



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > MONOCLINICの意味・解説 > MONOCLINICに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 134

Three forms are known: monoclinic acanthite, stable below 500 °C, body centere
Both monoclinic and triclinic polytypes exist and both are p
Nagyagite crystals are opaque, monoclinic and dark grey to black coloured.
Its crystal structure is monoclinic and it is a soft mineral with a hardness rat
tances have two indices, while orthorhombic, monoclinic, and triclinic substances have three indices
Orpiment, As2S3, is a common monoclinic arsenic sulfide mineral.
The crystal symmetry is monoclinic C2/c, No.15, Pearson symbol mS48.
It has been shown to have a monoclinic C2/m symmetry and its infrared absorption be
othulite is the manganese bearing variety of monoclinic clinozoisite.
It occurs in association with uranopilite, a monoclinic, complex water-soluble alkaline with other s
Frankhawthorneite Cu2Te6+O4(OH) 2 is a monoclinic copper tellurate mineral named after Prof. F
Ameghinite has a Monoclinic crystal system.
It crystallises in the monoclinic crystal system.
Sanidine crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system.
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system.
It has a monoclinic crystal system, vitreous luster, and is tran
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system typically as crusts, tabular
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system as colorless to white prisms
All members of the series belong to the monoclinic crystal system with point group 2/m.
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system and is colorless to white wit
Malayaite belongs to the monoclinic crystal system and has a 2/m (prismatic) cry
Beraunite crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system with point group 2/m.
It has a monoclinic crystal system, with tabular to prismatic cr
Carbon tetraiodide crystallizes in monoclinic crystal structure (a 22.39, b 12.93, c 25.85
Copper(II) oxide belongs to the monoclinic crystal system, with a crystallographic poin
ch end member of the pyroxene group having a monoclinic crystal system.
a Mohs hardness of 2 and crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system.
t was concluded that the creedite falls into monoclinic crystal system (2/m) that has space group of
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system and is typically massive to f
Hagendorfite is in the monoclinic crystal class; the mineral's internal symmet
Edenite is a member of the monoclinic crystal system and is in the crystal class 2
Piemontite is a sorosilicate mineral in the monoclinic crystal system with the chemical formula Ca2
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system and typically occurs as elong
Langite belongs to the monoclinic crystal class m, meaning that it has just on
It crystallizes in the monoclinic crystal system typically as massive to druzy
In the monoclinic crystal system, it is apple-green in colour,
lurides, calaverite and sylvanite are in the monoclinic crystal system, whereas krennerite is orthor
with chemical formula Pb14(As,Sb)6S23 in the monoclinic crystal system, named after the German scien
Apachite has monoclinic crystal symmetry, displaying 3 axes of unequ
It forms a monoclinic crystal.
Erbium(III) chloride hexahydrate also forms monoclinic crystals with the point group of P2/n (P2/c)
oride forms crystals of the AlCl3 type, with monoclinic crystals and the point group C2/m.
Cobalt(II) sulfate appears as red monoclinic crystals that melt around 100 °C and become
It was discovered in 1980 as monoclinic crystals around fumaroles in the crater of t
It forms black monoclinic crystals (thin, tabular, with six corners) w
It forms vitreous white well defined monoclinic crystals, often associated with calcite and
It forms monoclinic crystals, often twinned and variable in colo
It is a soft, sectile mineral occurring in monoclinic crystals, or in granular, compact, or powder
Vauquelinite forms brown or green monoclinic crystals, and was named after L. N. Vauqueli
It forms fibrous monoclinic crystals.
Sborgite is colourless with monoclinic crystals.
It forms metallic grey monoclinic crystals.
curs as glassy, colorless to white prismatic monoclinic crystals.
It forms yellow to yellowish brown monoclinic crystals.
hium is an organolithium compound that forms monoclinic crystals.
s a white, yellow or light blue mineral with monoclinic crystals.
ineral is clear to yellow in color and forms monoclinic crystals.
oft, dark grey telluride mineral which forms monoclinic crystals.
It is the low temperature monoclinic dimorph of the tetragonal stolzite.
al crystal system and is dimorphous with the monoclinic form raspite.
They convert to a monoclinic form upon heating to about 1400 °C and melt
mperature its cubic form is distorted to the monoclinic form of acanthite.
be associated with its dimorph claudetite (a monoclinic form of As2O3) as well as realgar(As4S4), or
here are two forms of Cu2S a low temperature monoclinic form ("low-chalcocite") which has a complex
Protactinium(V) bromide has two similar monoclinic forms, one is obtained by sublimation at 400
ove 740 °C, orthorhombic from 330 to 740 °C, monoclinic from 17 to 330 °C, and triclinic from -50 to
