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ll sunken garden containing a pond, and to the Rough, a semi-wild area.
e third of seven children, to her father James Rough, a carpet weaver.
Beyond" of an unidentified concert featuring a rough, acoustic version of the song.
roscope along the internal guiderail to make a rough adjustment of the device.
g and Think Naked: Childlike Brilliance in the Rough Adult World.
Rough Air: Danger on Flight 534 - Susan Lee
Los Angeles was used for a scene involving the rough alien played by Brian Thompson.
A rough alignment is performed - then refined by point
are up to 3 centimeters long and hairless but rough along the edges.
Fusing the elements of thick, rough analogue guitar noise and hidden melodies, als
Many people, however, complained that it was rough and uncomfortable to ride.
The leaves are rough and hairy, green to purplish in colour.
mplete, throwing state-owned airlines into the rough and tumble of the private sector.
In spite of his rough and grumbling nature, he was a true mate.
Leaves are alternate, numerous, rough, and narrow along the entire stem.
Company E - Rough and Readys (Carroll Co.), under Captain Willia
The brick sections rapidly became rough and wavy as heavy traffic caused shifting of t
pple) is a large green and yellow apple with a rough and black russet and unusually irregular, wart
olonies with rose-pink pigmentation but become rough and dry later.
The shutter release at the top of it, is rough and difficult to press smoothly.
Although she seems quite rough and hard sometimes, she has a soft and kind si
ent in Nevada County, California, located near Rough and Ready.
"Don't This Road Look Rough And Rocky" (Flatt, Scruggs) 2:50
Suddenly his engine began to run rough, and Wittman was forced to throttle back to re
eastern Anatolia and the Caucuses is extremely rough and combined with the difficulty in supplying
rea of East Crescentville was home to the more rough and tumble Irish Population of the community.
The surface of the column is rough and leathery with a grainy appearance, but has
s necessary as speed due to the demands of the rough and often muddy course.
mining camp (for example the Great Republic of Rough and Ready), and adopted the Mexican mining law
Their denim is very slubby, meaning hairy and rough, and their jeans come in a range of fits inclu
idal crystals of quartz, the faces are usually rough and striated horizontally.
The neighborhood was getting rough and business slowed so Fireside began to showc
volume roughly equivalent to 90ml, though the rough and ready measure is the amount of liquor need
Usually smooth, rarely rough and nonpigmented colonies.
Flat, rough, and undulated yellow, nonphotochromogenic col
"Republic of Rough and Ready" - 3:37
he upper surface of the leaf blade which feels rough and can cut in one direction, but is smooth in
ille, Hacketville was established southwest of Rough and Ready during the 1865-1866 copper mining b
outside of Twitter use, the code is still very rough and hence there is no stable release available
ille, Spenceville was established southwest of Rough and Ready during the 1865-1866 copper mining b
st as Jason in Jim Dickinson's gangster comedy Rough and Ready 1 opposite Roger Lloyd-Pack.
tion and carpentry, the working of timber in a rough and unplaned state, as it does not require the
The Estate had a reputation of being rough and drug dealers were a problem on there, inci
The trail is rough and badly maintained in places and is probably
s of secession, forming the "Great Republic of Rough and Ready" (and according to legend, the con m
Mayfair being blue collar, the "growing up in rough and tumble Mayfair" image apparently far bette
toughest job you'll ever hate," are made up of rough and rugged men, women-and in the case of the H
ite new lyrics and add his vocals to the album Rough and Ready, before mixing resumed on tracks pre
In spite of its rough and informal appearance, the album was apparen
uding starring in Wild Things: Diamonds in the Rough and Mermaids
Nadine is much more rough and aggressive than Brenda and questions why S
Colonies are rough and strongly yellow-pigmented.
ith seemingly effortless ease, contrasting the rough and sweet vocals of frontfolks John Croslin an
Bark is rough and reddish-brown.
acteristical elements are Runhardt Scheffler's rough and half growled vocals, a relic from the band
ille, Wilsonville was established southwest of Rough and Ready during the 1865-1866 copper mining b
The bark is thick, rough and scaly.
The leaves are dull, rough, and up to 3.5 centimeters long.
ashion among men of letters: too medieval, too rough and tragical and not stylistically refined in
y's obscene language (though it's still plenty rough) and clarified some of its obscurations.
