




該当件数 : 39

produced research publications on Beryllium, Tritium and Thorium reflectors which were passed on t
rez, of hydrogen and helium of atomic mass 3 ( tritium and helium-3).
initially developed to support production of tritium and plutonium at the Savannah River Site duri
diochemicals, labelled compounds of carbon-14 tritium and sulphur-35 and nucleotides labelled with
n, there were small releases of beryllium and tritium, as well as dioxin from incineration.
apon, or 210 kilotons as a fusion weapon with Tritium boost enabled.
plutonium, highly enriched uranium, tritium), components, and equipment between the two c
He also discovered that tritium could be used for dating water, and therefore
geometries, trigger tubes, Polonium triggers, Tritium enhancement, and neutron reflectors can enabl
red for the classical hydrogen, deuterium and tritium fusion previously considered.
th fusion, using small amounts of deuterium / tritium gas inside the primary fission bomb to increa
In the tube, the tritium gives off a steady stream of electrons due to
High levels of Strontium-90 and Tritium have been discovered in test wells around the
ium hydride ion is formed during the decay of tritium in the HT or tritium molecule T2.
The tritium in a gaseous tritium light source undergoes b
focused on the distribution of carbon-14 and tritium in the oceans and atmosphere.
scalculation of the reaction cross section of tritium in fusion reactions.
scalculation of the reaction cross section of Tritium in fusion reactions.
on for the club, likes as a left back against Tritium in 2010-11 Coppa Italia Lega Pro, or as left
The small amount of heavy deuterium and tritium in this test fused, but its role was to gener
that the Braidwood plant released radioactive tritium into local water in violation of its permit.
The beta decay of tritium is one of the least energetic beta decays.
In this fuel cycle the secondary tritium is removed from the plasma, a unique capabili
particle-emitting substance, but in practice tritium is preferred because it is not very hazardous
tifically-produced radionuclides, for example tritium, many of which are produced in large amounts
Sr, while a lower energy beta emitter such as tritium or 14C will be stopped by thinner objects.
vy isotopes of liquid hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) placed at its center.
ium-7 to prevent excessive neutron capture or tritium production).
ilities, two fuel reprocessing facilities and tritium recovery facilities.
physics studies, fission product separations, tritium recovery from irradiated lithium, and studies
Finke was instrumental in the development of Tritium reflector technology for Pakistan's nuclear w
n, not risk", and gone on record to state the tritium releases did not jeopardize human health or s
While searching for Tritium Rover unexpectantly unleashes a laser from it
d utilize an advanced fuel cycle known as the tritium suppressed DD reaction (deuterium-deuterium (
ion reaction by accelerating deuterium into a tritium target (or potentially vice versa), producing
he scientific community, and the discovery of tritium was credited to Ernest Rutherford in 1934.
Levorphanol labeled with tritium was used in the research which led to the dis
Labeled with tritium WAY-100,635 may also be used in autoradiograp
ium is readily available in sea water, unlike tritium, which must be bred in reactors before it can

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