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He went to Kel Mitou, meadows of Chlef to visit a distinguished Saint and acquire his favour.
oodland or scrub or along hedgerows where they visit a wide range of flowers.
When they wish they could visit a real castle Barney appears and takes them to
ondents said they are very or fairly likely to visit a Cardiff museum.
y based on a bus ride Springsteen once took to visit a girlfriend in uptown Manhattan.
ter's prophecy of his impending death, went to visit a treacherous would-be benefactor and was murd
"a journal entry made on a trip to New York to visit a girl I used to go out with.
ee new cars without having to take time off to visit a traditional motor show.
They then visit a tea house, which turns out to have run out o
However when she did visit a few weeks later, she discovered Chris sleepi
different celebrity host every week, who would visit a place of significance in their own lives - e
The narrator, Francis, and his friend Alan visit a carnival in the village where they see Dr. C
aus Dietrich Flade became the second German to visit a space station when he reached Mir with the V
County residents can now visit a single location to pay taxes, register to vo
he point-of-care and those not scheduled for a visit, a CQMS ensures the entire patient population
e three boys are left alone, so they decide to visit a local circus for a night of amusement, despi
Following this visit, a group of students and community members bui
k person, as against someone who goes there to visit a sick person.)
ED AND CORRUPTED", before instructing users to visit a web site to download Registry Cleaner XP at
In the beginning of the book, the Animorphs visit a Planet Hollywood concert in their bird-of-pr
Finally he dresses in drag to visit a porn cinema with Marc.
A group of teenagers visit a lake with intentions to spend the weekend th
d the School with the money to allow pupils to visit a school in Singapore in order to further deve
night there, however, Del and Rodney decide to visit a nightclub called the Mardi Gras (Del was giv
rism to a rural area, by encouraging people to visit a series of pubs that are close to railway sta
On each episode, she will visit a local grocer in the Niagara region to pick o
would give ‘Mr Grierson of Caius the chance to visit a different cinema every day, and two on Sunda
e Cody and Trig use their share of the sale to visit a distant planet - home to one of the dead pri
ed attempting to secure the island, as Marines visit a gigantic graveyard prior to departing for th
The only way to get these monsters is to visit a DS Station in Japan or get all the monsters
nd travelling into the High Atlas mountains to visit a school with which LOGS has been in contact w
Between each stage, the player is able to visit a shop and prepare his units before starting t
or scrub, heath or along hedgerows where they visit a wide range of flowers.
One can visit a famous Sikh Gurdwara Takht Sri Hazur Sahib h
heir first leave from duty, Peter and Lockwood visit a shop and Peter meets Kay Saunders, immediate
Vimal frequently visit a courtesan.
and his friend Cully, a musician and composer, visit a gypsy camp to get his fortune told.
cipient receives a US$70,000 prize, funding to visit a lab or research institution in the awarding
r baths ranging in temperatures-but could also visit a museum displaying Sutro's large and varied p
When Jerry is slightly injured in a fall, they visit a hospital where Jerry meets a nurse named Van
is put on probation for 6 weeks and she has to visit a therapist.
For additional information, visit a local parish veterans service officer.
ed during the 66 million years she lay buried, visit a re-creation of the expedition's Montana base
When Erich Honecker was in Chile on a state visit, a new shortwave curtain antenna beamed toward
On the way there, the men visit a local brothel run by madame Sin-Dee (Lauren
was 19, he traveled to Lexington, Kentucky to visit a classmate, who introduced him to Scott Hoffm
e and his friend Grover Mockridge (Bud Abbott) visit a gambling establishment.
lemariam and her husband Desta Tsienew came to visit a patient.
During this visit, a Joint Declaration was issued and a series o
The Third Doctor and Jo visit a strange world where the dead don't stay dead
During this visit, a local chieftain named Indika had wanted som
ivery service to customers who are not able to visit a library.
hing to use hair powder must, from 5 May 1795, visit a stamp office to enter their name and pay for
n example would be a person who might agree to visit a bar with his friends, but will go no further
taxi driver who assumes that she would want to visit a charitable trust named Duraiyamma Foundation
stormy afternoon in 1898 he was on his way to visit a sick parishioner when he suffered a heart at
Gameplay required the player to visit a series of sites in and around London, by mov
identity when on January 27, 1977 she went to visit a friend in the suburbs of Buenos Aires.
Along with HMS Glasgow, she set off to visit a number of ports as they sailed south and mad
A support group takes a van to visit a 33-year-old man named Geirr who was in a car
Amero had deliberately clicked on the link to visit a particular pornographic page.
It’s hard for them to visit a clinic even once.
ur revolves around six Western journalists who visit a small village in Darfur in western Sudan und
n ex-GI, Frank Pryor, who arrives in London to visit a wartime girlfriend, whom he hasn't seen in s
When prompted by the producers to visit a restaurant across the street, Bach found the
at Gelert's Farm halt, allowing passengers to visit a museum and a miniature railway.
