



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > VEGETABLESの意味・解説 > VEGETABLESに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 561

holding now boasted a polytunnel for growing vegetables, a fox-proof high rise chicken accommodation
us Darwin begins publications of A System of Vegetables, a translation of Linnaeus in which he coins
ments of the movie (a brain scan, a plate of vegetables, a house), appear to be lip-syncing to the s
mus Darwin begins publication of A System of Vegetables, a translation of Linnaeus in which he coins
ally released on the Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables album.
griculture (cereals, wheat, maize, potatoes, vegetables, alfalfa, vines and others) and animal husba
Many inhabitants cultivate vegetables all around the village into their personal s
Several farms grow organic fruit and vegetables along with olives and there are large cattle
Spinach Vada) is made with spinach-type leaf vegetables along with lentils.
lly made by shallow frying shredded or diced vegetables along with spices.
ctures and lush displays of game, fruits and vegetables; also hunting trophies, vanitas themes, fish
The most important crops are lychee and vegetables; also banana is an important agricultural pr
Leaf vegetables, also called potherbs, green vegetables, gre
iddletrenthide where locally grown fruit and vegetables, among other miscellaneous items are sold.
Later, while the gophers are relaxing eating vegetables, an attractive Southern Belle gopher (the do
The adult flies feed on rotting fruits, vegetables and animal faeces, and are most abundant in
was a place of storage for fresh fruits and vegetables and protection for families.
ingredients such as mushrooms, onions, other vegetables, and various herbs, spices and sauces depend
ear the Palace of Versailles, produced fresh vegetables and fruits for the table of the court of Lou
The most important crops are vegetables and fruits, while other important agricultur
Green, leafy vegetables and some root vegetables (such as beetroot)
vides its nine restaurants with fresh herbs, vegetables and flowers.
nd placed on the table, where thin slices of vegetables and meat are cooked on it.
The options were Trees, Flowers, Vegetables and Grain.
to prepare a brine made from fermented milk, vegetables, and meat; the brine can also include dried
d technology was used to grow bug-free leafy vegetables and herbs answering to the strictest health,
d the well-to-do in the city enjoy the fresh vegetables and fruits.
750-acre (3.0 km2) campus, on which crops of vegetables and fruit are grown.
Pazhamudircholai is rich in fruits, vegetables and flowers.
expert on the diseases of commercially-grown vegetables and wheat from the 1930s to the 1960s.
The chopped vegetables and the toor dhal are cooked separately.
r producing the brine to be used in pickling vegetables and other food-stuffs.
al pest and feeds on nearly all varieties of vegetables and many important grains.
e rich soil give more taste to the fruit and vegetables, and the region has won the Gold Medal for t
d periods without access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and made illnesses from vitamin deficiency
f a cylindrical tofu roll on the outside and vegetables and meat on the inside.
d to produce wine as well as other fruit and vegetables and cattle farming.
They grow vegetables and fruit in stone walled gardens called bus
e seasonal Vegetable Garden contains unusual vegetables and annuals.
The agricultural goods, mainly vegetables and food grains, are brought to the market f
re of wheat bread, non-dairy cheese, various vegetables, and mixed with vegetable oil, tomato paste,
to start from a corner and mix the rice with vegetables and eat.
-holding, now known as Bramble Farm, growing vegetables, and rearing meat.
then ground into a fine paste, added to the vegetables and tamarind broth, and then cooked.
n), sauteed with spices and coarsely chopped vegetables, and slow cooked in beer, providing a savory
They became instead successful producers of vegetables and breeders of pigs and cattle.
es a fine collection of regency fruit trees, vegetables and associated bothys.
ports the growth of many varieties of fruit, vegetables and herbs.
of all sorts - mainly fish, but also fruit, vegetables, and meat - with a landing stage on the nort
ded, as well as any other seasonings, meats, vegetables and garnishes.
nhouse where they can plant flowers and grow vegetables, and a washing area where they can shower an
erous foods such as oil seeds, whole grains, vegetables, and fruits.
had distributed green canvas "EAT FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AND BE ACTIVE" lunch bags (soft lunch boxes)
cheese is carved out and mixed with meat and vegetables, and put back into the paraffin shell.
ries, 20 grams of carbohydrates per day from vegetables and does not allow fruit, nuts or most milk
ern Thailand, where its flowers are eaten as vegetables, and Malaysia.
ds include unpolished grains, beans, fruits, vegetables and non-homogenized dairy products.
lso has one of the most important markets of vegetables and fruits in Libya, because of the naturall
irst settlers were mainly engaged in farming vegetables and cattle ranching, but this would give way
Vegetables and plums are salted and allowed to ferment
ning both ornamental plants and selection of vegetables and fruits.
adults have accidentally ingested snails on vegetables and become infected.
contains chicken or beef, onions, mushrooms, vegetables, and gravy, wrapped inside the egg)
d him to supply his workers with milk, meat, vegetables and coal and he also built housing for the w
f is commonly paired with scallions or mixed vegetables and is known to be spicy.
