




該当件数 : 440

detectors are superconducting transition-edge sensors, a new technology whose high sensitivity shou
lectronic countermeasures (ECM) on electronic sensors aboard vehicles, ships and aircraft and weapo
As is true for all sensors, absolute accuracy of a measurement requires
The sensors absorb ambient infrared radiation (IR) given
I-CubeX comprises a system of sensors, actuators and interfaces that are configured
e imagery includes samples taken by satellite sensors, aerial cameras (including 45 degree oblique
twork of space-based, aerial and ground-based sensors, air-to-air refuelling tankers and fighter ai
The interference from the Minbari sensors also prevent the Prometheus from determining
measure a constant rotation rate, while rate sensors also include devices with a low cut off frequ
iciness of hot peppers (which stimulates heat sensors, also without causing an actual change in tem
Full frame sensors also maintain the traditional focal lengths a
tial scales (from both airborne and satellite sensors) and the Bidirectional Reflectance Distributi
gnificantly higher-end, featuring much larger sensors and interchangeable lenses.
Instrumentation, Sensors and Interfaces
difficult in Real Mode as it uses most of the sensors and the step arrows at the same time.
on center for advanced systems based on radar sensors and technologies.
ISRO is working on development of sensors and thermal structures of the satellite after
e Fujifilm's proprietary Super CCD technology sensors and CMOS sensors for high-end models.
mmon types include opto-isolator slotted disk sensors and Hall effect sensors.
strated in many studies with various types of sensors and agents in chemical and biological systems
f control systems containing finite-precision sensors and actuators interacting with their environm
Integration of Different Positioning Systems, Sensors and Controllers
ines with other tumor suppressors, DNA damage sensors, and signal transducers to form a large multi
Security: home intrusion motion sensors and perimeter surveillance.
d specifically for use with APS-C sized image sensors, and thus will result in vignetting on 35 mm
for a suite of circuits and antennae for THz sensors and communication systems.
, the bluebox can monitor up to 2,000 onboard sensors and send any operational anomaly back to the
hting with full cut off fixtures, light level sensors, and high efficiency fixtures
SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems (US) Inc became SELEX Ga
in Italy by CNR Riva Trigosa 1979-80 when new sensors and missiles (as listed in table above) were
indicates the problem was with the indication sensors, and that all control rods were fully inserte
buildups of volatile gases, deterioration of sensors and electromagnetic interference" at the laun
The image is formed from the whole array of sensors and is therefore tolerant to faults in indivi
do Hunt, which was, in turn, supported by the sensors and computers of Operation Igloo White, based
is a generic term for an integrated suite of sensors and navigation equipment that allow a militar
Stabilized zirconia is used in oxygen sensors and fuel cell membranes because it has the ab
There are various kinds of flow sensors and flow meters, including some that have a v
s improved greatly via the use of solid-state sensors and advanced real-time computer algorithms.
us underwater vehicles (AUVs), advanced ocean sensors and other instruments.
Single roll tension sensors and sonic tension meters are other types of t
LINTENT system uses a barrage of non-invasive sensors and imagers to detect and evaluate a person's
rectly controlled by mechanical and pneumatic sensors and actuators.
Part of BAE Systems Avionics became SELEX Sensors and Airborne Systems Ltd (SELEX S&AS), while
sive (like surveillance cameras and body heat sensors) and amenable to integration into busy operat
solid-state timing controller, Sun and Earth sensors, and pitch and roll jets.
ear on the radar or the long-range electronic sensors, and it was not clear if they were moving tow
ory with a controlled environment packed with sensors and optical systems that could have detected
The Sensors and Electromagnetic Applications Laboratory (
mula One race car, as well as software, ECUs, sensors and components to the other teams on the Form
dge cameras, medium-sized cameras with larger sensors and better lenses than compact digital camera
The OW optical sensors and OWLS analytical system allow the determin
ical signature control, and the evaluation of sensors and image based tracking algorithms.
Usually the sensors and sensed phenomenon are both directional in
bit A-to-D converter, several quartz pressure sensors, and the MOS-based CPU.
