



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Yellowishの意味・解説 > Yellowishに関連した共起表現


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aic band predominates blues and greens, with yellowish accents.
Males are yellowish all over, and the anal and ventral fins show
slender,3-10 centimetres (1.2-3.9 in) long, yellowish, and produced in clusters of two to seven; p
The flower is yellowish and the fruit is yellow and up to 8 centimet
The Bengaliinae (which have a more yellowish and dull abdomen) are usually included herei
The cheese is normally yellowish and white in colour, and kind of rubbery.
sh, and the pale lines are more obscure, not yellowish, and rather differently arranged, the costal
s have tubular throats which are purplish to yellowish and a centimeter-wide corolla of light pink
The larvae are yellowish and wormlike.
Norton's Star Atlas describes the pair as yellowish and bluish.
Its fins are yellowish and it has a dorsal fin originating above th
Clypeus is yellowish and completely covered of white hairs.
hairy, tubular flowers which are greenish or yellowish and sometimes red-tinted.
The mine has the form of a yellowish and brownish blotch mine on the upperside of
ebrow, underparts that are densely barred in yellowish and blackish-blue and a narrow blue band on
The specific epithet flavoconia means yellowish and conical.
four spoon-shaped petals which are white to yellowish and may turn pink with age.
The mouth is yellowish, and the tips of the jaws black.
rolla is purple-stained white, the throat is yellowish, and the tube is purple.
ght brown with darker markings, the flank is yellowish and the underside pinkish.
eep blue or purple, but may also be white or yellowish, and they usually have a spur.
The funnel-shaped flowers are purplish or yellowish and reach 4 cm long, and are folllowed by ov
nsparent, but more often they are greyish or yellowish and only translucent; occasionally they are
te; the pleochroism is strong with reddish-, yellowish-, and greenish-brown colors.
The throat is white, the bill is yellowish, and the legs are green.
There are 6 stamens with yellowish anthers and a pistil which may be 4 centimet
eight long stamens with large red, pink, or yellowish anthers arranged around a long stigma.
There are six stamens with yellowish anthers, and red stigmas.
ls 3 to 4 millimeters long, six stamens with yellowish anthers, and long reddish stigmas.
They have long stamens with clublike yellowish anthers.
The center contains large whitish or yellowish anthers.
nd tends to appear more reddish or pink, not yellowish as in other areas.
thick, more or less equal, pallid, sometimes yellowish at the base, fibrillose above, stuffed or ho
o reddish-orange, becoming a paler orange to yellowish at the margin.
ally striking glossy black; some species had yellowish axillary tufts and other black outer feather
This member of the sucker family also has a yellowish back and white belly
Juveniles are duller with a yellowish back and rump, yellowish-grey irises, and a
mid-sized (about 7-15 cm/3-6 in) and have a yellowish backgroupd color with black lengthwise strip
h fore and hind wing bordered outwardly by a yellowish band sharply defined on the inner side, diff
species can be distinguished by the lighter, yellowish banding on the sides of the abdomen, but thi
laterally; webbing on toes medium (3/4); two yellowish bands on the dorsolateral area, prominent fr
e marked with alternating black and white or yellowish bands, which give the species both its commo
The yellowish banner is reflexed.
cm diameter, with six purplish tepals with a yellowish base and yellow stamens.
-shaped flower has pointed violet lobes with yellowish bases coming together at a purple throat.
The flower has white tepals with yellowish bases 3 or 4 centimeters long.
nd the keeled central petal is tipped with a yellowish beak, sometimes fringed at the tip.
ial plumage appear grey, with a dark head, a yellowish behind, and a white stripe running along the
per portion of the red stalk has a series of yellowish, bell-shaped flowers that face downward.
Vireo has a gray head, a white breast and a yellowish belly.
djacent body scales; grayish to olive above, yellowish below, with 45-65 dark bands, widest dorsall
nd back from eye between nape and cheek, and yellowish below.
Leaves are dark and glossy above and yellowish beneath.
it, also referred to as a Maypop, is an oval yellowish berry about the size of a hen egg; it is gre
ucco are all sexually dimorphic, have stubby yellowish bills, green backs, yellow to the neck or un
It was a yellowish bird with a long two inch long, thin whitish
lly A. parallelum is brown with two parallel yellowish, black-edged stripes on the body and tail.
The mine has the form of a yellowish blotch mine.
They cause a yellowish blotch on the leaves of E. angustifolium tha
Body pinkish white with lateral yellowish blotches, the segments each divided by a bla
All species have yellowish bodies with black markings (stripes, blotche
the soft, yellow rind surrounds a white, or yellowish body which is soft in texture and mild in fl
sters, which hatch into a caterpillar with a yellowish body and large, dark head.
s a small short-tailed manakin, with a light yellowish breast; it has an overall appearance very si
the oldest of the four and is a pale, clear, yellowish broth made with plenty of salt and any combi
he hindwings are gray, anterodistally with a yellowish brown patch mottled with brownish black.
m , subovoid to ellipsoid, thick-walled, and yellowish brown to dark purple brown in deposit.
