




該当件数 : 337

e need for placing the camera on a tripod and washing a scene with intense lighting.
He accidentally fell when washing a window.
Washing a passage through the original excavation, he
st of lives of persons engaged in swimming or washing activities downstream.
, in allusion to the Trinity) immersion, foot washing, adherence to plain dress, was the scriptural
as a washing agent in immunoassays, such as Western blots
ive in emulsion paints, varnishes, adhesives, washing agents, fuels and in the papermaking process.
Michael grew up by washing airplanes and sweeping the hangar floor.
hannel it flows to the south and to Seleucia, washing all along Mesene; by the other channel, turni
ntinued work towards environmentally friendly washing alternatives.
For diet, washing and house room for a year, each scholar pays
purposes, and prohibited its use for bathing, washing and recreational activities-a ruling that has
the total cotton capacity ( washing and drying separately)
though an ever decreasing number have shared washing and toilet facilities.
she served the monastery by spinning, sewing, washing, and mending clothing.
ty, with their traditional occupation remains washing and cleaning of clothes.
Facilities include a shop, cafe, washing and drying machines, electric points, toilets
a parental figure somewhat, where she is seen washing and drying her and Tony's clothes (albeit ine
nd that is developed in curing rooms by daily washing and care.
ion services such as cabin cleaning, aircraft washing and de-icing and passenger services (Gate Avi
There main occupation remains the washing and dyeing of clothes, although increasingly
cements, three buddles, two more ore bins and washing and picking floors.
on the ward, as well as, a kitchen area with washing and drying facilities for clothing.
In theory, a person could conceivably keep washing and rinsing their hair forever (or until they
rites of passage and an exhibition all about washing and cleaning.
intercourse or not, merely prescribe a ritual washing, and remaining ritually impure until the next
disposing of the lead and water, and promptly washing anything that has come in contact with the le
Communion and feet washing are also observed.
can plant flowers and grow vegetables, and a washing area where they can shower and take care of p
ears to be related to the Brythonic word for ' washing', as suggested by George Boon of the National
He reappears in Scenario 2, apparently washing ashore at the site of a battle between Medion
burst dumped torrential rains on the Smokies, washing away the scalded soil from the western flank
ed the cafe and entrance to Gough's Cave, and washing away cars.
la tribe to prevent erosion and flooding from washing away their burial grounds
Rain fell on the Imola circuit overnight, washing away much of the rubber that had been laid do
oximately 10 hours later, flooding fields and washing away houses.
ritan Woman) speaks of the gift of the Spirit washing away the guilt of those who murdered Christ,
"equally futile attempt to wash away guilt by washing away its physical signs."
the Cold River and its tributaries to swell, washing away homes, cars and 4 miles of Route 123.
cated upstream of the Dyurso River collapsed, washing away some of the grape fields in the Dyurso V
hamber, may have evolved to prevent rain from washing away the energetically costly nectar produced
r made from Hamstone invariably failed, often washing away, while limewash would blister and bubble
ganic carbon (think dead things) and so avoid washing away.
the rock with large chains to prevent it from washing away.
on the Atchafalaya River in south Louisiana, Washing Away: Losing Louisiana about the disappearanc
The Washing Bay is a small village at the edge of Lough N
uipment capable of using crude oil itself for washing began to replace the water-based washing, lea
the business diversified into black lead and washing blue manufacturing.
s as baths with water heated in an old copper washing boiler, remained the club H.Q. until 1936.
f Kenhikhopshef, a special reward of a bronze washing bowl.
al Village Poon Choi is served in large metal washing bowls with a perforated metal plate at the bo
The bottom of the washing box consists of sheet metal with holes about
Remains of stone washing buddle at Perseverance Mine on Carsington Pas
nd milk powder can be used to add function as washing buffer or blocking buffer.
Builders) and is heavily invested in the car washing business.
ecause of dysfunction or abuse and survive by washing car windows at intersections; in the 1990s Wi
So Pan keeps mopping floors, washing cars and running errands.
shop, selling chocolate, lamingtons & pizzas, washing cars, hosting service auctions and more.
His first job in New Jersey was washing cars; he later took classes at New York Unive
emaking" - which Beck said "includes cooking, washing clothes and dishes, and keeping an orderly ho
o not take the proper precautions in bathing, washing clothes and collecting water.
The family were poor: his mother worked washing clothes while Sawoniuk and his half-brother c
s also used for other purposes like swimming, washing clothes, fishing etc.The "samuthram" and "kan
where the people can go for collecting water, washing clothes, etc.”
rushed bulbs of this plant as a detergent for washing clothes.
indu deities there are no abhishekams (sacred washing) conducted to the main deity, but instead the
The sisters were in charge of washing, cooking and cleaning, and several sisters se
Washing detergent in childrens' eyes in March 2010
Lime soaps are ineffective in washing dishes or clothes or hair.