Sales of wireless modules for devices, sensors and machines are forecast to grow to $400 mil
dispatch, job ticketing, e-commerce, vehicle sensors and control, vehicle maintenance, integration
eased obstructions around remote station wind sensors and equipment obsolescence, the capability ha
Sensors and 3-D image-capturing technology show viewe
on technology development in four core areas: sensors and systems (fiber optics and ultrasonics); h
e electro-optic systems including Elbit/El-Op sensors and targeting systems.
he IMDA award for the development of Infrared sensors and the Hari Om Ashram Vikram Sarbhai award (
s process can be automated through the use of sensors and detection algorithms and, subsequently, i
ellites, nuclear reactors in power plants for sensors and control circuits, residual radiation from
que is measured by using two angular position sensors and measuring the phase angle between them.
example, some of the rooms include occupancy sensors and, when unoccupied, are lit and heated or c
Examples of supported sensors are
The most common principles for CO2 sensors are infrared gas sensors (NDIR) and chemical
These sensors are used for a wide range of applications, an
Half-duplex: Pulse-Doppler radar sensors are half-duplex, while FMCW radar sensors are
Sensors are commercially available from 10mbar to 100
Other flow sensors are based on sensors which measure the transf
These sensors are a significant technological breakthrough
Pulse-Doppler radar sensors are therefore more suited for long-range dete
Hydrostatic pressure level sensors are submersible or externally mounted pressur
Since sensors are made of semiconductors they obey solid-st
EGR with the feedback system and exhaust sensors are necessary to lower the chances of engine
CO2 sensors are also able to determine how many people ar
Radar sensors are classified by application, architecture,
Sensors are usually designed so that the gas supply i
Sensors are used in everyday objects such as touch-se
Hall sensors are used for proximity switching, positioning
These hybrid sensors are still in the research phase, and can pote
Rate Sensors are devices that directly measure angular rat
omposite materials: Dielectric or Capacitance Sensors are used to measure the electrical response o
Heat sensors are used to show some of the more graphic ima
Yaw rate sensors are used in aircraft and in the electronic st
es with high prices on gasoline external fuel sensors are used to prevent cases of fuel theft.
Optical sensors are growing in popularity due to the low-cost
Today's state-of-the-art sensors are very sensitive, but require an expert to
mpared to time domain reflectometer (TDR), FD sensors are cheaper to built and have a faster respon
Soft sensors are especially useful in data fusion, where m
cessful NOx sensor (which are typical of many sensors) are selectivity, sensitivity, stability, rep
Electrochemical gas sensors are gas detectors that measure the concentrat
Computer sensors are placed under the track along the ride to
These sensors are also known as survey or wide field device
ujifilm says that 5th Generation Super CCD HR sensors are also at 45 degrees but do not interpolate
These sensors are used up to 961.78 °C and are used in the
The accelerator pedal sensors are used in "drive by wire" systems, and the
Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect the presence of targets an
The most common modern rain sensors are based on the principle of total internal
In photography, film and sensors are often described in terms of their spectra
Sensors around the globe currently collect avalanches
In a push broom sensor, a line of sensors arranged perpendicular to the flight directio
by CCD and other electro-optical sensors: as above, time often better
It is compatible with FX sized sensors as well as DX format.
nd government labs are pushing to develop the sensors as well.
-SI can be used as a dielectric for thin film sensors, as an adhesive to place diamonds on surfaces
of a set of miniature, wireless physiological sensors associated with a personal-worn radio-frequen
There are four sensors at each end of the airport.
as fourteen degrees of freedom and uses touch sensors at the tips of its fingers.
lectronic timing systems include double photo sensors at the start and finish positions of the trac
ube was the brains of the Relative Navigation Sensors autonomous docking experiment that was run in
Specifications of portable handheld sensors available to the home user will include ratin
sed in conjunction with devices such as wired sensors, ballasts and switches.
Sensors based on magnetohydrodynamic principles can b
AFM), he is also a co-inventor of Biochemical sensors based on AFM Technology.
st 400 m of its run, after which its acoustic sensors became active and searched for a target.
h and Its Environment: Survey of Missions and Sensors, Berlin, Germany: Springer Science+Business M
ch and development in the areas of diagnostic sensors, biomarkers, vision enhancement, materials ch
development is ease of deployment, since more sensors both improves the detection rate and reduces
These systems directly utilize the sensors built into the system, providing more detaile
investigated or implemented for use as power sensors but are not widely used today; these include
Virtual keyboard sensors: by attaching miniature remotes on each finge
eCube contains thousands of spherical optical sensors called Digital Optical Modules (DOMs), each w
roduct though the use of Photodetector (light sensors), Camera, or the Human eye.
of color filters over the photodiodes used in sensors, cameras, videocameras, and scanners, for cre
d increased flexibility in where switches and sensors can be placed.
A series of ‘intelligent' telecare sensors can be connected to the unit and placed aroun
Angle measurement sensors can be based on the Sagnac effect.
tain highly sensitive electronic inclinometer sensors can achieve an output resolution to 0.001 deg
Sensors can be so small that their 'buckets' can easi
r air conditioning applications these kind of sensors can be used to monitor the quality of air and
Designs of the sensors can be tailored to suit the specific applicat
Different power sensors can be used for different frequencies or powe
ccessive Canon Digital SLR cameras with APS-C sensors can mount the EF-S lenses.