Gills: Adnexed, close, yellowish brown to chocolate brown, edges sometimes li
The fruit is coated in a leathery yellowish brown sac called a perigynium.
its two-tone color of black background with yellowish brown strips running the length of the body.
The underside of the males antenna are yellowish brown with the males legs being a brownish.
d tertiaries have the base of the outer webs yellowish brown with very narrow blue edging unlike in
, strong brown fine sandy loam to 22 inches; yellowish brown sandy clay loam to 40 inches; yellowis
Diazodinitrophenol (DDNP) is a yellowish brown powder.
esses state, the faces of the victims turned yellowish brown within minutes.
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown with reddish gloss, ventrally grey, se
The coloring is light yellowish brown with fairly wide, bright emerald green
It is a yellowish brown and resembles the pygmy seahorse, Hipp
The top of the head is grayish to yellowish brown while the throat and chin are dark bro
In colour it is greyish to yellowish brown or olive-brown, with 3-4 rows of dark,
, close to sub-distant and moderately broad, yellowish brown at first, soon violet brown or chocola
ength of 10-13 millimetres (0.4-0.5 in), are yellowish brown with a black mesonotum and the stylate
te to slate brown in color and having curved yellowish brown horns.
The thin, yellowish brown shell has an elongate to to ovate-quad
o striate when moist, hygrophanous, brown or yellowish brown fading to pale ochraceous or straw col
erythrocephalus are about 11 mm long with a yellowish brown carapace and a reddish brown eye area.
ard-like mammal of wooded regions, typically yellowish brown marked with dark spots.
They create a whitish case with yellowish brown granules.
Marthozite shows pleochroism from yellowish brown to greenish yellow.
It forms yellow to yellowish brown monoclinic crystals.
a few white scales on dorsum beyond base, a yellowish brown transverse fascia beyond the middle, o
Thorax and tegulae shining yellowish brown with reddish gloss, thorax with a whit
The cephalothorax was yellowish brown in color, 3.60 mm (0.142 in) long and
Thorax and tegulae shining yellowish brown with reddish gloss, thorax posteriorly
Adults are yellowish brown with four dark stripes, to which the s
It is yellowish brown and may have four dark brown stripes.
that is olive brown and legs that vary from yellowish brown to purple.
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown with reddish reflection, ventrally shi
The fruit is a yellowish brown acorn up to two centimeters long with
The head is khaki in males and pale yellowish brown in females.
The carapace is greyish brown with a yellowish brown central area and a black margin.
grayish brown loamy sand topsoils overlying yellowish brown or red sandy clay loam subsoils.
The cap is hygrophanous, yellowish brown to reddish brown with a silvery-blue m
ameter, and initially white becoming a light yellowish brown (fawn) in age.
8 inches, a subsurface of brown silt loam, a yellowish brown and dark yellowish brown silt loam sub
Xenotime is dichroic with pink, yellow, or yellowish brown seen in the extraordinary ray, and bro
Its crystals may be pinkish to yellowish brown or red-orange.
orthorhombic - dipyramidal class as black to yellowish brown stubby prisms although it is typically
ific name is derived from the Greek xouthos ( yellowish brown), in reference to the predominantly ye
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown, segments banded greyish brown posteri
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown, ventrally brownish grey, segments ban
Abdomen dorsally yellowish brown, segments whitish edged laterally, seg
Its wood is dark yellowish brown, very hard and heavy.
The pupa is 20 mm long and yellowish brown, infuscated on the dorsum of the metat
The new bark is yellowish brown, maturing to just brown of gray.
ub growing up to 4 meters tall, the branches yellowish, brown, red, or purplish in color and coated
nter buds are slender, pointed, 1-2 cm long, yellowish brown, and resinous.
The dorsal apsect is yellowish brown, with bands of dark brown spots throug
The teeth may be gray to yellowish brown.
The pupa is about 7 mm long and yellowish brown.
The bark is light pinkish brown or light yellowish brown.
The Pupa is about 7 mm long and pale yellowish brown.
Wood: Pale yellowish brown; heavy, hard, strong, close-grained an
ariable pattern of colours of lighter spots ( yellowish, brownish, silvery, etc.).
centimeters long and has tepals in shades of yellowish, brownish, greenish, or occasionally red, wi
It is flesh whitish to yellowish, bruising blue when injured.
, surface dry, glabrous, vertically striate, yellowish buff, staining greenish when handled or in a
reen" traffic lights have blue lenses with a yellowish bulb behind them, the combination yielding a
Its face is yellowish but with black cheeks, and its wings are cle
the shades of yellow color template but more yellowish) but is actually related closely to the simp
is generally of a dark grayish brown, with a yellowish cast.
he blackish forewings with the long, slender yellowish central band make this species readily disti
al fur is gray-based except for the white to yellowish chest hairs.
brownish-green, small leaves, and plentiful yellowish clusters of flowers.
