



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Retentionの意味・解説 > Retentionに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 331

personal privacy, national security, records retention, access for persons with disabilities, and o
re it acts as a viscosity modifier and water retention agent.
Colour retention agents are food additives that are added to
Ample rainfall and soil moisture retention allows most grape growers to farm without th
His expertise with beams led to his retention, along with Fairbairn, as consultant on the
ss reserve and financial statement accruals, retention analysis, premium/cost-allocation models, pr
ct of Griffin's management style on employee retention and institutional knowledge.
small invertebrate predators, increase water retention, and allow for deep ovipositing.
pectors also noted that the colleges overall retention and pass rates are very high and are signifi
approved to redevelop the Spur site with the retention and reuse of some of the older buildings.
ngiontensin II - aldosterone mediated volume retention and the aldosterone mediated potassium wasti
e Dynamo in co-branded advertising, customer retention, and new customer acquisition programs.
orner stone to the business, with high staff retention and some blue chip clients who have remained
e, dizziness, priapism, rash, salt and fluid retention, and hypertension.
to spironolactone it may lead to less water retention and breast tenderness while improving skin a
dy as a site for the collective processes of retention and propagation of memory.
VPg binds, has a significant impact on both retention, and recruitment, of VPg and Pol.
though, for his dedication to increasing the retention and graduation rates of minority students in
The technique is used mainly to enhance retention and selectivity of various solutes that woul
or barley in the mashing pocess aids in head retention and cling to the glass.
d periods) by increasing urea production and retention, and by remaining slightly hyperosmotic with
culty development to enhance recruitment and retention and secure world-class stature for Universit
ting a corporate culture that encourages the retention and advancement of women.
tabilizing sand and dirt, promoting moisture retention, and fixing atmospheric nitrogen.
Swine manure retention and application fields must be set back an a
chimere of Anglican Prelates: a plea for its retention and proper use", in Transactions of the St P
ng $1 billion in new construction, increased retention and graduation rates, a higher nationwide ra
including the preparation of a wide range of retention and disposal schedules.
ere are two types of vocal fold cysts: mucus retention and epithermoid.
rapy..........................Leads to water retention and thus raised blood pressure.
These drums allow for additional heat retention and thermal consistency in the rolled piece,
cial Joint Committee to Study Small Business Retention and Development.
As with other NSAIDs, fluid and solute retention and edema have been reported with ketorolac.
the total site area to landscaping, woodland retention and new wildlife habitats.
administration of docetaxel to reduce fluid retention and hypersensitive reactions.
The criteria for selection included high retention and graduation rates, challenging standards,
ric yoga, the same emphasis is placed on the retention and absorption of vital liquids and Sanskrit
he took ill in West Hartlepool with urinary retention and had to undergo emergency surgery.
hat the Holy See was itself negligent in its retention and supervision of Ronan and in failing to w
response to the problems arising from tissue retention and use in the UK.
arios related to strategic warfare to sailor retention and crew morale, with selection for the awar
headache, migraine, PMS, irritability, fluid retention, anxiety and panic.
molar and premolar teeth provide microscopic retention, as does the point of contact between teeth.
ollection methods in HRD, enhancing employee retention, assessing learning outcomes from training,
sed to treat high blood pressure and urinary retention associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia
rition disorder, nocturia, polyuria, urinary retention, asthenia, back pain, leg cramps, malaise &
In solution, the gum exhibits viscosity retention at elevated temperature, and is stable in a
he glycosidic oxygen yielding stereochemical retention at the anomeric carbon or an acid catalyzed
quarterly profit Citigroup announced $23.2m retention award to Mr. Vikram Pandit making him one of
cted one of Kentucky's Minority Educator and Retention Award winners
f of Naval Air Training (CNATRA), the CNATRA Retention Award, the Chief of Naval Operations Safety
18 (Ronald Reagan Freeway) it empties into a retention basin and from there on is encased in a conc
The flood retention basin of the Malter Reservoir completely ove
Engineering Division to create a floodwater retention basin in an extensive, flat, and much-used s
l small right-bank tributaries, flows past a retention basin on the left bank, and joins Coyote Cre
A retention basin can also be a part of a nuclear reacto
This basin type differs from a retention basin, also known as a "wet pond," which inc
me of its volume to groundwater); and from a retention basin, which is designed to include a perman
This is a storm water retention basin, fed by the Oldbury Arm, providing an
urface facility such as a detention basin or retention basin.
bioretention systems, constructed wetlands, retention basins and similar devices.
Pollution in stormwater runoff collects in retention basins.
ter than most common species and is good for retention basins.
Recruiting and Retention Battalion
t AMR executives were keeping $41 million in retention bonuses.
