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該当件数 : 72

The epithet urens is Latin for ' stinging' alluding to the chemicals in the fruit.
ong, symbiotic relationship with a species of stinging ant, Pseudomyrmex ferruginea.
part of the Norwegian population and wrote a stinging article in Time and several newspapers which
Rare cases of stinging at the injection site, skin rash and flu-like
land (The Great Pub Rock Revival, which was a stinging attack on Britpop and the realities of Englan
o, who also returns, counsels the people with stinging bitterness to pay no heed to the woman's fury
1st Army in particular received stinging blows from Rommel at the Battle of the Kasser
The stinging cells are excreted in a mucus; swimming over
us branchlets, each of which ends in knobs of stinging cells called nematocysts.
ferred that these Palaeozoic corals possessed stinging cells to capture prey.
ur) are located around the mouth and hold the stinging cells, or cnidocysts, which are used to injec
m and the Pan-Asianism in World War II, and a stinging criticism of leftist pacifism.
lso saw an opportunity-that he could impose a stinging defeat on the Union Army not long before the
Party chair, hoping to reverse the series of stinging Democratic defeats, Miller used his official
His stinging depictions of Hitler and Mussolini led to his
Associate Justice William O. Douglas wrote a stinging dissent in which he argued the Court had impr
hipped teeth, sunburned ears, chafed ribs and stinging eyes.
, brutish fight scenes-it makes for a lively, stinging film."
Stinging Fork Falls State Natural Area, a Tennessee Cl
The Stinging Fork Falls trail terminates at the bottom of
Some British agents in the region, still stinging from their defeat in the Revolution, encourag
the second half, and the Steelers were still stinging from a Mathis interception and runback for a
It is best known for stinging hairs which cover the whole plant and deliver
mples of Australian native bee are capable of stinging if handled or squashed.
Berry-derived boogie, yet the guitars emit a stinging immediacy.
, the dancer portrays herself as having had a stinging insect fly into her clothes, and attempts to
Perhaps the most notorious for stinging is the caterpillar of Megalopyge opercularis.
a species of lupine known by the common name stinging lupine.
is a triumph of the democratic principles, a stinging negation of dictatorship and is most welcome.
The stinging nematocysts found in Cnidarian animals may be
appear superficially similar to those of the Stinging nettle Urtica dioica but do not sting, hence
Although superficially resembling the Stinging nettle it is of a different family and does n
e outskirts of Marshwood is home to the world stinging nettle eating championships.
The larvae feed on stinging nettle.
rdly do better than plant lots of chicory and stinging nettle.
ycoo" nickname is, in turn, attributed to the stinging nettles which grew there.
Stinging nettles are covered in small hairs that conta
one on top of the other, on the underside of stinging nettles, the larval foodplant.
cause pain, performed self-flagellation using stinging nettles, abstained from drinking water on hot
lants in the family Urticaceae, also known as Stinging Nettles, also form leaf cystoliths, but only
They are colloquially known as stinging nettles.
id, which fumes on contact with air, giving a stinging odor.
mple metaphor for the "victorious sword" (the stinging) of the bees.
as a lachrymatory agent (triggers tearing and stinging on contact with the eyes).
e nectosome) as well as long thin sensory and stinging organs (the siphosome).
arrangement of the white nematocyst capsules ( stinging organs) in the distinctive pattern of a Malte
ttributed to years of fielding at slip to the stinging pace of Tom Richardson and William Lockwood.
ally in a liquid form as injections: burning, stinging, pain, or swelling at the injection site.
local effects: burning or stinging pain, swelling, redness.
eye, it stimulates sensory neurons creating a stinging, painful sensation.
ids; bleeding-grass, which oozes red sap; and stinging palms, whose barbs can cause infection among
Barlow made a stinging reply.
The Stinging Rose Moth (Parasa indetermina) is a moth of t
Stinging sensation
The desired effect may be a tickling or stinging sensation, or the infliction of psychological
owned set-piece taker and possesses a fierce, stinging shot.
s with a melting point of 226 °C and it has a stinging smell.
This was a stinging, snarling rendition that only included the ti
A single stinging spine is found on the upper surface of the ta
ch shorter ridge along the top, both past the stinging spine.
One, rarely two serrated stinging spines are dorsally placed about a third of a
asures 75-122% of the disc width, bearing 1-3 stinging spines on the upper surface.
The tail bears one or two prominent barbed stinging spines, well behind the pelvic fins.
istering, burning, itching, peeling, redness, stinging, swelling, or other sign of skin irritation.
b, while the crab benefits from the anemone's stinging tentacles deterring predators.
is porcelain crab is usually found within the stinging tentacles of a number of anemone species wher
predators by sheltering beneath the anemone's stinging tentacles.
Dendrocnide photinophylla, shiny-leaved stinging tree
ustralian species, Dendrocnide excelsa (Giant Stinging Tree), can grow to over 40 metres in height,
It is the most virulent species of stinging tree.
Tetrastichus planipennisi is a parasitic non stinging wasp of family Eulophidae which is native to
As in all stinging wasps, hornets can sting multiple times; they

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