




該当件数 : 645

or example; four) can serve as an inhibitor of immune activation induced by Gram-negative bacteria,
So the activation of the phagocyte for immune activation does not occur.
e regulator of the complement cascade, mediate immune adherence and phagocytosis and inhibit both th
Also, tomatine is known to be an immune adjuvant in connection with certain protein an
Lipomannan is a mycobacterium immune agonist.
IFN-γ is involved in the regulation of the immune and inflammatory responses; in humans, there i
portant in the regulation of genes involved in immune and inflammatory responses, and may be involve
cAMP suppresses the activity of immune and inflammatory cells.
From exploring the immune and digestive systems to learning about the sk
The Scarecrow and the Tin Man are immune, and are in the process of dragging them out o
r study also showed that CAPE suppresses acute immune and inflammatory responses and holds promise f
ant mediator involved in many cytokine induced immune and inflammatory responses.
a role in myeloid-myeloid interactions during immune and inflammatory responses.
only evaluated parameter for the validation of immune and protein binding based assays such as ELISA
imates, pigs and dogs, resistin is secreted by immune and epithelial cells while in rodents, it is s
d modulates a variety of interleukin 1 related immune and inflammatory responses.
Immune Attack is an educational video game created by
Each subsequent level of Immune Attack features a different infection, and a d
Continued immune attack by the macrophages results in silicosis
his makes the microfilaria more susceptible to immune attack.
both metabolites may protect tumor cells from immune attacks.
nd a thrombocytopenic patient, discovering the immune basis of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura a
armless glucose and Looker herself was already immune because she was not allergic.
bed structures that connected various types of immune cell together, as well as connections between
et of cytokines that are produced by a type of immune cell known as a lymphocyte.
It is involved in immune cell regulation.
FA-1; deficiency of LFA-1 also interferes with immune cell interaction and immune recognition.
CHIPS is a protein that inhibits immune cell activation normally associated with infla
ith serious tuberculosis (TB) or very low CD4 ( immune cell) counts, who need to start ARV therapy “i
o shows that the presence of StAR in a type of immune cell, the macrophage, where it can stimulate t
nd the other to a protein on the surface of an immune cell, for example an Fc receptor on a macropha
ity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), allowing immune cells to enter the brain, the primary site of
virus, which exhibits tropism for CD4 related immune cells (e.g.
animal of one species (Guinea pig) against the immune cells of another species (mouse lymphocytes) w
receptors are found primarily on microglia(the immune cells of the CNS) and not neurons, however.
Maternal immune cells are also found in the offspring yielding
he reaction becomes uncontrolled, and too many immune cells are activated in a single place.
y responsible for hydrolyzing cAMP within both immune cells and cells in the central nervous system.
n are critical for the recruitment of effector immune cells to the inflammation site.
characterized as a chemoattractant for certain immune cells expressing the cell surface molecule CD4
or secretion into the bile, the recruitment of immune cells to inflammatory sites, and the induction
m occurs in the lungs, for example, fluids and immune cells such as macrophages may accumulate and e
First line immune cells also serve to recruit neutrophils and ot
unt of aging in yeast, flies, worms, and human immune cells by inducing autophagy.
its highly-negative charge, hCG may repel the immune cells of the mother, protecting the fetus duri
ablish which factors control the maturation of immune cells and how chemical changes of the DNA infl
The count measures immune cells that are killed off by the AIDS virus, H
Attachment of monocyte derived immune cells to endothelial cells is also enhanced by
In most people, these other immune cells (TH0 cells) "check" and usually ignore t
al microchimerism (or fetal chimerism) whereby immune cells (mostly T and B lymphocytes, monocytes,
The receptor is expressed on immune cells where it binds to MHC class I molecules
her LIR subfamily B receptors are expressed on immune cells where they bind to MHC class I molecules
ssing, they release chemokines to signal other immune cells to come in to the site of inflammation.
unomodulator (selectively modulates overactive immune cells), antipsoriatic, neuroprotective (protec
chemotactic for and activates a many different immune cells, including mast cells, eosinophils and b
l particles in tissue abundantly provided with immune cells, antibodies, and antibacterial proteins.
In this way, tumour cells are attached to immune cells, which destroy them.
oxidase, an enzyme found in certain phagocytic immune cells, especially polymorphonuclear leukocytes
many roles, including the attraction of other immune cells, including macrophages and other lymphoc
a role in inducing apoptosis in certain human immune cells.
which HIV hijacks to enter into healthy human immune cells.
y given to pure populations of human or murine immune cells.
n preference to p110α and p110β in a number of immune cells.
ns), with the singlet oxygen being produced by immune cells.
amily of enzymes are the most prevalent PDE in immune cells.
s), IL-35 suppresses inflammatory responses of immune cells.
t attachment to the complement fixing sites in immune complexed immunoglobulin.
erosclerosis and that increases in circulating immune complexes after vasectomy are transient.