His retention by the bank did not prevent him from acting
est of the whole region, although this water retention can be of use in vintages of low rainfall.
3rd, 2008, and is an example of the massive retention capabilities of a commercial usenet server.
erned about the decline of the river's water retention capacity due to loss of tree cover, top soil
intestinal motility or constipation, urinary retention, cognitive and/or memory impairment, and inc
Hospital, the Southend Clasp, a widely used retention component used on removable orthodontic appl
ewing skills instruction, job placement, job retention counseling and intensive case management for
They usually occur as retention cysts in cicatricial conditions of the conju
Mucus retention cysts occur when a glandular duct becomes bl
f the uterus, pulmonary emboli, foreign body retention cysts, pelvic peritonitis, rupture of the fa
rgic: Paralytic ileus; hyperpyrexia; urinary retention, delayed micturition, dilatation of the urin
or greater with the exact point of increased retention depending on the solute and the organic comp
drugs, including dry mouth, ataxia, urinary retention, drowsiness, memory problems, inability to c
ies as economic development, jobs growth and retention, education, fiscally responsible government
g with his fellow justices, was subject to a retention election in August 2006 under the provisions
to keep Shepard on the court in a statewide retention election.
), the Tennessee Supreme Court held that the retention elections were constitutional, as the consti
of Representatives, 2 ballot measures, plus retention elections for 18 judges of the Alaska Superi
e, hepatomegaly, hyperbilirubinemia, urinary retention, elevated transaminases, cutaneous eruptions
nistered either orally (with the meal) or by retention enema.
sarge has been awarded the Golden Anchor for Retention Excellence, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Serv
in the past, by intercepting Action Message Retention Facility (AMRF) messages.
cm and the solvent front travels 5.0 cm, the retention factor would be 0.5.
k '2 is the retention factor of the second peak.
rrelates with the log k' value (logarithm of retention factor) in aqueous reversed-phase liquid chr
The recruitment and retention figures back this up.
hich cause significant swelling due to fluid retention) for decades, and had undergone 10 operation
isc brake equipped bicycles can overcome the retention force of the dropouts, causing wheel ejectio
ured body fat, as a result of the carotenoid retention from the vegetable portion of their diet.
rasympatholytic (e.g., constipation, urinary retention, glaucoma, blurry vision, decreased lacrymal
essure on the microbial community allows the retention granular biomass inside the reactor while fl
d J. Arsenault of the National Catholic Risk Retention Group asked their colleagues how sexual abus
ANP retention has been demonstrated for a variety of polar
products treating for detoxification, water retention, hypertension, obesity or kidney stones.
ucture and membrane integrity, permits water retention in cells, thus protecting from the effects o
, which reverses the calcium and bicarbonate retention in the PCT.
electronic messaging and electronic records retention in similar fashion to the United States.
Hamilton's studies of isotope retention in humans, especially of radioactive stronti
The water improves in quality during its retention in the reservoir as solids settle and organi
s associated with bone formation and calcium retention in the bones.
He won retention in 2007.
Qualifying for retention in the Air Service during demobilization at
hours, for adults) due to inadequate sodium retention in the body, polydipsia (excessive thirst) d
oline and noradrenaline, and improves memory retention in animal studies.
He ran for retention in 2005 but failed to earn a majority of "YE
He ran for retention in the 1970 special election, but was defeat
d transferred to the Maritime Commission for retention in the Maritime Reserve Fleet 3 April 1956.
Selective retention, in relating to the mind, is the process whe
State's Supreme Court on 2001 and is up for retention in 2011.
Kovats retention index (shorter Kovats index, retention index
Kovats retention index,
e Act") which outlines requirements for data retention, indexing, and accessibility for companies w
e locations of where the food is hidden, the retention interval, as well as any odour cues that cou
ll the items, the efficiency of learning and retention is enormously enhanced."
Retention is the process whereby a phase of a perceptu
some cases up to 1 year to complete, patient retention is virtually 100%.
ithin the context as well of recruitment and retention issues and the larger dynamics, which are im
djustment, or demonstrate that the incorrect retention knob is being used for the machine.