The optode sensors can however work in the whole region 0-100% o
d as surveillance vehicles from which various sensors can be operated.
The Sensors Center researches in the field of environment
The Light Sources & Industrial Sensors Cluster
unique component of this project is that the sensors collaborate with one another and dynamically
ould be made up of wireless gamma and neutron sensors connected through a communications network.
emistry sensor or Surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors consist of an input transducer, a chemically
The sensors contain two or three electrodes, occasionally
With such sensors, control strategies are being designed such t
uclear plant in the United States to have its sensors controlled digitally.
Prior to this, he worked for Irvine Sensors Corporation (www.irvine-sensors.com),
WATS sensors could be deployed in permanent positions or m
is through interconnected networks of spaced sensors covering an area of the Earth's surface using
The system is closed loop using camshaft sensors, crankshaft sensors, air flow meter, throttle
These are panoramic sensors created by pointing a camera at a curved mirr
enerates increased combat power by networking sensors, decision makers, and shooters.
The anti-lock brake sensors detect one tire rotating faster than the rest
reproduction, consumer imaging, detectors and sensors, digitisation and storage, displays, forensic
he led the company's Satellite and Electronic Sensors Divisions; and Fairchild Space and Defense Co
Type II sensors do not have mobile ions of the chemical speci
of using dimorphite in the development of gas sensors, due to the semiconductive properties of dimo
e past, and It also recently received gunshot sensors due to the amount of crime in the area.
luding alterations in the action of metabolic sensors; dysregulation of sex steroid synthesis, acti
tegrated circuit containing an array of pixel sensors, each pixel containing a photodetector and an
entation of its ultra-fast engine and 9 to 16 sensors, each equipped with 15 megapixels, it is capa
lizes Sony's three 1/2-inch type "Exmor" CMOS sensors, each with an effective pixel count of 1920 x
y include a Leica LIDAR and two hyperspectral sensors, Eagle and Hawk.
eas of critical industrial importance such as sensors, electronic warfare technologies, and materia
tubes laid across the roadway, piezo-electric sensors embedded in the roadway, inductive loops cut
s of weapons, armor, shielding, life support, sensors, etc. will progress by allocating funds to th
ine to sense on the rear 5 out of the total 8 sensors, facing the spectators instead.
ch were controlled remotely and had no safety sensors, failed to open, and she was dragged 366 feet
ne: at the time, coordinate-measuring machine sensors featured rigid styli, which required manual p
onmental sensing over large areas or multiple sensors; financial data - such as financial service i
The weapons and sensors fit was the first grouping of the 1022, 992Q
Atmospheric sensors, FMI, Finland
Advanced sensors for intelligence collection and sharing
manned air vehicles (UAVs), the ADM-160 MALD, sensors for anti-submarine warfare or intelligence, s
She explored acoustic sensors for the ANTARES experiment in 2005.
electronic noses.The main applications are in sensors for detecting VOCs in a variety of environmen
Optical fiber sensors for temperature and pressure have been develo
Mk III and EOS-1Ds Mk III have 19 cross-type sensors for higher accuracy, as well as placing the c
research interests include molecular imaging sensors for the study of redox biology and metals, es
certain messenger RNAs that act as precision sensors for their corresponding targets.
ed and demonstrated the first electron tunnel sensors for acceleration and infrared detection and i
s containing thermal imagers along with other sensors, for both commercial and military application
essenger RNAs (mRNAs) that serve as precision sensors for their corresponding targets.
a Energy, which developed pipeline monitoring sensors for the oil and gas industry, was acquired by
hich developed a suite of integrated wireless sensors for remote monitoring for the oil and gas ind
ssues and organisms and are thought to be the sensors for a number of systems including the senses
BP-27 sat atop the S-IB dressed with sensors for dynamic testing as seen here before it wa
ICE: three electric sensors from DC up to 3.5 MHz
and because camera manufacturers often source sensors from third-party foundries, it is common for
Despite this, diode sensors generally have poor linearity and can be inac
lities, including missile warning and defense sensors, global command and control systems, space co
performed using a network of torque rods, sun sensors, GPS and a magnetometer.
and Radar Establishment and EMI (later Thorn Sensors Group).
solid state timing controller, Sun and Earth sensors, gyroscopes, and pitch and roll jets.
nders had to be massive and the piezoelectric sensors had to be very sensitive, capable of detectin
YFP based Cl- sensors have rather low kinetics of Cl- association /
Some sensors have adjustments of the nominal range or mean
Potentiometric solid state gas sensors have been generally classified into three bro
tense EMP field generated by their long range sensors have the unexpected side effect of disabling
Some commercial sensors have been able to remove the soil type sensit
different principles: In the first class, the sensors have an isotropic sensor surface that has a r

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