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nt him from falling for pretty Kate Fairchild ( Powers), a young woman who runs a sailing school.
He kept his survival and powers a secret from the Chinese government and event
oreign Minister Pavel Milyukov sent the Allied Powers a telegram, one which would prove to be a turn
cle says that Hobbes opposed the seperation of powers, a key tenent of classical liberalism.
The field's magma chamber also powers a geothermal field called The Geysers, which h
rong opposition to an increase in Commonwealth powers, a tough stance on "law and order" issues, lai
alologist discovers the ray with extraordinary powers, a group of scientists seek to use it for a cr
cient artifact that mysteriously amplified her powers a thousand times.
The player plays as Mason Powers, a CIA agent who wakes up in a Turkish mental
e heat which turns a turbine at the top, which powers a series of trumpet-holding angel figures whic
d Fasel Lentjes which was bought by NEM, which powers a GE 280 MW steam turbine.
through to publication in 2003 under the title Powers: A Study in Metaphysics.
was sent as legate with the same discretionary powers a latere to the king of France on 16 November
ell, Svante E. (2001), Small Nations and Great Powers: A Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict in the Cau
It powers a 1,248 MW station with 16 x 78 MW Kaplan turb
Powers, a former clam digger, messenger, and machine
oker's novel, Count Dracula's characteristics, powers, abilities and weaknesses are narrated in a pi
They are armed powers, abilities, and weapons far beyond normal huma
ries against raids conducted by other European powers, aboriginals, and later American forces in the
mes bestselling book by James Bradley with Ron Powers about the five United States Marines and one U
alid exercise of Fourteenth Amendment remedial powers, abrogates the states' immunity from suit.
ifications of the verbs; shewing the essential powers, abstract roots, and other peculiarities of th
is mother, Ellen, after which he attended Pike Powers Academy in Staunton and Brown and Tebbs Academ
sister, joined a modeling school (John Robert Powers Academy) at the age of 15.
north-west London and hoped to make use of the powers acquired by the (NWLR) to build the Edgware Ro
The Emergency Powers Act finally lapsed on 2 September 1946.
d the UVF under the Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Act of 1932.
ut again at any time, it enacted the Emergency Powers Act on 2 July by a vote of 37 - 13.
he government were forced to amend the Special Powers Act to legalise the detention of others held u
ial successfully argued that under the Special Powers Act a British soldier had no power of arrest a
formation Act, and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
e creation of the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act and the Model State Public Health Act.
islation including Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Data Protection Act 1998 and various
The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) grants the military wide powers of
11 September - The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act is passed by the Parliament.
as provided for by section 6 of the Emergency Powers Act 1939.
as imprisoned without charge under the Special Powers Act in Crumlin Road Jail.
The Societies' Borrowing Powers Act 1898 (61 & 62 Vict.
Eckhardt was the sponsor of the War Powers Act and the Toxic Substances Act.
hunger strikes in protest against the Special Powers Act and prison conditions while in jail.
The Emergency Powers Act (Northern Ireland) 1926 was an Act of the
Border Protection (Validation and Enforcement Powers) Act 2001, a retrospective law which gave stat
The election was fought while the Emergency Powers Act 1939 was still in force.
rocedure using the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act which enables the authorities to quickly o
s invokes the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, halting imports of all goods and services
cause the President had referred the Emergency Powers Act, 1976 to the Supreme Court.
d civil liberties (Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act, the fallout from Operation Spanner, legis
on his seventeenth birthday under the Special Powers Act.
elped lead a successful effort to pass the War Powers Act.
ata Protection and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Acts.
gina Walker features in segments using psychic powers, Adam Richards is the program's gardener and f
fects, for incoherent scattering the scattered powers add arithmetically, while for coherent scatter
he massacres, the representatives of the major powers addressed an insulting letter to the sultan.
Simultaneously, the collapse of the Central Powers affected the former Austrian province of Galic
being' was parcelled out among the victorious powers after 1918.
He gained psionic powers after his mind was connected to a computer ban
Notes: A marine biologist who gains her powers after being mutated by toxic waste.
ective father who does not want her to use her powers after her mother died, but he eventually lets
s been jokingly said to have somewhat mystical powers after a number of game sequels requested by vi
The Earth-A Ultiman received his powers after surviving a Project Gemini spacecraft in
il 1920 by the principal Allied and associated powers after the First World War.
cularly boisterous fan attacked referee Richie Powers after it was announced that the game was not o
esentment that Germans felt towards the Allied Powers after the peace was made, and made them less w
Arthur Blackwood gained superhuman powers after experiencing a religious vision in which
ithin the first 24 hours of inheriting his new powers after Thornedike's death, Habib engineered a p
arshal Ion Antonescu as he assumed dictatorial powers after September 14, 1940.
hey had been pledged to the victorious foreign powers after the failed Boxer rebellion of 1900, and
er 1945 by the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers after the surrender of Japan.
