「VULNERABILITY」の共起表現(1語右で並び替え) - Weblio英語共起表現検索





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e phpBB Group had released a patch for the vulnerability a month before the attacks, in phpBB 2.0.1
Cross-application scripting (CAS) is a vulnerability affecting desktop applications that don't
To mitigate this vulnerability, all user input needs to be validated befo
on; non-cooperative target identification; vulnerability analysis; signal processing techniques; gr
ly a love song because "it's talking about vulnerability and the fact that the more you love someon
by many as a depiction of Earth's frailty, vulnerability, and isolation amid the expanse of space.
opment and integration, and complex system vulnerability and risk analysis, working mostly in the c
isplacement: International Security, Human Vulnerability, and the State (co-edited, UNU Press, 2003
and science to facilitate understanding of vulnerability and sustainable development.
bondage is to create a heightened sense of vulnerability and inescapability, as the subject is made
ild emotional games that emphasise status, vulnerability and control.
y health care services and seeks to reduce vulnerability and poverty.
e with Angela, and finally succumbs to her vulnerability and charms.
n the 'Buildings at Risk Register' as high vulnerability and deteriorating.
reasons and highlights Israel's smallness, vulnerability, and need to retain its remaining strategi
The Soviets were aware of the missile's vulnerability, and from 1963 onward some R-16U missiles
Goatse Security exposed the vulnerability, and one of its members, Andrew Auernheime
ral to start to come to terms with his own vulnerability, and to start to question war.
in the Solicitors Journal about prisoners' vulnerability and the impact of Kenneth Clarke's review
mail and file encryption, firewalls, VPNs, vulnerability, and scanning.
melodies and seemingly pre-mature bedroom vulnerability and obsessions, it's a science fair versio
an Information System by Assessing Threat, Vulnerability and Countermeasure, International Journal
known for his discovery of the ANI browser vulnerability as well as the so-called Heap Feng Shui te
lso sometimes gives their cancers a unique vulnerability, as the cancer cells have increased relian
rations were designed to test Soviet radar vulnerability as well as demonstrate US capabilities in
Hedgehog is a family of products providing vulnerability assessment and database activity monitorin
veral different areas including structural vulnerability assessment, forensic engineering analysis,
sulting, training, mobile training, risk & vulnerability assessment, K9.
ty Foundation has written this scanner for vulnerability assessment.
Vulnerability assessments.
ed implementation once the buffer overflow vulnerability became known.
ad a sample of DNA taken from Nick, Nick's vulnerability became apparent.
t account deficits in the region and large vulnerability because of borrowing," said Michael Mussa,
This is a common vulnerability because format bugs were previously though
This bug was considered a security vulnerability because malicious web pages could crash sy
led with clever wordplay, it is the rueful vulnerability beneath their surface that lends them a si
upport, offering sex to him in a moment of vulnerability, but he turns her down.
rous, as it presents a large SQL injection vulnerability by not checking the value of $name.
nd they further played upon the musicians' vulnerability by providing free liquor at recording sess
ology is often used to reduce this type of vulnerability, by introducing stronger caller authentica
disbanded as the result of the sale of the vulnerability database engine to a Big Five company and
e was a contributor to RFPolicy, the first vulnerability disclosure policy.
e proposed an IETF RFC titled "Responsible Vulnerability Disclosure Process" in 2002.
ames for a Microsoft Windows shortcut icon vulnerability discovered in June 2010 and patched on 2 A
The presence of a vulnerability does not in itself cause harm; a vulnerabi
ough sub-surface cracking, which increased vulnerability during periods of high discharge.
software product and disclose one security vulnerability each day for one month.
s-site tracing (XST) is a network security vulnerability exploiting the HTTP TRACE method.
erialistic values and identity deficits as vulnerability factors for compulsive buying'.
This means there is no single point of vulnerability for the network.
The last known critical vulnerability for BugTracker.NET was in 2005, when Secun
is a computer worm that spreads through a vulnerability found in the Sasser worm.
“The Software Vulnerability Guide.”
