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Obviously, in an undirected graph a negative edge creates a negative cycle (i.e.
In a power graph, a star is represented by a power edge between
After the Horton graph, a number of smaller counterexamples to the Tu
emoval of which would disconnect the remaining graph; a vertex separator is a collection of vertice
On a weighted graph, a Degree-constrained minimum spanning tree (D
The dual of this embedding is the Dyck graph, a cubic symmetric graph.
n, where n is the number of the vertices of a graph, a canonical form of a graph is commonly calle
In 1950, H. S. M. Coxeter cited the graph a second time, giving the Hamiltonian represen
ionally changes to include a more complex line graph, a circle graph, and on one occasion to-date,
not be confused with a cycle double cover of a graph, a family of cycles that includes each edge tw
Kautz graph, a directed graph of degree M and dimension N
In 1972, A. T. Balaban published a (3-10)-cage graph, a cubic graph that has as few vertices as pos
The graph above is a gluten rich bread flour, as its sta
ence in BU between the peak time point (on the graph above 3 minutes, 30 seconds) and 5 minutes aft
On the other hand, for a sparse graph, adjacency lists win out, because they do not
pendently), which states that every bridgeless graph admits a set of cycles which contains each edg
The Gray graph again provides an example.
For " Graph Algebra" as used in the social sciences, see G
s article is about the mathematical concept of Graph Algebras.
He is known for his work in graph algorithms and the reconstruction conjecture a
Graph algorithms are a significant field of interest
Heaps are crucial in several efficient graph algorithms such as Dijkstra's algorithm, and i
The Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (ISSN 1526-1719) i
Graph Algorithms, Computer Science Press, 1979.
ist and mathematician, whose research concerns graph algorithms, combinatorial designs, and their a
Don Woods was doing doctoral research in graph algorithms, and he designed this maze as (almo
sed in computer science, and more specifically graph algorithms, to represent the triconnected comp
In this reweighted graph, all edge weights are non-negative, but the sh
The separation, the decomposition, and the graph all have width three.
In any directed bipartite graph, all cycles have a length that is divisible by
This graph also represents an orthographic projection of
The other 4 rings of the 421 graph also match a smaller copy of the four rings of
The Herschel graph also provides an example of a polyhedral graph
The graph also shows how the process of coactivation wor
The PREESM tool inputs are an algorithm graph, an architecture graph, and a scenario which i
Visibility graph analysis (VGA) is a method of analysing the in
Visibility graph analysis was developed from the architectural
Visibility graph analysis uses various measures from the theory
n, Document Clustering, Document Indexing, Web Graph Analysis, Network Generation, Power law distri
rd with holes at the nodes of the dodecahedral graph and was subsequently marketed in Europe in man
Let G be a graph and let T be a DFS-tree of G.
ance "d" is the distance between levels of the graph, and is chosen so the overall layout will fit
A graph and its complement have the same frequency par
s a powerful parse algorithm based on a syntax graph and several connectivity matrices.
than the quadratic time bound for the complete graph and Delaunay triangulation algorithms.
the vertices in an elimination ordering of the graph and that, for each vertex v, forms a clique fo
tep, choosing the minimum degree vertex in the graph and removing its neighbors achieves an approxi
RRDtool: Graph and log time series data.
Fisherman helped introduce the now-common tide graph and moonphase readouts, and the Antman was the
e vertices with respect to the 4-cycles of the graph and shows that they are all inconsistent with
a region if this doesn't cause a cycle in the graph, and if the pixels are 'similar' to the existi
's current price, buying advice, a price trend graph, and comparison prices from other stores.
Let v be the vertices of the graph and describe the Hamiltonian circle along the
The line graph and Kirchhoff matrix properties generalize to
It is also a 3-vertex-connected graph and a 3-edge-connected graph.
Later, the Fritsch graph and Soifer graph provide two smaller counterex
(3-10)-cages, the other two being the Harries graph and the Harries-Wong graph.
Moreover, the Harries-Wong graph and Harries graph are cospectral graphs.
All Moore graphs, in particular the Petersen graph and the Hoffman-Singleton graph, are distance
dels, but also can be used to hide part of the graph and offer alternative layouts for some intende
ation theory one examines a finite or infinite graph and removes edges randomly.
)-cage graphs-the Balaban 10-cage, the Harries graph and the Harries-Wong graph.