Then the player must visit a particular location or person, read the Lond
itness what they like to do to each other; and visit a special club frequented by like-minded peopl
58 Prestwich was persuaded by Hugh Falconer to visit Abbeville, where Boucher de Perthes had claime
Consequently, year 12 pupils still visit Abbots Hall but do not attend a retreat organi
1824, when Moscheles accepted an invitation to visit Abraham Mendelssohn Bartholdy to give some mus
rlos visited King Albert on a three days State Visit, accompagnied by Queen Sofia.
New Zealand on the General Gates on his second visit accompanied by Reverend Butler and James Kemp
or a complete season schedule and for tickets, visit acderby.com
orps commanders who were to lead the attack to visit Adlerhorst on 11 December, travelling there in
Mary decided to visit Africa to collect the material she would need
As a youth, he would visit African American churches and travel to Harlem
s become a very nice place for the tourists to visit after the last renovation.
Emmeline's aunt comes to visit after the wedding.
l Josyf Slipyj was honored during his first US visit, after his release from a Soviet prison, right
to another planet that you will never want to visit again.
ers many transfer services to popular resorts, visit airport website to get contacts.
On the way they visit Aizkraukle Castle where Kangars is taken capti
Emperor Akbar pledged to visit Ajmer Sharif on foot and presented a large cau
During the visit, Al Mansoori met with Algerian Prime Minister
ilhelm Steller aboard, the first naturalist to visit Alaska.
the band's 3 releases before the final 'Night Visit' album: 'The halls of eternity', 'God loves th
nd S. Carter Studios and encouraged patrons to visit all 11 parks in the 60 day season.
ing that may be accomplished if one decides to visit all booths at the festival.
The thirty-three poems contained in the The Visit all reflect Hamilton's concise writing style.
e US Navy as a secretary, which allowed him to visit all the California mission stations.
ides to follow his grandfather on a journey to visit all the towns, villages and cities on the cont
After the 1722 Roggeveen visit, all of the moai that had been erected on ahus
It was the first train to visit all 48 contiguous states (the 1936 Rexall Trai
rowd control measures, over 5 million pilgrims visit Allahabad during the festival, was not just th
ly campaign vehicle to crisscross Oklahoma and visit almost every town in the state.
alously, the Earl invites the American to come visit, along with an equally grating ex-girlfriend o
Kekkonen's visit also gave rise to a placename: Kekkosenoja (Ke
Godai's UK visit also included the Manchester Chamber of Commer
VisIt also has the ability to animate data, allowing
March 1977 for the twinning of the cities, the visit also used to promote business ties between St.
It is a popular beach to visit although erosion has decreased its size over t
Persha made a successful attempt to visit Altwaal but he refused to acknowledge his name
a USO tour, Cornell went to Beirut, Lebanon to visit American troops in the Multinational Peacekeep
tension, all parties manage to get through the visit amicabily.
use it occurred during the Interior Minister's visit, amid high security.
hester, who from 1663 onwards would every year visit Amsterdam, he travelled on a preaching tour to
Currently, VisIt, an open source software package with its star
h allows developers to force a website user to visit an affiliate link while removing or spoofing t
ends up giving the money to a friend so he can visit an ill relative.
Bonaparte) arrives at the Yokohama seaport to visit an old pen friend of his living in Tokyo.
This season also saw the group visit an alien world for the first time when the Gal
ff) and his gal pal Linda (Catherine Hickland) visit an island off the coast of Massachusetts where
of New Zealand, stopped in Tulsa, Oklahoma to visit an old army buddy.
People wanting to visit an adult group receive an "adult content" warn
Marie-Alain Couturier, invited him to Paris to visit an art exhibition.
e narrator is sent by a friend on an errand to visit an old man, Simon Wheeler, to find an old acqu
, in which vessel he was the first European to visit an outlying island in the Phoenix group which
ocates did not have offices and they could not visit an office of a Proctor.
Upon paying an admission fee, tourists can visit an observation deck in the glass sphere at the
The purpose of the trip was to visit ancestral lands in Scotland.
is friend Henry Adrian Churchill the chance to visit ancient sites and, in 1850, to excavate for a
00 seat capacity, such as for the Dalai Lama's visit and Al Gore's visit to Stanford campus in the
al nature of Genchi Genbutsu which is less to ' visit' and more to 'know' by being there.
national Red Cross was also finally allowed to visit and provide limited amounts of food aid to pri
He would visit and eat with the Jesuits in the monastery.
Pond Park, a facility that allows residents to visit and view the falls.
ts and the interested public may unobtrusively visit and view nature via a webcam observatory, whic
"We spend a long time and many efforts to visit and to try to unite such political factions.
It was Geller's first visit and Strangeway's second.
He receives a visit and a letter from one Georges Badar (Rufus), w
main giving any interested party the chance to visit and visualize this battle.
mer students, staff and faculty are invited to visit and join.
