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Beyond Thinking: A Guide to Zen Meditation.
may allow the public to be "falsely led into thinking a puppy they buy from an accredited breeder r
e players actual insight into what Squall was thinking; a direct contrast with his handling of Final
I was actually thinking a video could go in an article on the 1936 pi
e researchers relies heavily on computational thinking, a form of problem-solving that assigns compu
I was thinking a lot about Andrew Wood at the time.
eva School will have the knowledge (grammar), thinking ability (dialectic) and communication skills
about their gender, still cross-dressing, and thinking about having sex reassignment surgery" as you
According to his biography, he began thinking about writing and composing music at 14 years
Cassie Thinking About Cubism
I was just thinking about makiing a section for manga lines.
ildren at this point in time, but that she is thinking about it.
6 Thinking About Space
in, what are you doing in there?” “Well I was thinking about joining the army…” “You're F*$%&@% High
Tiring just thinking about it.
I was thinking about that.
I just did and I've been thinking about it ever since fucking Saturday morning.
Being a city, however, required thinking about issues such as sewage.
In writing the song, Raine Maida began by thinking about a woman who lived alone in her apartmen
The song is about a man who is gleeful thinking about Pepsi, but gets exaggeratedly depressed
That about sums up the way I grew up thinking about literature - it was a territory full of
In thinking about this further, it may be appropriate to
p's hits included the Helms penned "I've Been Thinking About You", "A Better Love" and "9 A.M (The C
onged amount of time may then find themselves thinking about ways different shapes in the real world
r the Advancement of Science to urge creative thinking about the “Many Paths Forward” beyond the rec
I got down to thinking about myself.
using supplemental methods, the person avoids thinking about the habit and its temptation, and avoid
"Can't Help Thinking About Me" - 2:47
I have been thinking about an image for the entry for a while and
rial policies in depth, and influenced future thinking about such issues.
You start thinking about an 18-month campaign."
ethods and points of view that are helpful in thinking about the topic.
and especially dance to discover new ways of thinking about leadership and new ways of sharpening o
"Can't Help Thinking About Me" - 6:31
I was thinking about the Chinese I Ching, the Book of Change
ng to all men of the devilish consequences of thinking about scantily-clad females.
em that we should not over-simplify Pasteur's thinking about the germ theory.
Thinking About Growth and Other Essays, 1989
k a long time for the faculty here to go from thinking about the Glass Flowers as a teaching collect
And rather than thinking about them as the culmination of a series of
d links, we are dependant on somebody else 1° thinking about those wine specialists, 2) realizing th
these women would have run and were probably thinking about running long before Sarah Palin was on
caused me fitful sleep in the time I've been thinking about it.
for him to come back is signifying her always thinking about him throughout her life.
anding to the point of not conceptualizing or thinking about any phenomenon in any way.
at he is happier with Sam-soon and can't stop thinking about her.
Even as an illustration of Lincoln's thinking about union and division, shouldn't it rather
Thinking about it though, creating a mediocre title is
Shear velocity also helps in thinking about the rate of shear and dispersion in a f
highly anticipated second single, "Love Shy ( Thinking About You)" was released on 29 September 2008
is author of The Legal Analyst: A Toolkit for Thinking About the Law (Chicago 2007), Farnsworth's Cl
Each time I'd hear it, I'd keep thinking about people doing intricate jobs in factorie
lished in 2006 by Tiger Woods to get students thinking about the role education plays in their futur
a way of going about examining and critically thinking about different ideas related to ecological a
Thinking About God (Geoffrey Chapman: London, 1985)
nslated into German and Russian; Reprinted in Thinking about Exhibitions, 1996.
And don't stop thinking about tomorrow!"
He has contributed to novel thinking about how to reduce risk for getting Alzheime
When she was thinking about what she had already made, Jove arrived
Social Neuroscience: People Thinking About Thinking People, (2005): The MIT Press
onal hotline for runaway youth, youth who are thinking about running away or are in crisis, parents,
Jr., McMurray sought to formalize changes in thinking about prophetic leadership, the historical ba
ng to do anything about Tourette-I was really thinking about themes of love.
l it's my moral duty to ensure that no one is thinking about Climbing the Reichstag dressed as Spide
"Too Busy Thinking About My Baby" - Marvin Gaye
the USA to be LEED Certified and has shifted thinking about "Sustainable Building Design".
nce Scarpa have pioneered much of the current thinking about the integration of sustainable building
context, it is possible to infer that she was thinking about discrimination, but the context provide
afted, in order to prevent other players from thinking about playing in foreign countries and to mak
After a while the monkey realised that thinking about moving the shape was enough and it no l
Camus is of course thinking about Hitler but even more about Franco, who
made a tremendous contribution to new ways of thinking about sex and gender, the question of power,
It's funny -- I'm 52, and I'd been thinking about retiring.
