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ated SDI) is a measure of the concentration of smoke a material emits as it burns.
d forces shop owner Hollander (Lee Kohlmar) to smoke a special cigarette that soon makes him forget
rsion and Ted Templeman ordered him outside to smoke a cigarette.
Smoke: A Global History of Smoking (2004) edited by
t use of their hands to, for example, urinate, smoke a cigarette, or answer a phone call, so each p
The Century, etc., and was the author of Blue Smoke, a collection of poetry (1919), The Garden of
Fall also smoke a Western African plant called “pone”.
We eat in silence, quietly smoke a pipe, and depart.
was bored while watching a parade and tried to smoke a secret cigarette, her clothes caught fire an
in 1927, and he was President of the National Smoke Abatement Society for two years.
In 1936 the Smoke Abatement Society awarded its inventor a posth
supported street cleaning and paving projects, smoke abatement and sanitation schemes, and the deve
ong-term planning to achieve grade separation, smoke abatement, revamping of the city's sewer and s
ad somewhat unusual habits as she was known to smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day, and has also
ted this Fatality together with his own, while Smoke adopted Cyrax's self-destruct as his Hara-Kiri
his is done by looking at the movements of the smoke after a fire has been made.
elf, also does everything he can to make Dante smoke again.
During the crews morning, a smoke alarm sounded in the Russian segment of the st
Ricky Wilson - guitar, smoke alarm, bass guitar
f of all fire survivors remember hearing their smoke alarm.
The company also provides commercial smoke alarms and signaling devices to the North Amer
It was reported that the dust set off smoke alarms across the state and prompted increased
e United States Fire Administration, providing smoke alarms at reduced cost to low-income families
Smoke alarms - State laws mandating the installation
PA strongly recommends the replacement of home smoke alarms every 10 years.
They make carbon monoxide detectors, smoke alarms, fire extinguishers, and other safety p
sidents and encouraging people to have working smoke alarms.
l Circle, and George Elliott, on his Men Don't Smoke album.
ies of candles were lit and the Adamsite-laden smoke allowed to drift towards the enemy.
The smoke also contains traces of organic chlorinated co
iced it at about 1 pm, and claimed she smelled smoke an hour later.
Michael J. Murphy with a plan to get Castro to smoke an exploding cigar.
The Gerogerigegege, Cripple Bastards, Extreme Smoke, Anal Cunt, Scrawl, Patareni, Crucifix, Seven
wever changed as the Coalite plant pushed more smoke and fumes into the atmosphere.
Under cover of smoke and gunfire, some 2,000 people-about two-third
This includes as smoke and carbon monoxide, the fourth leading cause
hen describing the natural desire for women to smoke and was used by Edward Bernays to encourage wo
The smoke and flames turned out to be the result of a wa
nies is usually done by subduing the bees with smoke and breaking open the tree or rocks where the
n opening -of a window or door, etc.- entrains smoke and thus increases the exhaust rate of smoke f
died from "asphyxia secondary to inhalation of smoke and irrespirable gases" and thirteen other pas
eship without result before it was lost in the smoke and haze.
tairwell, however it filled the stairwell with smoke and heat, making it impassable.
ught it was part of the show, but then smelled smoke and realized the flames were real.
These fans sucked up the smoke and rapidly spread it throughout decks 4 and 5
acilities, with appliances installed to reduce smoke and fumes.
Pipe' is designed to create a drier and cooler smoke and discourage the formation of dottle.
The album sparked two singles, No Smoke and I Can't Stop Feeling.
trol unit as a confirmation of the presence of smoke and a fire alarm signal is generated.
The mosaics sustained smoke and water damage, and the stained glass window
bicides or tillage but because it does produce smoke and other fire related pollutants, its use is
Dunraven made smoke and sent off a panic party (a small number of
turrets began to fail, and she was obscured by smoke and spray.
Anatabine is found in cigarette tobacco and smoke, and is absorbed in the human body after tobac
rst firefighters arrived, the intensity of the smoke and heat made it impossible to enter through t
to the United Hockey League with the Brantford Smoke and scored 27 goals in 41 games for the team b
The target was immediately engulfed in black smoke and depth charges were heard in the distance.
ng signature, unlike conventional mortars with smoke and muzzle flash.
by 1,003 guns on German defences, followed by smoke and a creeping barrage at 300 yd (270 m) ahead
that was the case, he would have had a lot of smoke and a lot of locking up, and there was none of
of France, a purpose-designed rocket with gas, smoke and high-explosive warheads.
the actions of her escorting destroyers making smoke and shielding her from view.
ive shows incorporated flashing strobes, thick smoke and cold or dark light show.
eet was in retreat to the south under cover of smoke and a torpedo attack by their destroyers which
imed but no hits before the target was lost in smoke and spray.
Smoke and steam can be seen coming out of the top of
ad erupted, blasting three distinct columns of smoke and ash thousands of metres into the sky.
