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He later founded and was CEO of Pyramid Software, a company that developed and distributed sof
Tiny Software, a Silicon Valley -based software company fou
In 2001, they established iWay Software, a wholly owned company that focuses on data
Write-their-own software: A political campaign may choose to build the
Fanfare Software, a technology company
UML and MDA CASE tool edited by Objecteering Software, a subsidiary of Softeam.
Glk ( software), a portable API created by Andrew Plotkin.
Reedy was the founder and CTO of IQ Software, a company which he led through an IPO in 199
tions followed in 2005 when ARM acquired KEIL Software, a leading developer of software development
984, Summit made its first investment into VM Software, a developer of system software products for
AP's enterprise application integration (EAI) software, a component of the NetWeaver product group u
Eiffel Software, a software company
l hard drives that combine photo organization software, a 3D Wall for displaying contnet, a connecte
Attic Entertainment Software, a defunct German computer game developer and
ion followed in 2000 when ARM acquired Allant Software, a developer of debugging software; Infinite
On 2007 RSA acquired Valyd Software, a Hyderabad based Indian company specializin
cwm ( software), a general-purpose data processor for the se
, a catalog business that sold Linux and UNIX software accessories.
Bringing Design to Software ACM Press.
n, a developer of educational and engineering software acquired by MSC Software.
reless, vendor of wireless network management software acquired by Aruba Networks in 2008
At the beginning of the year 2000, Rational Software acquired ObjecTime Limited.
ge to Microsoft with a move into productivity software, acquiring WordPerfect from Novell for $158 m
f valueware games to companies such as Expert Software, Activision, and eGames.
o be generated by templates with pre-existent software adapted for this task.
Amagoushi no Yakata (Nippon Ichi Software; adapted by Touka Okuno)
In 1999, Real Software added cross-platform compilation, allowing us
Live DVD/CDs with bioinformatics software added
The software adds the Resident Shield, firewall, and ident
Publishing software: Adobe InDesign running on Apple Inc. iMacs
Publishing software: Adobe InDesign running on Dell computers.
Its release of the ad blocking web software AdScreen angered its user base and spurred a
It supplies products and services in software, aerospace, entertainment, electronics, biote
AmiExpress for about two years, modelling the software after the commercial PC BBS software PCBoard.
and co-founder Bob Young named their initial software after the hat, and the name Red Hat stuck.
ibed as being the second most cloned piece of software after WordStar.
a fourth-generation programming language from Software AG.
within a message passing architecture that a software agent can subscribe on.
A Software agent ("Have you ever had an assistant who li
In 2006 work began on an autonomous software agent for observations of variable stars.
fully functional Java template, for building software agents that can communicate in a P2P distribu
language and protocol for communication among software agents and knowledge-based systems.
nd the design and implementation of cognitive software agents, their computational applications, and
or the implementation of low level persistent software agents.
The software aims to ease the healthcare workflow of healt
roject, releasing several new versions of the software, albeit under a closed license.
EMBnet is committed to bringing the latest software algorithms to the user free of charge (Extend
Well-known software algorithms that can be seen as soft sensors i
lleyman II is President & CEO of the Business Software Alliance (BSA), the trade consortium which re
These software alliances provide extended applications and c
Simulation software allows for modeling of circuit operation and
The software allows organic and linear Mind Maps to be cre
The software allows individuals to be a part of the XMPP n
This software allows most existing games, instant messaging
In effect, softcam software allows the user to project media files as tho
Most software allows saving only a subset of recorded frame
The software allows for data visualization of entire datas
The software allows tags and has instant search based on t
The software allows the user to display lists of Chinese c
The software allows users to install and run web applicati
The software, along with companion datasets, can be obtain
The founders of id Software also worked there and lived in Shreveport in
The software also seamlessly integrates with third party s
Dinamic Software also developed a DOS version of the game, pub
A chromatography software, also known as a Chromatography data system (
ForgetMeNot Software also integrates with companies' customer rela
The epoline online filing software also allows to file patent applications onlin
he network (but not the official Skype client software) also supports SIP clients.
