Best comedy series: Goodness Gracious Me
many sketch shows, including Smack the Pony, Goodness Gracious Me and The All Star Comedy Show.
Richard Pinto became part of the team behind Goodness Gracious Me, first on radio starting in 1996
medy writer who worked on TV series including Goodness Gracious Me and The Kumars at No. 42, which w
f Agriculture and Consumer Services, entitled Goodness Grows in North Carolina.
nd may the Lord God Almighty, of his infinite goodness, have mercy on your soul!
Oh thank goodness, I thought I was just being higgerant and eve
clination", in some views, a tendency towards goodness, in others, a tendency towards having a produ
Schultz as the representative of some kind of goodness in any generation."
We hope that the goodness in people like Sindberg will live on."
With all goodness in heart and the old friendship in mind, Anna
e lists what she perceives as her failures at goodness, including anger with herself over Fiyero, he
Goodness is helping one in distress;
" Goodness without knowledge... is weak and feeble, yet
The Special Goodness is the side project of Weezer's drummer Patri
The Absence of Goodness is a novel by Isaac Morris that was published
it remains an unhappy consciousness since all goodness is alienated in God or in the afterlife.
ath instinct being projected onto the object, goodness is also projected onto the object.
Devu's inherent goodness is contrasted with his "evil twin", a stepbro
The company asserts that it stands for "Thank Goodness It's Friday," although as of 2010 some televi
e of Richard Brooks in The Times was "Thank goodness... Keith Khan, its artistic executive, is leav
cktail of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and goodness knows what else."
n the two strangers wed, but their purity and goodness make their marriage a happy one.
nd John Clute wrote that "in the depiction of goodness may lie the real genius of James White," Mike
"[h]igh ideals of virtue and goodness may be reaction formations against primitive
atise, in the series On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Adaptation of Ext
can only be eliminated and replaced with the goodness of democracy - rule by the people, not by mon
rouch putting money into the club "out of the goodness of his own heart".
ce of the visible world, and on the truth and goodness of God (Descartes), which would be impugned i
ent Book) and Saving Belief, a defence of the goodness of God called Love Almighty and Ills Unlimite
, the Tetragrammaton, in which especially the goodness of God is emphasized, in order that the "mini
ere they learned to recognise and cherish the goodness of the Italian people.
The resulting goodness of fit of the 45° line gives a measure of the
objectively good... the artist deals with the goodness of wine, not with the wine itself."
ood paradise, or in innocence, or the natural goodness of children.
ally carry a definite message about the basic goodness of human nature and show the value of unselfi
e blow it would be to the Saracens if, by the goodness of God, the position of that famous city were
d not only for nobility of birth, but for the goodness of his soul.
In hopes of resuscitating the goodness of his one-time friend, the ghost of Jacob Ma
Keener argues that Matthew is contrasting the goodness of the pagan Magi against the residents of Je
Thank goodness only healthy people play football."
neous to hold that such elements of truth and goodness, or some of them, do not derive ultimately fr
areness project known as 'Inspiration through Goodness', organised by the Czech government.
proven to himself that he is capable of great goodness, Raymond then begins to wonder if he is capab
is giggles and included the line "Aggers, for goodness' sake, do stop it" between convulsions of mir
(He died in 1995, for goodness' sake, not 1994.)
For goodness' sake, can we remove that ridiculous "the col
ment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day."
dragged me, and I walk in and I thought, 'My goodness, she's kind of cute' ... something propelled
he must not force others to be good, and that goodness should be voluntary.
aljean that he is now unable to reconcile the goodness shown to him by Valjean with his perfectly la
c apart, but also the life spirit and general goodness that is helping to forge its future.
doctrine to hold that the seeds of truth and goodness that exist in other religions are a certain p
Keep a hold of the goodness that you have in you.
he first are white representing innocence and goodness, the second are black representing the wicked
"God gives goodness to men and not men to goods" ("Dieu donne du
rd to put a band together with Rick Friel and Goodness vocalist Carrie Akre.
The Absence of Goodness was published by iUniverse Corporation, Bloom
Mount of goodness) was an agricultural colony in the Judean Hil
Tub Gurnard Goodness was released in Europe and the group played m
argued that to understand the roots of human goodness, we've got to look beyond humans, and incorpo
Oh my goodness, what a ridiculous chunk of POV bullshit.
u settle back and enjoy that modest degree of goodness, which is at least not badness, and besides,
is very polite and talkative and shines of a goodness which gives the witness of a kind heart and a
od as "the Being perfect in power, wisdom and goodness whom men worship as creator and ruler of the
people the emotions of virtue, simplicity and goodness, with this program paying at the box-office."
d test: will Shen Teh be able to maintain her goodness with these newfound means, however slight the
ne 20, 1998, Chris Friel and Danny Newcomb of Goodness would invite McCready to play with Goodness o

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