Insect God, The Doubtful Guest, The Remembered Visit and The Hapless Child.
ning, Lady Catherine pays Elizabeth a surprise visit and insists that Elizabeth renounce Darcy, as
ge of farewell, in line with the spirit of the visit and the welcome which they had received, was F
After Rau's visit and with his great encouragement to renovate t
her boyfriend paying her a romantic nocturnal visit and invited Collins to enter.
nd; this may have been due in part to his 1567 visit, and also may have been related to the activit
er 2009 she arrived at Liverpool for a six-day visit and moored at the cruise liner terminal at Pri
acher from school drops by the residence for a visit, and proposes that he and Souichi spend time t
ee and a half months when tourist cruise ships visit and goods can be transported to the community
n that teams of The Amazing Race Asia 1 had to visit and complete a task of abseiling from the 8th
rian dishes ordered by Bill Clinton during his visit, and also "Chelsea Platter" composed of vegeta
Big Mary's cousin, Condoleezza Rice, comes to visit and is attracted to Craig.
f stints publicizing Bob Dylan on his first UK visit and work for Brian Epstein promoting The Beatl
An estimated 15,000 people will visit and interact with the installation.
e duke and duchess of Holstein-Gottorp came to visit, and the days when she and her husband and chi
for the then Unionist leader David Trimble to visit and meet local Irish-Americans.
ed the one and a half years before an official visit and the relative lack of oversight immediately
er, artist Henry Miller, touring California to visit and sketch the Spanish and Mexican-era Roman C
n in charge of the park to commemorate Asoka's visit and gifts.
ho take part in the German Exchange programmes visit and exchange with the school in Bad Wurzach in
opportunity to make propagandistic use of his visit and described the dance, and by extension, Ame
rom Bandon, it is an ideal location to stay or visit and see all the sites in West Cork.
eged to be among the first group of Cantors to visit and sing in the Eastern European countries.
number of German States - took part in a state visit and various peace celebrations in London befor
the servants coped with the demands of a royal visit, and cooked Victorian dishes with the assistan
destination where residents and tourists will visit and recreate.
sumably confirmed Rose's old boyfriend came to visit and declared "You're blonde!".
Montenegro, Queen of Italy, invited her for a visit and introduced her to Prince John Constantinov
the past, and nothing much happens during his visit and certainly nothing positive.
He wrote in his journal about his visit and the journal became the first published acc
The painting of Ruskin was started during this visit and finished in 1854.
ller version of the footage, including a prior visit and the aftermath of the shooting, now forms p
she helped finance by allowing sex tourists to visit and make private films with her animals.
Large numbers of devotees continue to visit and offer puja in this temple.
are maintained inside the dam for tourists to visit and the gardens have been used by the film ind
his roles in BBC sitcoms Thieves Like Us, The Visit and Ideal.
on at Nasyta's Holdout outpost which allows to visit and interact with various services available i
"greenhorn" by westerners was finally able to visit and enjoy the advantages of western life for a
Given their location, large numbers of people visit and pass through and they are popular venues f
She was allowed to visit, and also used the time to make connections in
ctoria Park in 1887 to commemorate the Queen's visit and the opening of Vico Road in 1889 appear to
animal rights activists, who had been able to visit and groom the animals at the previous center,
, the monks arrived in Tallahassee for another visit, and dismantled the new mandala on December 19
Sam invites Josh back later to visit and watch some soccer with himself and David.
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, arrived here to visit and make peace with a place whose project she
governor chose his farm as the setting for her visit and announcement, but that he was pleased by h
one of her cousins to Palestine in 1910 for a visit and fell in love with the Middle East.
atan's friend, Sagar, arrives from Delhi for a visit, and it is here that Ratan will find out that
swell notes two wells on the island during his visit, and speculates as to the former existence of
re permanently resident, although many species visit and may breed.
rms: A Journey from War to Peace, recounts his visit and his impressions of the aftermath of war on
He had the unique opportunity to visit and communicate with leadership from hundreds
Promotion through Europe included a visit and performance on the British music chart pro
Volunteers are always welcome to visit and help at either of the engineering depots.
riend of his brought in some firearms during a visit, and Blass broke the jail visitor's window.
The client software used these instructions to visit and leave complaints on the websites advertise
ls are an excellent way to encourage people to visit and enjoy Old Town Lansing.
Elizabeth of the United Kingdom on their 1939 visit, and posthumously in 1945 when his body was un
Volunteer medical expert groups from USA often visit and help Vietnamese health facilities by effor
This led to a presidential visit, and the go-ahead for an entirely new school b
le for inviting Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung to visit and deliver lectures in 1909.
art exhibition there which tourists can freely visit and buy paintings and other artefacts.
each day, an average of 11,000 people come to visit and participate in the project, which makes Ek
Two cops come visit, and the girls escape in their car, all except
Plan to visit and enjoy old-fashioned sales and great hospit
ling Fellowship in 2000 which permitted him to visit and report on European and Scandinavian home z
eautiful singing, and one day sees Dame Gothel visit, and thus learns how to gain access to Rapunze
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