



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Rationalの意味・解説 > Rationalに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 463

Lowe's work is rational, abstract and geometric.
kes reflective equilibrium as the standard of rational acceptability."
ics: A Critical Reassessment of the Theory of Rational Action.
Above all, he described using rational actor models as dangerous.
adolescent Britain, entering into a new, more rational age who must learn to borrow from its own pas
"Three Conceptions of Rational Agency," Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2
philosophy is therefore the problem of how a rational agent bounds the set of beliefs to change whe
rom the perspective of economic theories with rational agents, no more purchase on economic reality
ble to have civilized dealings or to conclude rational agreements, notably on arms control.
ALTRAN was a FORTRAN extension providing rational algebra, developed by W.S. Brown, at Bell Lab
ys tell myself [to be] cool and calm and make rational analyses.
y, the priests at the school emphasized using rational analysis in the pursuit of truth.
The basic assumption of Rational Analysis is that cognition is optimally adapt
the development of the ACT theory, using the Rational Analysis as a unifying framework for the unde
lated into what appeared to him as their more rational and dignified mode of life.
subsidiary of KfW Bankengruppe, promotes the rational and environmentally friendly production and u
mo economicus model, which describes man as a rational and self-interested being.
For example rational and animal, as they are found in man, is not
explaining the most important doctrines in a rational and scriptural manner, and enforcing them wit
He came across as a very rational and calm commander who often urged Viola to t
Promote the rational and efficient use of energy, both in the busi
He stressed the importance of using a rational and humane approach in treatment of the menta
htened Catholicism", which took the form of a rational and intellectualized form of faith, she is de
try concerning the number and distribution of rational and integral solutions to Diophantine equatio
future is indeterminate since reality is both rational and irrational.
ans derive their conceptions of what is real, rational, and good.
proteins having been successfully designed by rational and by combinatorial methods.
blic policy issues and suggest proposals in a rational and professional manner, on the basis of the
This is a very rational and economic argument for piety, somewhat sim
mposition, have their good effect on the more rational and sober part of the audience.
elief in a general purpose of the universe is rational and justified."
Rational and minimal, is linked to water trough pools
dicinal products and that these are used in a rational and cost-effective manner.
xist in different moral realms because one is rational and the other not-that persisted largely unch
I am sorry buy your category rational and implementation, consensus or not, is poor
iple of perfection is a new one, at once more rational and comprehensive than benevolence and sympat
that man is by nature both good and rational, and that all that is needed to ensure triump
numbered or alphabetic patterns that are both rational and provide address numbering information.
raction does not terminate (because it is not rational) and is aperiodic (because it is not an irred
Bringing mature, rational, and logical thinking to bear on social, cult
hen whether the infringement of the right was rational and as small as reasonably possible.
cture made the case for its subject in a more rational and pragmatic basis, while The Gray Cloth pro
for proposing techno-progressivism as a more rational and sophisticated alternative to both transhu
ance to view individual people as autonomous, rational, and competent agents, and a tendency to view
thought of the Middle Ages", reaching beyond rational and Classicist models to elevate medievalism
of the brain involved in decision-making, the rational and the emotional.
Trans-rationality unites the rational and mechanistic understanding of modern peace
esigned End to the Socinian Controversy: or a rational and plain Discourse that no other person but
bjective historical and cultural roots into a rational and objective legal regulatory framework that
e requirement that participants are generally rational and altruistic, and that the community in que
she led a research group at the Institute for Rational Application of Energies of the University of
WID is built on top of IBM Rational Application Developer V7.0 Eclipse based tech
receptor function in vivo and to represent a rational approach for the treatment of schizophrenia a
In her theories Lisa applied a logical and rational approach to astrology.
Atracurium was the culmination of a rational approach to drug design to produce the first
is by far the best rational approximation of π with a denominator of four
Most often, a computer will use a rational approximation to a real number.
e Apes, if they have some appearance of being rational, are blemish'd with some absurdity or other w
the Council had succeeded despite Superman's rational argument that nobody on Krypton would have fo
nctional relations, the Gamma function of any rational argument p / q can be expressed in closed alg
Rational Argument: Anyone should be prepared to submit
Elliptic integrals with rational arguments
This is rational as long as the VLP assembly takes place insid
osecutors had originally requested citing the rational as it seemed that Warren had thought he would
the tag for trivial refs too, under the same rational as before, they are all valid.
