




該当件数 : 48

Charlie Chaplin played Darn Hosiery and Edna Purviance played Carmen.
on Paper Company, Elgin Watches, Humming Bird Hosiery, and Lever Brothers, amongst others.
school educated the managers of Leicester's, hosiery and shoe factories, as well as the supporting
, filaments, nets, and tire cords, as well as hosiery and knitted garments.
children also worked when they could, and the hosiery and lace trade were ranked as two of the most
shingles, chair parts, bobbins, whip sockets, hosiery, bricks and washboards.
was founded by Samuel T. Cooper in 1876 as a hosiery business.
In 1921, it was the Belmont Hosiery Co., a maker of silk, lisle and woolen stocki
ody shapers, Sheer Endurance, a sheer, strong hosiery collection.
an industrial town (with several 19th-century hosiery factories, many of which are now being turned
it that caught the attention of major Italian hosiery factories.
Just prior to World War II the CWS hosiery factory had built a four storey wing to their
re, is a British marketer and manufacturer of hosiery, founded in 1924.
and women's dress and casual footwear, belts, hosiery, handbags, gloves, scarves, hats, outerwear a
d a profitable retail clothing business Ahmed Hosiery, in Burnley.
ous factors contributing to the growth of the hosiery industry in the town.
e added from the Borough crest signifying the Hosiery industry in the town, and Hinckley Town's Eag
r was mediating a dispute in the Philadelphia hosiery industry.
perative Whole Sale (CWS) at Huthwaite in the hosiery industry.
Kayser-Roth's Calvin Klein brand of hosiery introduced a similarly invisible control top
Fancy woolen hosiery is also manufactured.
lius Kayser and was a notable manufacturer of hosiery, lingerie and gloves.
Hand Knitting Yarns, Hosiery Machine Knitting Yarns, Cotton Yarn (Ring Spu
Hosiery manufacture continued to be an important indu
ry of Golden Lady) is an intimate apparel and hosiery manufacturer based in Greensboro, North Carol
Eight years later, Grupo Synkro, a Mexican hosiery manufacturer, purchased the company for appro
ing South Wigston Henry Bates was the leading hosiery manufacturer.
He was the president of South India Hosiery Manufacturers Association (SIHMA).
n 1823 by a family of wealthy and influential hosiery manufacturers known as the White family who l
irm of Messrs. Innes, Henderson and Co, Ltd., hosiery manufacturers, Hawick.
The project involved converting a hosiery mill into homes for the elderly, and caused c
thought worked too hard and the Cannery was a hosiery mill in North Carolina.
Harriman Hosiery Mills in 1940
A paper mill and two hosiery mills provided the largest share of jobs in t
me three more mills came into being Randleman Hosiery Mills, Plaidville Mills, and Marie Antoinette
He served as chairman of board of Lynchburg Hosiery Mills, Inc..
, Anthracite coal mines were here, as well as hosiery mills.
s also later purchased by Carr and the Durham Hosiery Mills.
textile industry, he resigned his job at the hosiery plant in 2001 and took a job as a social stud
25% of French hosiery production
Kayser-Roth introduced its first age-defying hosiery products for No Nonsense and HUE (a sister br
till in existence today manufacturing women's hosiery products.
duced nonstop, a durable, comfortable line of hosiery that meets the challenges of women's busy liv
Today, in addition to hosiery, tights and dress socks, they also offer slee
s from the Indies, tartans, article de Paris, hosiery, toys, watercolors, and more.
The hosiery trade had also been falling away for about fi
h and extension of the cotton, silk, lace and hosiery trades, in the district of Derby, created a g
At Miller's request, hosiery was manufactured for her as a single pantyhos

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