It has a yellow or yellowish color due to elements (typically carbon or h
Trappista cheese is a pale yellowish color and has 3-5 mm, sparsely distributed,
The yellowish color is caused by the large amount of sand
Wood: Yellowish color.
t is liquid at room temperature and it has a yellowish color.
from most other species in this range by its yellowish coloration.
de when open and mostly white in color, with yellowish coloring in the throats and purple tinting o
sual ratio of soybean to gypsum, giving it a yellowish colour and distinctive flavour.
During the breeding season males become a yellowish colour.
Its name comes from flavescent, a yellowish colour.
conical berry; starting green then turning a yellowish colour. 2 to 3 cm in diameter.
The term citrine refers to its yellowish colouration.
in the names of birds and other animals with yellowish colouring to describe their appearance, incl
located within a region called the macula, a yellowish, cone photo receptor filled portion of the h
visible aboveground as a purplish, brown, or yellowish cone-shaped inflorescence 3 to 6 centimeters
The forewing is yellowish cream and has a large dark brown blotch that
on young), a yellow-orange wing speculum, a yellowish crown, and orange lores (the region between
It forms white to yellowish cryptocrystalline, often porous, masses.
It is white to yellowish crystalline powder.
In pure state it is a slightly yellowish crystalline powder, soluble in nonpolar or s
, or acidum cholatauricum, is a deliquescent yellowish crystalline bile acid involved in the emulsi
The flower head contains long yellowish disc florets and the edge is fringed with ye
r heads containing many glandular or bristly yellowish disc florets and 6 to 8 yellow ray florets e
ence is a panicle of flower heads containing yellowish disc florets and occasionally a small ray fl
ny, slightly hairy phyllaries and containing yellowish disc florets.
The head has a center of yellowish disc florets and a fringe of pointed yellow
spots and the hindwings have a row of small yellowish discal spots.
This is a European species appearing as yellowish discs, turning brown at maturity, up to 5 mm
Many yellowish dots spread over the surface.
species are white, heavily spotted with tiny yellowish dots, which give it a buffish appearance.
light from the center of the galaxy appears yellowish due to the intervening gas and dust located
The star is a yellowish dwarf (main sequence) star of spectral type
The primary star is a yellowish dwarf (main sequence) star of spectral type
ow cup nest low in a tree; two brown-mottled yellowish eggs are laid, and incubated entirely by the
the black is lost and the plover then has a yellowish face and breast and white underparts.
It has a grey cap, grey wings, a yellowish face and upper breast, and white underparts.
violet blue crown and dark bluish thighs, a yellowish face and underside face, and a red anal regi
Bark yellowish fawn, flaky, rough and somewhat tessellated.
The Lana'i 'Alauahio was a small yellowish finch that was four and a quarter inches lon
Ventrally it is yellowish, finely-dotted with brown.
Adults have a dark back, pale belly, yellowish fins and a dark blotch at the end of the tai
g-based, flute-shaped pastry, with typically yellowish, flaky crust often eaten as a sweet snack or
Its coloration is typically white or yellowish flecks on a glossy dark ground color, but so
stalked resin glands, and tipped with minute yellowish florets.
se with more northern exposures tend to have yellowish flowers and those facing south have more red
Fragrant white or yellowish flowers can be found on the plant throughout
k green, glossy leaves and tubular orange or yellowish flowers around 2 centimeters long.
They are racemes of small white to cream or yellowish flowers with five rounded petals and 8 to 10
g, twice-compound leaves, and numerous small yellowish flowers appearing in elongate spikes.
or flowering stem, and bears many whitish or yellowish flowers in a spherical cluster.
ce is a cluster of 6 to 12 very pale pink to yellowish flowers, each around a centimeter long.
It bears white, red, or red-striped yellowish flowers.
ce branches at the top and holds many fleshy yellowish flowers.
phyllaries and filled with off-white to pale yellowish flowers.
umbel-shaped array to a spherical cluster of yellowish flowers.
The fruit is a large yellowish follicle containing many silky-haired seeds.
ng a female Blue-winged Leafbird, but with a yellowish forecrown and no blue to the wings and tail
has yellowish fruit
aronia L., has yellowish fruit often with some red tinges
The green or yellowish fruit is no more than 6 millimeters long.
e size, its silhouette, and its long-lasting yellowish fruits.
An important breeding aim is the unicoloured yellowish fur.
The antennae are yellowish fuscous and the face and head are yellowish.
The thorax and forewings are yellowish fuscous, evenly sprinkled with black scales.
The hindwings are yellowish fuscous.
The fruit is a yellowish, fuzzy drupe up to 1.6 centimeters wide with

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