




該当件数 : 328

es (also known as Karaims and Qarays) - ethnic Turkic adherents of Karaite Judaism in Crimea, Lithua
ritory Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey sided with its Turkic ally Azerbaijan over the Nagarno-Karabakh War
The Uniform Turkic Alphabet was a Latin based alphabet used by no
The Uniform Turkic Alphabet was used in the USSR in the 1930s unt
Examples of Latin Turkic alphabets 1922-1940
cticed by shamans who seek to connect to their Turkic ancestors in the spiritual realm.
ted that there was little vocabulary shared by Turkic and Tungusic but not Mongolic.
She long headed the Turkic and Iranian Studies Institute at Strasbourg Un
he relatively quiet, creative times before the Turkic and Mongol invasions that changed Armenian lif
Their traditional music is a mixture of Turkic and Finno-Ugric elements, reportedly bridging
hirin founded a principality that united local Turkic and Mordvin peoples.
y Chinese linguists to distinguish between the Turkic and Mongolic Yugur language, both spoken withi
from 1949 to 1954 he took in Berlin courses in Turkic and Altaic languages, Islamic and Iranian Stud
This danger of Turkic and Azerbaijani collaboration under a 'Great T
Studies in Turkic and Mongolic Linguistics.
ed by other ethnic groups, mostly of Mongolic, Turkic and Tibetan origins.
In actuality, they were probably Turkic and Muslim.
n and cultural reform and modernization of the Turkic and Islamic communities.
power and to some degree their presence from a Turkic and Mongolian urheimat across the plains to Eu
uage), drew much of his support from the local Turkic and Iranian peoples of Central Asia, and his a
religion of Tuvans is a type of Tengriism, or Turkic animistic shamanism.
Karabachyn in Zhytomyr oblast) and some Turkic anthropological features among some Ukrainians
The presence of a Turkic aristocracy among the Hungarians could explain
he Umayyad period, the Islamic armies defeated Turkic armies, and conquered Turkic lands.
ted planning to create a new, loyal and ethnic Turkic army consisting of Anatolian, Mesopotamian and
it is applied to tribes or languages which are Turkic as opposed to being Iranian or Semitic.
sometimes referred to as Lir-Turkic and Common Turkic as Shaz-Turkic.
rporated Persian was absorbed into pre-Ottoman Turkic at an early stage, when the speakers were stil
out certain signs of Iranian influence in the Turkic base, or indeed actively oppose the "Iranian"
The rivalry between the Turkic clans and Persian nobles was a major problem i
colours (which were white and gold) or popular Turkic colours (usually blue, white and gold).
Malatya wouldn't fall under the Turkic control until the arrival of Seljuks in the 11
Manti (dumpling) in Turkic cuisine
The Ashik tradition in Turkic cultures of Anatolia, Azerbaijan and Iran has
ter its occupation by the first sultan of this Turkic dynasty in 1037.
d and simplified with the loss of many archaic Turkic elements, stilted Iranisms and Ottomanisms, an
Tiele were a collection of tribes of different Turkic ethnic origins, largely descended from the Chi
the request of the NKVD in order to split the Turkic ethnic groups into opposing camps.
his toponym (Shiyan, Shal, Chal) come from the Turkic ethnonym Chiyal (i.e.
The Khamb, being of at least partly Turkic extraction are now considered a clan of the Mu
Certainly the entry of Turkic farmers following their horsemen ended the the
The Chinese Muslims and Chinese repulsed the Turkic fighters, inflicting severe casualties upon th
An epic hero or a giant in Turkic folklore, usually noble.
anslated and released a number of monuments of Turkic folklore.
aqsin may be an Arabized version of Sarighsin, Turkic for "Yellow City".
e first one "lav" could be possibly adopted by Turkic from Chinese or Arabic.
about 975) was a Turkic general in Hamdanid service.
of the Persian Samanid Empire - the originally Turkic Ghaznavids had become thoroughly Persianized.
yed god of evil and death, identified with the Turkic god Erlik.
ists call it a mixed language, having a mostly Turkic grammar, essentially Uyghur, but a mainly Iran
"Ancient Turkic gravestones with inscriptions in the basin of
y" defining terms in Arabic, Persian language, Turkic, Greek, Armenian, and Mongolian language.