As a result of the intervention of the Great Powers after the war, an autonomous Cretan State unde
Redneck lost his mutant powers after the event called M-Day.
t the was an end of limited war between 'great powers' after 1870 (p.
twenty years in the future, Jaime has lost his powers after Captain Nazi and his fellow white suprem
It was banned by Allied powers after the war.
nd was a 4-F reject from the army who received powers after his car was hit by a meteorite that gave
When Monica temporarily lost her original powers after a massive energy expenditure, she develo
second sight", after swearing never to use his powers again.
, he was a match for the diplomats of European powers, against whom he successfully defended the int
xtension of vervain's fabled magic-suppression powers against witches.
t can keep your mind clear if someone is using Powers against you."
al role in the covert alliance between the two powers against China.
ar and will wage war on the side of the Allied Powers against Germany and Hungary for the purpose of
entially pitted the subsequent Allies and Axis Powers against each other.
entering World War I in support of the Entente powers against Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empir
ion system and diminished the court's punitive powers against trade unions.
moving his gloves only to expose his explosive powers against Nazi and Japanese enemies, as well as
ing his formidable intellectual and rhetorical powers against the spread of Protestantism.
Signed by the prestigious John Robert Powers Agency in New York City, the publicity she ear
rvatory & Science Center was formed as a Joint Powers Agency with the City of Oakland, the Oakland U
The Great Powers agreed to renounce, in case of war among thems
Powers Airport
During his first stint with his gravity powers, Alex also wore a set of wings which he design
Alexander II and with the consent of the Great Powers, Alexander Bogoridi was appointed Governor-Gen
ty and look, and Superman changed costumes and powers all while Frenz was the regular artist on thei
the son of Jotham G. Allds and Lucy Charlotte ( Powers) Allds.
Her powers allow her to collect the inhabitants of Gensok
His new powers allowed him to regenerate and he came back onc
mself and acted as aggressively as his limited powers allowed.
Police Act, which would have broadened police powers allowing the Ontario Police Commission the rig
a (under her father's orders) restores Kevin's powers, allowing him to become Thunderstrike.
ficant change was that the PCA was given extra powers allowing it to supervise police investigations
remarkable memory, and his other intellectual powers almost to the last, dying at Magdalen.
Powers also stated "We also hope that this will lead
aking the name Pixx, she soon learned that her powers also extended to enormous technical prowess, a
Hope, among her occult powers, also affirms to remember her past lives as be
The nature of his powers also changed; while he no longer appeared to p
President Powers also serves as University Distinguished Teachi
Neway, Kuhlmann, and Powers also performed these roles in the UK at the Ca
Powers also said Spears have "a fairly horrific pan-L
In her letter, Harriet Powers also describes a quilt made about 1882 that sh
Powers also served as Law Clerk to the Honorable Robe
Dealing with high optical powers also needs the nonlinear optical phenomena to
did not neglect to court the alliance of other powers also, and endeavoured to secure the powerful f
He does have some official powers, although some are rarely used.
ta, Tara has grown to master her size-changing powers, although for unexplained reasons cannot be an
e conference in order to curb the big European powers' ambitions.
This paper examines the separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial
bs independently.A pump installed in the robot powers an internal liquid cooling system.
She ran against Jon Powers, an Iraq war vet and the endorsed Democratic c
Rowley married William (Bill) Powers, an editor and writer, on 17 September 2005, a
The Albanian state was recognized by Great Powers and other countries' governments.
as now accomplished, had worn out his physical powers, and he died in 1872 at Berlin.
To increase its powers and its revenue, the bank was incorporated in
985, he published the academic study The Great Powers and Poland.
ves as a device to exposit the Rider's various powers and abilities.
A combination of these belligerent powers and the desolation they helped create appears
eventually persuaded to side with the Entente Powers and declared war on neighboring Austria-Hungar
ce operates a web page describing the office's powers and duties.
release courtesy of Antony I Ginnane by Philip Powers and Mario Millo for Australian distribution in
a Supreme War Commander with almost unlimited powers and his association with a Royal Duke seemed t
e of the parish council itself, with statutory powers, and electing a chairman and clerk to act on t
He married Florence Powers and had three children.
with him-at first because of his Mega-Playboy powers, and finally because of him as a person.
Finance, Small Business, Labor, Separation of Powers and served as Chairman of the Subcommittee on
The Community Council had far fewer powers and was reliant on revenue from alcohol sales
Peace was effected between the two powers and the major part of Murcia was assigned to C
ch set out the Charity's objects, its role and powers and those of its Honorary Officers (Trustees)
ament in the United Kingdom which sets out the powers and functions of the Council on Tribunals.
