



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > PEROXIDEの意味・解説 > PEROXIDEに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 174

anyl sulfate, sodium para-uranate, and uranyl peroxide, along with various uranium oxides.
It is also known as silver peroxide, although it does not have peroxide (O22−) an
Injections of hydrogen peroxide and bismacine
It form perrhenates with alkaline hydrogen peroxide and oxidizing acids.
The company's products include hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate.
The metal chromate reacts with hydrogen peroxide and an acid to give chromium peroxide, water,
noenzyme, catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic peroxides by glutathione.
It is therefore an organic peroxide, and can be viewed as a dimer of formaldehyde
s produced from a solution of liquid hydrogen peroxide and water, by generators specifically designe
luminium, organic compounds, carbon, hydrogen peroxide and sulfides.
a solution of glycerine with ether, nitrogen peroxide and water.
reactive oxygen species such as superoxide, peroxide, and hypobromite (hypobromous acid, which is
dation of glycerol, for example with hydrogen peroxide and a ferrous salt as catalyst.
an aminobutyral, diaminopropane and hydrogen peroxide and are involved in the catabolism of polyami
e reaction of an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and hexamine in the presence of citric acid o
redox signaling using molecules like hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide.
scor, and a glass capsule containing hydrogen peroxide and a base catalyst, all in dialkyl phthalate
means that it is first oxidized with hydrogen peroxide and then combined with a coupler to form the
Aldehyde oxidase produces hydrogen peroxide and, under certain conditions, can catalyze t
stances in surrogate alcohol such as hydrogen peroxide, antiseptics, ketones, as well as alcohols ot
And her blond hair requires weekly peroxide applications.
Both halides and hydrogen peroxide are widely available in the environment.
lly 2-ethyl hexyl nitrate ) and di-tert-butyl peroxide are used as additives to raise the cetane num
ory reagents such as nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide are restricted as "explosives precursors".
Barium peroxide arises by the reversible absorption of O2 by
idoreductases, specifically those acting on a peroxide as acceptor (peroxidases).
oxidase and o-Phenylenediamine (with hydrogen peroxide as the second substrate)
tely leading to diacetylethylene and hydrogen peroxide as products.
Ebselen is a potent scavenger of hydrogen peroxide as well as hydroperoxides including membrane
It is similar to calcium peroxide because magnesium peroxide also releases oxyg
ed needles with isopropyl alcohol or hydrogen peroxide before future uses, or so a friend of my aqua
Magnesium peroxide being environmentally benign and its stable o
The Peroxide Blonde: First published in the November 1927
s two carbonate anions joined so as to form a peroxide bridge -O-O-.
with oxide bridges (−O−) replaced randomly by peroxide bridges(−O−O−).
Hydrogen peroxide can damage the internal components of a PEM f
d to the corresponding nitrone using hydrogen peroxide, catalyzed by selenium dioxide.
h a powerful oxidising agent such as hydrogen peroxide, chromium trioxide or sodium peroxide.
al not belonging to either the artemisinin or peroxide class to go into a proof-of-concept study in
A molybdenum peroxide complex of HMPA is used as an oxidant in orga
Sodium peroxide crystallizes with hexagonal symmetry.
accidents resulted from the fact that acetone peroxide detonates due to its sublimation characterist
Normal urine reacting to hydrogen peroxide does at times produce a bluish tinge.
cacy when applied at the same time as benzoyl peroxide due to its more stable chemical structure.
Commercially, magnesium peroxide exists as a form of compound of magnesium per
is commonly used as a substrate with hydrogen peroxide for a peroxidase enzyme or alone with blue mu
ns of certain compounds in solution (hydrogen peroxide, for instance) and in estimating the chlorine
Diethyl ether is prone to peroxide formation, and can form explosive diethyl eth
ne, or an organic compound similar to organic peroxide formed by a reaction of ozone with an unsatur
He showed that the hydrogen peroxide formed in the reaction of xanthine oxidase wi
clic monoterpene that has an unusual bridging peroxide functional group.
The two adjacent oxygen atoms form a peroxide functional group and the other forms an ether
llection experiment" can be used to probe the peroxide generating tendencies of an electrocatalyst.
Oxidation with alkaline hydrogen peroxide gives D-erythronolactone, a valuable synthon
The peroxide group in the 1,2,4-trioxane core of artemisin
e oxygen atoms in the acetal group being in a peroxide group.
th lithium hydroxide in concentrated hydrogen peroxide H2O2 at −10°C.
ioxygen difluoride resembles that of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, in its large dihedral angle, which app
In addition, in some cases hydrogen peroxide has been suggested to function as an EDHF in
Like other organic peroxides such as acetone peroxide, HMTD is an unstable compound that is sensiti
He discovered acetone peroxide in 1895 by reacting acetone with hydrogen per
reagent is used to measure levels of hydrogen peroxide in biological systems.