Upon the binding of C1 to immune complexes by virtue of the affinity of C1q for
h of the complement system is activated by IgA immune complexes and bacterial endotoxins, polysaccha
C3b also aids in the clearance of immune complexes (antigen-antibody).
The IgE immune complexes that are formed bind to CD23 molecul
Thus, on binding to immune complexes through C1q, the subunits of C1 beco
Furthermore, the existence of immune complexes may be involved in seronegative acut
ocessing and clearance of complement opsonized immune complexes.
olytic anaemias and other conditions featuring immune complexes.
ctions, such as blood pressure regulation, the immune defence and cell metabolism.
secreted by neutrophils as part of the innate immune defence mechanism.
-β are pro-inflammatory cytokines involved in immune defense against infection.
dins serve a critical role in mammalian innate immune defense against invasive bacterial infection.
nia major may switch the strategy of the first immune defense from eating/inflammation/killing to ea
endritic cells assume functions of nonspecific immune defense, B1a and MZ B cells form the first ant
duction, the sinus is an essential part of the immune defense/air filtration carried out by the nose
s mother who also tested positive for acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
National HIV/AIDS Control Publicity Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the
Gay-related immune deficiency (GRID) (sometimes informally called
The term AIDS (for acquired immune deficiency syndrome) was proposed in 1982 by r
hough MPO deficiency classically presents with immune deficiency (especially candida albicans infect
retrovirus from a patient at risk for acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
howing either that CFS patients suffer from an immune deficiency or that there is an infectious agen
A mild immune deficiency, leading to persistent mucosal and
e in patient care delivery with an emphasis on immune deficiency.
deficiency of the enzyme, which predisposes to immune deficiency.
ern, which corresponds more closely to Th1, an immune deviation is seen in this direction in most ex
akthroughs include successful gene therapy for immune diseases, following a decade of research.
es, renal disease, orthopedics, transplant and immune diseases, oncology, genetics and diagnostics.
s syndrome) is a very rare autosomal recessive immune disorder.
Lambert suffered multiple immune disorders and hepatitis C (caught from a blood
-eclampsia, complications associated with auto immune disorders Source: Drug information handbook 20
uding multiple sclerosis, diabetes, asthma and immune disorders.
ost-viral fatigue syndrome and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome.
It is used to normalize immune dysfunction.
Autoimmunity and Immune dysregulation
ncluding Akh and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - an immune elicitor found in the cell walls of bacteria -
to cause cancer and elucidation of the role of immune evasion in carcinogenesis caused by virus infe
so provides a high dose of vitamin A and other immune factors that the child needs to get started."
Indicates that the couple was immune from any votes cast against them due to it eit
ent insisting Khartoum is “accustomed [to] and immunefrom the sanctions.
s students at Trinity College, were apparently immune from the inspectors' visits.
also accountable to the President and will be immune from civil or criminal prosecution.
d as claiming they lead charmed lives and were immune from bullets due to a combination of deep brea
ruling on whether General Augusto Pinochet was immune from prosecution led to the unprecedented sett
ene grants the carrier up to 200 years of life immune from all viruses.
mammals (but not birds or insects, which seem immune) from consuming plants or seeds (e.g.
acred cow is something else that is considered immune from question or criticism, especially unreaso
to a dish for the doctor arguing that they are immune from the virus, she does so when the soldier f
igence, one of the few forces still relatively immune from Stalin's influence and where the influenc
requirement that signalling systems should be immune from single point failure modes, and the board
ce public officials and servants are generally immune from such suits filed in connection with their
An Indian tribe has sovereignty and is immune from suit in a state court unless that immunit
Submarines themselves, however, are largely immune from counter-force strikes and both sides fiel
etter word this sentence so that it is further immune from such anonymous critiques while still high
The new regulations appeared to be immune from any further legal challenge.
Bremer, was that American contractors would be immune from prosecution in Iraqi courts.
But then, if not, how did he become immune from incivility actions?
ted that public school districts should not be immune from civil tort action.
