



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Invokingの意味・解説 > Invokingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 83

by their prayers invoking a miraculous effect;
hat maximizes output signal-to-noise ratio by invoking a geometric argument.
erative Viterbi decoding works by iteratively invoking a modified Viterbi algorithm, reestimating th
ion of a Riemannian hypercube data structure, invoking a helical spiral through 3-dimensional space,
is generally little-to-no cost involved with invoking a BIPs solution, which is generally not the c
e leader Bobby Sands died in the Maze Prison, invoking a storm of protest and violence by republican
this mysterious entity solves the problem by invoking a program called “Everything's True”.
Often, the prayers proceed by invoking a category and its opposite soon after, sugge
These observations are explained by invoking a non-classical ion 3 in scheme 3 as a reacti
chool district received national attention by invoking an indefinite suspension on student Kenneth F
universe that allows matter and life, without invoking an ensemble of multiple universes.
"birth" in the royal house, D'Ken is able to invoking an ancient Shi'ar law that allows Vulcan to m
t part of a new adventure, which will involve invoking ancient powers, meeting an old rival, and of
des a novel integration of the mechanisms for invoking and servicing operations.
and have been portrayed as charioteers, thus invoking and calling upon the Nature itself to nurture
s to the constitutionality of the decree and, invoking Article 136 of the constitution, asked that i
dopted unanimously on October 26, 2004, after invoking Article 28 of the United Nations Charter, the
United Nations Charter, the first resolution invoking Chapter VII on the case of the former Yugosla
eatures middleware-like components and allows invoking Common Lisp (ABCL) and Jython statemens.
ral objects, some of a realistic nature, some invoking comparison to African or Etruscan masks or st
on against claims that it is self-refuting by invoking deflationary semantic theories that avoid ana
Invoking Gayatri Mantra or Aditya Hrudaya Mantra (Adit
It argues that invoking God is not necessary to explain the origins o
ter the Council of Ephesus (431), and prayers invoking her under that title were then added to all t
sel in 1991 before ending his cooperation and invoking his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrim
e of his albums, in which he sang both parts, invoking his famous falsetto voice.
being promised a championship match and Aries invoking his rematch clause, a three-way elimination m
peak of "heaven's girl in a wedding gown" and invoking images of wings and angels.
Because the song is so well-known, invoking in many the beauty and romanticism of Italian
y See moved to dismiss the claims against it, invoking its immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immu
law and due process clauses by retroactively invoking laws that were not in place at the time of th
go is used in courtship rituals, symbolically invoking mermaids with the instrument to lure the woma
e that provides convention-over-configuration invoking methods on controllers and for selecting view
avorable reviews, with the game's translation invoking mixed criticism both for its overly-humorous
the tool is the result Target specified when invoking MSBuild with the project file.
ng the theory of the fraternity of peoples by invoking nationalism.
The Malayirakkal ( invoking) of Sri Muthappan is done by Puralimala.
in its approach to this subject, with Jagger invoking off-the-cuff rhymes and in an affected, drawn
Invoking previous commands using command history
ounded as Colonia Copia Felix Munatia, a name invoking prosperity and the blessing of the gods.
n relation to a criminal matter and therefore invoking Section 11(h).
be found in blood for the first 7 to 10 days ( invoking serologically identifiable reactions) and the
client piece of Axis, in that it is used for invoking services.
ver processes these intermediate-level tables invoking StepDriver(4) for each Low-Level Test Table i
but Pelosi explicitly rejected this proposal, invoking terms limits when blocking Jane Harman from s
invoking the thin-skull rule.
Invoking The Worm - 3:14
osition in the Canadian Parliament considered invoking the notwithstanding clause to override the co
Five gold rings ( invoking the song The Twelve Days of Christmas)
ily events are faithfully linked to practices invoking the ancestors' spirits.
Invoking the Curry-Howard isomorphism again, ⊥ stands
She could summon a mystical armor by invoking the word "Mantra".
In addition to simply invoking the subroutine, a CALL statement can include
Invoking the theory of rubber elasticity, one consider
CycleDriver processes these test tables invoking the SuiteDriver(3) for each Intermediate-Leve
e can often use transfinite induction without invoking the axiom of choice.
To arrest him, the FBI considered invoking the little-used Mann Act, a federal law prohi
It avoided invoking the authority and purview of the Council unde
ntained without a remote repository server by invoking the bzr init command in a directory which a p
4) is a 1854 United States Supreme Court case invoking the Court's original jurisdiction to determin
Bang and argues for a creator as first cause, invoking the Kalam cosmological argument;
ting copies of the Quran to religious groups, invoking the name of Allah in his speeches, and declar
e Hague-based International Court of Justice, invoking the Ramsar Convention on wetlands.
ecause Neder also means humble in Dutch, thus invoking the sense of a humble language, forming a wor
e" makes it a "decision" of the Council, thus invoking the binding nature of article 25.
ivate and in congregation and the practice of invoking the grace of God before any work is begun and
This fact once again can only be explained by invoking the Sudra Holocaust, with the Shiva temples a
r, when a woman was miraculously healed after invoking the "Madonna ta' Pinu" (Pinu was the owner of
ly to be a minced oath: a mild substitute for invoking the name of God; very possibly derived from t
Invoking the ideologies of Periyar, he urged Nadars to
s page handles that) as that it's meant to be invoking the earlier incarnation.
Invoking the "tuck rule", where a ball is ruled an inc
sidents of pre-Israelite Jerusalem bore names invoking the principle or god Zedek (Tzedek) (see, e.g
as a reaction to then-Premier Robert Bourassa invoking the notwithstanding clause of the Canadian co
elief that would explain natural phenomena by invoking the only alternative: the supernatural.
accesses electricity generated (the output of invoking the service) via a wall outlet (service inter
usic was influenced by Igor Stravinsky, often invoking the sound world of the Requiem Canticles and
was under the Treaty of 1795 the Spanish were invoking the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution
ent of image of gods including Basapur, after invoking them.
n explosion much easier to understand without invoking unusual evolutionary mechanisms.
Invocation Framework is a simple Java API for invoking Web services.
amework (WSIF) supports a simple Java API for invoking Web services, no matter how or where the serv
ector because it is thorough and encyclopedic invoking Wikipedia is precise and refrains from any co

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