The interior floor is also rough and somewhat irregular, with several tiny crat
In the young skull this area is rough and uneven, and is joined to the body of the s
The hill was rough, and steep on each side, extending only so far
itself has become synonymous with rollicking, rough and tumble adventure.
d thickness, ranging from smooth and glossy to rough and sharp.
n stature.Temperamentally, he was described as rough and having a hot temper, yet warm and single-m
Rough and Ready is the only mining town to have "sec
Rough and Ready was released in UK on 25 October 197
A rough and gritty film, it is comparable in form to M
though it is the smallest one, it has the same rough and wild look, specially when viewed from the
he winner of all other teams, because here's a rough and tumble hockey game that takes a steady han
The river is still rough and fast-flowing at this location.
the head of the femur, the acetabular fossa is rough and thin, often transparent, and continuous wi
h HIFK and was very popular among fans due hes rough and uncompromising style of play.
"Rock Steady (I'm Rough and Ready)" (Kay/Wilk)
The name may derive from Welsh 'crai' meaning rough and referring originally to the nature of the
The inner wall of Alder is rough and slightly terraced, with the material scatt
ial rock voice ... spectacularly styled with a rough and tumble vaudevillian edge."
The shiny green leaves are rough and sticky in texture, oval to widely lance-sh
ow-lying areas, while the brighter regions are rough and covered with mountains.
It is hairy in texture, the hairs rough and sharp.
Mountain View was originally called Rough and Ready.
Ironheart can be described as a rough and gritty hero who will use any means necessa
me, the Hurley Mountain Inn was famous for its rough and tumble biker bar scene, but then a NY Stat
The interior floor is rough and irregular, beginning with the slumped mate
It is rough and difficult from all sides except the one fa
tchell (Melissa Peterman), a single mom from a rough and tumble background, trying to give her thre
Bark yellowish fawn, flaky, rough and somewhat tessellated.
hundred feet of shifting scree, giving way to rough and loose crags higher up; Slape Crag is the m
one meter in height which is coated densely in rough and soft hairs.
ps in Screenwriting competition for his script Rough and Tumble, about an amateur football team in
Their voices become rough and hoarse, they cough loudly, and the sound i
The coat is smooth or rough and comes in brown, black and tan or brindle.
e but the latter was a distorted memory of the rough and ready early days of the corps.
ed Randolph Hill Mining Company in the town of Rough and Ready (now a town west of Grass Valley in
The crater interior is rough and irregular, with a generally bowl-shaped ap
epressings of the albums A Real Diamond in the Rough, and Slaughterhouse on the Prairie were made a
The bark is grey, somewhat rough and resembling sandpaper to the touch.
Their first engine, the Rough and Ready was delivered in May 1849.
He was a principal stockholder in the Rough and Ready Ditch Company and also enagaged in b
between the angle and the tubercle is rounded, rough, and irregular, and serves for the attachment
A flick grinder is a rough and ready surface grinder or tool and cutter g
the two are struggling to tie: why so much is rough and taciturn.
Its exoskeleton is rough and bumpy, helping it to camouflage as a piece
ern music bar/dance hall/restaurant called the Rough and Ready Saloon that was located there.
Twelve poem should be recited in this specific rough and eccentric manner, the way Savoyarov did it
Their upper surface is rough and the underside is the same colour as the bo
rowing up, Richard was described as a "sturdy, rough and tumble fellow... who could work hard but c
Halfway, (or Half Way) Illinois was a rough and very wet unincorporated community nickname
The bark is dark gray, rough, and furrowed in a vertical pattern.
The sea had become very rough, and the boats were unable to ground.
The rough and crackled surface is usually lightly sprink
The ground both forces traversed was very rough and very inhospitable with few roads.
"The harsh, rough and true-to-life quality of the cinematography
The bark is gray-brown or reddish, and rough and fissured.
erland (1951) by completing much of the film's rough animation.
te, freed from its matrix, is often pitted and rough, apparently in consequence of the removal of t
during the breeding season, giving the skin a rough appearance.
d neater brush strokes and Benjamin showed the rough approach of his teacher.
Even a rough approximation of how many people die because o
A rough approximation to thermal inertia is sometimes
A rough approximation of the VI curve for a Gunn diode
Because of this, it is often used to obtain a rough approximation to a solution which is then used
entator Terry Wogan asking jokingly and with a rough approximation of the appropriate accent "are w
n print July 1908 through June 1909 (dates are rough approximations).
ring Brownstones sandstones which stretch in a rough arc northwards through eastern Monmouthshire,
Behind the posterior groove is a rough area for the attachment of the Scalenus medius
Before World War II, it had a reputation as a rough area.
volved quite a lot, but there are still lot of rough areas and places to improve.
