



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Spiralingの意味・解説 > Spiralingに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 34

Also inside are the 107 steps spiraling around the tower to the top.
The Moon is spiraling away from Earth at an average rate of 3.8 cm
utomata in higher dimensions exhibit complex spiraling behavior.
ey are not quite what they appear to be in a spiraling chain of events that makes these three seemi
n opposite courses, the ships moved in seven spiraling, circles on a southwesterly course as each c
ed he would attempt to intercept and began a spiraling, climbing turn to 220 degrees and 15,000 fee
military oppression of the Filipinos and the spiraling cost of the war to American taxpayers.
However, spiraling costs and funding difficulties meant that in
he facility is controversial both because of spiraling costs and because critics argue it will allo
op of a vertical lift inside a shaft, before spiraling down around the shaft, and hitting a small d
n a plague of death squad-style killings and spiraling further sectarian violence which escalated i
r plants, with the mature spikelet bearing a spiraling, hairy, spear-shaped awn up to 19 centimeter
ack hairs stick out between their curved and spiraling horns ending in a short mane on the neck.
c tombs mostly because of its unique loosely spiraling horns which came out of the sides of the sku
nique spiral fluting, each subsequent column spiraling in the opposite direction.
Inside, the spiraling internal support serves as a winding 72-step
he strong emphasis on circular, "orbital" or spiraling internal principles which are at the heart o
ey had shot down was "friendly" while it was spiraling into the sea, and set about rescuing the pil
osed a signature for X-radiation from matter spiraling into a black hole.
The phantom planet begins spiraling inward toward the Earth, creating hurricanes
coto, a little red devil, across a number of spiraling levels.
, which resembles a giant swarm of ladybugs, spiraling like a kaleidoscope.
t is held, since only an avaricious will was spiraling over there.
Their aerial spiraling return when called back to the loft makes a
f the 1980s, known for his chiming melodies, spiraling riffs and live solos.
A spiraling road on the outside of the tower shaft was t
ill bit may precess as it drills, leading to spiraling shapes in the wellbore wall, as if the hole
a silky mane and tail, and the stereotypical spiraling, shell-shaped horn coming from its forehead.
de for the disabled as an alternative to the spiraling stairs.
uare and opens up a viewfinder that displays spiraling stars and amber orbs.
Its teaching system pays attention to spiraling techniques in both body and limbs and how th
the aircraft's right wing, forcing it into a spiraling, uncontrollable dive.
l estate span numerous states and range from spiraling urban skyscrapers to suburban retail centers
ely to worsen Colombia's ongoing problems of spiraling violence and insecurity than to resolve them

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