




該当件数 : 735

m withdrew from the African Cup of Nations to observe a period of mourning.
kat Indians that he was especially anxious to observe a total eclipse of the sun that was predicted
Suppose that we observe a random variable Yi, where .
Peter and Dan Snow observe a combined-arms exercise.
Many Jains observe a complete fast on this day.
reflector at the Mount Wilson Observatory to observe a peculiar obscuration on part of the floor o
Memorial of Christ's Death') and other groups observe a Christian Passover - though all do not agre
y covered, but since the mission's goal is to observe a sample of stars, this doesn't matter.
heir way to a particular location and find or observe a particular facet of the architecture, geogr
rt of an expedition led by Pietro Tacchini to observe a transit of Venus with a spectroscope.
However, if using a small hole to observe a dim object such as a star, the image is dif
AD - Chinese astronomers become the first to observe a supernova, the SN 185
ing an expedition to Alma-Ata (now Almaty) to observe a solar eclipse he stayed there, and became o
Nevertheless, one can still readily observe a portion of the moraine to the east of the r
In 1867 he used the new telescope to observe a transit of Mercury.
For example, should the LHC observe a Higgs boson, or superpartners, or both, the
etres (39 ft) from a larch tree he climbed to observe a nest of a protected species in South Yorksh
The dancers usually observe a month of abstinence and undergo strenuous p
l parties were urged to cease hostilities and observe a ceasefire.
He used this instrument to observe a variety of deep sky objects over the course
led a scientific expedition to San Antonio to observe a locally visible transit of Venus across the
HUT was used to observe a wide range of astrophysical sources, includ
One can observe a woman in a white dress throwing her hands u
died and he had to leave official service to observe a mourning period for her, Wang's partisans l
In other words, we observe a large number of uncertainties producing a c
In return, Fazlullah's followers agreed to observe a ceasefire negotiated by Sufi Muhammad.
ntly contributed to a collaborative effort to observe a transit of the planet HD 80606 b.
It was used to observe a number of mesons previously seen only in co
An observer moving with four-velocity V will observe a frequency
But they eat, I observe, a very large proportion of fat, which is of
ed upon Iran and Iraq to cease hositilies and observe a ceasefire, with a complete withdrawal of mi
tial observer in flat spacetime and have them observe a rotating disc, the existence of the rotatin
He went to Romania to observe a military exercise and awarded with a 2nd cl
is used to comprehensively but unobtrusively observe a single child - Roy's own son - with the res
ultrasound in the 1970s, he had the chance to observe a real-time abortion.
the festival of Diwali, thousands of pilgrims observe a three day fast at the temple.
rd-MIT expedition to the steppes of Russia to observe a total eclipse.
The player must observe a sequence of blinking lights and repeat the
Collectively, amateur astronomers observe a variety of celestial objects and phenomena
d taken far outside of the galaxy, where they observe a large section of the universe including the
paint Hindu stories in their scrolls and also observe a number of Hindu festivals.
ents to the city of Bragado, Buenos Aires, to observe a transit of Venus in front of the Sun, for w
In Southern Hessian one can easily observe a number of common changes to Hochdeutsch, wh
Sartre's military service from 1939 where we observe a rather more sympathetic view of being in th
Wilson 60-inch telescope in 1998 to observe a very bright feature on this portion of Merc
is basis, they argue that those who prefer to observe a "secular" feast of the Nativity on 25 Decem
All sides were requested to observe a ceasefire and engage in no further hostilit
German expedition to the Kerguelen Islands to observe a transit of Venus across the face of the Sun
After this training, they observe a local classroom and then put together a pro
He later left public service for a time to observe a mourning period for his stepmother's death.
and astronomers around the world attempted to observe a new planet there, but nothing was ever foun
He thus became the first person to observe a change in gravitational force, beginning th
rst Lady Michelle Obama and White House staff observe a moment of silence on September 11, 2009.
AIT can take close to 100 images per hour and observe about 1000 galaxies a night.
t that bars them from talking about what they observe about him or his family to anyone including "
But now we routinely observe, acknowledge, and discuss the ozone hole, des
Parshva's followers vowed to observe ahimsa; this obligation was part of their "Fo
It started to observe air showers with 217 scintillators and 560 m²
mmunion of the saints; henceforth to learn to observe all things which the Son of God has taught, l
Auditors observe all classes and receive a 30 minute private l
ndu Society took the lead to conduct prayers, observe all Hindu celebrations conducting religious a
r Marathon, Ferris became the first person to observe all 100 Messier objects on consecutive nights
so visitors could take a look in the past and observe all the vintage beauties the plantations has
It allows signatories to observe all seabed "activities" of any other signator
s of the Messier marathon, which is a race to observe all the Messier objects in a single night.