North realizes the venom has priceless healing powers and smuggles the bee aboard a flight to New Yo
oped committee structure to help discharge its powers and duties.
cers to exercise and perform all or any of its powers and functions under the law.
ritish Union of Fascists illegal under wartime powers, and arrested several Fascist activists in the
ing a Treasury-determined cap on its financial powers and requiring the Secretary of State for Trans
g on 24 September 1810, it assumed legislative powers and oversight of the Regency.
f these subsequently were made Principalities, powers, and Angels; that there ensued infinite issues
outh member Steve Shelley, guitarist Kid Congo Powers, and Yo La Tengo bassist James McNew.
extradimensional magic studies with increased powers and confidence, winning Dolphin's heart with a
p (or divine flower) Gul known for its healing powers, and the Eastern prince Taj-ul-Mulk (Khalil),
's main political goals was to ensure that the powers and independence of China's elected assemblies
" authority in terms of the available range of powers and functions.
ara Tuchman about the missteps among the great powers and the failed chances to give an opponent a g
The split of powers and functions meant that the Greater London Co
The collapse of the World War I Central Powers and the withdrawal of the Allies had made the
are capable of acquiring human forms, magical powers, and immortality, provided that they receive s
reality, stripping the other Eternals of their powers and memories.
e ties of local government councils to devolve powers and responsibilities to the representatives of
hbor, flight attendant Nicole Harris (Stefanie Powers); and their sentient machines: Herbie the Love
rt Mujib despite his assumption of dictatorial powers and a ban on all political parties except BAKS
rowing into adulthood, he developed superhuman powers and enhanced reflexes but chose to suppress th
at it unfairly favours the established nuclear powers, and provides no provision for complete nuclea
as produced, starring Roddy McDowall, Stefanie Powers and John Fink.
law was changed, it might well be that all the powers and privileges originally conferred, in the ch
a wide range of information about supernatural powers and the history of mankind.
Darla has the standard powers and vulnerabilities of a vampire, with a great
Due to the uniqueness of its powers and symbolism, the king money frog can help so
p an inquiry under Sir Frank Marshall into its powers and existence; Marshall found enough to justif
enedict, found that Shondra had latent psychic powers and the two could combine their mental energie
equences of the Clinton Victory, Separation of Powers and Good Government, Statecraft and Power, His
national government, of special and enumerated powers, and not of general and unlimited powers.
, form and become a new corporation, with such powers and privileges as at the time when the offer i
y would try to have the Assembly gain expanded powers and become a true legislative chamber.
erman, Planet has seemingly godlike superhuman powers, and seems to gain more proportionate to whate
And often, because they are driven by powers and dreams strange to us, they are driven away
Bluebird possessed no superhuman powers and used the following gadgets to fight crime:
2004 by Dr. Peter H. Diamandis and Keith Adam Powers and commercialized and turned into valuable in
The Lords had limited powers and had, like the Navarrese monarchs before th
e negotiating the country's exit from the Axis Powers and the Western Allies (an alternative kept by
re commonly believed to be endowed with mystic powers, and courts of law in Anuradhapura accept swea
This was due to a peculiarity in the varying powers and abilities of local governments to control
ers; to make provision for municipal borrowing powers and to enable a Municipal Council to bind itse
less commonly a veil) that gives the alp magic powers and the ability to turn invisible while worn (
vision employs a number of agents with special powers and runs operations all over the world to figh
or expenditure relating to specific functions, powers and rights which have been conferred on it by
The water authorities took over the powers and assets of the smaller River Authorities wh
Before the Western powers and Japan, he demanded that Japan return Shand
aties that Japan had signed with other Western powers and it would later count as one of the serial
about Henry B. Stanton's wonderful oratorical powers, and took me one evening to hear him denounce
Beliefs relating to the powers and activities of the ancestors vary greatly f
blem is, they don't have full control of their powers and it is up to Axl (the reincarnation of Odin
nor of New South Wales had virtually unlimited powers and could only be overruled by the Colonial Of
annot cope upon learning of the source of her powers-- and that she is related (albeit distantly) to
Aciram seems to be a rakshas of tremendous powers and cunning, given the fact that he survived t
of Doom losing a 6-man tag team match with Jim Powers and Mark Starr to Kevin Sullivan and the Faces
fter Engineers which swept away reserved State powers and the doctrine of intergovernmental immuniti
kind of vampire, an American species, with new powers and characteristics, through various decades o
ing high-tech science masquerading as god-like powers and maintaining 'immortality' by migrating min
races and species, each with their own unique powers and abilities.
went into effect in 1975) had granted limited powers and a degree of decentralization to the interm
iest, but he's forsworn the use of his demonic powers, and wishes nothing more than to live his life
(1) if his discharge of the powers and duties of the office is founded in whole o
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