Hydrogen peroxide in turn is converted to molecular oxygen by t
or to simply quantify the amount of hydrogen peroxide in a sample.
nies that have made propellant-grade hydrogen peroxide in the recent past include Air Liquide and Du
acting m-chlorobenzoyl chloride with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of magnesium sulfate, aqueous
oxidation with bleaching powder or with lead peroxide, in alkaline solution yields chloramine yello
mine group of pentanitroaniline with hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid.
he oxidation of the double bond with hydrogen peroxide in Prileschajew reaction.
n be made by reacting 2,2'-bipy with hydrogen peroxide in acetic acid, (followed by the addition of
actions (between oxalyl chloride and hydrogen peroxide in ethyl acetate), which is presumed to be 1,
yl derivative is further oxidized by hydrogen peroxide into 10-acetyl-2-methylsulfonylpenothiazine.
a fluid containg sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide into the ore-bearing permeable horizon to mob
The peroxide ion is composed of two oxygen atoms, which ar
ent with the molecular orbital diagram of the peroxide ion, which predicts a doubly occupied antibon
The sodium ions are violet and the peroxide ions in red
Barium peroxide is the chemical compound with the formula BaO
Sodium peroxide is the inorganic compound with the formula Na
occasionally and diluted with water, Hydrogen peroxide is also used to manage symptoms of itching.
mates turn to dark blue-brown as chromium(VI) peroxide is formed.
Potassium peroxide is an inorganic compound with the molecular f
Magnesium peroxide is used in the bioremediation of contaminated
, and after a few seconds, a drop of hydrogen peroxide is applied to the swab.
One main characteristic of uranium peroxide is that it consists of small needles with an
Adapalene/benzoyl peroxide is a prescription drug combination for the tr
ned is proportional to the length of time the peroxide is applied to the tooth, and the concentratio
d when neptunium(IV) oxalate or neptunium(IV) peroxide is precipitated from aqueous solution and the
he oxidation of guaiaconic acid when hydrogen peroxide is placed on the Guaiac card if blood is pres
The product of this reaction, an organic peroxide, is very unstable and is made by losing a nit
DOPAC can be oxidized by hydrogen peroxide, leading to the formation of toxic metabolite
nt enzymes that also control cytokine-induced peroxide levels and thereby mediate signal transductio
One of the peroxide linkages sheds a single oxygen, forming PGH.
DuPont recently sold its hydrogen peroxide manufacturing business to Degussa.
an unwanted and harmful by-product, hydrogen peroxide, may be produced.
Trypanothione-dependent hydrogen peroxide metabolism is particularly important in these
ed as an alternative to the typical plutonium peroxide method of recovering plutonium from solution,
hese two uranyl species are the only reported peroxide minerals.
properties of the well known ozone / hydrogen peroxide mix.
oxidation of pentavalent chromium by hydrogen peroxide molecules present in the cell.
enerated in solution from met-Hb and hydrogen peroxide, more effectively than either trolox (a vitam
Unit cell of sodium peroxide Na2O2.
in air will produce Na2O and about 20% sodium peroxide Na2O2.
common, but most are generated using hydrogen peroxide, not O2.
He had spread hydrogen peroxide on the diseased part, but oxygen was not gene
"Acetone peroxide" most commonly refers to the cyclic trimer TC
be synthesized from benzoic acid and hydrogen peroxide, or by the treatment of benzoyl peroxide with
ng a different fatty acid radical and a lipid peroxide, or a cyclic peroxide if it had reacted with
something by sodium, whether it is hydroxide, peroxide, or nitrite.
eaction with reducing agents such as hydrogen peroxide or Fe2+ causes elemental gold to be precipita
g phased out of the wine industry in favor of peroxide or peracetic acid preparations.
d by oxidizing ammonia with ozone or hydrogen peroxide, or in a precipitation reaction of barium or
Uranyl peroxide or uranium peroxide hydrate (UO4·nH2O) is a p
then produce VHP by passing aqueous hydrogen peroxide over a vaporizer, and circulate the vapor at
ction, incineration, wet air oxidation, Humid Peroxide Oxidation or other speciality processes.
mide to the selenium intermediate 5. Hydrogen peroxide oxidation of 5 yields the nitroalkene 6 as a
ve a mixture of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide, oxygen may also be evolved..