The crystals of Mohr's salt are monoclinic in shape.
ike other micas and chlorites, clintonite is monoclinic in crystal form and has a perfect basal clea
rite group and is a triclinic dimorph of the monoclinic inderite.
It is an earthy white to gray-white monoclinic mineral which almost never exhibits crystal
Ferberite is a black monoclinic mineral composed of iron(II) and tungstate,
It is a brown to black monoclinic mineral which occurs in massive or tuberose
Uklonskovite (NaMg(SO4)F) is a colorless monoclinic mineral found in Chile, Italy and Uzbekistan
Macaulayite is a red, earthy, monoclinic mineral, with the chemical formula (Fe3+, Al
It is a monoclinic mineral, but the typical form of occurrence
Kankite is a monoclinic mineral, meaning it is a mineral system havi
Sarabauite is a monoclinic mineral.
Monoclinic minerals have three crystallographic axes of
Monoclinic minerals contain a twofold rotation axis whe
Alternatively, the true space group may be monoclinic or triclinic, with one or more cell angles c
Crystals are rare; they belong to the monoclinic, or possibly to the anorthic system, and hav
All minerals of the monoclinic, orthorhombic, and triclinic systems are bia
Orthoclase is a monoclinic polymorph stable at lower temperatures.
It forms reddish brown to black monoclinic prismatic submetallic crystals.
Creedite forms colorless to white to purple monoclinic prismatic crystals.
It forms bright orange red monoclinic prismatic crystals that exhibit a vitreous t
nular translucent brown to red-brown to pink monoclinic prismatic crystals.
It forms white or light green, acicular monoclinic prismatic crystals, usually microscopic in s
ed, but typically dull green crystals in the monoclinic prismatic class.
ranslucent, vitreous white to grey to yellow monoclinic prismatic crystals.
It forms white silky monoclinic prismatic crystals that are often in radial
Linarite occurs as monoclinic prismatic to tabular crystals and irregular
It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic system and typically occurs as vit
It crystallizes in the monoclinic prismatic crystal system and typically occur
als at the US National Museum.The mineral is monoclinic prismatic, meaning that it has one mirror pl
Its crystals are monoclinic prismatic.
It crystallizes in colorless monoclinic prisms which dissolve rapidly in alcohol or
Phenylhydrazine forms monoclinic prisms that melt to an oil around room tempe
Diopside is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral with composition MgCaSi2O6.
yroxenes are distinguished from those of the monoclinic series by their optical characteristics, suc
LAH crystallizes in the monoclinic space group P21c.
Switzerite is a part of the monoclinic space group P 21/a.
and has a monoclinic structure with 248 copper and 128 sulfur ato
Tamarugite (NaAl(SO4)2·6H2O) is a colorless monoclinic sulfate mineral.
Sarabauite (sar-a-bau'-ite) is a red monoclinic sulfide mineral with the chemical formula: C
The mineral possess monoclinic symmetry and forms clear, often rounded crys
Monoclinic symmetry implies that the mineral contains t
ve to radiating forms, Clinosafflorite has a monoclinic symmetry.
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system and forms prismatic crystals.
Erythrite crystallizes in the monoclinic system and forms prismatic crystals.
It belongs to the monoclinic system with space group Cs2-Cm.
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system with the chemical composition Pb9Sb8S
Datolite crystallizes in the monoclinic system forming prismatic crystals and nodula
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system and occurs as fibrous masses and coat
Acanthite, Ag2S, crystallizes in the monoclinic system and is the stable form of silver sulf
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system and typically occurs as colorless to
The monoclinic system includes crystal classes with a singl
enate, Ni3(AsO4)2·8H2O, crystallizing in the monoclinic system and isomorphous with vivianite and er
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system and typically forms radiating to acic
Leadhillite crystallizes in the monoclinic system, but forms pseudo-hexagonal forms due
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system, usually as long prismatic crystals s
It crystallizes in the monoclinic system.
ate mineral LiAlSi4O10, crystallizing in the monoclinic system.
ster, a white streak and crystallises in the monoclinic system.
The unit cell for the monoclinic systen has a base which is a rhombus, with s
It forms as white to reddish tabular monoclinic tectosilicate crystals with a Mohs hardness
Although lavendulan is monoclinic, the angle β is very close to 90°, making th
in vacuum using sealed ampoules, including a monoclinic, triclinic and orthorhombic (space group Aba
Kalinite is a fibrous monoclinic type of alum distinct from isometric potassi
Nabalamprophyllite is monoclinic, which means crystallographically, it contai
It occurs as aggregates of small monoclinic white crystals.
The most common structure of WO3 is monoclinic with space group P21/n.
Campigliaite is monoclinic with a point group of 2 and space group of C
Its crystal system is monoclinic with possible crystal classes of two fold sy

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