The Turkmen are the smaller Turkic group who can also be found in neighboring Tur
The Kyrgyz was a Turkic group who ever established the great Kyrgyz Kh
Kazakhs are a Turkic group living in Kazakhstan and western China.
k" is also a component of the ethnonyms of two Turkic groups of uncertain relatedness: the "Karakalp
ished an edict prohibiting "ancientization" of Turkic history.
They were usually Turkic in origin and fought as cavalrymen.
ssumption that the Kirghiz were not originally Turkic in language is the fact that they are describe
Aside from the Irano-Islamic and Turkic influences, Dankoff posits some amount of Gree
This is comparable to the Turkic initial m-segment conveying a sense of ‘and so
Pulleyblank (1963) remarked that the Turkic interpretations cannot be considered very succ
Balkan Gagauz Turkish (also known as Balkan Turkic) is a Turkic language spoken in European Turke
Khorasani Turkic is spoken in the Iranian provinces of North Kh
of Uzbek is considered a dialect of Khorasani Turkic, its range extends into southern Uzbekistan.
Menasseh ben Zebulun was a Turkic Jewish ruler of the Khazars mentioned in some
Menasseh ben Hezekiah was a Turkic Jewish ruler of the Khazars mentioned in the K
It split the Western Turkic Kaganate into independent states, with a power
rring eastern and western parts of the Western Turkic Kaganate that concluded the civil war between
of one Shad in the waning days of the Eastern Turkic Kaganate is interpreted as an evidence of an e
river, it formalized a division of the Western Turkic Kaganate (582-659 CE) into independent states
nates, the Uch-Karluks remained in the Western Turkic Kaganate under a non-autonomous home rule, as
After the treaty, the head of the Western Turkic Kaganate Terish-kagan (634-638) retained contr
se of the ethnic conflicts that tore apart the Turkic Kaganate, and a little later the Western Turki
with an ascend and political expansion of the Turkic Kaganate, but even then most of the Turkic peo
Later, after a split of Western Turkic Kaganate, the splinter western part was headed
position and movement of tribes in the Western Turkic Kaganate, pre-Mongolian period (10th-12th cent
he Kimaks, and were a dependent of the Western Turkic Kagans until their demise.
ainian - Чорні Клобуки - "Black Hats (Hoods)"; Turkic Karakalpak or Qaraqalpaq) were a group of semi
Chinese Muslim and Turkic Kazakh forces working for the Chinese Kuominta
Doquz Khatun (also spelled Dokuz Khatun) was a Turkic Kerait princess of the 13th century, who was m
Inel Qaghan was a ruler of the Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate
abghu Qaghan was a ruler of the Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate
ng established a general post near the Eastern Turkic Khaganate to help defend it.
Ashina Funian was a ruler of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate
Ashina Nishufu was a ruler of the Eastern Turkic Khaganate
Ashina Anluo was the fifth ruler of the Turkic Khaganate
Issik Qaghan was the second ruler of the Turkic Khaganate
engri Qaghan was a ruler of the Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate
zmish Qaghan was a ruler of the Second Eastern Turkic Khaganate
Wei Zheng opined that the Eastern Turkic Khaganate's people should be outside of Tang b
Yi'nan, while unhappy with Eastern Turkic Khaganate's reestablishment, indicated that he
Irterish Qaghan (Second Turkic Khaganate) was a ruler of the Second Eastern T
Although their territory was a part of the Turkic Khaganate, defeat of Western Turkic Khaganate
clan that had ruled over the previous Eastern Turkic Khaganate, which fell in 659.
ominion, and succeeded in reviving the Eastern Turkic Khaganate.
He was the final Qaghan of the first Eastern Turkic Khaganate; the Western Turkic Khaganate contin
This may mean that the power shift from the Turkic khaganette to (linguistically indistinguisable
conducted several expeditions to research the Turkic Khalaj and Oguz languages in Persia.