The juxtaposition of value and vulnerability has caused the creek and its watershed to
to Ethiopia is focused on reducing famine vulnerability, hunger, and poverty and emphasizes econom
ne skills and experiences in the domain of vulnerability identification, zero-day exploit creation
ated SQL injection attack that exploited a vulnerability in application code that uses Microsoft SQ
t access to the LBL system by exploiting a vulnerability in the movemail function of the original G
s that takes advantage of a bug, glitch or vulnerability in order to cause unintended or unanticipa
e code execution with privilege escalation vulnerability in widely-deployed software is thus the wo
shapeless human figures convey emotion and vulnerability in every line".
s also discovers a surprisingly attractive vulnerability in the character I missed the first time a
For example in 2008 Microsoft confirmed a vulnerability in Internet Explorer, which affected some
worm written in javascript that targets a vulnerability in the Yahoo!
ion at OSCMS 2007, he presented a security vulnerability in each of the projects represented at the
comes in naked and there has to be in-born vulnerability in the scene."
m was made possible by a software security vulnerability in SQL Server first reported by Microsoft
notable cases was the discovery of an RPC vulnerability in Windows, followed by an unprecedented i
computer worm created in Perl to exploit a vulnerability in phpBB software which used Google to spr
esan worm, rapidly spreads by exploiting a vulnerability in system services present on Windows comp
n December 2007 there was a report about a vulnerability in the BYE message ("BYE BYE") by using an
Because of a known vulnerability in older versions of Internet Explorer, so
worm," is a computer worm that exploits a vulnerability in the Microsoft Remote procedure call (RP
ts, M. J.: Hunger, Famine and the Space of Vulnerability, In: GeoJournal 30.2, 1993, pp.
Common Ground developed a research-based Vulnerability Index to take the guesswork out of outreac
t infected a machine, it patched that same vulnerability, installed a rootkit, and sent the system'
mid 2008, a Macintosh trojan exploiting a vulnerability involving Apple Remote Desktop was distrib
Developers also may not know if the vulnerability is being exploited when they fix it, and s
A lesser kind of vulnerability is the denial of service vulnerability, wh
This vulnerability is not strictly due to self-service passwo
The vulnerability is CVE-2005-4560 in the Common Vulnerabili
o monologues, he created a character whose vulnerability is obscured by a superficial fifties era c
is at its maximum and to avoid periods of vulnerability, it avoids the peak breeding period when m
Because of this vulnerability, it can be assumed he's more of a decoy wh
ce in the system, the worm would patch the vulnerability it used to gain access (thereby actually s
XSS worms exploit a security vulnerability known as cross site scripting (or XSS for
ejected, because of its visibility, noise, vulnerability, low speed and lack of manoeuvrability.
, was the moderator of the full disclosure vulnerability mailing list Bugtraq from May 14, 1996, un
, a security company that provides unified vulnerability management solutions.
This vulnerability may pave the way for the development of se
Despite the vulnerability of the Bf 110 against the more nimble Roya
Despite the vulnerability of the low-lying site to hurricanes, the F
unction to birthday attacks and allows the vulnerability of popular hashes such as MD and SHA to be
The Great Depression underscored the vulnerability of the island's economy to fluctuations in
uthor of On a Hinge of History: The Mutual Vulnerability of South and North (University of Toronto
th and South West Asia for Trafficking and Vulnerability of Women and Girls to HIV/AIDS in India, N
s a government we were always aware of the vulnerability of our legislation, because as a governmen
It is concerned with the vulnerability of weak and failed states, with good gover
The subject of the study was the vulnerability of the U.S. and Canada to air attack, and
eshear was drawn back into politics by the vulnerability of incumbent Republican Governor Ernie Fle
The possible vulnerability of a truth window to moisture intrusion is
This increased vulnerability of Moscow's electrical network played an i
This reduces the vulnerability of serviced ships by reducing alongside ti
The vulnerability of Russian WMD materials and technology to
come more destructive given the increasing vulnerability of population and property.
Bender attempted to understand the vulnerability of the language function to all the develo
"The vulnerability of the South African economy to sanctions
a published author (Colombia) "Dubai: The Vulnerability of Success"
The fire showed the vulnerability of the city's wooden buildings, some of wh
several weeks afterwards, emphasising the vulnerability of the atoll community.
The essential vulnerability of the B.E.2 became plain in late 1915, wi
s probably is an indication of the greater vulnerability of polyunsaturated fats to lipid peroxidat
ness of the military and especially of the vulnerability of coastal Delaware.
one of the authors of a major study on the vulnerability of the American position in the Persian Gu
Express" and prognostication on the future vulnerability of Long Island to hurricanes.