1 January - A telecommunications data retention law came into force, requiring German teleco
nd workplace morale, difficulties with staff retention, limited shared leadership and decision-maki
of the theory of memory and mind: Selective retention may also be retaining of contractual agreeme
The retention mechanism of polar compounds has not been el
y there are secondary chromatographic solute retention mechanisms.
is characterized by constipation and urinary retention, microcolon, giant bladder (megacystis), int
t in 1966 by Jack P. McKinney for floodwater retention, municipal water storage, and recreation.
ps it should be expressed as inefficiency at retention) must be partly through morphological change
nd vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, urinary retention, mydriasis, muscle tremors, hyperthermia, sw
The object manager provides rules for retention, naming and security of objects.
means that it also does not cause any water retention normally associated with highly androgenic s
Labour's retention of the seat, albeit with a reduced majority,
thur Bourchier in signing a petition for the retention of censorship.
on delivered a lone dissenting judgement for retention of barristerial immunity on a five-judge App
As Labour moved back towards the retention of Britain's nuclear capability and followin
ocuses on EWVIDCO's goals of development and retention of production, manufacturing and industrial
Retention of breath, Brahmacharya, Satvic (pure) food,
ed new Declaration of Principles in favor of retention of the existing 1924 Declaration.
that the ACPO guidelines allowing indefinite retention of DNA profiles were unlawful, in line with
Crime and Security Act 2010, relating to the retention of fingerprints.
e Secretary Charles Clarke calls for greater retention of data related to e-mail transmission in li
mple for a Western feature in Sinhala is the retention of initial /v/ which developed into /b/ in t
ngements to be entered in order to allow the retention of some foreign landed property in China und
The PUP campaigned for the retention of the Union, preferential treatment for Pro
y is evident in some larval specimens by the retention of branchial arches and a high degree of oss
mous itself claims an approximate membership retention of 26% after twelve months from initial atte
e surface was due, Hammersons negotiated the retention of the cars parking under their control.
erstanding of concepts, as opposed to a mere retention of data.
economic development and the attraction and retention of individuals associated with the creative
ncluding all the extant Polychelidae, by the retention of the diaeresis of the uropodal exopods.
lic, and after his retirement argued for the retention of the traditional swearing-in of witnesses
ernment health policy and campaigned for the retention of patient services when the government thre
s DCGS, Graham unsuccessfully argued for the retention of national service following the eventual A
ommon pleas and exchequer divisions, but the retention of the chiefships.
At the same time it enabled retention of a link with their heartland and a real pu
king on an alternative plan that would allow retention of family voting control.
higan State House of Representatives but the retention of Republican control over the Michigan Sena
bile phase can have an important role on the retention of an analyte and can change the selectivity
retion, resulting in profound effects on the retention of salt and water; they also influence intak
he sphincter of Oddi and can therefore cause retention of bile in the biliary tree and pancreatic j
andmark residential development', due to the retention of large trees and waterways and subdivision
hildren's celebrations and he championed the retention of football at the University of Nebraska at
In addition to its retention of several primitive cranial characters, Par
fierce hatred from movements supporting the retention of Morocco as a French protectorate.
bia, Canada, to fill the void along with the retention of the two Smith brothers, Eric and Ian.
sucking and other displays of autoeroticism, retention of feces, sibling rivalry, masturbation'.
1852, nevertheless declared in favor of the retention of British rule.
dedly saw England through to victory and the retention of the Ashes in Australia last year ... It w
ffroy I because of the prince's contumacious retention of certain abbeys, churches, rural parishes,
He supported retention of capital punishment in the most extreme ca
erful forelimbs, over two feet long, and the retention of the fourth metacarpal in the hand, Dong s
atively late enclosure of the farmlands, and retention of an open land setting and older "twisty" r
urity of the design of the Wilkins house and retention of its original form make it a significant e
Retention of carbon dioxide
Retention of lower P3
cending loop in the nephron which leads to a retention of water in the urine as water normally foll
Basal traits include the retention of premaxillary teeth in the front of the up
Retention of the status quo.
lding needs for heating and cooling, provide retention of stormwater on site for reuse, reduce heat
Long-term retention of new phonetic categories.",
e's official transport interchange, with the retention of the existing railway line into the city.
d candidates to enter the field; help in the retention of highly qualified teachers; and help paren
t of Commerce, charged with the creation and retention of jobs, the growth of investment, the devel
The retention of civil code in Quebec, though, caused the
Teachers reported higher retention of ninth-grade students.
of the Club's clerical origin remain in the retention of the College Prayer and the nominal requir
Support the retention of New Zealand's aviation history
a view of the focusing screen, which allows retention of phase contrast autofocus.
retention of separate health and safety standards for
The retention of the Cholov Yisroel system is also related
germ oil being ground into the flour and the retention of nutrients due to low milling temperatures
The Tories favoured either the retention of James II, a regency, or Mary alone as Que
edevelopment plans which did not involve the retention of the main terminal building.
e French government he protested against the retention of the temporal power by the pope and insist
oser proximity to the 215/10 interchange and retention of anchor businesses.
in 2009 it was ruled that they must justify retention of photographs on a case-by-case basis.

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