The software also includes distance measuring and in-depth
Some software also allows for specification of the electron
Software also stores data in any RDBMS - Relational Da
Their software also attempts to expand the relationship betw
companies, including Digital Equipment, Forte Software, AltaVista, Napster, and Bowstreet.
ibuting factor for the rapid rise of the free software alternative Mozilla Firefox.
olaPro Leads the Pack on Web Based Accounting Software Alternatives
In 2009 they released version one of their software, although it was only available as part of a
games by Vulcan Software, amongst which the Valhalla trilogy
also an Asia/Pacific partner of PowerSteering Software, an on-demand enterprise PPM software company
software, an action that costs them time and money.
EMBOSS is a free Open Source software analysis package specially developed for the
Software analysis patterns or analysis patterns in sof
Designed for Business Analysts, Software Analysts, Programmers, and QA Engineers, this
cent work has included designing the backbone software analytics for the GuidedChoice investment sol
The software analyzing sentences was also self-learning, s
e Dragon 32 home computer, written by Tom Mix software and published in the United Kingdom by Microd
for 12 years and held executive positions in software and technology companies in Vancouver, BC.
The Scieneer CL is commercial software and is licensed per-system.
ased database, originally published by Update Software and now part of the Wiley Online system.
tion on their website about how to bypass the software, and also offered to burn individual copies o
l) is a 3D shooter game developed by Argonaut Software and released by Electro Brain for the Super N
ed to accommodate Crowe with special computer software and printers capable of producing braille doc
specialization is compilers and other system software, and he has written compilers, assemblers, op
It masquerades as anti-spyware software and attempts to contact a server in order to
Software and network engineering
SOFTEC provides a platform to the Software and I.T. Companies to show off their technolo
ernational plc (LSE: MCRO) is a multinational software and information technology business based in
RGtk+ is free software and licensed under the GPL.
de-scrolling platform game written by SubZero Software and distributed by Apogee Software.
Digital and analogue prepress systems, software, and consumables.
worldwide operations of Sony's entertainment software and hardware divisions and was responsible fo
The Sri Lanka Association of Software and Service Companies (SLASSCOM) is the prima
Rovi provides a variety of software and entertainment metadata for consumer elect
nsortiums such as the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), and governm
t that contains a load cell, electronic part, software and a display.
a British limited company engaged in computer software and IT consulting.
rators of telecommunications services install software and hardware to enable interception of commun
PLplot is free software and is licensed under the LGPL.
ed with the security and safety of computers, software, and technological systems.
so holds vintage games consoles, peripherals, software and an extensive collection of computer manua
e dimensional picture is created by using the software and a pair of 3D glasses.
e has also served as Director of R&D at Wyatt Software and as Principal Engineer in the Tektronix Co
ich manufactures and sells computer hardware, software and services.
All software and packages are open-source, with a goal of
elody line (with guitar chords), large print, software and audio CD editions.
The interconnect, cabinet, system software and programming environment remain unchanged
understanding her need to further open source software and re-hired her as their corporate open sour
ude 1E NightWatchman., Data Synergy PowerMAN ( Software) and Verdiem SURVEYOR
ry interest and work focus is in getting free software and Open Source ready for the desktop.
he Unicorn (MOTU) is a music-related computer software and hardware supplier.
rom getting flats spots on the wheels through software and hardware.
With improvements to the software and wider use of mainframes, FEA technology g
Interfacing's software and consultants have served over 400 Global F
Robo Jam was co-developed by Magenta Software and FreeStyleGames.
It was developed by Krisalis Software and released in 1999.
Addison-Wesley in 1984, developed by Rhiannon Software, and which ran on the Apple IIe.
Smule is an American software and video game developer and publisher headqu
Factory Logic in December 2006, rebranded the software and went to market with xLPO.
Illinois, is a reseller of computer hardware, software and supplies.
onal forms of IT security, such as anti-virus software, and firewall protection software, sold by co
It is ported by Planamesa Software, and uses Java technology to integrate OpenOf
sourcing, business process outsourcing (BPO), software and systems solutions.
With specialized software and 3-D machining heads, complex 3-D shapes c
Web Page Maker is closed source software and is being sold by Web Page Maker Software
de available via Pulse along with Fortune 500 software and hardware vendors, enterprise CRM vendors,
Grub can download the peer-to-peer grubclient software and let it run during computer idle time.
e worked to encourage the use of IRC for Free Software and Open Source projects.