(Not to be confused with Bilge Kagan of Turkic khanatte who lived earlier).
Kitbuqa Noyan (died 1260) ( Turkic: Kitbuga, Mongolian: Хитбух) was a Christian T
r refugees who came from the Caucasus and from Turkic land further east.
een formed from men from the Caucasus and from Turkic land further east and fought in Italy; its mai
they were not devshirmeh like janissaries, or Turkic landowners like the rest of Kapikulu Sipahis .
ongs to the Northern or Siberian branch of the Turkic language family.
Uyghur is a Turkic language spoken in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonom
and still is that the Khazars spoke an Oghuric Turkic language similar to Chuvash, Hunnish, Turkic A
The Shor language (Шор тили) is a Turkic language spoken by about 10,000 people in the
Southern Uzbek is a Turkic language spoken in Faryab Province in north Af
Urum is a Turkic language spoken by several thousand people who
Ili Turki is a Turkic language spoken primarily in China.
Khorasani Turkic language test of Wikipedia at Wikimedia Incuba
Salchuq (also Salchuk)is a Turkic language spoken in Iran.
Altai (also known as Oirot, Oyrot, Altai) is a Turkic language spoken in the Gorno-Altai Ao mountain
Afshar or Afshari, is a Turkic language spoken in Turkey, Syria, parts of Afg
language (also spelled Qypchaq) is an extinct Turkic language of the Kipchak group.
Naimans, Tanguts and Karluks speaking the same Turkic language as the Kara-Khanids) retreated to the
n of Islam, but also the Chagatai language - a Turkic language of the Qarluq branch, which was heavi
The Yugur have preserved more of the original Turkic language of the Uyghurs than other Uyghurs.
bal confederacy (probably later assimilated to Turkic language), the ancestors of the modern Moksha
The Gagauz language (Gagauz dili) is a Turkic language, spoken by the Gagauz people, and the
r language was a standard, "Shaz"-style Common Turkic language.
It also has the oldest written records in any Turkic language.
He taught Turkic languages at the university for the rest of th
Kazakh, Uzbek and Chagatai are all Turkic languages which have had a strong influence on
lso known as Tofalar or Karagas, is one of the Turkic languages spoken in Russia's Irkutsk Oblast by
me means "Black Hats" or "Black Hoods", and in Turkic languages it is "Karakalpak"; presumably this
Turkic Languages 1, 1997.
f the Kipchak language include the majority of Turkic languages spoken in Eastern Europe and the Cau
The word gul in Persian and Turkic languages means rose.
Northern Altai or Northern Altay is one of two Turkic languages spoken in the Altay Republic of Russ
a relative proximity of Turkic languages and active cultural and linguistic c
ted theory placed it among the "Lir" branch of Turkic languages referred to as Oghur-Turkic, Lir-Tur
anguage is the proto-language of the family of Turkic languages that predates the separation of the
Another explanation states that because in Turkic languages the sound "z" turns to "r" when you
character of its Arabic borrowings with other Turkic languages that had even less interaction with
Four volumes of his comparative dictionary of Turkic languages followed in 1893 to 1911.
As in most other Turkic languages of Islamic communities, initially th
Girgis is probably a member of the Siberian Turkic languages and related to the Khakas language.
known as the Kipchak, Qypchaq, or Northwestern Turkic languages), are a major branch of the Turkic l
n languages as Chuguchak (based on its name in Turkic languages).
Lop belongs to the Karluk branch of Turkic languages, along with Uyghur and Uzbek.
As is the case for many Turkic languages, dialect continua blur the lines bet
of Crimean Tatar is similar to those of other Turkic languages, such as Turkish.
rki appears to belong to the Chagatay group of Turkic languages, although it exhibits a number of fe
Uyghur, like other Turkic languages, displays vowel harmony.
any alphabet in use for writing Turkic languages,
inding is consistent with a model in which the Turkic languages, originating in the Altai-Sayan regi
ives (a female derivation) of Khan, notably in Turkic languages, for a Khan's Queen-consort, or in s
ts relationship with it southwest group of the Turkic languages.
ed words from the Russian language and various Turkic languages.