's Betty's birthday, but she's in the kitchen washing dishes and wishing she had a man.
fusion and suggested Carlos keep his day job washing dishes at Tick Tock's Drive-In on 3rd St.
He spent a month and a half washing dishes at the fabulous "Ladies' Night" club e
ance his education, he worked in a restaurant washing dishes and drove taxicabs in the District of
rcian monk, speaks of Henry in 1147 as humbly washing dishes at Clairvaux.
Tosun got a job washing dishes in Sydney Road in Melbourne for $60 a
Once in Europe, he earned a living by washing dishes and occasionally sang in places that r
Colonia, guide at the Prado Museum in Madrid, washing dishes in Paris, amongs the other occupations
local college, Will took the money he earned washing dishes and selling grilled-cheese sandwiches
The Woman Washing Dishes, Galleria degli Uffizi
inance his studies, including waiting tables, washing dishes, and tutoring.
cetown (P-town), Cape Cod, until he got a job washing dishes.
spoke about little green men turning up while washing dishes.
the harassment, committed suicide in 1959 by washing down an entire bottle of Seconal with whisky.
er Gosditch by the little bridge was prone to washing down to the School and beyond.
of these notes being: oxygen, flash of metal, washing drying in the wind, mineral carbon, sand dune
Article 8 also requires that facilities for washing, drying and ironing clothes be made available
... Disinfection, washing, drying, re-lubrication and reuse of the devi
luminum window frames and a garage for window washing equipment, which uses floor space overlooking
Antiseptic lavage is a means of washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the st
ls such as counting, blinking, checking, hand washing etc. may eliminate the anxiety when that are
Washing facilities (reg.21);
In addition, there is glassware washing facilities in the lower basement and a secure
Indoor toilets, washing facilities and tea rooms were provided for st
d it includes several repair shops as well as washing facilities and storage tracks.
management and disposal, camp accommodations, washing facilities, water supply, laundry etc.), fly
Washing facilities;
Locomotive Washing Facility
Where the engine sheds stood is now a train washing facility which was built in 1958; TK Max and
in shed, a lift shop, wheel lathe and a train washing facility.
iation of foot-washing with the idea of Jesus washing feet.
of rice fields, but also for drinking water, washing, fishing, and other uses by downstream popula
Washing flakes were also produced with the tagline 'I
Leahy had worked briefly stacking shelves and washing floors in the Wandsworth branch of Tesco in s
Many tasks such as laundry washing, hair cutting and shaving are to be avoided e
includes taking baths added with flowers and washing hands with water from church wells.
The simple act of washing hands with soap (or ash, or earth) and water
lease accept water from jug for purification ( washing hands) and then accept this pan (betal leaf)
ng that everything he does is perverted (from washing her sister's clothes to eating pudding).
s they could see a beautiful, red-haired lady washing her long hair with the hollow trunk serving a
m sese Daedalsas, stantem Polycharmus ("Venus washing herself, of Daedalsas, [and another], standin
ccidentally clipped a fence with his wingtip, washing him out of flight school.
on it is mentioned that the man (who there is washing himself in a river) is from India.
g on to the floor of the laundry where he was washing his clothes.
eath in 1993, he was so destitute that he was washing his clothes in a bucket until James Kilby fou
refused, leading to Gordy stating that he was washing his hands of the group thereafter.
o come in the next Nightmare while Vincent is washing his face in Stray Sheep's bathroom.
; of walking four cubits from his bed without washing his hands; and of other violations of Jewish
sed the crucial ball - he was in the bathroom washing his hands because Branca was said to be notor
tals of a cross-dresser to verify his gender; washing his clothes in the bath; and mixing a partygo
ought it was bizarre that Matlock was "always washing his feet", has also been misquoted and misint
The public Washing House in Boal, built thanks to the money sent
into the Center for the Interpretation of the Washing Houses in the municipality of Boal.
own in 2007, he can be seen in the background washing imaginary dishes.
See also: Ritual washing in Judaism
re changes was to stop large amounts of money washing in and out of Fonterra's balance sheet each y
His reference to gold washing in rivers has been taken as evidence for an e
ination of women preachers and practices foot washing in its communion rite.
the town and took Roman captive while he was washing in the bathhouse and carted him off to Hungar
South Fork of the Sangamon catchment area and washing into the lake.