species such as molecular oxygen and hydrogen peroxide, particularly at the less-extreme pH values e
For her work in Peroxide Passion, Todd Anthony of Sun Sentinel referre
arachidonic acid forms a labile intermediate peroxide, PGG2, which is reduced to the corresponding
emblywoman Cathie Wright (whom he dubbed "The peroxide princess of Simi Valley"), so he openly recru
The peroxide process produces hydrazine, it is a variant o
Some studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide produced in other organelles can be neutraliz
present on the pad that utilises the hydrogen peroxide produced to oxidise a colour dye that results
lysts in polyethylene production, in hydrogen peroxide production, as a selective adsorbent for many
ursk were due to accidents involving hydrogen peroxide propelled torpedoes.
arines which used Hellmuth Walter's high test peroxide propulsion system, which offered a combinatio
orty five seconds into the flight, a hydrogen peroxide pump seized up due to loss of lubrication, wh
The hydrogen peroxide reacts with dye to produce a blue color.
eous hydroxylamine hydrochloride and hydrogen peroxide reacts with benzene or phenol, with the assis
necrosis factor (TNF) production and hydrogen peroxide release by human monocyte-derived macrophages
ources, allowing formulas containing hydrogen peroxide releasing chemicals (specifically the sodium
er of punk bands in the late 1970s, including Peroxide Romance, X-Ray Spex, The Outpatients and The
Hydrogen peroxide solution, the stronger the better.
ution of urea in excess concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution, followed by crystallization.
:1 concentrated sulfuric acid to 30% hydrogen peroxide solution; other protocols may use a 4:1 or ev
rocessed with concentrated acid, alkaline, or peroxide solutions to leach out the uranium.
ve site is oxidized to a sulfenic acid by the peroxide substrate.
luminium, organic compounds, carbon, hydrogen peroxide, sulfides.
e system of higher organisms, however, create peroxide, superoxide, and singlet oxygen to destroy in
ch slower and produces more monomeric organic peroxide than the reaction with a strong acid catalyst
ng electrode is poised to detect any hydrogen peroxide that may have been generated at the ring.
that from many supposed formulas of Hydrogen Peroxide the correct is H-O-O-H.
m acetate or sodium salicylate), and hydrogen peroxide, the mixture will start a Chemiluminescence r
The oxygen produced from the hydrogen peroxide then reacts with the luminol dianion.
of ferulic acid, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide through radical polymerization.
turn pink before the addition of the hydrogen peroxide, thus it is vitally important to add the reag
It can be mixed with hydrogen peroxide to create a paste, which is then spread on th
other eukaryotes) uses vanadate and hydrogen peroxide to brominate electrophilic organics.
This is oxidized by the peroxide to SeOH which then reacts with a GSH molecule
the imine followed by oxidation with hydrogen peroxide to the oxaziridine, a three-membered ring con
enzyme facilitates the reaction with hydrogen peroxide, turning it into a green and soluble end-prod
mation of 4-HNE (such as exposure to hydrogen peroxide, ultraviolet light, heat shock, cancer drugs,
fferent oxidation state; rather, they contain peroxide units, where two oxygens take the place of on
The externally applied Benzoyl Peroxide vanishing cream kills the bacteria that cause
Hydrogen peroxide vapor has been shown to reduce incidence of n
In these cases the hydrogen peroxide was reduced chemically and the resulting gase
A few drops of 100 vol hydrogen peroxide were periodically added during the evaporatio
r is treated with a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide, which oxidizes the cysteines back to cystine
e reacts at 500-600°C with air to form barium peroxide which decomposes at above 800°C by releasing
llent cold rocket engine, fuelled by hydrogen peroxide, which will be used to slow its descent towar
ses the oxidation of bromide ions by hydrogen peroxide, which results in the specific bromination of
metal ions that otherwise decompose hydrogen peroxide, which is used to bleach pulp in paper making
o ambient light by the production of hydrogen peroxide, which is not a problem in bicarbonate-based
Although any concentration of peroxide will generate some hot gas (oxygen plus some
asing the concentration of iodide or hydrogen peroxide will shorten the time.
The reaction of hydrogen peroxide with aqueous titanium(IV) gives a brightly co
s reaction starts from a solution of hydrogen peroxide with sulfuric acid.
an be prepared by treating acidified hydrogen peroxide with a solution of sodium nitrite, followed b
ogen disulfide is similar to that of hydrogen peroxide, with two central sulfur atoms and two outer
ydrous forms can be made by reacting hydrogen peroxide with chlorosulfonic acid or phosphoryl chlori
Hydrogen peroxide works best as a propellant in extremely high
y of stain removal, she reveals that hydrogen peroxide works best.
gents such as sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide yields sulfonic acids (RSO3H).

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