Because the Delaunay triangulation is a planar graph, and there are no more than three times as man
Every pointed pseudotriangulation is a Laman graph, and every planar Laman graph can be realized
Here is a simple example of a labeled graph and its Laplacian matrix.
pendent set as an induced subgraph of a larger graph, and the maximum clique problem is an induced
It can be solved in polynomial time for split graph and threshold graph.
one correspondence between the vertices of the graph and a set of boxes, such that two boxes inters
rent has a strongly connected state transition graph, and the Markov chain is aperiodic if and only
moves either up or down leaving a trace on the graph and at the same time making a loud click.
Let G be a finite undirected graph and x and y two distinct vertices.
Let G be a finite undirected graph and x and y two nonadjacent vertices.
left open by the mismatch between the Urquhart graph and the relative neighborhood graph, was solve
y convex polyhedron forms a 3-connected planar graph, and every 3-connected planar graph can be rep
skeleton of any convex polyhedron is a planar graph, and the skeleton of any k-dimensional convex
terministic log-space machine to vertices of a graph, and put an edge between u and v if the state
sible spanning tree configurations for a given graph and pick the one with the lowest cost; such se
onstruction, the Bidiakis cube is a polyhedral graph, and can be realized as a convex polyhedron.
The Bidiakis cube is a cubic Hamiltonian graph and can be defined by the LCF notation [-6,4,-
These include simple cycle graph and cyclic graph, although the latter term is
f degree 5 or 6 and it is a 5-vertex-connected graph and a 5-edge-connected graph.
screte system is often modeled with a directed graph and is analyzed for correctness and complexity
-flow is independent of the orientation of the graph, and we will say that an (undirected) graph ha
Each data point serves as a node on the graph and connectivity between nodes is governed by
vertices edge- but not vertex-transitive cubic graph and therefore that was the graph found by Fost
The branchwidth of a graph and the branchwidth of the corresponding graph
In this graph and each of its induced subgraphs the chromati
However, the Herschel graph, another non-Hamiltonian polyhedron with 11 ve
he first to draw supply and demand curves on a graph, anticipating the work of Alfred Marshall by r
For, in any bipartite graph, any cycle must alternate between the vertices
The Graph API is the core of Facebook Platform, enabling
The visibility graph approach to the Euclidean shortest path proble
a Markov network, the vertices of the network graph are atomic formulas, and the edges are the log
It and the Petersen graph are the only 2-vertex-connected cubic non-Hami
The numbers on the graph are all mushed together.
The vertices of the graph are given integer y-coordinates in such a way
The odd girth and even girth of a graph are the lengths of a shortest odd cycle and sh
Data and graph are based on the MODIS sensor standard public
The edges of the graph are usually labelled with the latency of the d
If the edges of a complete graph are each given an orientation, the resulting d
Any two vertices in a rook's graph are either at distance one or two from each ot
Every proper coloring and cocoloring of a graph are also subcolorings, so the subchromatic num
ical enumeration problems, the vertices of the graph are considered to be labeled in such a way as
tatistical mechanics of lattice models on this graph are often exactly solvable.
Such placement is called linear graph arrangement, linear graph layout or linear gra
cliques of G that are used to form the clique graph, as is every set of one vertex and every set o
This is observed on the graph as a change in the direction of the gradient o
programming recommend keeping the inheritance graph as shallow as possible, in part to avoid this
tching preclusion measures the robustness of a graph as a communications network topology for distr
n), the same time bound holds for the Urquhart graph as well.
re known about the number of components in the graph as a function of the threshold r and the numbe
serialize) an RDF graph as an XML document.
Each chapter begins with a graph assessing the method in question in terms of:
A weighted graph associates a value (weight) with every edge in
Note: graph assumes all 104 nuclear power plants in the Un
may be visualized as placing the vertices of a graph at distinct integer points along the x-axis so
Lines run across the graph at the mean, as well as one, two and sometimes
In this context, graph bandwidth problem models the problem of placem
Graph bandwidth problem
r can plot 39 types 2D & 3D graphs (e.g., Area graph, Bar graph, Boxplot graph, Pie graph, Line gra
Graph based methods tend to minimize the cuts betwee
trix based approaches such as SVD and BVD, and graph based approaches .
The condition that the graph be 3-regular is necessary due to polyhedra suc
If one relaxes the requirement that the graph be cubic, there are much smaller non-Hamiltoni
ual to the minimum degree of any vertex in the graph, because deleting all edges incident to a sing
ustomized by defining a CSS stylesheet for the graph being displayed.
These graphs are forbidden minors for F: a graph belongs to F if and only if it does not contai
s results for 2006 are listed in the table and graph below.