Die rationelle Spargelzucht ( Rational Asparagus Cultivation), 1882
In Italy she is specially known for her rational atheistic views and her continual criticism o
one whose intense calm is calculated to bring rational balance into the political life of the state.
ress (like the judiciary) was required to use rational basis review of state action, with its presum
found that Section 3 was unconstitutional on rational basis grounds.
faulty intelligence, and thus will be without rational basis (a garbage in, garbage out scenario).
ractice and his contributions have provided a rational basis for the evaluation of the risks and ben
n Democratic Socialists want to return to the rational basis of the discussion of ideas."
ent by constantly reminding themselves of the rational basis of their decision to quit.
scrutiny to government action than they do in rational basis review, evidence of disparate impact "a
discriminate against its citizens applying a rational basis standard.
If the discrimination has a rational basis, it is constitutional.
s legitimate, provided that there is indeed a rational basis, supported by facts, for the legislatur
Tauro's decision found Section 3 lacks a rational basis.
neoclassical architecture in a monumental and rational Beaux-Arts plan.
lly assumed in public choice theory; that is, rational behavior is restricted to the instrumental as
ional change in expectations, can result from rational behavior by investors.
d as a movement (Iyakkam in Tamil) to promote rational behavior, the Self-Respect Movement acquired
ship in Argentina from 1976 to 1983 that "The rational behavior, in any war, is to be on the side of
t man is essentially selfish, or that he is a rational being.
works were cruelty and injustice, unworthy of rational beings, although it was always proclaiming it
dso" and the story itself is about a strictly rational brain following a path of investigation of a
structures, and that better performing, more rational buildings are the result.
inge science are that the enterprise is still rational, but an unlikely avenue for future results.
ngly, we can suppose that all the players are rational, but they do not have common knowledge of eac
nfortunately, I removed the image until a new rational can be applied to the image.
rom there a small expository work, entitled A Rational Catechism (London, 1687).
alism to the test tube of medical inquiry and rational causation.
of hourly wages and bank account statements," rational cause and effect and the prudent calculation
cess on its Nuclear Weapons Programs with the Rational Choice and Cognitive Choice Models,” by Ki-Ta
term bounded rationality is used to designate rational choice that takes into account the cognitive
ntional applications of economic theory and a rational choice approach to understanding a variety of
rands, and thus, that these products were the rational choice for smokers who cared about their heal
erican Psychological Association for the book Rational Choice in an Uncertain World (now in its 2nd
t economic thought, based on simple models of rational choice to every area of law possible.
"Institutionalism, Rational Choice and Historical Analysis", Polity, Vol.
opkin has played a role in the development of rational choice theory within political science.
Her work in empirical political theory, rational choice theory, ethics, and political psycholo
They are going to make a rational choice on the basis of what they are offered,
e concepts of sectors and sectoral conflicts, rational choice theories of politics, the bureau-shapi
and updated, Transnational Publishers 2005); Rational Choice and Democratic Deliberation (Cambridge
you brush your teeth on November 6, 1984?: A rational choice perspective" (PS, 1984), "A corollary
Economics of Pirates, a book in which he uses rational choice theory to examine the economic conditi
He has also authored Morality and Rational Choice, Against Bioethics, and Judgment Misgu
Ruby's standard library includes a Rational class in the module rational.
s: E.g. the integer class is a subtype of the rational class, just as the integer numbers are a subs
s the following Version control systems: CVS, Rational ClearCase, Subversion, git.
n space given by polynomial inequalities with rational coefficients.
It was his mission to introduce a rational, common-sense point of view, and to bring the
the first to console the people and create a rational conclusion.
Samyak Caritra or rational conduct is the natural conduct of a (soul) li
In theoretical physics, rational conformal field theory is a special type of c
Court found that section 8 does not pass the rational connection test as the "possession of a small
This was because there was no rational connection between basic possession and the p
as justified under section 1 as the law had a rational connection to its objective, it was not overl
Mrs. Pretty's full capacity for informed, rational consent was not disputed by opposing counsel.
s novel procedure is not only relevant to the rational construction of biotechnologically significan
d appearance of a building should reflect the rational construction of the building.
acknowledging that Esperanto is a product of rational construction, not historical evolution, they
th: Rough Stone Rolling, described Corrill as rational, coolheaded, and cautious, illustrating the "
finitely many orientations (and vertices have rational coordinates).
Despite of this, all the vertices have rational coordinates.
est logical deduction instead of the intended rational correlation of the form.
ff conversation between friends - such is the rational course of his thought.