As a result they produce a large quantity of smoke and ash which is vented directly into the atmo
The passenger felt a reaction to the smoke and died several hours later despite his docto
The fire, smoke, and crash at the final part of the landing re
the band's 1997 compilation album Second-hand Smoke and Greatest Hits album.
he authored Open Doors, Open Minds and No More Smoke and Mirrors two reports which led to his appea
cial fog fluid, used in entertainment industry smoke and haze machines..
hey do not know the charm of truth, that mist, smoke, and berserk immoderation are so dear to them,
oatman to go "so near the fire as we could for smoke; and all over the Thames, with one's face in t
was insisting upon recording the perfect take, smoke and water started to seep into the studio as t
s, Apples" is included in Gaiman's collection, Smoke and Mirrors.
metallic head from Stained Class enveloped in smoke, and the Metallian from Defenders of the Faith
prevent non-smokers from beginning to smoke and becoming addicted to tobacco;
Peat Smoke and Spirit: A Portrait of Islay and its Whiski
and subsequently for the M203), outside of the smoke and illumination rounds three main types emerg
s but the system would not let them, and thick smoke and intense heat would have prevented rescue h
00 yards, as well as chemical, armor-piercing, smoke and iincendiary shells.
s of small guns, because it gave off almost no smoke and was three times more powerful than black p
st prior to the 337 being hit, PT 338 had laid smoke and ordered a high speed retirement.
ate line stood obscured in the thick woods and smoke and killed each other at short range, "both li
n more power, less particulate matter or black smoke, and smoother engine performance.
ventuality of communications being lost in the smoke and confusion of battle.
The 1996 fire covered Greater Vancouver in smoke and ash for two days, destroyed 170 ha (420 ac
"Hot Smoke and Sasafrass"
lost track of most of the smaller ships in the smoke and concentrated fire on the light cruisers.
eilings or other surfaces including theatrical smoke and fog without refocusing for the differences
Smoke and Flesh (1968)
ked meats rather than the usual Texas Mesquite smoke, and special in-house spices.
when the train came to a halt, people saw the smoke and some panicked.
It immediately started to smoke and then caught fire, but no one was injured.
e shells, as well as armor-piercing, Shrapnel, smoke and incendiary tracer shells.
not knowing that a layer of highly combustible smoke and gas had built up under the roof.
se 15 cm Wurfgranate 41 rockets with their HE, smoke and poison gas warheads.
unkers or houses), filling the room with toxic smoke and revealing the firing location immediately.
il slicks and marking suspected locations with smoke and dye markers.
station, of some methods of farming, or of the smoke and noise of factories, be confined to the own
Smoke and Mirrors (In Development)
This filled the station with smoke, and forcing the evacuation of the station.
Residents living beside the tracks reported smoke and sparks coming from the car, and those who
anicked passengers to evacuate urgently as the smoke and flames spread along the train.
Hurling smoke and fragmentation grenades before him, he reac
mbing and exploding in red-and-yellow poofs of smoke, and clip-art eagles, crudely pasted on the sc
ization greatly reduced the emissions of soot ( smoke) and were instrumental in increasing the relia
Its pure air, after the smoke and fog of the city made it a healthy place to
musket fire, as well as confusion, due to the smoke and terrain.
in cigarettes to increase nicotine delivery in smoke and binding of nicotine to neural receptors.
There was lots of pitch black smoke and then a lot of heat and a lot of yellow lig
re for a short 'I Stood Up' which won the 2008 Smoke and Mirrors 48 Hour Film Competition and is no
sed during the fight between Liu Kang, Kitana, Smoke and some ninjas.
eatured in the 1989 TV series Columbo: Murder, Smoke and Shadows along with video game Joust.
"Then turned He to the sky (space) when it was smoke, and said unto it and unto the earth: Come bot
far end of the course one could see a puff of smoke and a fair-sized speck emerge from it.
early twentieth centuries, flash lights, emit smoke and launch fireworks to incite or respond to t
ed BamaJam included Tracy Lawrence, Blackberry Smoke and Matt Kennon, and Country Crossing included
tina (40,000 per year, 6,000 due to secondhand smoke), and the cost of the treatment of tobacco-rel
ter, the men recovered from the effects of the smoke and could breathe.
Smoke and Mirrors (2007, Steel Cage)
Smoke and mirrors is a metaphor for a deceptive, fra
ve reviews in RWD Mag, Hip Hop Connection, Big Smoke and DJ Magazine.
A fireplace is built beside the kang and the smoke and hot gas go through the built-in channels i
The water cools and filters the smoke and the hose provides additional airspace for
axophones features a dragster with a series of smoke and flames.
t unroofed to the west of the station to allow smoke and steam from the trains to escape from the t
he camp, the partisans found only ruins, soot, smoke, and dead bodies.
It uses a maze of chicken wire fencing, smoke and strobe lighting to disorentate guests.
Smoke and oil from the #4 car of Scott Wimmer brough
as well as armor-piercing, shrapnel, chemical, smoke and incendiary tracer projectiles.