Both extensive agriculture, and small scale, vegetables and fruits, are practiced.
reached Put-in Bay with sorely needed fresh vegetables and meat.
Still in a wheelchair, he began growing vegetables and flowers for export.
It eats seeds, legumes, rooted vegetables, and grasses, but also insects.
cooks use seasonal produce, mixing different vegetables and herbs according to taste, while making u
ith screaming housemaids, flying baskets and vegetables, and a number of police officers.
es Japanese 'pickles' are in fact 'preserved vegetables' and not 'pickles' as they are not primarily
ear who helps her in all chores like cutting vegetables and fruits.
es with houses, but also fields planted with vegetables and vines allowing people to resist a possib
ma beans/butter beans, corn, okra, and other vegetables, and one or more types of meat.
airy products, and focus entirely on fruits, vegetables, and nuts and seeds.
raditionally served with rice pilaf, grilled vegetables and melted butter.
iling vessels in need of water, fresh fruit, vegetables and meat.
nt goers pick from a large variety of meats, vegetables and seafood.
brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, other vegetables, and whole grains.
alized in the production and distribution of vegetables, and then Terres du Soleil, a company involv
op hypertension) which is rich in fruits and vegetables and low-fat or fat-free dairy products.
is rice, while other important products are vegetables and cassava.
ction and distribution of ecologically grown vegetables and other agricultural products.
al diets emphasizing fish as well as fruits, vegetables and grains.
alad bar, fish, beef or turkey, a variety of vegetables and sides, hot rolls and beverage.
er, joint founder of a bakery, selling fresh vegetables and writing magazine articles.
oking to enhance the flavour of fish, meats, vegetables, and otherwise bland foods such as tofu or n
from a blend of soy, wheat and pea proteins, vegetables and organic ancient grains (quinoa, amaranth
ing, cleaning, canning and drying fruits and vegetables, and nutritional information.
Increasing the amount and variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
a good harvest year through eating the fresh vegetables and meat at the beginning of spring.
ith farms nearby cultivating, in particular, vegetables and rhubarb.
eating spring pancakes wrapped around fresh vegetables and meat, which is called bite-the-spring.
rom Hampton Roads per week, delivering fresh vegetables and provisions to the crews of naval vessels
grains, dark green and yellow/orange-fleshed vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, contain
stepped forward to offer British troops hay, vegetables and cattle.
its proprietary China Coast bread, marinated vegetables, and crispy noodles.
she landed at Lord Howe Island for birds and vegetables, and arrived in England on 15 June 1789.
tly cultivated crops are the potato, cereal, vegetables, and hay.
This village provides vegetables and other vegetative food materials to whole
turf, cereals, coffee, and a wide variety of vegetables and other crops.
is product range to include mustard, pickled vegetables, and extracts.
cherries, figs, lavender, and numerous other vegetables and fruits.
Its main industry was hothouse crops such as vegetables and flowers.
o gravitate towards whole grains, home-grown vegetables and the like, although such acts were not an
cane, corn, dura, wheat, sesame, fruits and vegetables and raise poultry.
a-bed under pressure, drawing water from the vegetables and speeding fermentation.
vory turnovers generally contain meat and/or vegetables and can be made with any sort of dough, thou
Meat is added to a stock before vegetables, and the "scum" that rises to the surface is
vegetarian diet with the emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains.
Several species are raised as leaf vegetables and used for medicine, especially in West Af
On the irrigated land, vegetables and fruit trees are grown, while on the unir
in wheat, rice, vineyards, cotton, potatoes, vegetables and orchard trees.
ected plants include potato tubers, bulbs of vegetables, and ornamental crops.
d has good fertile land for growing bananas, vegetables, and oranges.
n the vessel the students had fresh fish and vegetables and were able to feast on food cooked from t
ment includes exports from Australia such as vegetables and dairy products.
th cream gravy, and with mashed potatoes and vegetables, and biscuits served on the side.
ed to southern Florida and attempted to grow vegetables and coconuts on the swampy, bug-infested str
g from a selection of meats, cheeses, beans, vegetables and sauces.
Nearly 100 families raise vegetables and other crops whenever water is available
grade schoolchildren to identify fruits and vegetables, and they are unable to do so.
ng plenty of oily fish, lean meat, fruit and vegetables and having a low intake of fats, salt and sw
d its inhabitants with a variety of cereals, vegetables and fruits for thousands of years.