It showed the need to adopt a more rational criteria for the use of natural resources on
oint of view, he was operating under a set of rational criteria: area (it was intended to be possibl
ct that concerts were promoted as evenings of Rational Culture, and very rarely did he use his name
Disenchantment), revolving around the cult of Rational Culture.
n, and converging to an optimal solution with rational data.
Group of Concerned Scientists, in creating a rational debate on Australia's water resources.
the Public Sphere featured universal access, rational debate, and disregard for rank.
Most of his research was on the theory of rational decision-making under uncertainty.
ated problems like learning and the nature of rational decision."
ed that opponents had "said that I can't make rational decisions because of my ideology.
y new technique used by economists for making rational decisions about investments in transportation
most often women) who have made conscious and rational decisions to migrate knowing they will be sel
By any rational definition, my edits were the opposite: I att
Rational Descriptions, Decisions and Designs.
wn in the 1970s for an insightful book called Rational descriptions, decisions and designs which pop
Specific inhibitors developed using rational design have recently been reported.
The use of rational design techniques for proteins is a major asp
constructed with a shorter hull than a purely rational design required, and her class were the small
t substituted anything beyond "a mythology of rational despair".
Besides offering a rational, diagnostic system aimed at solving the music
Main article: Rational difference equation
A rational difference equation is a nonlinear difference
A first-order rational difference equation is a nonlinear difference
adhering to honesty, fair play, courtesy, and rational discourse.
his theology further leftward and he became a Rational Dissenter.
Abhorring dogma and religious mysticism, Rational Dissenters emphasized the rational analysis o
Rational Dissenters believed that Christianity and fai
not known whether any point in the plane is a rational distance from all four vertices of the unit s
sult of Deza showed that every L1 metric with rational distances could be scaled by an integer and e
itated waves that all calm reflection and all rational distinction become, in a manner, drowned" (F.
absorbed from other states and efficient and rational distribution of industries is promoted by pre
pharmacological processes can lead to a more rational drug development process and an improved trea
iew, "Capoten really was the first example of rational drug design based on a hypothetical biologica
This company, a pioneer in rational drug design, discovered and brought to market
The SK&F team used a rational drug design process starting from the structu
licy based on the Seneka Bibile principles of rational drug use.
matching the apparent effects to treatments, rational drug design begins with a hypothesis that mod
The Art and Science of Rational Eating, with Mike Abrams and Lidia Abrams.
governed the economy in antiquity rather than rational economic motivations.
(with E. J. Nell) Rational Economic Man, 1975
, "Being an elf doesn't make you turn off the rational economic calculator part of your brain.".
movement capable of identifying and advancing rational, effective ideas in the public debate.
so called the Monthly Museum of Knowledge and Rational Entertainment, it specialized in "poetry, mus
ose sidelengths form Pythagorean triples with rational entries.
up, 8 Wire Capital, Geminus Capital Partners, Rational Equity, Bartley Capital, Wright Equity Partne
rived from the Hasse-Minkowski theorem on the rational equivalence of quadratic forms.
In the words of Ballinger after rational examination, “Times have changed, my dear fri
northern France, who in general preferred the rational exegesis.
r calculating macroeconomic equilibrium under rational expectations in economies with heterogeneous
dently rediscovered by Jevons and Walras, the rational expectations economics of the 1970s and 1980s
Furthermore, the concept of rational expectations had become subject to much doubt
ion and control of a macroeconomic model with rational expectations'.
me as John Muth was developing the concept of rational expectations, Herbert A. Simon had been refin
arratives in the Bible, and he strove to give rational explanations to the miraculous stories.
h scientists and skeptics who attempt to find rational explanations for such phenomena using a scien
Banier's Euhemerist and rational explication of myth in his Explication histor
Challenge government to demonstrate rational, fact-based evidence to support its policies
sane and happy medium exists that includes a rational feminist outlook?
The original rational for this search was based on the observation
whose production it is often not individually rational for people voluntarily to do their part to se
Contemporary rational for its policy making includes that it (1) of
America's Alexander Hamilton, needed no other rational for imposing tariffs than that they benefited
nomist Frank J. Fabozzi argues that it is not rational for investors to agree to disagree; they must
The name of the language is a pun (Ratfor ( RATional FORtran) -> "Rat Four" -> "Rat Five" -> RatFi
ircle whose argument (complex angle) is not a rational fraction of π,
Changing the sampling rate of a signal by a rational fraction L / M can be accomplished by first u
capability, e.g., multivariate polynomial and rational function handling.
g a geometric series, can be expressed as the rational function
may be a simple quadratic, or a polynomial or rational function over a Galois field.

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