Foot washing is also a Christian symbol of humility and th
ing the area after defecating and report that washing is necessary in addition to or as a substitut
y simply applying a remover liquid and safely washing it away.
g it on a hard surface, or popping it out and washing it separately.
car wash for the entire BMT Eastern Division, washing J, L, M and Z trains.
he bottom, water rushed in the forward hatch, washing lieutenant Cotrina down the ladder, but fortu
s attached, are given their punishment on the washing line by being swatted by Jerry.
- mostly centred on items of underwear on the washing line.
White clothes hung up on neighbouring washing lines would too be tinged purple.
From the album Washing Machine
reer he became an inventor of a.o. a buggy, a washing machine and a sand sieve machine and his bigg
"Good Old Electric Washing Machine (Circa 1943)"
p bar in his mouth, before shoving Tom in the washing machine and slamming the door on him.
vibrating devices, even as remote as a washing machine
(class III), Washing Machine (class IV+), Whiplash, (class III+),
In 1928, ABC took over the Federal Washing Machine Company of Chicago, Illinois, which w
Tom ends up being spun around the washing machine as Spike, Tyke and Jerry look on.
adio School, which in the 1950s trained later washing machine entrepreneur John Bloom, The local co
Aqua: a washing machine and dryer that reduces water usage in
ld recall that "the little old lady said if a washing machine didn't have an agitator, then it woul
tachi appliances, accidentally re-engineers a washing machine for time travel, the Japanese governm
The washing machine breaks down, and he hovers over the r
rsion also appears on the vinyl LP version of Washing Machine as well as the compilation The Destro
The Altorfer Bros. Company was a washing machine manufacturer founded by brothers A.W.
had been destroyed after being thrown in the washing machine in a shirt pocket.
so underwrote the hire purchase agreements of washing machine entrepreneur John Bloom at Rolls Razo
with Uzumaki when he decides to crawl into a washing machine to get a 'point-of-view' shot for his
ked for a Ducal Badensian Patent for his gold washing machine in 1819.
tic distractions, from sour milk and a broken washing machine to a stack of bills.
the iron on whilst he goes out to fix Dilys' washing machine, a fire starts.
While working on the faulty washing machine, Angela noticed Aisling had suddenly
es in the laundry room, putting Tyke inside a washing machine.
son was saved because his mother hid him in a washing machine.
son expanded his appliance range to include a washing machine.
sed as the first single from their 1995 album Washing Machine.
shed their linens before the invention of the washing machine.
s stopped by Spike, who takes Tyke out of the washing machine.
n London apparently watching his clothes in a washing machine.
radio and in 1954 Japan's first pulsator-type washing machine.
ed, even helping when she had to fix a faulty washing machine.
Nandin, a fireman and part-time repairman of washing machines and dryers.
ordinarily use a washboard for laundry after washing machines became the norm, and few teenagers o
ABC became Insull's supplier and made washing machines under the Fedelco brand exclusively
soda is commonly added to the rinse cycles of washing machines (together with the detergent) as a r
means that Dixons does not sell products like washing machines or televisions but does provide thin
0 Airco (Ltd) in Auckland, which manufactured washing machines and refrigerators, and assembled Ves
x had his first job on leaving school selling washing machines and TVs in the basement of Lewis's
confirmed that it was to cease production of washing machines and other laundry products at the fa
re responses to sounds from products (such as washing machines), in outdoor spaces (such as cities)
r their own brand; the product range includes washing machines, televisions, vacuum cleaners, water
eo (AV) players, disc players, refrigerators, washing machines, digital and information technology
ane objects, but is envious when she explains washing machines, tumble driers and electricity, whic
ng garage, several bicycle storage rooms with washing machines, tumble dryers and mangles.
Item collections include toasters, washing machines, irons, churns, music boxes, radios,
sed to run any house-hold appliance including washing machines, computers, kitchen appliances, prin
dry facilities, housing two tumble dryers and washing machines.
and furnishings rather than refrigerators and washing machines.
e was Chairman of Rolls Razor Ltd, which made washing machines.
blishment of the Hoover factory manufacturing washing machines.
Feet washing, matrimony, and funerals are considered ordin
This washing may be accompanied by prayers.
The " washing" or desalting step can be performed by ultraf
ge skills, and repeated hand wringing or hand washing movements), but also causes recurrent seizure
alue of humility (as reflected in John's foot washing narrative) and self-sacrifice, rather than by
ntly require multiple steps including careful washing of a surface onto which the labeled reagent h
In the Lord's Supper and washing of the saints' feet.
There main occupation remains washing of and drying of clothes.
Reduced added water, minimizing the washing of polyphenols
The washing of sin parallels Kresnik, who creates rain by
Dry washing of low grade ores continued intermittently fo
Thuvayal Thavam, an act of ritual washing of one's physique and clothes along with prac

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