I was thinking about something along the lines of a diagram
itute (involved in social action research and thinking about group relations and organisational dyna
le over the top on occasions, especially when thinking about his ex-girlfriend Myrtle.
read as an undergraduate, as “central” to his thinking about “how to manage the Wikipedia project”.
Thinking about God in an Age of Technology (2006)
cus on underinsured and uninsured women after thinking about what it would have been like being diag
Support - thinking about it, some of these might link to other t
rk was in the 1960s & 1970s when he pioneered thinking about cities of the future, adapted for the a
It appears, however, that he had been thinking about the piece for some time, ever since he
ince we've had this discussion, but I've been thinking about it and calling an abstention a 0-0 tie
of paper, writing on it "Thank you, Lord for thinking about me, I'm alive and doing fine."
And I got to thinking about it on the train.
ndamental normative idea that might guide our thinking about justice rather than as an immediate pol
ies of largely isolated cognitive domains for thinking about the social, material, and natural world
250 boutiques worldwide, and she is seriously thinking about opening a store in Los Angeles.
In thinking about a future GA nomination, here are some t
It was aimed at young men who were thinking about joining the Air Force.
He said he began thinking about entering politics while at Stanford.
Kulwicki stayed out on the track - he was was thinking about the 5 bonus points for leading the most
s, which also publishes Utopia Britannica and Thinking About Cohousing.
And I think it just got Neil thinking about aging..."
"Too Busy Thinking About My Baby" (2:53)
n geneticists, it provides a simple model for thinking about how variation persists in natural popul
As her thinking about the form developed, Davenport designed
Miyamoto: We've been thinking about the game, and it may be something that
Then I started thinking about getting in to some other types of music
film Meteor (1979), noting that "it got [her] thinking about how the people who have the most to los
Boos after the 06-07 season, was thinking about a move to an NHL team.
Her thinking about many of these issues was shaped by her
rd University, which suggested that "[people] thinking about something other than what they're doing
"I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby" was also a hit on Billboard's
She is thinking about starting up a bento shop near Kako High
t on Seventh and Avenue A." And later, "I was thinking about Baader-Meinhof.
Thinking about it i'd say its more in Gunnersbury.
Because of the same thinking about detesting men in the three women, they
We breathe without thinking about it, as is natural... and then you sit a
ulls from his half empty bourbon bottle while thinking about Holly, recalling a sexual incident wher
m, because I had spent now, a year and a half thinking about him. .
"Can't Help Thinking About Me" is a song written by David Bowie in
Holy Terrors: Thinking about Religion after September 11 (2002)
variance, but can be improved, for example by thinking about the space between a given value and the
Another way of thinking about it could be like a black hole - the sou
Thinking about the next war, Knopf, 1982, ISBN 9780394
ying with Taylor I began to be liberated from thinking about chords.
glad to have her health, but she cannot stop thinking about all that she has lost. 
sm, Visiting Cuba, If You Love Your Class and Thinking About the Sixties, as well as many more artic
to Sept. 11: 'After that happened, nobody was thinking about how to get rich and famous.
I've been thinking about moving the page, yes.
racterized by obsessive viewing, reading, and thinking about pornography and sexual themes to the de
g on the edge of her window ledge, presumably thinking about jumping off (most likely in a moment of
ries, she'd had a very good job and it set me thinking about all the compromises women have to make.
Meanwhile, Robert's mother Ellen has been thinking about his childhood and writes to him.
we are a force to be reckoned with and aren't thinking about a trend, we're thinking long term.
"I spent six months thinking about him every day," says Eisenberg.
It may potentially revolutionize thinking about the physics of supernovae because of it
Williamson stated that she could not stop thinking about the show after that meeting, and eventu
, Azad Bakht, who falls into depression after thinking about his own mortality, and so sets out from
Ulises cannot stop thinking about Renata and seeks her out, knowing she a
Lyrically I was thinking about how a President whose term is up but st
Later rereading and thinking about the Gospels and the change that he saw
Word Translation, "a person who has doubts is thinking about two different things at the same time a
d replaced him" as "players hadn't got beyond thinking about numbers then."
nowhere last season," said Murphy, "I've been thinking about the whole 'second-season syndrome' prob
credible love poem, I don't want people to be thinking about their relationship, and then think of m
. Ermene in a 1965 interview, "That set me to thinking about easier ways to do that, and I got to th
Slavs! Thinking About the Longstanding Problems of Virtue and
They're also, at this stage, thinking about the next generation and how to take car
It's no good thinking about the referendum… after which all of sout
Rusty spends a lot of time thinking about what Iris said.