"Kapnos-" meaning smoke and "-Manteia" meaning divination or to see.
Live in the E.R. ( Smoke And Mirrors) (2008)
Merrill turned away under cover of smoke, and Omori-believing that he had sunk a heavy
itty Hawk class, with angled funnels to direct smoke and gases away from the flight deck.
Still there's a lot of smoke and fire.
Along the way they drink, smoke, and try to have sex.
ers fled towards the exits to escape the heat, smoke, and melting plastic.
n devices such as horns, strobes, horn/strobe, smoke and heat detectors, sprinkler monitoring devic
battle that followed Hopewell made concealing smoke and shot down two aircraft.
ow began with Usher walking onstage amidst red smoke and fireworks, wearing a helmet-like headpiece
he bridge in the early morning when he noticed smoke and sparks coming from a suitcase.
adaptation of Philip Pullman's The Ruby in the Smoke and he appeared in 2007 in the sixth series of
Bluejackets on board Hoel saw smoke and flame rise at least a thousand feet (300 m
me as the eruptions intensified with plumes of smoke and ash as high as 8,000 m (26,250 ft).
L16A2 81 mm Mortar (High Explosive, Smoke and Illuminating ammunition)
Following a failed assassination attempt by Smoke and his extermination squad due to the unexpec
perature inversion that day added to the heat, smoke and gases being held down by the huge layer of
n for her role as Violet in Wayne Wang's films Smoke and Blue in the Face.
armor-piercing warhead, shrapnel, incendiary, smoke and illumination and gas shells.
ns), and reinforced by each character spouting smoke and crying "Woo-woo!"
orm can cause cancer, especially in people who smoke, and inhalation can also cause asbestosis.
unner was wounded, the front cabin filled with smoke and the port engine was overheating.
efficacy of moxibustion was carried out using smoke and water extracts of the herb and it was foun
km Otira Tunnel to avoid the buildup of steam, smoke and soot.
king the Martian peace pipe, Kif chokes on the smoke, angering the Martians.
Smoke: Another Jimmy Carter Adventure (1978) (with J
1, 85% in the US as of 2007) of schizophrenics smoke, apparently to self-medicate.
tre diameter range, such as those in cigarette smoke, are sufficient to perform a measurement.
Flame, Flare, Flint and Inferno (IFF), Smoke are software for visual effects and non linear
Additionally, women who smoke are roughly twice as likely to experience a de
an increased risk of stroke, especially if you smoke, are over the age of 35, and certain preexisti
lung cancer as the toxic particles in tobacco smoke are no longer trapped by the cilia but enter t
iant and angry, they don't buy the second-hand smoke argument, and want to share this grudge with s
ed for a full week, with great clouds of black smoke arising from it, but after a week, a lake appe
chlorate and other metal perchlorates generate smoke as the metal chlorides are solid materials cre
a Predator on the ground in a field of orange smoke as a monstrous supersoldier crouches over them
nd musket duel ensued, the two ships hidden by smoke as the battle continued elsewhere.
report which classified environmental tobacco smoke as a human carcinogen.
Secondhand smoke as seen in a bar
ed in to other parts of a room, or to describe smoke as being seen moving through the air.
Dottles can also give a sour taste to the smoke as it is approached by the hot ember.
med to disintegrate into a cloud of blue-black smoke”) as they were making for the town.
On January 5 the Times reported that tell tale smoke associated with white phosphorus had been seen
nched Mayfair in 1992, with the slogan "A good smoke at a fair price".
gh as well as performed James McManus's Cherry Smoke at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland i
ponded in jest "But John did we not stop for a smoke at the turn to give you a chance to catch up
d production of Tennessee Williams' Summer and Smoke at the Apollo Theatre London and is cast in th
in Iraq and Afghanistan have been reported to smoke at twice the rate of other Americans.
Starting 1 June 2010, it is an offence to smoke at private office spaces with central air-cond
s unethical for physicians, as role models, to smoke at all.
d production of Tennessee Williams' Summer and Smoke at the Apollo Theatre, London, and is cast in
tion of Alma in Tennessee Williams' Summer and Smoke at the Fountain Theater in 1999, and starred o
dway revival of Tennessee Williams' Summer and Smoke at the downtown Circle in the Square Theatre w
No Smoke, available in braille, Injunction, 1943 Sand P
One carbolic smoke ball will last a family several months, making
Address: “Carbolic Smoke Ball Company, “27, Princes Street, Hanover Squ
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co [1892] QB 408
Joan Smoke became the first woman to be ordained a deacon
costs, doing whatever he can to get someone to smoke before the thirty days are up, leading to hila
Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm (4 July 2011)
and children, with weary, blood-shot eyes and smoke begrimed faces, standing over their scraps of
eously and leave a trail of rapidly thickening smoke behind each particle.
They are: Canadian violet, ginseng, prairie smoke, Bell worts, and yellow violet.
, AP Television News video showed thick, black smoke billowing from behind barricades at a police s

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