Rough Around the Edges (2001)
ong's female narrator describes being a little rough around the edges ("I ain't the kind you take h
aking Gibbs a character who, though ostensibly rough around the edges, would gradually come to shar
nts intervened; the prototype was damaged in a rough arrested landing trial, and when repaired a mo
intended to act as a 'feeder site' to generate rough articles for Nupedia, where the articles would
Its channel is very rough, as it crosses the edges of upturned rock stra
es 2, as a 15-year-old drop-out who was living rough as a drug addict and was introduced to the ser
Philotheos of Alexandria, but remained in his rough asceticism even after his ordination.
This simple vernacular rough ashlar house represents the life style of the
The success of Wade's efforts was shown by the rough assortment of weapons used by the Highlanders
a reputation as an undisciplined player with a rough attitude, most notably fights with two of his
It is a rough audience recording, "[...] that we feel captur
ations and early static analysis tools such as Rough Auditing Tool for Security and ITS4.
Geum laciniatum (commonly named rough avens or hairy herb-bennet) is a member of the
The stone work is rough axe faced.
ed on The Andy Griffith Show as Jeff Pruitt, a rough, back-woods bachelor who comes to Mayberry to
ading and Information System, and in Finnish a rough backronym for "immediately"), which replaced t
"Children ( Rough Ballad Version)" (4:12)
Rough bark is persistent on the lower parts of the t
The Tuart has box-like rough bark through the length of the trunk to small
end of the winter, before leaves are open; the rough bark of older stems is not a notable feature.
The rough bark is grey-brown.
the stems of glasses reminded drinkers of the rough bark of the wooden beakers, hence the associat
It may grow up to 40 metres in height and has rough bark at the base becoming smooth further up th
ample, with moss around its roots and wired to rough bark.
hedge, and in wet weather were gathered into a rough barn.
s a species of grass known by the common names rough barnyard grass and American barnyard grass.
on a cylindrical column standing on a stepped rough base.
ond Coming, which ends with the line "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches t
Their lives become bumpy and rough because of greed, selfishness and self-centere
The climate is pretty rough because of mountain flanks.
From those rough beginnings, the station grew to provide one of
of her youth, and is shocked by her brother's rough behaviour and the often violent encounters on
d fall down, backward, or in any way, over the rough benches or logs and lay for hours in a state o
mon species of grass known by the common names rough bent grass and ticklegrass.
The seeds are rough, black, wingless, 3-8 mm long and wide, 1-2 mm
The base of the monument consists of rough blocks of Rubislaw granite which were produced
The rough borders of the landmark district are Washingto
The rough bottoms around the outlet tend to capture fish
Lower down it forms the rough boundary between the Berryessa and Alum Rock d
t Betty's house Buzzy meets up with a bunch of rough boys next door playing marbles and tries to jo
.3 in) long and up to 7 cm (2.8 in) wide, with rough branches.
onvict Doug O'Riordan meet each other during a rough brawl in a roadhouse.
Gamespy named him one of the "25 Extremely Rough Brawlers" in video gaming, praising the brutal
them to see well in turbid waters (stained or rough, breaking waters) which gives them an advantag
"The scribe uses rough breathings, but no other lectional feature or
uit is an achene a few millimeters long with a rough bristly pappus.
green, glandular leaves are round to oval with rough, bristly, dull surfaces and smooth or toothed
The dark green leaves are rough, bristly, and smooth-edged, sometimes with a w
s described as a "not too large and not at all rough built, but otherwise it must not be refined an
has been known to include hard wooden floors, rough, burn-inducing carpets, fields and even on the
- Siamese rough bush
Pultenaea scabra ( Rough Bush-pea) is a shrub which is endemic to Austr
Its songs are short and rough, but their basic rhythms can be heard througho
The ride itself is rather rough, but it still attracts a regular stream of rid
With the Racers, Mio's goaltending was rough, but the most meaningful event of his career o
The interior is somewhat rough, but lacks a central peak.
The road was narrow and rough, but had almost been completed (the last, 700m
-entry Bones that have crumbled to dust It was rough but I kept it together But now I'm finding it
He lived hard and rough but his music was as sensitive as anyone's."
se productions display a hatred of sham, and a rough but honest moral purpose.
The image of the district has been somewhat rough by Finnish standards during the past few decad
Draw, House Draw, Jackson, Flat Rock Draw, and Rough Canyon.
ed in dairy work, ploughing, horse management, rough carpentry and seed planting.
The pews and furniture were very rough carpentry, but it was used and had a Sunday Sc
The larva makes a rough case of frass with a loose lip.
Ingots are large rough castings designed for storage and transportati
, it will lead to penetration-type defects and rough castings.
Rough Castle on the Antonine Wall, drawn by William
the two being joined by the new 150 metre long Rough Castle Tunnel with elliptical cross section.
Series are divided into several rough categories, historical (subdivided into histor

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