Wright had been thinking about making a virtual doll house ever since
Their concept was the outcome of thinking about the need for an intimate relationship b
s a soldier (or anyone who is away from home) thinking about his home and his family.
r historians suggest that Jogaila was already thinking about an alliance with either Moscow or Polan
ime playing with his model trains, and starts thinking about the son she gave up for adoption years
ecomes distraught that the Cuban community is thinking about naming a highway after Miguel.
I am thinking about the strength of Iranian women and will
, Rachmaninoff said of the work, "I have been thinking about the Liturgy for a long time and for a l
Urban may already have been thinking about a crusade to the east, and the request
Franchetti would ultimately influence thinking about the Mafia more than anyone else until G
rture came into force and had an influence on thinking about what constitutes torture ever since.
I folded all my newspapers and stopped thinking about Sebastopol to observe the appearance of
Thinking About Myself is a music album by techno/tranc
pied the loop onto a continuous reel of tape, thinking about perhaps adding an orchestrated accompan
I am thinking about updating the Martini (vermouth) page an
I thought I'd canvas views, it's worth thinking about at least.
should do something, you know” and like we're thinking about it.
I'm supposed to be thinking about statistics, and all I could think about
Mercury was thinking about football when he wrote it and was surpr
It was uncertain whether he was thinking about the reward at the time he coughed up th
Thinking about other major rivers, I'd refer to "the N
ctions after they have done it, as opposed to thinking about something and then acting on the though
u don't seem to be reading what I've said and thinking about it; you just seem to be reading it and
al Dmitriy Ustinov heralded a shift in Soviet thinking about nuclear weapons.
Blood, Rin kisses Manji whilst he is asleep, thinking about how she would like to cuddle him as a '
The double-sided single "I Just Keep Thinking About You Baby/Give It Up For Love" hit the T
we think this is a change in how the world is thinking about nuclear weapons,” Leeper said.
hatever case it is, I think what we should be thinking about is that the forces opposed to the peace
e next 5 years or so, in particular if you're thinking about the Millennium Development Goal of redu
“and while I was working with them I started thinking about my vocals in a more expressive way.
Sustainable Living (AfSL), got the idea from thinking about the prospective demolition of the Moss
The End of Theology and the Task of Thinking about God (1998)
n's short dissent reflected the change in his thinking about obscenity.
They then must try guess what the kid is thinking about in 20 seconds.
ence when Steve Dunne (Campbell Scott) begins thinking about the basketball pro while having sex.
, but he later denied these, saying he wasn't thinking about marriage in the near future.
ly hears worrying news - his sister Connie is thinking about sacking venerable butler Beach, who has
Some time in 2006 Borislav Agapiev started thinking about a distributed search engine.
Not till today, writing these lines, thinking about you all, have my eyes moistened since t
didn't speak much about it, he could not stop thinking about it: "Everywhere I looked there was the
cifically for the organization SOS Children's thinking about that goal.
d Hot Chili Peppers song "Get on Top": "I was thinking about Steve Howe's solo at the end of Yes' "S
t from Jax permanently indicates she might be thinking about getting an abortion.
he Domestic Aesthetic and Moral Reasoning and Thinking About Gender: A Historical Anthology.
shrink down to aid Doll Man, Darrel also was thinking about the same thing and suddenly, Martha's h
g a #freeromeo campaign on Twitter, Juliet is thinking about a theme for her birthday party and Laur
Thinking About Social Thinking (1995)
uld in principle contain observers capable of thinking about Godel-incomplete mathematics, just as f
I decided on that name after thinking about the state the world is in today
I see what you mean, because I was only thinking about the position of the redoubts as the cav
unded very similar to Londonbeat´s "I've Been Thinking About You", but it can also be seen as a pred
of black and white) that he/she sees, without thinking about the particular object that is perceived
at Princeton and 35 years of researching and thinking about him".
e him an idea: a report that would get people thinking about a peacetime economy and the futility of
This was to mark a turning point in his thinking about the war as he determined that he was mo
"Still Thinking About You"
[I] was thinking about doing solo albums and some other things

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