Because of the vulnerability of the single population an attempt was ma
Identifying the vulnerability of Miami Beach during hurricane season, he
The second verse kind of shows the vulnerability of the girl...It's always an interesting s
of the Italian offensive demonstrated the vulnerability of massed armoured advances in unfavourabl
/AIDS in South Africa further increase the vulnerability of children to HIV infection.
le of Kulikovo because it demonstrated the vulnerability of the Tatar cavalry which was unable to o
ut these children should be mindful of the vulnerability of the breed's back and not carry them aro
Another study concludes an increased vulnerability of infected Periplaneta americana due to i
The purpose of Wigwam was to determine the vulnerability of submarines to deeply-detonated nuclear
level access, either by exploiting a known vulnerability or by obtaining a password (either by crac
moral beliefs, in ways that exploit their vulnerability or that are likely to cause them distress"
with the discovery of a potential security vulnerability or exposure
two way that means more control means more vulnerability, people without cyberbrains cannot be affe
a National Cyberspace Security Threat and Vulnerability Reduction Program, the creation of a Natio
The vulnerability requires that the remote server be running
y ridiculed by David Litchfield, a notable vulnerability researcher whose company, Next Generation
He has been a prolific vulnerability researcher and a frequent Bugtraq poster s
hacker think tank the L0pht where he was a vulnerability researcher.
nse splitting is a form of web application vulnerability, resulting from the failure of the applica
that target machine, for example to run a vulnerability scan on the internal network through the c
The project provides a vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool for Web appl
urity contains anti-virus, anti-malware, a vulnerability scanner and personal firewall.
Abusing Brooke's vulnerability, Stryker gets her to reluctantly sleep wit
ly written to exploit the BasicConstraints vulnerability that he published in 2002.
A blended threat is a software vulnerability that involves a combination of attacks aga
MySpace has secured their site against the vulnerability that allowed the attack; however, the phra
Versions before 3.0 have a known security vulnerability that allows an attacker with access to the
d initially discovered the buffer overflow vulnerability that the worm exploited.
It can probe networks for vulnerability to smurf amplification, and then will eith
tical infrastructures; (2) Reduce national vulnerability to cyber attacks; and (3) Minimize damage
ted within the state park and the parcel's vulnerability to infestation from exotic species.
ine, which had several advantages: reduced vulnerability to fire should the vehicle be hit or roll
nomic exclusion, industrial pollutions and vulnerability to natural hazards.
gets stored in an input buffer) and use a vulnerability to change the instruction pointer to have
s within the attacking state affecting its vulnerability to deterrnce policies, and the attacking s
precedented stress, pressure and emotional vulnerability to the ambition to succeed.
izotypy reflects a cognitive or biological vulnerability to psychosis, although this may remain dor
cio-cultural structures that cause women's vulnerability to exploitation, oppression and subordinat
latter syndrome, as well as "the patient's vulnerability to malignant narcissistic regression".
nt of failure in regard to Parris Island's vulnerability to hurricanes, among other threats.
The second weakness is their vulnerability to maple-flavoured instant oats, which act
malware called Stuxnet that exploited the vulnerability to install a rootkit that snooped Siemens'
randa and Robert Boulter brings a touching vulnerability to the stage as William", while a two-star
ased sensitivity to sunlight and increased vulnerability to sunburn
Haruhi also seems to hate showing signs of vulnerability to others.
The logs increased the vulnerability to fire and traces of fires can be seen in
similar to Riku due to his personality and vulnerability to evil's allure.
evious Congress as the Reducing Americans' Vulnerability to Ecstasy Act (RAVE Act).
or the compromising strategy, plus a minor vulnerability to the push-over strategy.
mmune systems, and not only have increased vulnerability to minor ailments (e.g.
a strong focus on breathing exercises, his vulnerability to lung problems ended.
ce programs and housing to reduce people's vulnerability to and the impacts of homelessness.
f it has, the user can test for the site's vulnerability to CookieMonster attacks by deleting these
It does not show and particular vulnerability to the major pests, with the exception of
efore or at the same time as it exploits a vulnerability to gain control over the program counter.
nd analysis ranks it the 9th most-reported vulnerability type between 2001 and 2006.
This solution is tested for security and vulnerability using Nessus and other leading hacker tool
s' study of mobbing in academia found that vulnerability was increased by personal differences such
The vulnerability was well demonstrated in war games- in par
Until that time the vulnerability was thought harmless.
The Unicode traversal vulnerability was fixed in VMware Workstation 6.0.3.
The date the vulnerability was first found by an attacker is not know
The vulnerability was discovered by security researchers fro
In March 2007, a vulnerability was exposed in the BBC's "Most Emailed" an
ve relationships in ancient Japan, showing vulnerability was highly prized and erotic, unlike in mo
In November 2008, a vulnerability was discovered for all versions of SSH, wh
; her purity of tone and ability to convey vulnerability were very appropriate to these parts.
attacked by Oswiu at a point of strategic vulnerability, which would help explain Oswiu's victory
Measuring the length of the vulnerability window can be difficult, as attackers do n
If there is a vulnerability with the security of the network, it will
The incident added to the government's vulnerability, with the opposition asking for suspension

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