The name means "Earth-Water" in Turkic languages.
te words with identical meaning exist in other Turkic languages.
es from Russian, where it probably is a Tatar ( Turkic) loan word.
historian, philologist, expert on Persian and Turkic manuscripts, researcher and teacher.
s a language family consisting at a minimum of Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic.
strating that the words and features shared by Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic were cultural borrowin
In sum, the idea was that Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic form a Sprachbund - th
k argued that the words and features shared by Turkic, Mongolic, and Tungusic were for the most part
bout March 22, and marked the first day of the Turkic month of Oshlaq-ay.
Turkic Muslim Uighur and Kirghiz fighters under Emir
Liu was killed by Turkic Muslim rebels in Ghulja in November, 1944, whi
The Uyghurs and Kirghiz, who were both Turkic Muslim peoples, fought against the Chinese Mus
c of China government, and wanted to crush the Turkic Muslim Uighurs and Kirghiz in revenge for the
the Chinese Muslim 36th division to attack the Turkic muslim Uighur forces at Yangi Hissar, wiping o
Turkic Muslim rebels backed by the Soviet Union were
ym Uyghur was adopted to describe the majority Turkic Muslims in the oases of the Tarim Basin.
His native Turkic name was Shabaq/Shebaq (wormwood, whence Shaib
rtheless, Ruslan may be a Russian rendering of Turkic name Arslan, although this has not been substa
The Turkic name of the river means The White Volga, and R
a member of the Veliamanov family adopted the Turkic name "Aksak" and his descendents were the Aksa
During the First East Turkestan Republic, the Turkic nationalist ideology of the Republic led to ho
Committee for National Revolution was a Turkic Nationalist Uighur party which existed in 1932
a, which formed a division within the Xinjiang Turkic nationalist movement.
He associated with the Turkic nationalist Young Kashgar Party and appointed
They are not Russian but Uzbek, a Turkic nationality from the crossroads of the ancient
echnical, and social backgrounds including the Turkic nations (eg.
l 1964 the town was known as Nogaisk after the Turkic Nogai people who lived in the area until the n
- probably 18th century burials of the nomadic Turkic Nogai people.
ver, the area was only sparsely populated with Turkic nomads and consisted mostly of unpopulated ste
rn parts of Rus' were systematically raided by Turkic nomads, their inhabitants began to migrate nor
1995) "The Days of the Week in Turkic: Notes on the Cuman-Qipchaq Pattern" (Journal
sonally meet them, give them and major Eastern Turkic officials gifts, and promise further tributes.
(Uriyangkhai) had been applied to all Samoyed, Turkic or Mongol people to the north-west of Mongolia
e hands of the local tribes (which were mostly Turkic or Turko-Mongol) who were loosely allied with
merely a Byzantine attempt to transliterate a Turkic or Hebrew name, is unknown.
The Siberian Turkic or Northeastern Common Turkic languages are on
The Uyghur Turkic or Southeastern Common Turkic languages, also
rsed bands to the north-west, whether Samoyed, Turkic, or Mongolian in origin.
ions in Mongolia and the Yenisey basin (Orkhon Turkic, or Old Turkic proper)
It could be of Turkic origin or could be adopted by Turkic languages
He was a general of Central Asian Turkic origin from Balkh who had risen from a mercena
The term is of Turkic origin.
he was the son of Baibars, a sultan of Kipchak Turkic origin.
large number of university courses, including Turkic paleography.
The ancestors of the Uyghur tribe were Turkic pastoralists called Tiele, who lived in the va
Teleuts are a Turkic people people living in Kemerovo Oblast, Russi
Even before the Cumans arrived other Turkic people like the Huns and the Bulgars settled i
also transliterated as Shorts, Shortses) are a Turkic people in the Kemerovo Oblast in Russia.
was named after the Pechenegs, a semi-nomadic Turkic people who settled in this place in the 10th/1

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