T Framework and Mono, developed by RemObjects Software and distributed by Embarcadero Technologies.
Software and optical encoders corrected for errors, an
OPhone is based on open source software and mobile internet technologies.
Gabber is a free software and open-source instant messaging client for
ll State University to found Whittman-Hart, a software and consulting company focused on delivering
he program uses bioinformatics, computational software, and tissue culture technology for the identi
lows integration of VTLs with existing backup software and existing backup and recovery processes an
A model of the ship was created using Maya software, and was given motion, lighting and texture t
Manufactured and developed solutions (base software and in-vehicle hardware) integrate global pos
Both Aiplex Software and the MPAA were subjected to a DDoS attack
She sold computers, hardware, software, and related services until she retired to Es
of expansion through its "Audio Catalyst" MP3 software and "MP3 Grabber".
(which had already been released by Superior Software) and a later port for the MSX (1985).
Heretic II was later ported to Linux by Loki Software and to the Amiga by Hyperion Entertainment.
hief architect of SEER-SEM project management software and CEO of Galorath Inc.
oot 'em up video game developed by Nihilistic Software and published by Konami.
AI.implant: Artificial Intelligence software and SDK that allows users to create intellige
vendor of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Glovia In
Joyent is a cloud computing software and services company based in San Francisco,
Softdisk, a software and Internet company, was founded in Shrevepo
her Stephen Wolfram, the maker of Mathematica software and the Wolfram Alpha knowledge engine.
e positions developing, marketing and selling software and Internet services.
INTRACOM JORDAN Ltd.: Software and electronic systems production and marketi
he company has evolved into a cloud computing software and hosting services provider.
The evolution of software and related analysis methods has led to the c
It was produced by Beam Software and released by Gremlin Graphics in 1988.
produce an estimate of the reliability of the software, and a level of confidence in that estimate.
n contributing to the development of Internet software and protocols since 1986.
ogul because of inadequate time to change the software, and is sold in PAL as Airport Inc.'.
When interrupts (both hardware, software and iret instruction) occur, the processor sw
The game was first published by Superior Software and Acornsoft as part of the Play it Again Sa
ile development framework developed by Nitobi Software and IBM.
publications on topics related to open-source software and philosophy.
n the development of online community, social software and personal publishing.
nes can connect to the Internet to update the software and download new sessions.
se, and Korean, which is used in the field of software and communications internationalization.
c card reader (HP-67 compatible via converter software), and a barcode "wand" (reader).
established company that produced networking software, and offered to provide Molyneux with ten fre
on Project JANUS, writing hardware interface software and a dolphin-controlled Etch-A-Sketch.
There are many public software and commercial packages promoted as being web
the Research Division relationship with Lotus Software and the IBM Pervasive Computing Division.
His focus is on internet, software and communication investments.
game was co-developed by Chunsoft and Matrix Software and published by Enix in both Japan and North
a 1989 computer game developed by Distinctive Software and published by Accolade.
Execucom, a software and technology company in Austin, Texas (alte
development and implementation of customized software and complete system solutions.
merged with Pinpoint Networks, a provider of software and services for the management and delivery
plifiers, repeaters, transceivers, as well as software and training in radio and other wireless comm
He then started the consultancy OLO Software, and is now President of Self-Aware Systems i
pecializes in the delivery of Microsoft-based software and technology.
otify its Geek Squad Agents to stop using the software and discard all copies.
In 2003 he founded PivotPoint Technology, a software and systems engineering services company that
ons and/or investigations into the simulation software, and the condition of the patient changes acc
ling with different formulas presented in the software and their features.
enter uses a Cad System through DaPro-Systems software and Eagle Mapping System.
nc. is a company providing library automation software and services mostly to government and univers
an entire line of computers that ran the same software and used the same peripherals.
( Software) and is also running evening classes of B.Com
scovered in July 2010 that targets industrial software and equipment.
Decillionix later produced MIDI software and hardware.
The software and service are provided free of charge, and
It is developed by Sold-Out Software, and published by GameTek, and came out in 19
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