Anderson claimed keeping lawyers immune from accountability to their clients was neces
t Safety Organizations, whose participants are immune from prosecution in civil, criminal, and admin
re is also a garlic pill which makes Mr. Weems immune from attack for a while.
to the Constitution, thereby making it totally immune from any judicial review; even on the grounds
hoo!, Inc., as an Internet service provider is immune from removing harmful content from their websi
nd former legal counsel Harriet Miers, are not immune from congressional subpoenas to testify about
erred, in that the tobacco companies were not immune from liability under the Parker doctrine: the
on the grounds that the tobacco companies were immune from antitrust liability under the Noerr-Penni
rally regarded as very well-protected, but not immune, from computer viruses.
sis is made after several preliminary tests of immune function are made, including basic evaluation
ctor clinically improves neutrophil counts and immune function and is the current mainstay of therap
lymphocytes, which appears to be important for immune function and may be part of a physiologic liga
Commission E warned that vinpocetine reduced immune function and could cause apoptosis in the long
observed that a molecule with a clear role in immune function in mammals, the interleukin-1 (IL-1)
Because the immune function of Toll in Drosophila was not then kn
of several surface molecules important in host immune function.
to stimulate lymphocytes and therefore assess immune function.
hat their continued use of vinpocetine reduces immune function.
ways, including thyroid hormone metabolism and immune function.
oll-like receptor 7, also known as TLR7, is an immune gene possessed by humans and other mammals and
costeroids, intravenous immunoglobulin, Rho(D) immune globulin or splenectomy.
has been estimated that with the use of Rho(D) Immune Globulin treatment, perinatal mortality of abo
Rho(D) Immune Globulin is a derivative of human plasma.
Allergy to human immune globulin is a contraindication.
iendly's lined up at an area clinic to receive immune globulin (“Ig”) shots to prevent hepatitis A i
Rho(D) immune globulin may trigger an allergic reaction, and
rly kill him before he is rescued by a pair of immune humans, an adult woman named Anna (Alice Braga
ss could be explained in terms of the maternal immune hypothesis.
ate the complement cascade to induce a passive immune kill phenomenon.
owthern Gell, he developed a classification of immune mechanisms of tissue injury, now known as the
2008 Russian construction industry, apparently immune of the global financial squeeze, grew by 22% i
the game is that various monsters and foes are immune or more vulnerable to different weapons.
albums (For The Incomplete, This Is My Blood, Immune) over a five year span.
In some cases the immune reaction may be fatal.
It suppresses the immune reaction by binding to white blood cells via t
es several genes involved in regulation of the immune reaction.
th Legionella, which it recognized, causing an immune reaction.
lucocorticoid, involved in regulation of fuel, immune reactions, and stress responses.
he protein also functions as a type 1 membrane immune receptor that mediates the endocytosis of gyco
taken advantage of this fact by possessing an immune receptor (TLR5) designed to recognize this con
immune receptors that bind carbohydrates: CD1, T cell
These include the Toll family of innate immune receptors and the receptor for IL-18.
m, Songs in the Key of Bree on San Diego label Immune Records.
nding of collectins to microbes causes several immune related responses.
y responses and cytotoxicity to help focus the immune response and limit autoreactivity.
ultaneous infection with parasites changes the immune response to BCG, making it less effective.
similar to the cytokine-mediated inflammatory immune response in animals.
s the cellular infiltration resultant from the immune response that causes the pathology classically
e for paracaspase has been shown in the innate immune response mediated by the zymosan receptor Dect
may be partially responsible for preventing an immune response from getting out of control, which wo
iated with biological pathways involved in the immune response and rejection processes.
The toxin that creates the immune response will have an epitope on it that stimu
anic molecules such as proteins, preventing an immune response and rejection.
0 has a critical role in the maintenance of an immune response beyond the first few days and onwards
impairment of the immune response
oll signaling is also important for the innate immune response in insects.
sone may also be used to deliberately suppress immune response in persons with autoimmune diseases o
resence in the bloodstream causes little or no immune response until death or degradation of the mic
The process forms part of an organism's immune response system.
It plays a role in the initial immune response to and infection of immune cells by H
developed which could be used to stimulate an immune response without causing a pathological infect
atory chemokines activate cells to initiate an immune response or promote wound healing.
A Th1 response is required for an effective immune response to tuberculous infection; one hypothe
allergic asthma-i.e., asthma resulting from an immune response to inhaled allergens-are the best und
Kittens and foals obtain the majority of their immune response from the colostrum.
posttranslational modification to suppress an immune response by their hosts.
ic properties being able to stimulate specific immune response and is released from the bacterial ce
acid sequence have been found to stimulate an immune response to the abnormal prions and leave the
tivity of CTLA-4, thereby sustaining an active immune response in its attack on cancer cells.
s, as an adjuvant to stimulate a cell-mediated immune response to the vaccinating agent.

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