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo,
esolution urged all Member States to strictly observe all resolutions passed against Iraq, deciding
e east to chart an unexplored cave system and observe an active volcano.
nt to the Prussian demand that Hanover should observe an unarmed neutrality during the Austro-Pruss
modern Pacific and Southern ocean, typically observe an increase in Si/N ratio at intermediate dep
combine five 100-m class radio-telescopes to observe an array of pulsars with the specific goal of
Their primary mission was to observe an 11-year sun spot cycle in UV and X-ray spe
(TTP) publicly announced that his group would observe an indefinite ceasefire.
blicly announced that the Swati Taliban would observe an indefinite ceasefire.
ca - he reached Macau in 1682 just in time to observe an eclipse of the Sun (1683).
Their goal has been to observe, analyze, dissect, and present the dynamics o
t actively buying, people socialize, tourists observe, and some Old Order Amish and Old Order Menno
"The Man" was used in trailers for the film, Observe and Report, starring Seth Rogen and Anna Fari
t only to handle brush and pencil but also to observe and to love nature.
Observe and Report (2009)
hymed with "genome"), is an effort to closely observe and model the language acquisition of a child
s was given orders to befriend Taki, and both observe and protect him.
nitive biases that are involved in how people observe and interpret magic tricks.
RV employ an extensive surveillance system to observe and steal code, the company has infiltrated t
a-ray spectrometers are the instruments which observe and collect such data.
ide mapping service for air and ground units; observe and report on enemy transportation, installat
These "smart buoys" observe and record meteorological, oceanographic and
m and provide the opportunity for children to observe and interact with animals.
A safety pilot's basic role is to observe and help to avoid traffic.
to prevent a hostile faction from using it to observe and shell the city.
On Rotten Tomatoes, Observe and Report has an overall approval rating fro
l planning outcomes are difficult to directly observe and assess (i.e.
r, who became the first and only scientist to observe and describe the species.
olmes's trip to Cheeseman's is made simply to observe and confirm what he has already deduced.
2. A small scouting boat used to observe and report on an opposing naval force.
lorer (SMEX) spacecraft, FAST was designed to observe and measure the plasma physics of the auroral
spectators were at Amjadieh Stadium eager to observe and enjoy some Brazilian magic.
break Kid, Pineapple Express, Tropic Thunder, Observe and Report, and Your Highness.
bservatory waited until just prior to dawn to observe and photograph it.
ne 1863, he had an excellent vantage point to observe and watch the movements of the Southern soldi
oup of Southern cavalrymen stationed there to observe and report activity of Union ships in the are
is believed to have been the first person to observe and almost certainly the first to describe wh
Marcello Malpighi is the first to observe and correctly describe capillaries when he di
pearance of a new comet which Roxanne came to observe, and a cafe owner (Shelley Duvall) who is a f
ly dispatched to major cities in an effort to observe and maintain political control throughout the
tailers and technology developers gathered to observe and participate in presentations and poster s
il Defense Book”, which commanded citizens to observe and distrust each other and that was distribu
at Governor Fauquier "for the future strictly observe and obey" his Royal instructions.
ls, provide ample opportunity for visitors to observe and contemplate the natural world.
ctives of the Secretary-General, which was to observe and verify the disarmament process and suppor
his observations, considering it his duty "to observe and record every remarkable fact connected wi
ive tragic chorus of metaphysical figures who observe and discuss the events.
ers and scientists visited other countries to observe and study different races and write down thei
island habitats and affords opportunities to observe and/or photograph birds and other island and
nd aspiring naturalist who loves to study and observe animal behaviour.
ope 1,000 feet in length that he would use to observe animals on the Moon.
werewolf member of the mercenary team sent to observe Anita herself.
Thus, in order to observe anomalous scattering, a heavy atom must be na
While Starkey and K-9 observe another Korven kidnaps Starkey and K-9 flees
cting solely on the tip (the officers did not observe any criminal or suspicious behavior), they se
Inspectors did not observe any unusual activities in the buildings visit
fety of their homeworld - but the images they observe are taken from the last few minutes of the 19
rbing thing for a person with ligyrophobia to observe, as he or she anticipates a loud sound when t
ore something with our mouths is very easy to observe as an intuitive and natural impulse.
361 ft (110 m) length gives plenty of area to observe as corals, sponges and fish life have had ove
ditional momentum in some direction, which we observe as the kick.
Space-based observatories can be used to observe astronomical objects at wavelengths of the el
ed the 16th-century astronomer Tycho Brahe to observe astronomical events with much greater precisi
rich Eckart and Ritter von Greim to Berlin to observe at close range the events of the Kapp Putsch.
Members of the public can book to observe at night, weather permitting.