The colors were extracted from minerals, vegetables and possessed enamel-like luster.
began a meatless diet, taking only milk and vegetables, and regained his health.
und that a diet "with high intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, moderate intake of legume
ish and chicken wings on a bed of stir-fried vegetables and shredded turtle meat), and "Aloe Vera wi
g was basically a self-sustaining farm where vegetables and poultry were raised.
oth extensive agriculture, and small scale - vegetables and fruits for Bucharest markets, is practic
n feed on hundreds of plants, including most vegetables and food crops including peppers, tomatoes,
ters for the postal service, sold fruits and vegetables, and was a mason's apprentice.
he flour is used as a batter to coat various vegetables and meats before frying, such as with panell
documented the planting of 330 varieties of vegetables and 170 varieties of fruit in this garden."
eshwater and sea fish and seafood, fruit and vegetables, and beef.
Agricultural goods, mainly vegetables and food grains, are transported to the diff
occasionally wild) meat, rice, locally-grown vegetables and potatoes.
are provided for residents to grow their own vegetables and plants.
Many residents grew fruit, vegetables, and flowers, which they would travel into L
It often contains vegetables and some type of meat or seafood, usually be
g, embroidery, knitting, carving, preserves, vegetables, and baking.
Due to the climate, local vegetables and pulses like rajmah and urad are of rare
onserve and simmered in the oven with winter vegetables and a bottle of Sylvaner.
ployed mostly in agricul­ture, growing gram, vegetables, and citrus.
turkey or goose and ham with a selection of vegetables and roast potatoes.
f White Bluffs, production of pears, apples, vegetables, and grapes for wine production were primary
These snails feed on vegetation, fruit and vegetables, and also on the decaying flesh of already d
roducts were corn, wheat, hay, fruit, garden vegetables and livestock.
d restaurants, but no supermarket with fresh vegetables and other affordable, healthy foods.
n eat eggs and dairy, in addition to fruits, vegetables and grains.
Batali calls the cardoon one of his favorite vegetables and says they have a "very sexy flavor."
ter animated films featuring anthropomorphic vegetables and conveying moral themes based on Christia
Ruffin residents produce tobacco, vegetables and strawberries.
d dust, including an open air market selling vegetables and other produce.
ntain relatively small amounts of fruits and vegetables and/or contain them as part of a product wit
of eggs, cheeses, butter, poultry, cereals, vegetables, apples and pears and cider to England, hors
Fruits and vegetables are fresh daily.
Groundnut and vegetables are also cultivated.
The pickled vegetables are in red- or white-wine vinegar.
Food crops like rice and vegetables are grown in abundance.
The moong dhal and the cut vegetables are cooked separately.
Sometimes mixed vegetables are included in the filling.
es, cucumbers, potatoes and other ingredient vegetables are cut into thin slices and stacked between
The weapons are exposed when the vegetables are scattered everywhere.
ted Panchayath; coconut, rubber, banana, and vegetables are the main farming items.
She says the fruits and vegetables are important for proper nutrition.
Some types of these preserved vegetables are produced through being repeatedly dried
ional farming system of rice cultivation and vegetables are still found there.
Fruit and vegetables are cultivated in great quantities in the lo
Meat or vegetables are loaded individually into the hot cooking
The vegetables are usually dried and seasoned with spices,
a cookie is a sometimes food, and fruits and vegetables are anytime foods.
As regards the topping or filling, fish and vegetables are usual at the coast whilst inland they pr
The herbs and vegetables are freshly picked each morning in Surrey.
vestock and other crops including fruits and vegetables are common, the rest works in shops, ports a
Kitchen vegetables are also grown extensively on ancient irriga
Vegetables are also placed over the grill, especially g
oughly be "vegetable" in English, being that vegetables are the naming theme for all pure Saiyans in
Leaf vegetables are typically low in calories, low in fat, h
The vegetables are harvested, trimmed before the Qingming F
important crops are rice and potatoes; also vegetables are an important agricultural product.
The vegetables are cut into relatively large pieces compare
The vegetables are then left to simmer until they reach a t
Soft, runny food such as mashed fruit or vegetables are introduced to babies in the early stages
The vegetables are: turnips, potatoes, carrots, and sweet p
o control diseases on a number of fruits and vegetables as well as ornamental plants.
Such vegetables as bok choy and cabbage can be mixed in.
St. Bernard Parish, with acreage devoted to vegetables as well as sugar, the principal cash crop.
The reputation of Brassica vegetables as healthy foods rests in part on the activi
urtained windows, and gardens of flowers and vegetables, as well as a village church, a police stati
eter is permitted any amount of low-glycemic vegetables, as long as food energy stays within the lim
production of fruit (strawberries), cereals, vegetables, as well as a tourist center.
rus industry, farmers diversified by growing vegetables as well.
roducts maintain the integrity of fruits and vegetables as healthy foods, and make a reasonable cont
use where they raised four children, organic vegetables, assorted chickens, horses and sheep.
Fresh vegetables at the Queen Victoria Market, 2010
ed “prescriptions” for local fresh fruit and vegetables at participating farmers' markets.
d relate how he used to ride with him to buy vegetables at the Covent Garden market in London.

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