




該当件数 : 22

The Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) and Southern African Development Community (SA
aret Anstee, the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) and that of neighbouring states, particularly
FLCS was also supported by OAU as a national liberation movement.
It demanded the reconvening of talks under OAU auspicies and endorsed its Framework Agreement
The OAU considered the attack to be an attack on all of
The document also requested that the OAU establish a temporary peacekeeping force to com
nded the Secretariats of the United Nations and OAU for discussing the implementation of the agreem
auspicies of the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) had just ended.
y criticized this provision in 2003, saying the OAU had been overwhelmed and the SADC was better eq
sters Degree at the Obafemi Awolowo University ( OAU), Ile-Ife and his Ph.D degree at the same Unive
mber of the ITU Telecom Board, Chair and of the OAU Internet Task Force, President of the Internet
According to the Organization of African Unity ( OAU), it was an attack against the stability of the
ions made by the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU), Portugal, Russia, the United States and the W
proposed by the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) remained a basis for a settlement.
o report on whether Sudan had complied with the OAU request.
was noted that Sudan had failed to comply with OAU requests, which constituted a threat to interna
ni Mubarak at an Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on
force a demand by Rwanda, the United States and OAU that Eritrea withdraw to territory it occupied
chairman of the Organization of African Unity ( OAU), the predecessor of the African Union (AU).
t Sudan had not complied with requests from the OAU the question of the OAE to extradite suspects t
Botswana's government offered help to the OAU to bury the man, once all of his remains had be
parties and the Organisation of African Unity ( OAU) to implement the agreement.

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