In a 3-connected planar graph, boundaries of faces are precisely the periphe
he strongly connected components of a directed graph, but Tarjan's and Gabow's are favoured in prac
e family since its Coxeter diagram a nonlinear graph, but there are three simplest ones, with a sin
pth-limited search does not explore the entire graph, but just the part that lies within the specif
ntegers between 1 and some N. Make this into a graph by putting an edge between every two points wi
lap, reducing the total number of nodes of the graph by one.
s; these permutations act on the Tutte-Coxeter graph by permuting the vertices on each side of its
of the scientists could almost be plotted in a graph by counting the number of lights burning after
al form can be transformed into an implication graph by replacing each of its disjunctions by a pai
applied to all other variants of the notion of graph, by adding the requirements to preserve the co
Replace any vertex of the graph by a pair of vertices, each of which has the s
ving classical actions, and performing Feynman graph calculations more simply than those in nonsupe
Therefore, no directed bipartite graph can be aperiodic.
The Ihara zeta function of a graph can be interpreted as an example of the Artin-
process is within specifications, the profile graph can be used as a graphical indicator.
A polygon-circle graph can be represented as an "alternating sequence
d that x, y, and f(x, y) are real numbers, the graph can be represented as a planar or curved surfa
Alternatively, any graph can be drawn with straight-line edges in three
The Gosset graph can be explicitly constructed as follows: the
oblem of determining whether the vertices of a graph can be partitioned into k cliques.
a set of intervals that represent an interval graph can also be used as a way of assembling contig
e spectrum of the Laplace operator on a finite graph can be conveniently described using a scatteri
In statistics, an ancestral graph can be used to represent the statistical depen
Provided that x and f(x) are real numbers, the graph can be represented as a straight or curved cur
Under this definition, the constraint graph can have as many as O(n2) edges, where n is th
Depending on the context the graph can be directed or undirected.
In particular, the affixes -phon, -phot, and -graph can be spelled with f for ph.
The cut of a graph can sometimes refer to its cut-set instead of
arator theorem states that any n-vertex planar graph can be partitioned into roughly equal parts by
omplete to determine whether the vertices of a graph can be partitioned into two induced paths, or
The Franklin graph can be drawn on the Klein bottle in a way that
They proved that every triangle-free planar graph can be represented by a collection of line seg
It is known that any graph can be embedded into a three-dimensional space
cture (now a theorem) states that every planar graph can also be represented as an intersection gra
Therefore, if every planar graph can be represented in this way with only four
The Franklin graph can be embedded onto the Klein bottle so that
minimum genus of a surface into which a Paley graph can be embedded is near this bound in the case
Equivalently, if a graph can be drawn with fewer crossings than Kn, the
The Gewirtz graph can be constructed as follows.
In particular, this means that the Petersen graph cannot be properly colored with one or two col
This graph cannot be represented as an intersection graph
A planar graph cannot contain K3,3 as a minor; an outerplanar
Graph canonization is the essence of many graph isom
Graph canonization is also sometimes known as graph
A common application of graph canonization is in graphical data mining, in p
shape (including bitmap icons) of nodes in the graph, change font attributes or stroke properties,
computing the points of inflection (where the graph changes concavity); however, in most cases, si
Forbidden graph characterizations are utilized in combinatoria
According to Alexa Internet graph charts, the site was ranked number 1,705 as of
The "right" (beta) side of the graph chiefly performs joins between different WMEs.
These graph classes include planar graphs, map graphs, bou
A Sparse graph code is a code which is represented by a spars
One may also graph color a k-degenerate graph using at most k + 1
Foster graph colored to highlight various cycles.
s one of many conjectures made by Albertson in graph coloring theory.
As graph coloring in general is NP-complete, so is regi
tension of an earlier 1981 paper on the use of graph coloring for register allocation.
Chaitin's algorithm is a bottom-up, graph coloring register allocation algorithm that us
on trees can be used to solve problems such as graph coloring and constraint satisfaction.
ion problems like the K-satisfiability and the graph coloring in present days.
However, due to the NP-completeness of the graph coloring problem, it is difficult to find an o
logous to the definition of perfect graphs via graph coloring, and provides a forbidden subgraph ch
as in a line drawing according to the rules of Graph coloring.
studied, including larger magic square games, graph colouring games giving rise to the notion of q
on evaluations in large scale sparse problems, graph colouring theory is used to group first and se
Barioli used it to mean a graph composed of a number of arbitrary subgraphs ha
lanar case can be completed if Vizing's planar graph conjecture is true.
nnected (that is, all one piece; see connected graph, connected space).
olynomial-time primality testing and log-space graph connectedness testing suggest that randomness
lso a close connection between clique-sums and graph connectivity: if a graph is not (k + 1)-vertex
A graph consisting of 6 vertices and 7 edges

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