We observe at the field researches that syrtos (as well
single metal-mesh antenna can be equipped to observe at 408 MHz and at 1.5, 2.7, 4.9, 6.6, and 8.4
here) had been signed, and Satow was able to observe at first hand the steady build-up of the Japa
rauma that they sustain while being forced to observe atrocities committed on civilians and deliber
is both nearby and bright, it is difficult to observe because it is located in the Zone of Avoidanc
their non-breeding areas and are difficult to observe, being well camouflaged in their habitat.
genome browser, a visualization tool used to observe biologically-interesting patterns in genomic
the machan, a covered platform erected to observe birds and wildlife in high trees or on cliffs
rding Trail, and offers many opportunities to observe birds in their natural habitats.
Since we cannot observe both y and τ(y) for a given individual, this
The primary goal of AMiBA is to observe both the temperature and polarization anisotr
Mr Buzacott wrote: It was pleasing to observe, by contrasting the present condition of Raro
s visited Starkville on multiple occasions to observe Camp and get ideas from his innovative develo
an X-ray apparatus to the machine in order to observe cardiac changes during exercise.
re resident in the country will be allowed to observe certain restricted places. 
territories in the zone and obligates them to observe certain provisions of the Treaty with respect
reases with K, and with it the possibility to observe chaotic dynamics for appropriate initial cond
DAPHNE was built to observe charged light mesons from the decay of excite
son, at a time when academics are required to observe chastity.
Other studies observe CHCl3 in Fucus serratus, Fucus vesiculosis, C
y chemists to carry out chemical reactions or observe chemical and biological phenomena, more speci
to meet with current students and teachers to observe classroom and lab activities in their respect
rce Long (1893-1935), whom Warren was able to observe closely while teaching at Louisiana State Uni
The mission of Sohla-1 is to observe cloud building.
The black background makes it easier to observe cloud tracks.
ia) on November 17, 1890 whilst attempting to observe Comet Zona (C/1890 V1).
e most of Comet Hale-Bopp : when and where to observe Comet Hale-Bopp and what to look for
s must be celebrated, it is not obligatory to observe Commemorations.
ons, tours, a variety of practical exercises, observe communication officers handling 911 calls in
of our staff and Committee toured the Zone to observe conditions, we did not find any single Japane
ande River to confer with local officials and observe conditions.
alloon from the barge off Mattawomen Creek to observe Confederate forces on the Virginia shore some
made an ascent from the deck of the Fanny to observe Confederate positions, making the Fanny a bal
Nine states officially observe Confederate Memorial Day: Alabama, Florida, G
The cosmological scales that we nowadays observe correspond to length scales smaller than the
There are different ways to observe cosmic rays, or, more accurately, the air sho
al laser scanning microscopy has been used to observe crystal growth near a glass surface.
tory's Green Bank fixed radio 'horn' built to observe Cygnus X-1.
They use microlensing to observe dark matter, extra-solar planets, and stellar
e concealed in ceilings, walls or fixtures to observe data entry.
Korea does not currently observe daylight saving time but has experimented wit
decision of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran did not observe daylight saving time, called Iran Daylight Ti
studied in Italy on a grant, and was able to observe developments in Germany from abroad.
ortunity to meet artists and craftspeople and observe different creative processes, such as jewelle
his stomach with electric lights in order to observe digestion.
This motion is difficult to observe directly because the stars cannot be seen whe
er, the two bodies persuaded the prisoners to observe discipline voluntarily.
into their devices, pre-silicon, in order to observe, discover, and diagnose at-speed, in-silicon
multi-purpose instrument which can be used to observe diverse celestial phenomena.
that it is one of the best places in Wales to observe dotterel on their spring and less frequently
Bangladesh did not observe DST in 2010, citing "public interest."
red and often require short breaks to sit and observe during long walks; it can be difficult to get
ght not be able to fulfill or might forget to observe during the ensuing year.
ormation exchanges, share best practices, and observe each country's efforts on maritime port secur
2008, eight simultaneous events were held to observe Earth Day, with over 200,000 people attending
t in the TIROS series of NOAA satellites that observe Earth's weather and the environment.
owever, a handful of communities unofficially observe Eastern Time because they are part of the Col
ying to justify why other researchers fail to observe ecstasy-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity.
remote Pacific islands during World War II to observe enemy movements and rescue stranded Allied pe
my tunnels could be used for short periods to observe enemy tunnelling activity and direction.
ng and cross-polarization made it possible to observe enhanced NMR of surfaces and the selective "l
Later, Paul Revere visited the mill to observe Eve's production methods.
She is content to sit and observe events (in a sense she is something like the
e detector experiments were not configured to observe events with large momentum transverse to the
hat call themselves The Critics, who not only observe events, but also give dramatic critique as th
a tropical cyclone, though the flight did not observe evidence of a closed low-level circulation.
large reedbeds, and can often be difficult to observe except for occasional flight views due to the
d despite their size they can be difficult to observe except for occasional flight views.
om Jackson Hole, Teepe Pillar is difficult to observe except from the northeast as it is hidden fro

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